Latest news on the war against Russia (official)

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Germans, Ukrainians, Lithuanians and Poles have always been good with joint business.
See extermination camps Auschwitz, Treblinka and Sobibor, already at that time they murdered hand in hand and most of them participated willingly and voluntarily, today there are still people in these countries who glorify SS Fritzes.

Nothing changes, except that these countries mriegen with each major conflict again one on the head and then ask why.
One thing is always the case, with weapons alone no conflict is won, it only gets worse and the population will pay a big price while Western arms suppliers bring in good dividends for the shareholders, the locals realize that only when your country is shot and you stand in front of nothing that you have been screwed.
01.06.22 11:46

Germany will supply Ukraine with modern air defense system - IRIS-T - Scholz
Chancellor Olaf Scholz promised Ukraine the supply of a modern air defense system
This was reported by Censor.NET with reference to Der Spiegel.
According to the publication, Ukraine will receive the IRIS-T anti-aircraft missile system.
According to Scholz, it will help reliably protect Ukrainian cities from Russian air raids. In addition, the Armed Forces will receive surveillance radar, which will be able to detect artillery.
Do not know whether or not it is true, but it was reported:
The German Ministry of Defense stated that the Bundeswehr reserve does not have IRIS-T air defense missiles and radar promised by Scholz to Kiev.

In another possible setback, reportedly:
Switzerland vetoed the shipment by Denmark of about 20 Swiss-made Piranha III infantry fighting vehicles to Ukraine.
A month ago, Switzerland also blocked the shipment of ammunition for Gepard ZSU anti-aircraft tanks, which Germany sends to Ukraine.
01.06.22 11:46

Germany will supply Ukraine with modern air defense system - IRIS-T - Scholz
Chancellor Olaf Scholz promised Ukraine the supply of a modern air defense system
This was reported by Censor.NET with reference to Der Spiegel.
According to the publication, Ukraine will receive the IRIS-T anti-aircraft missile system.
According to Scholz, it will help reliably protect Ukrainian cities from Russian air raids. In addition, the Armed Forces will receive surveillance radar, which will be able to detect artillery.

Russia will have this year or next year if you are unlucky various European and US weapons systems in hand which it can then analyze and use against us.
Especially rotten if our politicians pay this from our tax money and the stuff then falls into Russiana hand.
Europe is already starting to panic that weapons that are delivered to Ukraine get into the wrong hands and become a security problem, well, only idiots think that weapons always stay in conflict areas, good own goal...
Germany will hand over four Mars II multiple rocket launchers to Ukraine, - Tagesspiegel
News Censor.NET World
Germany intends to hand over four Mars II multiple rocket launchers to Ukraine to repel Russian aggression.
This was reported on Wednesday by the German newspaper Tagesspiegel with reference to interlocutors in German government circles, Censor.NET reports with reference to Ukrinform.
"Germany also wants to send to Ukraine from its own reserves four multiple rocket launchers" Mars II "(produced - ed.) Of the armed concern" Krauss-Maffei-Wegmann ". Tagesspiegel learned about this from government circles," said in a statement.
The publication notes that the Chancellor of Germany did not specifically mention "Mars II" in his speech today in the Bundestag, as "the relevant agreement with the United States was reached only recently."

According to German media, Krauss-Maffei-Wegmann's Mars II multiple rocket launchers have been in service with the Bundeswehr since 1990.
Depending on the type of ammunition, they can hit targets at a distance of up to 40 kilometers. At the same time, "Mars II" can use guided missiles with GPS support to "accurately hit targets" or mortar shells "to block areas." The installation can fire 12 missiles per minute.
Speaking in the Bundestag, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz reportedly said that Germany would supply Ukraine with an IRIS-T air defense system, a modern target coordinate radar, and consider supplying multiple rocket launchers in cooperation with the United States.
1.06.22 21:19 14 110 63
weapons (1588) aid (453) USA (2386)
Pentagon releases list of weapons transferred to Ukraine

The U.S. will still transfer the HIMARS multiple-launch rocket systems to Ukraine, around which there have been active discussions in the last week, as well as other weapons and equipment.
As reports Censor.NЕТ, according to Pentagon's data, the new $ 700 million military aid package includes:
4 Mi-17 helicopters;
1000 missiles for Javelin anti-tank systems;
15 tactical vehicles;
5 anti-artillery radars;
2 radar systems of air surveillance;
6,000 anti-tank weapons;
spare parts and equipment.
02.06.22 19:26

Operational information of General Staff regarding the Russian invasion at 6:00 pm on June 2
Operational information of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine regarding the Russian invasion at 6:00 pm on June 2
According to Censor.NET, this is stated on the official Facebook page of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
The report states: "The ninety-ninth day of the heroic opposition of the Ukrainian people to the Russian military invasion continues.
In the Volyn and Polissya areas, the main efforts of the armed forces of the Republic of Belarus are focused on strengthening measures to protect the state border. At the same time, forest roads, bypasses and bridges are being mined in the border areas with our country. The enemy remains threatened by missile and air strikes from the territory of the Republic of Belarus.
The enemy did not take active action in the northern direction. There is a movement of artillery and motorized infantry units that were in the areas of recovery.

In the Slobozhansky direction, the enemy continues preparatory measures for the offensive, units replenish lost weapons, military equipment, and supplies.
In order to reduce the offensive potential of our troops, the enemy uses artillery and jet artillery on the positions of the Defense Forces.
The enemy did not take any active action in the Kharkiv direction. The main efforts are focused on maintaining the occupied borders and supply routes, deterring the actions of the Defense Forces. The enemy continues to shell civilian infrastructure in the areas of the settlements of Tsyrkuny, Stara Hnylytsia, Peremoha, and Staryi Saltiv. Inflicted air strikes near Nove.
In the Slavic direction, the enemy focuses its efforts on creating conditions for the offensive. He fired on civilian infrastructure in the areas of Dovhenke, Virnopillya, Hrushuvakha, Velyka Komyshuvakha, and Husarivka.

In the Donetsk direction, the Russian occupiers continue to use mortars, artillery, and rocket-propelled grenades along the entire line of contact.
In the Lyman direction, the enemy fired on civilian infrastructure in the areas of Sosnove, Svyatohirsk, Stary Karavan, and Raihorodok. He carried out assault operations in the areas of the settlements of Studenok, Sosnove, and Yarova, and hostilities continue. In this direction, the enemy intensified the work of electronic warfare.
In the Severodonetsk direction, the occupiers continue shelling the positions of the Defense Forces and civilian infrastructure in the areas of the settlements of Severodonetsk and Lysychansk. Enemy assault aircraft struck in the areas of Ustynivka and Borivske. In addition, the enemy carried out assault operations near Borivsky and had no success.
In the Bakhmut direction, the enemy conducted offensive and assault operations in the areas of the settlements of Komyshuvakha, Mykolaivka, Vrubivka, Berestove, and Bilohorivka, and hostilities continue.

In the Avdiivka, Kurakhiv, Novopavliv, and Zaporizhia areas, the enemy did not conduct active hostilities, trying to strengthen the group and restore the loss of weapons and military equipment. Inflicted air strikes on Marinka's civilian infrastructure. In addition, shelling was recorded in the areas of the settlements of Vidrodzennia, Dolomitne, Toretsk, Novobahmutivka, Avdiivka, Pisky, Mykilske, Vuhledar, and others.
In the South Bug area, in order to maintain the borders of the defense, the Russian occupiers are destroying the transport infrastructure in the probable directions of the Defense Forces.
In the Kryvyi Rih direction, the enemy is forced to defend the unprepared frontiers. He intensified the work of electronic warfare. He inflicted fire damage on civilian infrastructure in the areas of Shyroke, Lepetykha, Shevchenkove, Osokorivka, Partyzanske, and others.
In the Black Sea and Azov operational zones, enemy naval groups are focused on maintaining a favorable operational regime and blocking civilian shipping in the northwestern Black Sea.
The enemy continues to suffer losses in manpower and equipment. Thus, according to available information, 115 wounded and 32 dead people were admitted to medical institutions in the temporarily occupied territories of Donetsk region only on May 27-28, 2022.
Due to heavy sanitary and irreversible losses in the military units and units of the 1st Army Corps of the 8th All-Military Army of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, measures of forced mobilization in the temporarily occupied territories of Donetsk region are continuing. "
02.06.22 22:04

More than 10 explosions were heard in occupied Berdiansk during day.
In Berdiansk, which is under Russian occupation, there were more than 10 explosions during the day.
According to Censor.NЕТ, this was stated in Тelegram channel by Berdiansk City Coucil.
"More than 10 explosions were heard in the city during the day and were heard in different neighborhoods of the city. We ask city residents to be careful, and due to the lack of centralized control of alarm sirens in the city - to be extremely careful, not to ignore the possible danger," the message says.

It is also reported that there is still no communication in Berdiansk: "The occupation authorities, who have taken the practice of blocking the signal of Ukrainian mobile operators since the evacuation of Mariupol residents who went through Berdiansk, are trying to blame Ukraine for the lack of signal. As of today, the practice of jamming mobile communications during the mass transfer of enemy troops through the territory of the city or the water area of Berdiansk port is still being used".
Ukrainian mobile operators officially state that the reason for the lack of communication is the physical damage to the equipment and the parallel blocking of the signal by radio-electronic warfare means.
03.06.22 00:15

Data on 4169 civilians killed since February 24 in Ukraine due to Russian aggression confirmed, real numbers much higher - UN
As of midnight on June 1, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights has confirmed 9,151 civilian casualties due to Russia's full-scale war against Ukraine.
This is stated by Censor.NЕТ with reference to the data of UNOHCR.
In particular, 4169 dead and 4982 wounded are known. Among the dead are 268 children.
The organization notes that the real figures are much higher "because there are delays in receiving information from some places where intense fighting continues, and many reports from places where information on civilian casualties is received still need to be confirmed".

This applies, for example, to the settlements of Mariupol (Donetsk region), Izyum (Kharkiv region), and Popasna (Luhansk region), where numerous civilian deaths or injuries were reported. These are subject to further verification and are not included in the above. statistics".
The UN added that the majority of recorded civilian casualties were caused by the use of wide-area explosive weapons, including heavy artillery and multiple rocket launchers, as well as missile and air strikes.
04.06.22 07:14

Enemy evacuates up to 100 pieces of damaged military equipment in Slobozhansky direction, - AFU General Staff
Fighting continues in the Slobozhansky direction, the Russian invaders are evacuating damaged weapons and military equipment - up to 100 units.
As Censor.NЕТ reports, this is stated in the operational information of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Facebook as of 6:00 a.m. June 4 regarding the Russian invasion.
Thus, the one hundred and first days of the Ukrainian nation's heroic resistance to the Russian military invasion have begun.
The Russian invaders do not stop their offensive in the Eastern operating zone and continue to launch missile and air strikes against military and civilian infrastructure in Ukraine.
In the Volyn and Polissya areas, the situation has not changed significantly.
The enemy was not active in the Siversk direction. In order to reinforce certain sections of the border and restrain the actions of our troops, the enemy continues to retain units of the armed forces of the Russian Federation in the border areas of Bryansk and Kursk regions.
Fighting continues in the Slobozhansky direction. A column of equipment with fuel and ammunition is moving in the direction of Shipovato settlement. Damaged weapons and military equipment (up to 100 items) are being evacuated in the opposite direction.

In the Kharkiv direction, the main efforts of the occupiers are focused on maintaining the occupied borders. Intense fire continues on the units of the Defense Forces in the areas of the settlements of Hluboke, Ruski Tyshky, Stary Saltiv and Cherkasy Tyshky. The enemy fired a missile at a transport infrastructure facility near the town of Mokhnach.
In the Slavyansk direction, in order to reduce the combat potential of our troops, the enemy launched artillery attacks on Grushuvakha, Tetyanivka and Dibrvino settlements. Conducted an assault in the direction of Bogorodichne, with no success. Conducted unsuccessful offensive in the direction of Virnopillya settlement, suffered losses.
In the Donetsk direction, the enemy is bombarding our troops' positions along the entire line of contact with mortars, barreled and rocket-propelled artillery. It uses operational-tactical and army aviation.
The main efforts are concentrated in the Severodonetsk and Bakhmut directions.
With the support of artillery, the enemy is conducting assault actions in Severodonetsk, strengthened the grouping at the expense of the mobilization reserve of the 2nd Army Corps, and fighting continues in the city.
The occupants carried out an offensive in the direction of Ustinivka, with no success.
In the Bakhmut direction, supported by artillery, the enemy conducts an offensive, there is no success, according to the results of the fire from Ukrainian units, withdrew.
In the Avdiivka and Kurakhivka directions the enemy conducts restraining and diversionary actions.
In the Lyman direction, near the village of Stary Karavan, the occupants are trying to take control of the section of the left bank of the Siversky Donets River.

The rate of advance of enemy units during combat operations in the Donetsk direction is low due to physical exhaustion of personnel and low moral and psychological state.
In the South Bug direction, the enemy conducts a position defense and attempts to fire on our units.
The invaders are afraid of the resistance of the local population, increasing in particular in the Kherson region. The occupant leadership is moving around with a large number of guards, wearing body armor, in armored vehicles. Local residents continue to demonstrate total resistance.
The situation in the Bessarabian direction, as well as in the Black Sea and Azov Sea operational zones, has not changed significantly.
There are three carriers of sea-launched cruise missiles of the "Kalibr" type in readiness to use missile weapons in the Black Sea.
"In the past 24 hours, 9 enemy attacks were repelled in the Donetsk and Luhansk directions, 1 tank, 1 artillery system, 6 armored combat vehicles, 2 special armored vehicles and 3 units of automotive equipment were destroyed. Anti-aircraft defense units shot down a cruise missile, an "Eleron" tactical reconnaissance UAV and two "Orlan-10" UAVs," the General Staff reported.
  • 3 June 2022
  • 09:50
Russia’s aggression against Ukraine: EU adopts sixth package of sanctions

In light of Russia’s continuing war of aggression against Ukraine and Belarus' support to it, as well as the reported atrocities committed by Russian armed forces in Ukraine, the Council decided today to impose a sixth package of economic and individual sanctions targeting both Russia and Belarus.

With today’s package, we are increasing limitations to the Kremlin’s ability to finance the war by imposing further economic sanctions. We are banning the import of Russian oil into the EU and with this cutting a massive source of revenue for Russia. We are cutting off more of the key Russian banks from the international payment system SWIFT. We are also sanctioning those responsible for the atrocities that took place in Bucha and Mariupol and banning more disinformation actors actively contributing to President Putin’s war propaganda.
Josep Borrell, High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
The agreed package includes a series of measures intended to effectively thwart Russian abilities to continue the aggression.

The EU decided to prohibit the purchase, import or transfer of crude oil and certain petroleum products from Russia into the EU. The phasing out of Russian oil will take from 6 months for crude oil to 8 months for other refined petroleum products.

A temporary exception is foreseen for imports of crude oil by pipeline into those EU member states that, due to their geographic situation, suffer from a specific dependence on Russian supplies and have no viable alternative options.

Moreover, Bulgaria and Croatia will also benefit from temporary derogations concerning the import of Russian seaborne crude oil and vacuum gas oil respectively.

De-SWIFTing of additional Russian and Belarusian banks
The EU is extending the existing prohibition on the provision of specialised financial messaging services (SWIFT) to three additional Russian credit institutions - Russia's largest bank Sberbank, Credit Bank of Moscow, and Russian Agricultural Bank - and the Belarusian Bank For Development And Reconstruction.

The EU is suspending the broadcasting activities in the EU of three more Russian state-owned outlets: Rossiya RTR/RTR Planeta, Rossiya 24 / Russia 24 and TV Centre International. These structures have been used by the Russian Government as instruments to manipulate information and promote disinformation about the invasion of Ukraine, including propaganda, with the aim to destabilise Russia's neighbouring countries and the EU and its member states. In line with the Charter of Fundamental Rights, these measures will not prevent those media outlets and their staff from carrying out activities in the EU other than broadcasting, e.g. research and interviews.

Export restrictions
The EU is expanding the list of persons and entities concerned by export restrictions regarding dual-use goods and technology. Such additions to the list include both Russian and Belarusian entities. Moreover, the EU will expand the list of goods and technology which may contribute to the technological enhancement of Russia’s defence and security sector. This will include 80 chemicals which can be used to produce chemical weapons.

Consulting services
The EU will prohibit the provision of accounting, public relations and consultancy services.

Individual listings
Furthermore, the Council decided to sanction additional individuals and entities: those responsible for the atrocities committed by Russian troops in Bucha and Mariupol, personalities supporting the war, leading businesspersons and family members of listed oligarchs and Kremlin officials, as well as companies in the defence and a financial organisation.

The EU resolutely condemns Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine. It urges Russia to immediately stop its indiscriminate attacks against civilians and civilian infrastructure, and to immediately and unconditionally withdraw all its troops and military equipment from the entire territory of Ukraine within its internationally recognised borders. The atrocities being committed by Russian forces and the suffering and destruction being inflicted are unspeakable. The EU calls on Russia to allow immediate humanitarian access and the safe passage of all civilians concerned. It also calls on Russia to immediately allow the safe return of Ukrainian individuals forcibly removed to Russia.

The European Union is unwavering in its commitment to help Ukraine exercise its inherent right of self-defence against the Russian aggression and build a peaceful, democratic and prosperous future.

The relevant legal acts will soon be published in the Official Journal.
04.06.22 18:52

Operational information of General Staff regarding Russian invasion as of 6:00 pm on 04.06.2022.
Operational information of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine regarding the Russian invasion as of 6:00 pm on 04.06.2022.
As reported by Censor.NET.
"101 days of heroic opposition of the Ukrainian nation to the Russian military invasion continue. The Russian occupiers continue to launch missile and air strikes on military and civilian infrastructure in Ukraine.
The situation in the Volyn and Polissya areas remained unchanged.
In the northern direction, the enemy did not take active action, no signs of the formation of strike groups were found. Enemy artillery shelling was recorded in the settlements of Starykove and Katerynivka, Sumy region, and Kamyanska Sloboda, Chernihiv region.
In the Slobozhansky direction, the enemy continues to concentrate reserves for attempts to continue offensive operations in the directions of the settlements of Izium, Barvinkove, and Slovyansk.
In the Kharkiv direction, the enemy is trying to keep the occupied borders and prevent the advance of units of the Defense Forces. Systematic fire continues on the positions of our troops.
In the Donetsk direction, the occupiers are trying to restrain the defenders of Ukraine by violating the logistics system.
Fighting continues for the establishment of full control over the city of Severodonetsk.
The enemy fired four missiles from the Tochka-U tactical missile system in the areas of Bakhmut, Kramatorsk, Kostiantynivka, and Lysychansk. In addition, Russian invaders launched airstrikes on the cities of Sloviansk and Soledar.
In the Lyman direction, the enemy used artillery near Svyatohirsk, Starodubivka and Mykolayivka.
In the Severodonetsk direction, the enemy fired from artillery and rocket-propelled grenade launchers at the settlements of Severodonetsk, Lysychansk, Ustynivka, and Toshkivka. He struck airstrikes with Ka-52 helicopters near Hirske, Yakovlivka, and Myrna Dolyna, and Su-25 planes near the town of Ustynivka.
In the Bakhmut direction, the enemy used mortars, artillery and rocket-propelled grenade launchers in the areas of Toretsk, New York, Vrubivka, and Pokrovske. He struck airstrikes with Ka-52 helicopters near Berestov and Klinov.

In the area of the city of Donetsk the enemy fired at the settlements of Mykilske, Krasnohorivka, Vesele and Novoselivka. He used the armament of Su-25 planes in the districts of Novomykhailivka and Marinka. Missile and air strikes were inflicted on the village of Kurakhove.
In the Novopavlovsk and Zaporozhye directions, the enemy used rocket-propelled grenade systems in the areas of Huliaypole, Orikhiv, and Zelenyi Hai. An air strike by Su-25 aircraft was inflicted on the village of Kamyanske.
The situation in the South Bug area has not changed.
The enemy continues to block civilian shipping in the northwestern Black Sea.
Ukrainian defenders inflict losses on the Russian occupiers in all areas where active hostilities continue.
In order to justify the destruction of civilian objects on the territory of Ukraine, the Russian occupiers continue to spread information about the location of military units in schools, hospitals and churches. We urge you to trust information only from verified sources and not to spread Russian fakes and misinformation.
Let's win together! Glory to Ukraine!" it is said in the information of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
05.06.22 09:59

Total combat losses of Russian Federation since beginning of war - about 31,150 people, 210 aircraft, 175 helicopters, 1,381 tanks and 3,392 armored vehicles. INFOGRAPHICS

The Russian troops that invaded the territory of Ukraine continue to suffer losses. As of the morning of June 5, the loss of enemy personnel amounted to approximately 31,150 people.
This was reported by Censor.NET with reference to the press center of the General Staff of the Armed Forces.
As noted, the total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02 to 05.06 are approximately:
personnel - about 31,150 (+100) persons were liquidated,
tanks - 1381 (+5) units,
armored combat vehicles - 3392 (+13) units,
artillery systems - 686 (+6) units,
multiple launch rocket system - 207 (+0) units,
air defense means - 95 (+0) units,
aircraft - 210 (+0) units,
helicopters - 175 (+0) units,
UAV operational and tactical level - 548 (+8),
cruise missiles - 122 (+0),
ships / boats - 13 (+0) units,
automotive equipment and tank trucks- 2360 (+23) units,
special equipment - 53 (+1).
05.06.22 18:42

Operational information of General Staff regarding Russian invasion as of 6:00 pm on 05.06.2022
Operational information of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine regarding the Russian invasion as of 6:00 pm on 05.06.2022
As reported to Censor.NET.
"102 days of heroic opposition of the Ukrainian nation to the Russian military invasion last.
In the Volyn and Polissya directions, the enemy did not take active action. The main efforts of the units of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus continue to focus on reconnaissance and engineering equipment positions. During the inspection of combat readiness of units, special attention is paid to the development of tasks to overcome water obstacles and the interaction of airstrikes with the crews of helicopters of army aircraft.
In the northern direction, the enemy is intensively guarding areas of the Ukrainian-Russian border in the Bryansk and Kursk regions. He carried out mortar shelling of civilian infrastructure near the village of Hremiach, Chernihiv region.
In the Slobozhansky direction, the enemy continues to fire on units of the Defense Forces with artillery, multiple rocket launchers, mortars and tanks. In order to support the offensive, it is rapidly rebuilding transport and railway infrastructure in the temporarily occupied territories. The use of electronic warfare continues to create conditions that make it impossible for UAV units to use UAVs.
In the Kharkiv direction, the enemy conducted an active defense, focusing its efforts on maintaining the occupied borders and border areas north of the city of Kharkiv. In order to increase the stability of the defense conducts engineering and fortification equipment positions and mining approaches to them. To restrain the actions of the Defense Forces, it is conducting intensive artillery and mortar shelling of the positions of our units. In addition, the enemy fired on civilian infrastructure in the areas of the settlements of Tsyrkuny, Ruski and Cherkaski Tyshky, Staryi Saltiv. He fired missiles at the Korotych settlement.
In the Sloviansk direction, the enemy's efforts are focused on continuing the offensive in the direction of the settlement of Sloviansk. The enemy fired on civilian infrastructure in the areas of Chepil, Dibrivne, Virnopillya, Dovhenke and Bohorodichne.
The occupiers tried unsuccessfully to conduct offensive and assault operations in the areas of the settlements of Bohorodichne and Dovhenke.

In the Donetsk direction, the enemy launched air strikes on civilian infrastructure in the areas of Sloviansk and Lysychansk.
In the Lyman direction, with the support of artillery, the enemy resumed the offensive near the village of Sviatohirsk, has significant losses in manpower, weapons and equipment. Conducts assault operations in the direction of the settlement of the Stary Caravan. The fighting continues.
In the Severodonetsk direction, the enemy fired mortars, artillery and multiple rocket launchers at units of our troops and civilian infrastructure in the settlements of Severodonetsk, Lysychansk, Toshkivka, and Ustynivka.
In the Bakhmut direction, enemy units shelled the settlements of Komyshuvakha, Mykolayivka, Bilohorivka, Pokrovske, and Dolomitne. The enemy used assault and army aircraft near Bakhmut and Berestov.
The occupiers carried out assault operations in the areas of Bilohorivka and Mykolayivka. The enemy suffered significant losses in manpower and equipment. There is no success, the fighting continues.
In the Avdiivka, Kurakhiv, Novopavliv, and Zaporizhia directions, the enemy did not conduct active hostilities. He fired on civilian infrastructure in the settlements of Zaitsevo, New York, Toretsk, Krasnohorivka, Mariinka, Uspenivka, Orikhiv, and Kamyanske. He struck from operational-tactical and army aircraft near Novoselivka, New York, Mariinka, and Kamianske.
In the South Bug direction, the occupiers fired on the positions of our troops, trying to fight the counter-battery. In order to clarify the position of our units and correct the fire, we conducted air reconnaissance using UAVs. The enemy used artillery in the areas of the settlements of Mykolaiv, Prybuzke, Luch, Blahodatne, Shyroke, and Tokarevo. The Russian occupiers carried out assaults in the area of the settlement of Bila Krynytsia in order to restore the previously lost position. After the fire, the Defense Forces of Ukraine retreated to their former positions.

The enemy continues to suffer significant losses during hostilities on the territory of Ukraine. In order to replenish units, Russian invaders continue forced mobilization measures in the temporarily occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk regions.
We believe in the Armed Forces of Ukraine! Let's win together! Glory to Ukraine!" it is said in the information of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

06.06.22 09:10
Total combat losses of Russian Federation since beginning of war - about 31,250 people, 211 aircraft, 176 helicopters, 1,386 tanks, and 3,400 armored vehicles. INFOGRAPHICS

The Russian troops that invaded the territory of Ukraine continue to suffer losses. As of the morning of June 6, the loss of enemy personnel amounted to approximately 31,250 people.
This was reported by Censor.NET with reference to the press center of the General Staff of the Armed Forces.
As noted, the total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02 to 06.06 are approximately:
personnel - about 31250 (+100) persons were liquidated,
tanks - 1386 (+5) units,
armored combat vehicles - 3400 (+8) units,
artillery systems - 690 (+4) units,
multiple launch rocket system - 207 (+0) units,
air defense means - 96 (+1) units,
aircraft - 211 (+1) units,
helicopters - 176 (+1) units,
UAV operational and tactical level - 551 (+3),
cruise missiles - 125 (+3),
ships / boats - 13 (+0) units,
automotive equipment and tank trucks - 2395 (+35) units,
special equipment - 53 (+0).
06.06.22 15:33

M270 jet systems will be delivered to Ukraine free of charge, - Johnson
The United Kingdom will present Ukraine with M270 multiple rocket launchers.
The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Boris Johnson announced this on Twitter, Censor.NET reports.
"We cannot stand aside while Russian long-range artillery erases the city from the face of the earth and kills innocent civilians," he wrote.
Johnson noted that the launchers and guided projectiles to them, the United Kingdom "will give to the Armed Forces of Ukraine so that they can effectively repel the Russian offensive."
More kit to be abandoned when the Nazi holhols continue their strategic retreat. More free toys for the Russians to play with.

Zelensky begs (or sucks dick) for it, the Western war mongers deliver it, the reverse goosestepping Uki Nazis abandon it and the Russians get to use it.

Beyond insane.

Ukraine gets smaller by the day, just wait until the Poles, the Hungarians, and all the others all snatch back their disputed lands.
07.06.22 10:57

Total combat losses of Russian Federation since beginning of war - about 31,360 people, 212 aircraft, 177 helicopters, 1,390 tanks and 3,416 armored vehicles. INFOGRAPHICS

The Russian troops that invaded the territory of Ukraine continue to suffer losses. As of the morning of June 7, the loss of enemy personnel amounted to approximately 31,360 people.
This was reported by Censor.NET with reference to the press center of the General Staff of the Armed Forces.
As noted, the total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02 to 07.06 are approximately:
personnel - about 31,360 (+110) people were liquidated,
tanks - 1390 (+4) units,
armored combat vehicles - 3416 (+16) units,
artillery systems - 694 (+4) units,
multiple launch rocket system - 207 (+0) units,
air defense means - 96 (+0) units,
aircraft - 212 (+1) units,
helicopters - 177 (+1) units,
UAV operational and tactical level - 553 (+2),
cruise missiles - 125 (+0),
warships / boats - 13 (+0) units,
automotive equipment and tank trucks - 2405 (+10) units,
special equipment - 53 (+0).
08.06.22 10:49

Total combat losses of Russian Federation since beginning of war - about 31,500 people, 212 aircraft, 178 helicopters, 1,393 tanks and 3,429 armored vehicles. INFOGRAPHICS
The Russian troops that invaded the territory of Ukraine continue to suffer losses. As of the morning of June 8, the loss of enemy personnel amounted to approximately 31,500 people.
This was reported by the General Staff of the Armed Forces, Censor.NET reports.
The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02 to 08.06 are approximately:
personnel - about 31,500 (+140) people were eliminated,
tanks - 1393 (+3) units,
armored combat vehicles - 3429 (+13) units,
artillery systems - 703 (+9) units,
multiple launch rocket system - 213 (+6) units,
air defense means - 96 (+0) units,
aircraft - 212 (+0) units,
helicopters - 178 (+1) units,
UAV operational and tactical level - 559 (+6),
cruise missiles - 125 (+0),
ships / boats - 13 (+0) units,
automotive equipment and tank trucks - 2406 (+1) units,
special equipment - 53 (+0).
"The enemy suffered the greatest losses in the Slovyansk direction," the General Staff said.
09.06.22 07:42
Enemy continues unsuccessful searches of weak points in defense of Severodonetsk, - General Staff

In the Severodonetsk direction, Russian troops fired at the Armed Forces with mortars, artillery, and multiple rocket launchers. The enemy continues to search for weaknesses in the defense of Severodonetsk.
As Censor.NET reports, this is stated in the operative information of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on Facebook as of 6:00 on June 9 regarding the Russian invasion.
Thus, the one hundred and sixth day of the heroic opposition of the Ukrainian nation to the Russian military invasion began.
In the Volyn and Polissya directions, the enemy did not take active action. The situation has not changed significantly.
As part of the inspection of combat readiness of units of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus, the tasks of combating sabotage and reconnaissance groups of the conventional enemy are being worked out.
In the Siverskyi direction, the enemy continues to provide enhanced protection of the Ukrainian-Russian border and fire mortars at civilian infrastructure in the border areas of Chernihiv and Sumy regions.
In the Kharkiv direction, the enemy, in order to increase the stability of the defense, conducts engineering and fortification equipment positions and mining approaches. They are conducting intensive artillery shelling of our units to restrain the actions of Ukraine's defense forces. In addition, the enemy fired on civilian infrastructure in the areas of the settlements of Stary Saltiv, Ruski and Cherkasy Tyshky, Korobochkine, Asiivka, Chepil, and Uda.

In the Slovyansk direction, the enemy's efforts are focused on preparing for the continuation of the offensive in the direction of the settlements of Sloviansk and Barvinkove. The enemy fired on civilian infrastructure in the areas of Dibrivne, Komyshuvakha, and Kurulka.
Using the results of the fire, the occupiers carried out offensive and assault operations near Bogorodichny and Dovhenky, and hostilities continue.
In the Donetsk direction, the enemy, in addition to using artillery along the line of contact, fired a missile near the city of Kramatorsk.
The enemy did not take active action in the Lyman direction. They fired on Tetyanivka, Pryshyb, and Serebryanka.
In the Severodonetsk direction, the enemy fired on our units with mortars, artillery, and multiple launch rocket systems. They fired on civilian infrastructure in the settlements of Severodonetsk, Lysychansk, Privillya, Ustynivka, Horske, and Katerynivka. The occupiers launched an air strike on Toshkivka and carried out an unsuccessful assault. In the direction of the village of Katerynivka, Ukrainian soldiers also inflicted losses on the enemy. The enemy retreated.
The enemy continues its unsuccessful search for weaknesses in the defense of the city of Severodonetsk. In the Bakhmut direction, the enemy fired at the positions of our units with barrel and jet artillery near Komyshuvakha, Mykolayivka, Berestovo, Belogorovka, Semigorye, and Mayorsky. They launched missiles and airstrikes in the settlements of Verkhnyokamyanka, Zolote, Berestove, Slovyansk, and New York.
Using the results of fire, the enemy conducts assault operations in the area of the settlements of Rota, Mykolayivka and Komyshuvakha.

In previous battles in this direction, Ukrainian defenders inflicted heavy losses on the occupiers and the enemy was forced to withdraw units of the first and hundredth separate motorized infantry brigades of the 1st Army Corps to restore combat capability.
The enemy did not conduct active hostilities in the Avdiivka, Kurakhiv, Novopavliv, and Zaporizhzhya areas. In order to restrain the actions of our units, They fired artillery and mortars along the line of contact.
In the South Bug direction, the enemy used artillery of various calibers in the areas of the settlements of Lyubimovka, Dobryanka, Bila Krynytsia, Shiroke, Bereznehuvate, Blagodatne, Lyubomyrivka, and Tavriyske.
In order to improve the tactical situation, the enemy is preparing to force water obstacles. Conducted air reconnaissance of UAVs. It plans to strengthen motorized infantry units with tank companies on the T-62. In addition, he deployed units of barrel and jet artillery, as well as "Point-U".
"Over the past 24 hours, the defenders of Ukraine in the Donetsk and Luhansk areas repulsed seven enemy attacks, destroyed three tanks, two armored combat vehicles, and four units of enemy vehicles. Air defense units shot down six Orlan-10 unmanned aerial vehicles.
According to the available information, the personnel of the 15th separate motorized infantry brigade of the 2nd all-military army of the Central Military District suffered significant losses in the hostilities on the territory of Ukraine. Approximately 800 were dead and about 400 wounded. In total, about 1,800 servicemen from the brigade took part in the hostilities on the territory of Ukraine," the General Staff said.

09.06.22 09:53
Total combat losses of Russian Federation since beginning of war - about 31.7 thousand people, 212 aircraft, 178 helicopters, 1398 tanks and 3438 armored vehicles.. INFOGRAPHICS
The Russian troops that invaded the territory of Ukraine continue to suffer losses. As of the morning of June 9, the loss of enemy personnel amounted to approximately 31,700 people.
This was reported by Censor.NET with reference to the press center of the General Staff of the Armed Forces.
As noted, the total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02 to 09.06 are approximately:
personnel - about 31700 (+200) people were liquidated,
tanks - 1398 (+5) units,
armored combat vehicles - 3438 (+9) units,
artillery systems - 711 (+8) units,
multiple launch rocket system - 213 (+0) units,
air defense means - 96 (+0) units,
aircraft - 212 (+0) units,
helicopters - 178 (+0) units,
UAV operational and tactical level - 562 (+3),
cruise missiles - 125 (+0),
ships / boats - 13 (+0) units,
automotive equipment and tank trucks - 2421 (+15) units,
special equipment - 53 (+0).
09.06.22 10:46

Russia has already launched more than 2.6 thousand missiles in Ukraine, - Zelenskyi

During the full-scale war, the Russian Federation fired more than 2,600 different missiles at Ukraine. Most of them aimed at civilian targets.
This was announced by President Volodymyr Zelensky during a speech at the TIME100 Gala, Censor.NET reports with reference to Ukrinform.
"In 105 days of full-scale war, Russia has used more than 2,600 different missiles against Ukrainian cities, most of them against civilian objects: businesses, railways, bridges, universities, and even residential buildings," Zelenskyi said.
He reminded that one of these Russian missiles killed three people in Odessa at once: a three-month-old girl Kira, her mother, and grandmother, three generations of one family.
"Kiri was only a month old when Russia started a full-scale war. What did she see in her life? And what did her murder add to Russia's influence?" The president said.

09.06.22 13:34
Occupiers in Melitopol lack refrigerators for storage of bodies of Russian military, - MDI
The occupation administration of Melitopol is urgently looking for additional freezers and industrial refrigerators. It is known that the city meat-packing plant, which was converted into a morgue, is already completely filled with the bodies of the killed occupiers and can no longer accept "cargo 200".
According to Censor.NET, the press service of the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine reports.
"In particular, on June 6, the Russian military arrived at Aron-M LLC (370 Lomonosova Street, Melitopol) and examined its refrigeration chambers, which were found suitable for conversion into a morgue. The company's management was informed about the "decision to temporarily use them free of charge to store the bodies of fallen servicemen." It is noted that the corpses of racists who died during the fighting in the direction of Polohy - Huliaypole are currently being actively imported to Melitopol," the statement reads.
It is noted that these events are associated with heavy losses of the occupiers in manpower. In addition, the long-term storage of the bodies of those killed is due to the intentions of the Russian leadership to hide the real scale of losses from the Russian electorate. Therefore, the so-called "dosed" sending of bodies to the Russian Federation and the maximum stretching of this process in time is practiced.
10.06.22 08:52

Total combat losses of Russian Federation since beginning of war - about 31.9 thousand people, 212 aircraft, 178 helicopters, 1409 tanks and 3450 armored vehicles. INFOGRAPHICS

The Russian troops that invaded the territory of Ukraine continue to suffer losses. As of the morning of June 10, the loss of enemy personnel amounted to approximately 31,900 people.
This was reported by Censor.NET with reference to the press center of the General Staff of the Armed Forces.
As noted, the total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02 to 10.06 are approximately:
about 31,900 (+200) people were liquidated,
tanks - 1409 (+11) units,
armored combat vehicles - 3450 (+12) units,
artillery systems - 712 (+1) units,
multiple launch rocket system - 222 (+9) units,
air defense means - 97 (+1) units,
aircraft - 212 (+0) units,
helicopters - 178 (+0) units,
UAV operational and tactical level - 572 (+10),
cruise missiles - 125 (+0),
ships / boats - 13 (+0) units,
automotive equipment and tank trucks - 2438 (+17) units,
special equipment - 54 (+1).
10.06.22 18:40

Enemy is preparing to resume offensive on Sloviansk, - General Staff
Operational information of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the Russian invasion as of 6:00 pm 10.06.2022.
As reported by Censor.NET.
"107 days of heroic opposition of the Ukrainian nation to the Russian military invasion last.
In the Volyn, Polissya, and Siversky directions, the situation has not changed significantly.
In the Kharkiv direction, the enemy is trying to prevent the advance of units of the Defense Forces of Ukraine in the direction of the State Border. The aggressor fired mortars, artillery and rocket-propelled grenade launchers at our units in the areas of Kharkiv, Krynychna, Husarivka, Bayrak, and Chepil.
In the Sloviansk direction, enemy units are preparing to resume the offensive on the city of Sloviansk. The enemy fired artillery at the settlements of Dolyna, Chervona Poliana, Nova Dmytrivka, Hrushuvakha, and Dibrivne.
In the Severodonetsk direction, the enemy is storming in order to establish full control over the city of Severodonetsk and create conditions for the blockade of our units. The fighting continues. The enemy fired artillery at the settlements of Severodonetsk, Lysychansk, Ustynivka, Toshkivka, Zolote, and Hirske.
In the Bakhmut direction, enemy fire activity was recorded near New York, Zolotoye, Vrubovka, Komyshuvakha, Berestove, and Luhansk.

The occupiers did not take active action in the Avdiivka, Kurakhiv, Novopavliv, and Zaporizhia areas. They fired mortars, artillery and jet artillery in the areas of Avdiivka, Tonenke, Nevelske, Mariinka, Orikhiv, Opytne, and Novobakhmutivka.
The enemy launched air strikes using Su-25 aircraft near Mariinka and Krasnohorivka and Ka-52 helicopters near Novobahmutovka and Mi-8 near Oleksandropol. In the Novopavlovsk direction, the enemy strengthened the grouping of its troops.
The enemy did not wage active hostilities in the Lyman direction. Continues to consolidate in the area of Sviatohirsk. Takes measures to continue the offensive in the direction of the Lyman - Sloviansk. He fired near Dronivka and Serebryanka.
The enemy is defending in the South Bug direction. The enemy continues to improve the fortification equipment of the second and third lines of defense. Carries out camouflage measures.
The situation in the Bessarabian direction has not changed significantly. In the waters of the Black and Azov Seas, the enemy is focusing its efforts on blocking civilian shipping. In the Black Sea are ready for use carriers of cruise missiles naval base "Caliber".

Units of the Defense Forces of Ukraine continue to inflict significant losses on enemy troops and maintain a stable defense in all directions. It is increasingly difficult for the enemy to replenish units that have suffered losses as a result of the war on the territory of Ukraine. The aggressors are trying to solve the problem of recruitment by promising favorable financial conditions and the introduction of short-term contracts for military service. The occupiers themselves call such contracts "one way".
We believe in the Armed Forces of Ukraine! Let's win together! Glory to Ukraine!" it is said in the information of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
11.06.22 08:40

Total combat losses of Russian Federation since beginning of war - about 32,050 people, 212 aircraft, 178 helicopters, 1,419 tanks and 3,466 armored vehicles. INFOGRAPHICS

The Russian troops that invaded the territory of Ukraine continue to suffer losses. As of the morning of June 11, the loss of enemy personnel amounted to approximately 32,050 people.
This was reported by Censor.NET with reference to the press center of the General Staff of the Armed Forces.
As noted, the total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02 to 11.06 are approximately:
personnel - about 32050 (+150) persons were liquidated,
tanks - 1419 (+10) units,
armored combat vehicles - 3466 (+16) units,
artillery systems - 712 (+0) units,
multiple launch rocket system - 222 (+0) units,
air defense means - 97 (+0) units,
aircraft - 212 (+0) units,
helicopters - 178 (+0) units,
UAV operational and tactical level - 579 (+7),
cruise missiles - 125 (+0),
ships / boats - 13 (+0) units,
automotive equipment and tank trucks - 2448 (+10) units,
special equipment - 54 (+0).

I've already told you about "Azov" in my remarks and individual reports. Now I offer to your attention a chance to hear everything, as they say, firsthand. Cruelty towards local residents and prisoners, executions of colleagues, drunkenness and drugs are only a small part of what the captured Ukrainian serviceman told.

See these and other details in the video.

I've already told you about "Azov" in my remarks and individual reports. Now I offer to your attention a chance to hear everything, as they say, firsthand. Cruelty towards local residents and prisoners, executions of colleagues, drunkenness and drugs are only a small part of what the captured Ukrainian serviceman told.

See these and other details in the video.

They are some bad dudes, no question.
11.06.22 18:58

Operational information of General Staff regarding Russian invasion at 6:00 pm on June 11

The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has released operational information on the Russian invasion as of 6 pm on June 11.
According to Censor.NET, this is stated on the official Facebook page of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
The statement reads: "One hundred and eight days of the heroic opposition of the Ukrainian nation to the Russian military invasion continues.
In the Volyn and Polissya directions, during the check of combat readiness of the armed forces of the Republic of Belarus, units are being brought to higher levels of combat readiness, practical measures are being taken to accept conscripts, weapons and military equipment are being removed from storage.
In the northern direction, the enemy continues to mortar shell the positions of the Defense Forces in the border areas. In addition, the Russian occupiers are shelling civilian infrastructure in the village of Myropilske, Sumy region.

The situation in the Kharkiv direction has not changed significantly. The enemy focused its efforts on maintaining the occupied frontiers. To restrain the actions of the defense forces, it exerts fire on the positions of our units. In addition, the enemy fired on civilian infrastructure in the areas of the settlements of Uda, Prudianka, Tsyrkuny, and Verkhniy Saltiv. He struck air strikes in the Ternove and Rubizhne districts.
The enemy carried out systematic artillery shelling in the Slavic direction. Ukrainian soldiers successfully repulsed an enemy assault in the areas of Brazhkivka, Dolyna, and Vernopil. The occupiers withdrew. With the support of mortars, artillery, and multiple rocket launchers, the enemy is trying to gain a foothold in Bogorodichnoye, and fighting continues. The enemy is actively using electronic warfare.
In the Lyman direction, the enemy units did not take active action. In the direction of the city of Lysychansk, the enemy increased the intensity of the use of artillery and jet artillery, and took measures to strengthen the group of troops. He fired artillery at civilian infrastructure near Serebrianka and Belohorivka.

In the Severodonetsk direction, the enemy fired on civilian infrastructure in the districts of Severodonetsk, Lysychansk, Metiolkino, Ustynivka, and Toshkivka.
Ukrainian soldiers successfully resist the assault of the enemy in Severodonetsk. Part of the enemy units are storming the Toshkivka area, and fighting continues. In addition, the enemy assault was successfully repulsed in the area of Metiolkino. The occupiers withdrew.
The enemy had to strengthen the group by introducing reserve units into the operation.
In the Bakhmut direction, the enemy conducted artillery shelling of our positions near Mykolaivka, Bilohorivka, Hirsky, Komyshuvakha, and Novoluhansky. Using army aircraft, he launched an air strike near Pokrovsky.
In the area of Popasna, our defenders successfully stopped the enemy's offensive. The occupiers had to withdraw.
The enemy is advancing in the area of Nyrkove, and fighting continues. In the direction of Mykolaivka the enemy's offensive was choked. Under heavy fire from our soldiers, the occupiers withdrew.
In the area of Berestovo, the enemy suffered losses during the assault and withdrew to previously occupied positions.
In addition, in order to identify weaknesses in the defense and expose the fire system, the occupiers, without sparing personnel, conducted reconnaissance by fighting near Volodymyrivka. As it should be, our defenders competently met the enemy - the enemy withdrew with losses.

The occupiers did not conduct active hostilities in the Avdiivka, Kurakhiv, Novopavliv, and Zaporizhia areas. Civilian infrastructure was shelled in the areas of New York, Avdiivka, Krasnohorivka, and Novoandriivka. They were attacked by assault aircraft near Mariinka.
In the South Bug direction, the enemy fired at Ukrainian positions in the areas of Dobrianka, Velyka Kostromka, Murakhivka, and Prybuzky in order to deter our troops. The enemy also tried to fight the battery.
The occupiers struck with assault and army aircraft near Snihurivka and Topolyne.
No significant changes in the situation have been noted in the Bessarabian direction.
The enemy continues to suffer significant losses. In order to organize medical support for the actions of a group of Russian troops in the Slobozhansky direction, the 442nd Military Clinical Hospital from St. Petersburg is additionally deploying a field hospital in the village of Shebekine, Belgorod region. "

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