Lord help us...we are so screwed...

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A government that opens the borders WIDE and not only allows them in, but doesn’t give a damn about the invaders having Covid, TB (the harder to kill kind) , and Leprosy is a government that doesn’t give a single thought to the wellbeing of the country they are supposed to represent! Period. Anyone denying that isn’t happening needs to start digging their own grave now.
I disagree.

Up until the early 1900s, there were little or no barriers between countries to people movement.
There was the occasional hinderance of a specific nationality entering a specific country (e.g. keeping Chinese out of the US), but it was not "the norm".

Granted, more movement is possible due to advances in technology, e.g. air travel.

But, I suggest the bigger issue is what motivates people to move. I suggest it is two things, both of which have increased immensely in the last century:
A. the rise in government supplied services: free education, welfare, old age pensions. This motivates people to go somewhere to get something for nothing.
B. the rise of intentional destabilization of vast areas of the planet: standard US government policy, especially for the Middle East, North Africa, Latin America and South East Asia.

Reduce these two, and emigration/immigration will vastly reduce. Or at least those who do are more likely to be assets to their new countries of residence than liabilities.

One could also ask whether a government such as the US, where almost the entirety of the populace are either immigrants or descendants from immigrants, has the moral right to prevent others from immigrating (unless their sickness is contagious or they are arch-criminals).
Of course, it is not practical with all the FREE STUFF the US governments (of all levels) give away . . . but that is another topic.
I'm beginning to believe this forum has become some form of self flagellation for Brent...
Luckily I don’t let low intelligent comments bother me…. People that use religion or politics dictate how they view and feel about everything are dangerous in my opinion. I avoid them in regular life and would rather associate with pleasant and interesting people. Fanatics get boring quickly.
Knowing what is coming IS prepping. The left is making everything political, and taking our rights. They do not engage in any discourse that challenges their view/agenda; instead calling opposition names, and casting them in a negative light. Sound like anyone here? PREPARE for what is coming.

CNN anchor Jim Acosta rips into Andrew Yang during interview for going on 'bad person' Tucker Carlson's show
CNN anchor Jim Acosta rips into Andrew Yang for going on 'bad person' Tucker Carlson's show | Daily Mail Online

They have no rebuttal, so they call you "low intelligence", "childish", "ignorant", "white supremacist", and "domestic terrorist". THAT is low intelligence.

The right is attacking the policy of the left; the left is attacking the right personally. You would think an "intelligent" person would understand the distinction.
Hey AndrewOz. The problem with immigration in America is that we have immigration laws. Walking on in is breaking the law. That's what has to be stopped, but of course, Biden doesn't have a problem with it.
And yep, we are a nation of immigrants. But many people came through Ellis Island and obeyed the immigration laws. That's great. Then there's those that came before the laws. I'm 11th generation here, 1700's. The first amish boat (there were two) that came because of religious persecution.
Now we're just being invaded.
Hey AndrewOz. The problem with immigration in America is that we have immigration laws. Walking on in is breaking the law. That's what has to be stopped, but of course, Biden doesn't have a problem with it.
And yep, we are a nation of immigrants. But many people came through Ellis Island and obeyed the immigration laws. That's great. Then there's those that came before the laws. I'm 11th generation here, 1700's. The first amish boat (there were two) that came because of religious persecution.
Now we're just being invaded.
If the problem is "we have ________ laws", and they are contrary to logic or morality, get rid of or ignore the laws.

This principle can be used in other areas, e.g. non-violent "crimes".
This propensity of government being used to force others to do what you want when it is none of your business has got to stop, otherwise you get exactly what is occurring now with massive government over-reach. If you justify govt over-reach for your pet prejudices, that opens the door to an abusive government which HAS THE POWER TO DO ANYTHING.
Our constitution was written to limit our government's power. Obviously not been working well as of late. But one of their responsibilities is to protect our borders. That they have the power to do, and they are not. Not sure what comes next, except the anger of the citizens that our govt is supposed to represent. We are a representative Republic. Not that democracy garbage that they keep preaching
More moronic economic theory from Demoncrats: Solve inflation woes by pumping more money into the system.

Had anyone tried that before? Let me think...

More moronic economic theory from Demoncrats: Solve inflation woes by pumping more money into the system.
I apologize for being "semantical" . . . but what he is proposing is not "economic theory".
Clearly, he does not understand ANYTHING about economics. Economics is about behaviour; money is just a vehicle, a sideshow.
Keep in mind when purchasing clothing in a long term SHTF situation or collapse of the economy you will almost certainly be thinner than you are currently. Even those of us who are at our ”proper BMI range”. Days will be filled with gardening, :m4:patrolling, and a lot of other manual labor just to eat, have clean water and survive threats. So buy true outdoor “work” clothes. Lots of socks too.🧦

Those with children, 👱‍♀️👧👶 or grandchildren need to plan ahead and purchase larger clothing for those growing kids. Larger shoes are essential.
Also buy several pair of boots and break them in NOW. You’ll have too much to deal with during SHTF to deal with sore feet from new boots.
Also buy several pair of boots and break them in NOW. You’ll have too much to deal with during SHTF to deal with sore feet from new boots.
Don't forget to break them in with a filling of warm water and wear them till they dry out and take the shape of your feet...use baby powder for daily
dry-ness and good smelling feet....
About ten years ago my wife worked downtown and she dealt with alot of homeless people. There was one guy that was always respectful and seemed to really want to get it together. One night someone stole his shoes, so she brought him a pair of some new boots I had and some socks. He was very grateful, for both, but he said the socks were the most valued. Insight.
I can see how socks would be valued. I have changed mine more than twice in one day. Working hard and sweating. I absolutely can not imagine how homeless people exist in Montana. I really love my warm, dry house with a bathroom and a shower. To be a beggar here would be the same as killing yourself. But they are in Montana within 60 miles my house. If your going to be a beggar you had be pretty sure that people will feel sorry for you. Instead of saying "Go south idiot, go south." Have you ever seen the sign "Will work for food." ? Ask them how much work will they do for how much food? It's BS. " Don't ask me to work, just give me a ten or a twenty, and don't block my sign. In a bad SHTF situation these people will be dangerous. Be careful of begging for socks people. "I only want to come on to your land to see what you have, to see what I can steal.
Fellow Preppers, brothers and sisters, STOP it! Wake up! This is a thread about an economic collapse, which we are witnessing and watching happen right before out eyes, regardless of your politics.

SO, I think it good for ALL of you to take several steps backwards and redefine "economic collapse".
Historically a FULL "economic collapse" was a CURENCY collapse. Note- every fiat currency that has ever existed has eventually gone to ZERO. Notice I am calling the US Dollar currency because it is NOT money. Real money has be recognized as money for thousands of years and will be recognized as money after our current way that we buy bread collapses. Real money is SILVER and GOLD. It is even said that our money is to remain silver and gold the constitution of the United States. In the 1900's we had silver dollars that were actually silver. They are called "Morgan / Peace" silver dollars. I have some in my silver safe.
In Weimar Germany in their hyperinflation they were printing million dollar bills at the end of the hyperinflation. They weren't worth anything in terms of purchasing power. At that time the few that had gold and silver could buy property with very little. It cost 50 ounces of gold (currently approx. $100,000) to buy an ENTIRE city block in Weimar Germany in their hyperinflation.
So, yes, you should have real goods and not worthless paper dollars. You should have food, ammo, high quality firearms and the gear and stuff that you need. Those are priority! But you can only store so much food and ammo. Personally I have enough food in caloric count that I can feed 20 people for 3-5 years. That is approx 400 buckets of grain, 4,000lbs of canned meat, and many many freeze dried fruits and veggies. Also I have about 100k in firearms and scopes and tac gear and at least 100k rounds of ammo to feed them. (I only say this all because you probably won't believe me anyways!) BUT after so much stock piling one realizes that they need more than just food and preps and such. One should have a balance of preps for an EMP sort of collapse and also have silver/gold (I only stack silver for my own reasons) because historically the most common collapse has been a currency collapse. And in ANY other collapse, silver and gold have always survived and thrived.
So if you want to survive this then add silver/gold to your preps. If you just stock pile "cash" out of the bank then plan that is very well might become you fire starting paper cause that is ALL that it is in a full collapse of any kind. If what I said about silver/gold is making your wheels turn and you want to learn more then by all means watch Mike Maloney's 10 part documentary called, "Hidden Secrets of Money." After you watch it, then watch it again. Also feel free to PM me and I'll get back to you if I get a message notification or next time I'm on here. But I'm going to ask you first if you watched the documentary because it explains most of what you need to know.
Fellow Preppers, brothers and sisters, STOP it! Wake up! This is a thread about an economic collapse, which we are witnessing and watching happen right before out eyes, regardless of your politics.

SO, I think it good for ALL of you to take several steps backwards and redefine "economic collapse".
Historically a FULL "economic collapse" was a CURENCY collapse. Note- every fiat currency that has ever existed has eventually gone to ZERO. Notice I am calling the US Dollar currency because it is NOT money. Real money has be recognized as money for thousands of years and will be recognized as money after our current way that we buy bread collapses. Real money is SILVER and GOLD. It is even said that our money is to remain silver and gold the constitution of the United States. In the 1900's we had silver dollars that were actually silver. They are called "Morgan / Peace" silver dollars. I have some in my silver safe.
In Weimar Germany in their hyperinflation they were printing million dollar bills at the end of the hyperinflation. They weren't worth anything in terms of purchasing power. At that time the few that had gold and silver could buy property with very little. It cost 50 ounces of gold (currently approx. $100,000) to buy an ENTIRE city block in Weimar Germany in their hyperinflation.
So, yes, you should have real goods and not worthless paper dollars. You should have food, ammo, high quality firearms and the gear and stuff that you need. Those are priority! But you can only store so much food and ammo. Personally I have enough food in caloric count that I can feed 20 people for 3-5 years. That is approx 400 buckets of grain, 4,000lbs of canned meat, and many many freeze dried fruits and veggies. Also I have about 100k in firearms and scopes and tac gear and at least 100k rounds of ammo to feed them. (I only say this all because you probably won't believe me anyways!) BUT after so much stock piling one realizes that they need more than just food and preps and such. One should have a balance of preps for an EMP sort of collapse and also have silver/gold (I only stack silver for my own reasons) because historically the most common collapse has been a currency collapse. And in ANY other collapse, silver and gold have always survived and thrived.
So if you want to survive this then add silver/gold to your preps. If you just stock pile "cash" out of the bank then plan that is very well might become you fire starting paper cause that is ALL that it is in a full collapse of any kind. If what I said about silver/gold is making your wheels turn and you want to learn more then by all means watch Mike Maloney's 10 part documentary called, "Hidden Secrets of Money." After you watch it, then watch it again. Also feel free to PM me and I'll get back to you if I get a message notification or next time I'm on here. But I'm going to ask you first if you watched the documentary because it explains most of what you need to know.
Sounds like us bank notes can go the way of the confederate money, Confederate money went to worthless very quick!!
Of course, it is not practical with all the FREE STUFF the US governments (of all levels) give away . . . but that is another topic.

I respectfully disagree Andrew, as I am referring to Current laws and FREE STUFF we are living with via taxes to Citizens. Even years ago immigrants came legally. They were thoroughly checked out for being healthy. (Sorry for the late reply as I just saw yours)
Fellow Preppers, brothers and sisters, STOP it! Wake up! This is a thread about an economic collapse, which we are witnessing and watching happen right before out eyes, regardless of your politics.

SO, I think it good for ALL of you to take several steps backwards and redefine "economic collapse".
Historically a FULL "economic collapse" was a CURENCY collapse. Note- every fiat currency that has ever existed has eventually gone to ZERO. Notice I am calling the US Dollar currency because it is NOT money. Real money has be recognized as money for thousands of years and will be recognized as money after our current way that we buy bread collapses. Real money is SILVER and GOLD. It is even said that our money is to remain silver and gold the constitution of the United States. In the 1900's we had silver dollars that were actually silver. They are called "Morgan / Peace" silver dollars. I have some in my silver safe.
In Weimar Germany in their hyperinflation they were printing million dollar bills at the end of the hyperinflation. They weren't worth anything in terms of purchasing power. At that time the few that had gold and silver could buy property with very little. It cost 50 ounces of gold (currently approx. $100,000) to buy an ENTIRE city block in Weimar Germany in their hyperinflation.
So, yes, you should have real goods and not worthless paper dollars. You should have food, ammo, high quality firearms and the gear and stuff that you need. Those are priority! But you can only store so much food and ammo. Personally I have enough food in caloric count that I can feed 20 people for 3-5 years. That is approx 400 buckets of grain, 4,000lbs of canned meat, and many many freeze dried fruits and veggies. Also I have about 100k in firearms and scopes and tac gear and at least 100k rounds of ammo to feed them. (I only say this all because you probably won't believe me anyways!) BUT after so much stock piling one realizes that they need more than just food and preps and such. One should have a balance of preps for an EMP sort of collapse and also have silver/gold (I only stack silver for my own reasons) because historically the most common collapse has been a currency collapse. And in ANY other collapse, silver and gold have always survived and thrived.
So if you want to survive this then add silver/gold to your preps. If you just stock pile "cash" out of the bank then plan that is very well might become you fire starting paper cause that is ALL that it is in a full collapse of any kind. If what I said about silver/gold is making your wheels turn and you want to learn more then by all means watch Mike Maloney's 10 part documentary called, "Hidden Secrets of Money." After you watch it, then watch it again. Also feel free to PM me and I'll get back to you if I get a message notification or next time I'm on here. But I'm going to ask you first if you watched the documentary because it explains most of what you need to know.

Thanks for your input. I agree, but I think you have overlooked one critical prep; and that is diversification of your assets to hedge against total loss at one location. You should think about spreading some of your preps out across the country at various safe houses. I can provide an excellent location for them. Let's start with the silver, since it is easiest to ship, then firearms, and work our way up to the cans of meat. PM me for an address. As a fellow prepper, I won't charge you anything for storing them. Be safe brother. Talk soon.
There is news of a NEW type of Covid, mixed with E. coli that just “escaped from a lab in Shanghai”. We will see won’t we?

I think they already have something ready to unleash on us, that will work using the "vaccines" they forced on sheople. I think those "instructions" as DrJ called them, are for something coming.
Thanks for your input. I agree, but I think you have overlooked one critical prep; and that is diversification of your assets to hedge against total loss at one location. You should think about spreading some of your preps out across the country at various safe houses.
In my humble opinion, for the most likely scenarios I envision, the alternative cache locations should all be within walking distance of the initial/principal location.
I think they already have something ready to unleash on us, that will work using the "vaccines" they forced on sheople. I think those "instructions" as DrJ called them, are for something coming.
I think it's already here and called COVID19.
Think about it - a virus that targets the older, overweight/obese diabetics with heart problems --> who eventually become disabled due to their obesity.
That describes 8/10 hospitalized patients (before COVID) - do you know how much money our government spends on healthcare via Medicare and Medicaid? Good way to cut the rolls of handouts.
Did you see the new Covid. . . Covid 19 linked with E-coli leaked from another China lab? The next pandemic cause it will never end. . . I am sure we will be getting another vaccine soon. Big Pharm will always have booster shots every 6 months or so for the current Covid just like the annual Flu shot. How much money are Big Pharm making now? More Billionaires out there than ever after Covid 19, just keep that in mind. . . Don't believe me? Follow the money!
I think it's already here and called COVID19.
Think about it - a virus that targets the older, overweight/obese diabetics with heart problems --> who eventually become disabled due to their obesity.
That describes 8/10 hospitalized patients (before COVID) - do you know how much money our government spends on healthcare via Medicare and Medicaid? Good way to cut the rolls of handouts.
Are you really admitting to you thinking that this was engineered to kill people off? That is how I am reading it, but dont want to be putting word into someones mouth.
Are you really admitting to you thinking that this was engineered to kill people off? That is how I am reading it, but dont want to be putting word into someones mouth.
I've thought the virus was engineered since the beginning. I'm on the fence about the purpose and haven't totally committed to that thought, but I wouldn't be surprised. Thank you for not putting words in my mouth :)
I've thought the virus was engineered since the beginning. I'm on the fence about the purpose and haven't totally committed to that thought, but I wouldn't be surprised. Thank you for not putting words in my mouth :)
Did notice you admitting the first part, just not the second part.
I think it's already here and called COVID19.
Think about it - a virus that targets the older, overweight/obese diabetics with heart problems --> who eventually become disabled due to their obesity.
That describes 8/10 hospitalized patients (before COVID) - do you know how much money our government spends on healthcare via Medicare and Medicaid? Good way to cut the rolls of handouts.
Conjecture I came up with several years ago:
The US government has a "cash accounting" debt of about USD28 trillion; whoops, I just looked . . . call that USD29 trillion.
But, the "accrual accounting" debt, which includes all its obligations in respect to Social Security and Medicare, I have seen estimated to possibly be as high as USD200 trillion. What is the best way to reduce that obligation? Kill off the elderly and sick population early. It is a strategy only a psychopath would come up with. But there are plenty of those manifesting the US government.
Conjecture I came up with several years ago:
The US government has a "cash accounting" debt of about USD28 trillion.
But, the "accrual accounting" debt, which includes all its obligations in respect to Social Security and Medicare, I have seen estimated to possibly be as high as USD200 trillion. What is the best way to reduce that obligation? Kill off the elderly and sick population early. It is strategy only a psychopath would come up with. But there are plenty of those manifesting the US government.
Yep, and supposedly every year, the system is bankrupt.
Its just a supposition - but its crazy how many death certificates I've filled out and listed contributing co-morbidities: Morbid obesity, Type 2 diabetes, hypertension, chronic renal disease

I even have a quick phrase where we can basically autopopulate something onto a chart that is what we always say - and for COVID - lists co morbidities, I hardly ever have to change it
Now this was the virus pre-delta. Post delta we are seeing younger patients, but most with a BMI greater than 30 and all have type 2 diabetes, whether it be diagnosed or undiagnosed (since they haven't seen a doc).

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