So much to say...
The us has 5% of the worlds population, but has 30% of gun violence.
Can you quote what percentage of those crimes with guns were done with a legally owned gun?
I do agree that regulation would not have stopped this incident.
Agreed. Gun laws have no impact on people who decide to break laws.
I'm not a big believer in the heaven and hell thing, but I do hope there's a place for people like him.
I appreciate the duality and humor in your statement. (I'm only quoting what you wrote, no need for a tangent here)
the only thing full auto was ever intended for was war,,,,
Nah. You've never been on a wild hog hunt. The damage hogs do in tremendous, and you can have 30-100 hogs in a field at once. In fact it's nearly always at least a dozen+. You can't have enough hunters lined up to shoot. Yup, it's a fair bit of just throwing lead. But it can help. And it is a whole lot of fun.
BTW, getting full auto doesn't cost $10k. It's hardly any more for an AR15 to be full auto. It's a different bolt (which is often used in non-full auto ARs). It's a slight modification to the trigger and a change to the safety switch. In fact a fellow I know assembled an AR intending it to be normal single shot. But when testing, it fired full auto. The trigger mechanism was just a few thousands of an inch off. He was not happy about it and destroyed the triggers, and bought a different maker's trigger (he wisely did not want to own illegal weapons). The biggest expense is the heavy barrel to handle the heat from rapid fire (couple $hundred more?).
And you can easily own full auto weapons in Texas. The easiest method (no longer available) is to get a class 3 'trust'. Dropped $500 on a lawyer for the paperwork and with the trust you can own all the full auto & suppressors you want. Of course that assumes you have a clean record, and I challenge anyone to find more than 1 'trust' like this where the weapons were used in crimes. Unlike our federal gov't... ("Fast & Furious", 1000+ weapons intentionally sold to criminals).
In fact, let me jump right into that one. Our federal gov't intentionally allowed known criminals to get every sort of weapon in the "Fast & Furious" program. Dozens of people, if not hundreds, have been confirmed to be killed by those weapons. And people want to trust the gov't with weapons and not the people? As our Constitution implies, armed citizens is the
Whoever said they see no reason for anyone to own more than one AR15 per person, I counter. I think it's foolish for anyone to not own at least 2 AR15-type weapons per person, including extended family. So if you have 40 family members within 30 miles, you should consider having 80-100 AR15's. If there are riots, if the police fail to maintain order (St Louis, Baltimore, FL/TX post-hurricanes, etc), and if you family show up at your home, you should have the weapons to arm everyone. And the 2x factor is for weapon failures, spare parts, other people that show up, etc. And that includes at least 200 rounds (preferrable 1000) per weapon. People will need to fire the weapon to learn how to use it. And you don't know how long you will need to defend yourselves.
So this guy having 40 weapons is reasonable. Now of course I do not own any weapons (for the record cough).
And one more thing. Every time they do a fair study they find that when more people are armed, crime goes down. Think about it. Does a criminal go where there are lots people armed or where nobody is armed? The batman theater shooting guy bypassed 3 or 4 closer theaters that allowed conceal carry and went to the nearest gun-banning theater. Gun laws make gun crimes go up, every single time.