Latest news on the war against Russia (official)

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They wouldn't last a minute. Those are cheerleaders for show. If you're rating a soldier's ability on how they look or how they march, you should change your rating scale. They couldn't fight anything dressed like that. And it's demeaning. Look at how North Korea makes their female "soldiers" dress in high heels as they march.
Totally retarded. Who on earth would choose bright read with a white belt to go into combat? That's a target for sure. Oh wait, it's been done before. But they lost.

they are Chinese, but not North Korea😅

here are the girls from north korea

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They wouldn't last a minute. Those are cheerleaders for show. If you're rating a soldier's ability on how they look or how they march, you should change your rating scale. They couldn't fight anything dressed like that. And it's demeaning. Look at how North Korea makes their female "soldiers" dress in high heels as they march.
Totally retarded. Who on earth would choose bright read with a white belt to go into combat? That's a target for sure. Oh wait, it's been done before. But they lost.

They are in parade clothing. I dont know about Russia today but the Soviets would dress up the vehicles also so that they looked pretty.
The Russians don't dress up their vehicles to look pretty, their vehicles all look very similar, green with a little red and white, but the things look rugged, big and heavily armed for everyday use and probably don't get stuck on the side of a mountain like most of our military vehicles. 😅

What my absolute horror scenario is that I would encounter in a SHFT case Speznas soldiers or such vehicles as from minute 4.20 in the video.

@ Inmarinen and Anaconda

I see in your posts that you are not so fond of each other, I know the story about why, that is so ne similarity as the "love" between Russia and Poland.
I don't want to attack either of your countries, but there were other actors in Ukraine, and the EU was not innocent, but the EU has now made a clean break, even if you have speculated on cheap truck drivers and other cheap workers from Ukraine.
They wouldn't last a minute. Those are cheerleaders for show. If you're rating a soldier's ability on how they look or how they march, you should change your rating scale. They couldn't fight anything dressed like that. And it's demeaning. Look at how North Korea makes their female "soldiers" dress in high heels as they march.
Totally retarded. Who on earth would choose bright read with a white belt to go into combat? That's a target for sure. Oh wait, it's been done before. But they lost.

Told you before they did not lose. BTW they have won more wars than the US has. BTW I know one army that fights dressed in bright white uniforms and they win a lot dont they Jontte :)
Talvisota METRO_2010_00139648.jpg
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I don't want to attack either of your countries, but there were other actors in Ukraine, and the EU was not innocent, but the EU has now made a clean break, even if you have speculated on cheap truck drivers and other cheap workers from Ukraine.
I do not know what interests the EU had in Ukraine, but the EU defended these interests within the framework of international law. The EU did not carry out military aggression against Ukraine and did not recoup its territory.
Told you before they did not lose. BTW they have won more wars than the US has. BTW I know one army that fights dressed in bright white uniforms and they win a lot dont they Jontte :)
View attachment 12240

these are Finnish warriors.
It's hard for me to talk about the Soviet-Finnish wars, because I am Finn by nationality, but I was born and raised in the USSR ...

however, History Very short:
1. Finland is a territory that was sold by the Swedes to the Russian Empire as a result of the war against the Swedes in the 18th century ..
Until the 18th century, the Finns did not have a "Country", because the Finno-Ugric nation is peace-loving and does not like war.

Historical fact:
The capital of modern Russia, Moscow, was created in antiquity by the Finno-Ugric peoples, but then the Slavs drove the Finns to the North.
Since then, the Finns:
- they do not like the Slavs ...
- they don't like Russians and Soviet people.

Next Period

2.During the 19th century to the 1917th century, Finland was a "province of the Russian Empire"
... The Finns were angry ..
In 1917, the Russian Empire collapsed,
Finland gained Independence, without a fight .
But the Finns were angry against the Russians, especially against the communists ...
They destroyed the "Red Finns" who supported the Communists in Russia

then they came up with the term "Great Finland" ...😄
In 1917-1918 they attacked Russia ... They wanted to get the Kola Peninsula and Korelia ...
But the Russians kicked out the Finns ..

Next Period

for 30-39 years the Finns were absolutely crazy ..
British Prime minister, Cherchil:
"There was no such people in Europe who hated the Russians more than the Finns and Poles" ...

When Hitler came to power in 1933, then, in 1937, the Finns decided to turn to him for help ..
. Nitler offered Finland friendship, because he thought that the territory of Finland
- this is a good springboard for an attack on the USSR
- Finns hate Russians (History has shown that Hitler was right as Finland was an ally of Nazi Germany in World War II) The Finns adopted this friendship with the Nazis

Next Period

in 1939, the Soviet Union offered Finland to exchange territories ...
- Finland was an ally of Hitler, so the Soviets feared that the Germans would launch an attack from Finland ...
- Leningrad (Petersburg) - located about 30 km from the border between the USSR and Finland. Leningrad produced about 40 percent of the military equipment for the Army ...

- Stalin proposed to the Finns to move the Border further from Leningrad, in exchange to other territories of the USSR ...
Finns refused ...

- Stalin additionally offered the Finns the territory that the Finns wanted to get in Karelia.
Finns began to think ...
they were ready to sign a treaty and make peace .. But Hitler ordered the Finnish government to refuse ..

The Finnish Ambassador's answer sounded very offensive ...
As an answer, the Soviets said:
"you don't want to hear our words, then you will hear our guns."

the Soviet-Finnish War began ...

as a result of the Soviet-Finnish war of 1939,
the Finns lost 40 thousand square meters of territory, instead of 4 thousand that Stalin asked for exchange ...
The Soviet Union had lost "military prestige" and Hitler decided that the Soviet Army was very weak.
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this thread is,more or less, if you just wanna read the headline for it,

there are no "ukrainians"
there are "Russians who live on the territory of "ukraine "...
they went crazy.

Russians who live on the territory of Russia also suffered from this disease in the 90s ...
But they recovered ..

Now we do not interfere and wait for the "ukrainians" to eat a lot of poop about "freedom and democracy" and return to normal life.
Let them bathe in complete **** ..
this thread is,more or less, if you just wanna read the headline for it,

now I will write to you the Modern History of Ukraine as seen by Ukrainian historians ..
if you believe that I wrote nonsense, then you are mistaken ...
normal people cannot write such information.
But the "Ukrainians" can ... besides, they write this stuff in school textbooks so:
1. Ukrainians are the first people on earth, they destroyed dinosaurs and rode mammoths
2. Ukrainian language is the first language on Earth .. It was brought from Venus and is called Sansar
3. The Ukrainians dug the Black Sea and built the Caucasus Mountains ...
4. Ukrainians built pyramids in Egypt
5. The Roman Empire was created by the Ukrainians, so the Roman soldiers were very fond of Ukrainian sausage ...
6.and so on ...

do you think i'm joking?
@ Inmarinen and Anaconda

I see in your posts that you are not so fond of each other, I know the story about why, that is so ne similarity as the "love" between Russia and Poland.
I don't want to attack either of your countries, but there were other actors in Ukraine, and the EU was not innocent, but the EU has now made a clean break, even if you have speculated on cheap truck drivers and other cheap workers from Ukraine.

look here..
any person who visits the forum and reads the Forum Sections he sees, including: America, Africa, Europe ...
Then a person enters the "Europe" Department and sees this ****..

the answer is very simp..
there are a lot of Ukrainian trolls who **** on Russia ..
The age of this anonymous puppy "ANACONDA" is about 15 to 20 years old ...
He has no job, no money, no honor, no conscience. sitting in the office ...
The money for messages on the Internet is given to him by his Mother and Father, who work hard and illegally in Russia and Poland.
now I will write to you the Modern History of Ukraine as seen by Ukrainian historians ..
if you believe that I wrote nonsense, then you are mistaken ...
normal people cannot write such information.
But the "Ukrainians" can ... besides, they write this stuff in school textbooks so:
1. Ukrainians are the first people on earth, they destroyed dinosaurs and rode mammoths
2. Ukrainian language is the first language on Earth .. It was brought from Venus and is called Sansar
3. The Ukrainians dug the Black Sea and built the Caucasus Mountains ...
4. Ukrainians built pyramids in Egypt
5. The Roman Empire was created by the Ukrainians, so the Roman soldiers were very fond of Ukrainian sausage ...
6.and so on ...

do you think i'm joking?
History is so much more believable when it has a personal touch.
History is so much more believable when it has a personal touch.

real contact?
no problems...
do you live in america?
according to Ukrainian history ...
Trump is Ukrainian, his real name is Trumpenkо
Biden is also Ukrainian, his real name is Bidenko ..

by the way, in Russian "bidenko" means an empty bucket without a bottom
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History is so much more believable when it has a personal touch.
This is not a story, this is idiocy that is broadcast around the clock by Russian propaganda on Russian TV channels. It is difficult to imagine the wretchedness of the intellectual level of the Russian population, which believes in this propaganda. Nevertheless, even such a unique person got here ... And therefore, this once again confirms that the population of Russia consists mostly of low-educated idiots.
real contact?
no problems...
do you live in america?
according to Ukrainian history ...
Trump is Ukrainian, his real name is Trumpenkо
Biden is also Ukrainian, his real name is Bidenko ..

by the way, in Russian "bidenko" means an empty bucket without a bottom

The character in the view says: Fabulous fucker, why was he released from the hospital ??? ...
U.S. Expected to Leave Germans Out of Next Nord Stream Sanctions

The U.S. is likely to hold off sanctioning any German entities for now over the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline from Russia, according to four people familiar with the matter, as the Biden administration seeks to halt the project without antagonizing a close European ally.
A key report to Congress that was due last Tuesday could be out as soon as Friday, and it’s expected to list only a small number of Russia-linked entities, according to the people, who asked not to be identified because the policy hasn’t been announced.
Nord Stream 2 emerged as a major source of friction in trans-Atlantic relations during President Donald Trump’s administration as the project, which would bring Russian gas into the heart of Europe, neared completion. Trump officials, in arguments essentially supported by President Joe Biden’s administration, said the project undermines European security by tying the continent more closely to Moscow.
The people familiar with the issue said Secretary of State Antony Blinken is loathe to target companies or individuals from nations like Germany, arguing that it’s more important to find a diplomatic solution and heal rifts created by Trump’s “America First” approach to foreign policy.
That reticence is sparking an outcry among critics who argue that U.S. law requires sanctions against any foreign entity if it assisted in construction of the pipeline. They also say that while the U.S. may be seeking to ease strains with Germany, it risks alienating other allies such as Ukraine, Poland and the Baltic states.
After just one month in office, debate over the pipeline is forcing the Biden administration to navigate between seeking to keep pressure on Russia and building closer ties with Germany, a NATO ally. Time is running out on the Americans, with the pipeline nearly finished.
Two people familiar with the matter said that while the Trump administration had also shied away from sanctioning German entities, it was preparing such action in its final weeks. Among potential targets was Matthias Warnig, the German chief executive officer of Nord Stream 2 and former East German Stasi agent who has known Russian President Vladimir Putin personally since at least 1991, the people said.
The people said Trump’s National Security Council had developed a detailed plan with a goal of ultimately halting the project, and the only reason sanctions against German entities never happened was that they ran out of time.
“To sanction a big project by threatening German and other European targets burns up a lot of political capital,” said Daniel Fried, a former ambassador, assistant secretary and State Department sanctions coordinator under Democratic and Republican administrations. “They didn’t create this problem. They didn’t screw this up. But they’re trying to fix something in a way that takes everybody’s interests into account and it’s not easy.”
The State Department declined to comment on Thursday. But officials have repeatedly said Biden opposes Nord Stream 2.
“President Biden has made clear that Nord Stream 2 is a bad deal,” White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki said Feb. 16. “It’s a bad deal because it divides Europe, it exposes Ukraine and Central Europe to Russia, Russian manipulation.”
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The debate over Nord Stream 2 has been thrust onto the administration in its early days because of a congressional requirement to submit a report by Feb. 16 -- a deadline that has been missed -- detailing entities linked to the pipeline that could be subject to sanctions.
The report is expected to list a small number of Russian entities that will likely face sanctions. Another set of entities will be seen as safe from the threat of sanctions because they’re unwinding their work with the project.

German Proposals
The big question is what happens next. Germany is still seeking to keep the project alive, and has revived proposals rejected by the Trump administration intended to allow gas to flow through the pipeline while limiting the leverage it would give Russia.
But doing so could create the impression that the U.S. is weak on Russia and caving in to its demands. It could also been seen as signaling that the U.S. is effectively abandoning other U.S. allies whose leaders oppose the pipeline and would risk backlash from Republican senators such as Ted Cruz of Texas, who has threatened to hold up State Department nominees on the issue.
“Senator Cruz expects that the Biden administration will meet its legal mandates to impose sanctions on any vessel, insurer, or certifier involved in any pipe-laying activities, in part because he knows that the State Department already has all of the information they need to impose those sanctions,’ said Cruz spokeswoman Jessica Skaggs. “He is prepared to use the full range of his Senate prerogatives to ensure they meet that requirement.”
19.02.21 12:07 Kuleba: Recent wave of repressions against Crimean Tatars basis for introduction of new sanctions against Russia

The recent wave of repression by Russian law enforcement agencies against the Crimean Tatars in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea (ARC) is the basis for the introduction of new sanctions against Russia, said Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba.
As reported by Censor.NET.
"Last year, I called on the European Union to introduce a sanctions mechanism as a response to the violation of human rights in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. We will consistently insist that new sanctions should be introduced for this. Therefore, soon, perhaps even today, I will sign these documents. We will again turn to the European Union with a request to impose sanctions against Russia," Kuleba said at a briefing in Kyiv on Friday.
He added that repressions against Crimean Tatars will also become a topic of discussion at the UN General Assembly. According to the head of the Foreign Ministry, Ukraine on the eve began preparations for communications with the European Union on this issue.
"We are preparing for the discussion at a session in the UN General Assembly of issues on the situation in the temporarily occupied territories. Therefore, the preparation is very carefully carried out. We are preparing facts proving the actions and additional arguments. I am absolutely sure that this event will end successfully for Ukraine and will become another defeat for Russian diplomacy in the international arena in its attempts to justify her aggression against Ukraine," Kuleba said.
As reported, in early hours of February 17, officers of the Federal Security Service (FSB) of the Russian Federation came to search the houses of the Crimean Tatars in the occupied Crimea.
According to available information, the men were detained and charged under Article 205.5 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (organizing the activities of a terrorist organization and participating in the activities of such an organization). Similar charges have been brought against the authorities of the occupation administration in the so-called Hizb ut-Tahrir (Muslim religious organization) cases.
On February 23, a meeting of the UN General Assembly is taking place, during which a report on the situation in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine is to be presented.
19.02.21 10:00 Four ceasefire violations recorded in Donbas

Four ceasefire violations recorded in Donbas Over the past day, February 18, Russian invaders violated the ceasefire in the Joint Forces Operation (JFO) area in Donbas four times.
"In the area of responsibility of the operational and tactical group ‘North’, the armed formations of the Russian Federation opened fire from grenade machine guns, hand-held antitank grenade launchers and small arms near Shumy (41km north of Donetsk); heavy machine guns – outside Pivdenne (40km north-east of Donetsk); small arms – in the area of Mayorske (45km north of Donetsk)," the press center of the JFO Headquarters informs.
Ukrainian defenders fired back in response to enemy shelling.
The OSCE representatives were informed about the facts of ceasefire violations through the Ukrainian side of the Joint Control and Coordination Center (JCCC). Ukrainian troops sustained no losses.
Today, February 19, no ceasefire violations have been recorded in the Joint Forces Operation area. The situation in the JFO area remains controlled by Ukrainian troops

18.02.21 10:28 Russian-led forces launch four attacks in Donbas

Russian-led forces launch four attacks in Donbas Over the past day, February 17, Russian invaders violated the ceasefire in the Joint Forces Operation (JFO) area in Donbas four times.
"In the area of responsibility of the operational and tactical group ‘East’, the Russian-occupation troops opened fire from 82mm mortars and tripod-mounted man-portable antitank guns on Ukrainian positions near Novomykhailivka (28km south-west of Donetsk); grenade machine guns and tripod-mounted man-portable antitank guns – outside Slavne (26km south-west of Donetsk)," the press center of the JFO Headquarters informs.
In the area of responsibility of the operational and tactical group "North", the armed formations of the Russian Federation used hand-held antitank grenade launchers and heavy machine guns in the area of Pivdenne (40km north-east of Donetsk); grenade machine guns, heavy machine guns and sniping weapons – near Shumy (41km north of Donetsk).
Ukrainian defenders fired back in response to enemy shelling.
The OSCE representatives were informed about the facts of ceasefire violations through the Ukrainian side of the Joint Control and Coordination Center (JCCC). Ukrainian troops sustained no losses.
Today, February 18, no ceasefire violations have been recorded in the Joint Forces Operation area. The situation in the JFO area remains controlled by Ukrainian troops.

17.02.21 10:42 Invaders violate ceasefire in Donbas four times
Invaders violate ceasefire in Donbas four times Over the past day, February 16, Russian invaders violated the ceasefire in the Joint Forces Operation (JFO) area in Donbas four times.
"In the area of responsibility of the operational and tactical group ‘East’, the Russian-occupation troops opened fire from 82mm mortars on Ukrainian positions near Krasnohorivka (21km west of Donetsk); tripod-mounted man-portable antitank guns and under-barrel grenade launchers – outside Vodiane in the Sea of Azov area," the press center of the JFO Headquarters informs.
In the area of responsibility of the operational and tactical group "North", the armed formations of the Russian Federation used sniping weapons in the area of Pivdenne (40km north-east of Donetsk).
The OSCE representatives were informed about the facts of ceasefire violations through the Ukrainian side of the Joint Control and Coordination Center (JCCC). Ukrainian defenders fired back in response to aimed enemy shelling.
Today, February 17, no ceasefire violations have been recorded in the Joint Forces Operation area. The situation in the JFO area remains controlled by Ukrainian troops.

16.02.21 10:28 Occupiers launch three attacks in Donbas
Occupiers launch three attacks in Donbas Over the past day, February 15, Russian invaders violated the ceasefire in the Joint Forces Operation (JFO) area in Donbas three times.
"Over the past day, February 15, ceasefire was observed in most areas of responsibility of units and subdivisions in the Joint Forces Operation area. Only three ceasefire violations were recorded," the press center of the JFO Headquarters informs.
In the area of responsibility of the operational and tactical group "East", the armed formations of the Russian Federation opened unaimed fire from tripod-mounted man-portable antitank gun on Ukrainian positions near Slavne (26km south-west of Donetsk); hand-held antitank grenade launcher – outside Opytne (12km north-west of Donetsk).
In the area of responsibility of the operational and tactical group "North", Russian-occupation troops launched provocative attacks from grenade machine gun and heavy machine gun in the area of Svitlodarsk (57km north-east of Donetsk).
The OSCE representatives were informed about all the facts of ceasefire violations through the Ukrainian side of the Joint Control and Coordination Center (JCCC). Ukrainian defenders gave adequate response to enemy shelling.
Today, February 16, no ceasefire violations have been recorded in the Joint Forces Operation area. The situation in the JFO area remains controlled by Ukrainian troops.
this thread is,more or less, if you just wanna read the headline for it,
veljeni, älä tue Ukrainan natsi Banderaa. nämä kummajaiset eivät pidä suomalaisista ja kutsuvat meitä "Chukhontsy" tai "Chushnya" ...
they are sure that they were defeated in "military cauldrons" with the participation of the Udmurts and Finns whom Putin recruited for the war ..
(in reality, these were Buryat tankers and artillerymen)
muuten, pyydän anteeksi loukkauksiani. Olin pahalla tuulella ..
Положи ещё кучку дерьма против русских.
Американцам и мне скучно

Шо, Твоя мама не напрацювала на московской трассе и не оплатила тебе доступ в интернет
Положи ещё кучку дерьма против русских.
Американцам и мне скучно

Шо, Твоя мама не напрацювала на московской трассе и не оплатила тебе доступ в интернет
Have you ever heard of the Lone Ranger and Tonto? Kima-Sabe means "Stupid white man." He didn't know
any more than I know what you are saying.
Have you ever heard of the Lone Ranger and Tonto? Kima-Sabe means "Stupid white man." He didn't know
any more than I know what you are saying.

when Russians argue with Ukrainians, they don't give a damn about all the American characters you talk about..

Americans shouldn't get into this fight.
"village dogs fight, but other dogs do not intervene in fights"
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Скан говна...

Щенок сопливый, ты даже украинский язык не знаешь

Казачий хор, диалект, Балака...

ихалы козаки со Дону до Хаты
Пыдманулы Галю забралы з собою
Ой, ты Галю, Галю молодая
Пыдманулы Галю забралы з собою

Ой, поыдем Галю з нами козакамы
Краще тоби буде чим у ридной мамы
Ой, ты Галю, Галю молодая
Краше тоби буде чим у рiдной мами

Галю согласылась з нымы подчыпилась
Тай повезлы Галю темними лесамы
Ой, ты Галю, Галю молодая
Тай повезлы Галю темнымы лесамы

Nazism on the territory of the former Soviet republic of Ukraine, which is now called "ukraine" ...

website "Myrotvorets"...
this site publishes personal data of people who do not like the Nazi regime in "ukraine" ...

If you dare to object to this regime, then the security service of "ukraine" will find your real home address, phone number and show it on this website.
In addition, they will show the data of your children.

this site is supported by the government of the so-called "ukraine" and exists with the silence of the Americans, because it is beneficial for the Americans to support the Nazi regime against Russia.
Biden and Ukraine: What we know about corruption claims - BBC News

The film, written by former adviser to US President Donald Trump, political expert Michael Caputo, lasts about an hour, with more than half of the time devoted to Ukraine.
" In particular, we are talking about the role of the then US President Barack Obama and his administration in the removal of the fourth President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych from power in 2014, the shootings on the Maidan, the involvement of the family of ex-Vice President Joe Biden in corruption machinations in the Burisma ",
As well as the interference of high-ranking Ukrainian officials in the US presidential elections in 2016 on the side of the Democratic Party candidate


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