Looking for a head count for the SE meet

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Prepping Goddess
Dec 13, 2012
Now that we have a place and date set, if at all possible we need an idea as to who all is planning to make it.

If you think you are going to be able to make it, please let us know.
If you are coming and you might have extra room in your vehicle and would be willing to give someone a ride, please let us know. You can let us know privately if you feel a little better about that instead over the forum.
If you have extra equipment and would be willing to bring it to share, please let us know.

Folks, I think this is going to be one heck of a good time to be had by all. If you have a family, bring them, kids and all. This is a family friendly meet. We are asking that there be no alcohol since there are going to be kids here and honestly, no one knows how anyone is going to react with a few drinks in them. We don't need any ugliness, we hope that y'all can understand. I'm already catching flack from my hubs because he can't drink a beer while he drowns worms. He can get over it.

So, let us know here if we can plan on seeing you. If you don't live in our SE area and still want to come, then come, join the fun.
so far it looks like i'll make it..and as for haveing my own ride.thats still up for grabs seeing how theres only one vehicale here..im gonna talk with my sis n her daughter to see if they'll stay with my mom dureing this time, just so she'll have someone here at all times.if there's any thing i vcan bring.besides my self..:p let me know..and i'll let ya know one or nother if i can or not.
I'm sorry to say I won't be able to make any meetups this year. Living near Baton Rouge I don't think that would be too far a trek either. You gonna' post some pictures? Have fun.
Now that we have a place and date set, if at all possible we need an idea as to who all is planning to make it.

If you think you are going to be able to make it, please let us know.
If you are coming and you might have extra room in your vehicle and would be willing to give someone a ride, please let us know. You can let us know privately if you feel a little better about that instead over the forum.
If you have extra equipment and would be willing to bring it to share, please let us know.

Folks, I think this is going to be one heck of a good time to be had by all. If you have a family, bring them, kids and all. This is a family friendly meet. We are asking that there be no alcohol since there are going to be kids here and honestly, no one knows how anyone is going to react with a few drinks in them. We don't need any ugliness, we hope that y'all can understand. I'm already catching flack from my hubs because he can't drink a beer while he drowns worms. He can get over it.

So, let us know here if we can plan on seeing you. If you don't live in our SE area and still want to come, then come, join the fun.
We are coming aside from shtf scenario. I am soooo looking forward to it. Anorak tell your hubby me and him will go drown worms if I can get a license.(some states have laws to prevent me from being within 150 feet of a hook) I'm not bragging . I'm just that good of a fisherman.Lol... I really wanted to hear his answer to my yarn...