LAS VEGAS Mass shooting at Country & Western Concert

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Personally, I think anyone who doesn't speak out against this is a heartless *******.

Agreed but Hillary used it as yet another reason to get her face in the
media and bash conservatives.
She mentioned the NRA and Republicans instead of addressing
the evil of the shooter and sympathy for the victims.
She made a tragedy into a political rally.
"Never let a tragedy go to waste."
I know several people that own fully automatic weapons. (machine guns)
They costs at least $8,000 and way, way, more to buy one. Then an application
to buy one. Then about a year to get BATF and FBI clearance to complete
the purchase.
THEN agree to let the authorities stop by and check that you still have
the thing and it's properly secured.
A U.S. citizen can legally own a machine but but it ain't easy and it
ain't cheap.
I own FIVE so called "assault" rifles and none will ever hurt anyone
not hurting me or mine.
YES I do hunt with them. Perfectly legal where I hunt.
WHY do I need them?
I don't NEED anything, I WANT.
I'm a law abiding American and can buy what I want.
56,000 Americans DIE in traffic accidents each year, at least 15% due
to DRUNK DRIVERS and no one wants to restrict purchasing
a car.
We punish drink drivers. So we need punish those using guns illegally.
We do that also.
There will always be some nut job doing the unthinkable.
Get used to it, get prepared for it because we can't stop it.
There are already 20,000 gun laws on the books. Want more?
How many people killed on the highways die in deliberate collisions
by a suicidal driver???????
I know of ONE. A man drove head on into a van killing himself and
6 passengers in the van.
He left a note.
I have to agree though that deliberate mass murder is sinister, evil, sick.
I don't know how to stop such other than carry a gun and take out the
insane shooter.
I dunno.
And then there is this...
From drug dealing to settling playground squabbles, firearms offences are rising
The gun shown here, a Webley, is up for sale in London for £150, one of hundreds of such weapons that are easily and cheaply available on the streets of the UK's big cities, a Guardian investigation can reveal.
The variety of weapons on offer in Britain is extensive and includes machine guns and shotguns, as well as pistols and converted replicas. A source close to the trade in illegal weapons contacted by the Guardian listed a menu of firearms that are available on the streets of the capital.
Gotta do something about those lax gun laws in the UK!

Oh...Wait! What's that you say? They DON'T have lax gun laws? Then how can that be???
And then there is this...

Gotta do something about those lax gun laws in the UK!

Oh...Wait! What's that you say? They DON'T have lax gun laws? Then how can that be???

Yup gun crime went up after the gun ban ( over 50% in five years, so now in the UK we find the Cops armed to the Teeth, the Criminals armed to the teeth, the politicians who made the laws surrounded by world class security and the public at large are just victims in waiting. UK gun laws are a great example of gun control going to far.
So much to say...

The us has 5% of the worlds population, but has 30% of gun violence.
Can you quote what percentage of those crimes with guns were done with a legally owned gun?

I do agree that regulation would not have stopped this incident.
Agreed. Gun laws have no impact on people who decide to break laws.

I'm not a big believer in the heaven and hell thing, but I do hope there's a place for people like him.
I appreciate the duality and humor in your statement. (I'm only quoting what you wrote, no need for a tangent here)

the only thing full auto was ever intended for was war,,,,
Nah. You've never been on a wild hog hunt. The damage hogs do in tremendous, and you can have 30-100 hogs in a field at once. In fact it's nearly always at least a dozen+. You can't have enough hunters lined up to shoot. Yup, it's a fair bit of just throwing lead. But it can help. And it is a whole lot of fun.

BTW, getting full auto doesn't cost $10k. It's hardly any more for an AR15 to be full auto. It's a different bolt (which is often used in non-full auto ARs). It's a slight modification to the trigger and a change to the safety switch. In fact a fellow I know assembled an AR intending it to be normal single shot. But when testing, it fired full auto. The trigger mechanism was just a few thousands of an inch off. He was not happy about it and destroyed the triggers, and bought a different maker's trigger (he wisely did not want to own illegal weapons). The biggest expense is the heavy barrel to handle the heat from rapid fire (couple $hundred more?).

And you can easily own full auto weapons in Texas. The easiest method (no longer available) is to get a class 3 'trust'. Dropped $500 on a lawyer for the paperwork and with the trust you can own all the full auto & suppressors you want. Of course that assumes you have a clean record, and I challenge anyone to find more than 1 'trust' like this where the weapons were used in crimes. Unlike our federal gov't... ("Fast & Furious", 1000+ weapons intentionally sold to criminals).

In fact, let me jump right into that one. Our federal gov't intentionally allowed known criminals to get every sort of weapon in the "Fast & Furious" program. Dozens of people, if not hundreds, have been confirmed to be killed by those weapons. And people want to trust the gov't with weapons and not the people? As our Constitution implies, armed citizens is the

Whoever said they see no reason for anyone to own more than one AR15 per person, I counter. I think it's foolish for anyone to not own at least 2 AR15-type weapons per person, including extended family. So if you have 40 family members within 30 miles, you should consider having 80-100 AR15's. If there are riots, if the police fail to maintain order (St Louis, Baltimore, FL/TX post-hurricanes, etc), and if you family show up at your home, you should have the weapons to arm everyone. And the 2x factor is for weapon failures, spare parts, other people that show up, etc. And that includes at least 200 rounds (preferrable 1000) per weapon. People will need to fire the weapon to learn how to use it. And you don't know how long you will need to defend yourselves.

So this guy having 40 weapons is reasonable. Now of course I do not own any weapons (for the record cough).

And one more thing. Every time they do a fair study they find that when more people are armed, crime goes down. Think about it. Does a criminal go where there are lots people armed or where nobody is armed? The batman theater shooting guy bypassed 3 or 4 closer theaters that allowed conceal carry and went to the nearest gun-banning theater. Gun laws make gun crimes go up, every single time.
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325+ million people live in the United States. Consider this number for a moment. Tragic events like this are extremely rare when you consider our population and all the other non violent ways which Americans die.

Most mass shootings occur in safe communities and are often committed by the more privileged upper middle class. You can't try to make sense of this nonsense.

Crazy/Bad/Disturbed people have always and will always exist all over the globe. Occasionally unfortunate unexpected tragedies like this will occur.

We have an obesity epidemic in our country which poses a far greater risk to most American lives than firearms ever will.

People often don't look at the big picture and are often mislead by the misinformed.
Just for the record....full auto IS illegal. He took LEGAL weapons, and MODIFIED them to full auto (or more likely PAID to have them modified). The guy was a millionaire. This is REALLY fishy.

My bet, put on your tin foil hats for this this is totally Manchurian Candidate type stuff. No different than the Orlando shooter, or the guy they caught in CA the same day as the Orlando shooting. (strange how so many completely FORGOT about that guy...)

This guy was programmed to do what he did. Nothing in his background thus far suggests anything like this would happen. Same with Orlando.

If you REALLY want to dive down this rabbit hole...the guy in CA blabbed to one of the officers who arrested him. When the feds came in, they silenced her with suspension (and, one can assume, silenced the media from mentioning this guy ever again). A reporter spoke to him, and she blogged it, but then was found near death in a dumpster soon after, so she kind of got the message, and quit talking about it.....
If you are going to ask the REASON for programming someone this's obvious. Getting the public completely anti-gun is going to take these kinds of bold attacks, but eventually it is a guaranteed outcome. I know it's on record here on this site, that I've said it before, but within a decade, it will be illegal to own your own firearm. They may grandfather current owners in, and/or require registration...but they will be outlawed, and this right will be taken away from us. Worse, the public at large will cry out and cheer when it does. Lemmings.
Personally, I think anyone who doesn't speak out against this is a heartless *******.

Hillary didn't. She spoke out against Conservatives, guns, Trump,
using this terror as a political platform.
She had been diagnose a sociopath. That came out AFTER the elections.
Listen to this video. The first burst from 0:04 to 0:10 sounds like full auto. The rate of fire is very consistent at 600 rounds per minute (5 per second). The video immediately cuts to a second burst later. The second burst from 0:11 0:17 sounds like bump fire, with a smaller caliber.
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I've got a thought for those anti-gun minded guys. If you want a new gun law, here's one I'll sign up for:

When someone deliberately with planning commits a crime with a gun, and it is an open/shut case, we have a quick-court setup that with 60 days of the incident, and that person gets the death sentence within 10 days of the court case.

So a few notes. You won't get a greater consequence than a death sentence, and I want this to go from beginning-to-end quickly. Second, this is for intentional planned crimes. A thug walks into a store, pulls a gun, and attempts robbery. Where this doesn't come in is in lesser, unplanned events where a gun is pulled. A cop pulls a gun on a suspect. A couple are fighting, and one pulls a gun to get the other to back off (self defense). A guy walks into a gov't office with his conceal carry, doesn't pull it but he shouldn't have it there. There was not an intent to use the gun in the act of a crime.

This should make everyone (other than criminals) happy. Gun owners can carry their weapons, no problem. Thugs will quickly learn to not use guns in crimes after the first 100 are quickly executed. The general public will be safer for both of these things happening. Note that you now have unarmed criminals going against armed citizens, sounds good to me.

I know, this is a dream law. But it really could work.
photos of supposed weapons have been shown....Bumpfire AR15 with a Surefire 100 round magazine......I guess in time we will be told what he supposedly had.....take it with a grain of salt....
And now the walking breathing pile of defecation himself Michael Moore is chiming in his expertise....LOL......
Ready for a surprising statistic?
Think the U.S. leads all other countries in homicide rates per
Murder rate, all weapons, per 100,000 people.

U.S. 4.88
Bolivia 12.40
Brazil 26.74
Columbia 26.50
Now the U.S. does have a 2nd Amendment that is pro gun.
The other countries do NOT, yet the homicide rate is up to SIX times
what it is in the U.S. in some countries.
The numbers I listed are for homicide, not weapon specific.
However dead is dead, homicide is homicide.
On the other hand it's hard to do a mass stabbing.
But it wasn't in Manchester and other nations where radical Islam
favors bombs, knives, aircraft and trucks to guns.
Americans have an option the other nations don't have.
Snowflakes excluded of course.:D
Citizens of Great Britain can't even buy large knives.
They can defend themselves with beer bottles.
You have to learn to live in this World because the World won't change for you.....People like this guy won't go away regardless of Laws and good intentions.....No amount of Love will fix people like the guy in Vegas.....No amount of money will either....I just wish the followers of Obama, Hillary and the like would see the light for just a minute......Once you convince people everything should be free it is almost impossible to change it.....Once you convince them everyone has to conform to them or die, you will have to fight at some point or conform...The people who want this chaos are writing the rules....for what reason ? where will it end ?
"I just wish the followers of Obama, Hillary and the like would see the light for just a minute."

Sadly the liberals on the gov't dole are now multi-generational.
3rd and 4th generations that suck taxpayers dry.
I'm a disabled police officer. My police pension SUCKS.
So what to do?
Easy for me to answer.
I got an opportunity to go to college at age 48 and at 53 I graduated
with two degrees.
NOT bragging. I worked my azz off going to school and working full time
and graduated with an "A" average.
I'm not that smart. I worked for it.
I got a job with G.M in supervision for 8 years making good money
'till the cut supervisor by 40%!
So it goes.
Now I'm 71 and thinking hard about getting a part time job even
if it's bagging groceries.
My "retirement" income and benefits is more than many people earn
every time some idiot goes on a rampage guess who pays the price????????????

that is right you me and every other honest US citizen who owns a gun

the law has very little effect on the ****** who goes over the edge, terrorist or the criminal element in the USA,,,we pay for it with more restrictions and with contempt from those who think we have no right to own so much as a BB gun

we have them right here on DDP,it pisses me off that in the end the a-holes will win they will take our guns and make us defenseless against those who are outside the law,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I JUST HOPE I DON'T LIVE TO SEE IT
a-holes will win they will take our guns and make us defenseless against those who are outside the law

I seriously doubt the U.S. Gov't would actually try to confiscate
Pass even more useless "gun control" laws is likely.
Recall one of the first things Hitler did when he came to power
was confiscate personal firearms.
I always believed gun control was being able to hit the target.:D

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