Lord help us...we are so screwed...

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I know that the last administration wasted as much money as this one seems to be trying to do now. Neither side has a clue about fiscal responsibility anymore. I believe we, or at least the next generation will pay dearly for this.
we are talking about great grands paying for this, if not even further down the line. We are screwed and screwing are own babes!!!!
As far as my post , it was a direct response to a comment towards me. Yes I was baited to respond and probably would have been better to ignore the ignorance.
I actually considered not voting for either candidate as well in the election. I saw it as two bad choices. But in the long run I figured I had to choose one, so I went with who I still believe is the lesser of two evils. I still do believe 98% of politicians are willing to say anything to get your vote so don’t believe much from any of them. I will never blindly follow any one of them nor declare a radical loyalty to any one of them like so many seem to do over trump.
As far as joining a liberal forum goes, I am more conservative than I am liberal. Most of the animosity I get here is from my outspoken dislike of trump. Just because I think he was a low life dosen’t make me the scourge of the earth many think. I would vote for any decent conservative, I just haven’t seen one in a while. Also, when I joined this forum, many years before the majority here, it was a pretty respectful place to discuss prepping ideas. It has become so much more political now, with little respect shown for differing ideas and values. So as to why am I still active here? Sometimes I ask myself that as well. There are still several good people here with solid ideas and views, even if they differ from mine. I’m hoping it will become less radical, more respectful and get back to its grass roots of prepping. Still hopeful….

Its politics, primarily from one side that's destroying our country. They are taking away our freedoms and turning us into a communist country. That's why politics matter more than ever before in our preps.
Also, when I joined this forum, many years before the majority here, it was a pretty respectful place to discuss prepping ideas. It has become so much more political now, with little respect shown for differing ideas and values. So as to why am I still active here? Sometimes I ask myself that as well. There are still several good people here with solid ideas and views, even if they differ from mine. I’m hoping it will become less radical, more respectful and get back to its grass roots of prepping. Still hopeful….

This forum has become more of a place to argue and stir up drama. Better places exist online to discuss prepping. :)
Better yet let’s send all the ones that believe only they have opinion to this other site you talk about and maybe we can all get along, politics or lack there of has divided this country. If you stand for the policy they are pushing then that other forum is where they need to be. I’m not singling you or anyone else out but just saying if this don’t feel like a good fit for whoever, move on.
This forum has become more of a place to argue and stir up drama. Better places exist online to discuss prepping. :)

Of the 3 I am aware of, this is the one that will give you leeway to state your opposing opinion In a healthy debate.
The Canadien owned one will all of a sudden get uptight and ban someone for a whack em and stack em comment in a thread about home defense. It didn’t happen to me, but did happen to a member on here, so I left.
On the third, You would last about 4 posts before Swinerider bans you and changes your profile to a character called Opie.
we are talking about great grands paying for this, if not even further down the line. We are screwed and screwing are own babes!!!!
And you really believe that is all Biden’s fault? Or even democrats only?
I do agree that politics and current events play a part in prepping. Being aware of what’s going on in the world around you is wise and helps you make decisions on how to protect yourself and your family. Where I disagree is the useless bashing and division created. Both parties were created to help balance each side out. Neither side is 100% good or bad. Saying that one side or the other is completely wrong is just ignorant. They both have some good and bad.
I do agree that politics and current events play a part in prepping. Being aware of what’s going on in the world around you is wise and helps you make decisions on how to protect yourself and your family. Where I disagree is the useless bashing and division created. Both parties were created to help balance each side out. Neither side is 100% good or bad. Saying that one side or the other is completely wrong is just ignorant. They both have some good and bad.

You would think so and its logical, but its not reality. You have crazy insane people on both sides, but all democrats are like that at this time. At least half of the Republicans are spineless and corrupt like all democrats. Only a handful of republicans are resisting the destruction of the USA.

Please give us the good from the democrats? Anything from this year.
I do agree that politics and current events play a part in prepping. Being aware of what’s going on in the world around you is wise and helps you make decisions on how to protect yourself and your family. Where I disagree is the useless bashing and division created. Both parties were created to help balance each side out. Neither side is 100% good or bad. Saying that one side or the other is completely wrong is just ignorant. They both have some good and bad.
Nope. Democrats are 100 PERCENT on the wrong side of history.
That’s just nuts. And limited thought
just like your limited thought on Trump.
if you don’t want to be attacked on your political views to be attacked, don’t post on political.
Everthying I heard that Trump was going to do and lead us down the path of the Nazis For 4 years, had been attempted and coming close to achieving by Biden In a matter of months.
So who are really the new Nazi Party?
And you really believe that is all Biden’s fault? Or even democrats only?

Br\ent, most preppers called Trump the instrument that provided more time to prep before it all crashes down. Biden is the tool that robbed preppers of 6 or 7 years of free time Trump was working on and now we're almost out of time to get ready. As a prepper I'm surprised you can't see that.

In the prepper world you'll be far better served making decision off of facts than emotion. Just sayin
People, get ready.. CLEARLY the democrats were bought out by the world's wealthiest, who want the place to themselves. The left is doing their bidding, and watch, when China moves on Taiwan, Biden will do NOTHING! The communists ARE being played too. They will be used to get rid of most people, then dismissed themselves. We ARE in a mass extinction event, of human doing. Load your muskets. Only the insane would shut down the world's economy, and break the supply chain, the medical field, law enforcement, education, borders, and use social media and the MSM for their propoganda while silencing ALL opposition...

Running on empty: Lebanon runs out of power and will be without electricity 'for days' after power stations run dry of oil - while India warns its coal-fired plants could go dark in just three days and blackouts hit China
Lebanon runs out of power and will be without electricity 'for days' after power stations run dry | Daily Mail Online

China's President Xi Jinping says reunification with Taiwan 'must happen' after state media warned that world war three could happen 'at any moment'
President Xi Jinping says reunification with Taiwan 'must happen' as he addresses National Day | Daily Mail Online
I do see the economy going downhill, and believe it was going to regardless of which party was elected. I won’t even deny that Biden is clueless when it comes to his ambitious spending plans. But to suggest everything world wide going wrong is all the democrats fault is childish.
And to imply that because I dislike trump, due to his behaviors, makes me the enemy is just ridiculous.
I do see the economy going downhill, and believe it was going to regardless of which party was elected. I won’t even deny that Biden is clueless when it comes to his ambitious spending plans. But to suggest everything world wide going wrong is all the democrats fault is childish.

It amazes me that you consider yourself so intelligent but you cannot level up and see that most of the world's leaders (democrats or socialists) are on the payroll of the world's elite (think Bilderbergs, and Bohemian Grove). US senators and representatives make a couple hundred thousand a year, the president around 400 thousand. Their strings are being pulled by people who make that in an hour. How do you think Pelosi amassed over $200 million as a senator? Wake the F up.

Trump was the only POTUS to not take his pay. He was the first in decades to try to put America's best interest first, and the "elites" used their MSM and social media to crucify him mercilessly to get him out of power. I voted Hillary, but this was too obvious fairly quickly. Look how many things the left said about Trump that have been proven to have been complete fabrications.

Dunning-Kruger Effect
An Overview of the Dunning-Kruger Effect (verywellmind.com)

The Dunning-Kruger effect is a type of cognitive bias in which people believe that they are smarter and more capable than they really are. Essentially, low ability people do not possess the skills needed to recognize their own incompetence.
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I do see the economy going downhill, and believe it was going to regardless of which party was elected. I won’t even deny that Biden is clueless when it comes to his ambitious spending plans. But to suggest everything world wide going wrong is all the democrats fault is childish.
1933 Book banning=Big tech censorship

1938 Kristallnacht=2020 riots in Democrat controlled cities

1938 Gun Control Act= Democrat legislation pending

Concentration Camps= FEMA camps they are no hiring for.

Yellow Star=Vaccine Passport

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it” George Santayana
This, THIS is what we have when Biden finally pisses his pants on tv. She is coloring with children while our border is being overrun with drugs, criminals, terrorists, people with covid, TB, and worse. Our border is now controlled by Mexican cartels.

Border czar Kamala SKIPS crisis meeting with Mexican president to visit a daycare center and bakery in NJ and sends Secretary of State Blinken in her place

Kamala skips border crisis meeting with Mexican president to visit a daycare center in new Jersey | Daily Mail Online
Kamala's personality/demeanor/actions are cringe worthy. It's like she's never been around kids before.
Every interaction she has ever her had is like she has never been around people.

I think her only interaction with people is being with Willie Brown on her knees. She looked good being a third with his wife. She is even cold to the second husband.

She was a supposed Hard butt DA. Kept people in past their parole date, much to the dismay of people of half her race.

Opposed marijuana leagalization as Attorney General. And laughed about it smoking it as a presidential candidate.

So where does she really stand on anything? To me she looks like a laughing hyena and follows what her masters tell her.

Just what a resident of her home state thinks of her!
This, THIS is what we have when Biden finally pisses his pants on tv. She is coloring with children while our border is being overrun with drugs, criminals, terrorists, people with covid, TB, and worse. Our border is now controlled by Mexican cartels.

Border czar Kamala SKIPS crisis meeting with Mexican president to visit a daycare center and bakery in NJ and sends Secretary of State Blinken in her place

Kamala skips border crisis meeting with Mexican president to visit a daycare center in new Jersey | Daily Mail Online

A government that opens the borders WIDE and not only allows them in, but doesn’t give a damn about the invaders having Covid, TB (the harder to kill kind) , and Leprosy is a government that doesn’t give a single thought to the wellbeing of the country they are supposed to represent! Period. Anyone denying that isn’t happening needs to start digging their own grave now.
i Actually enjoy reading differing opinions that are calm and rational, but too many times I see posts that paint opposing views with too wide a brush, saying all (fill in the blank) are horrible, evil, corrupt…what ever is the scare word of the day…and I tune out. Brent is a thoughtful and rational voice whom I respect…I can’t speak for him as to why he reads and posts, but I am pretty sure it is to communicate and not punish himself or anyone else here.
This, THIS is what we have when Biden finally pisses his pants on tv. She is coloring with children while our border is being overrun with drugs, criminals, terrorists, people with covid, TB, and worse. Our border is now controlled by Mexican cartels.

Border czar Kamala SKIPS crisis meeting with Mexican president to visit a daycare center and bakery in NJ and sends Secretary of State Blinken in her place

Kamala skips border crisis meeting with Mexican president to visit a daycare center in new Jersey | Daily Mail Online
It’s clear to me that cackles doesn’t want to be president or vp. I don’t believe she expected to be elected with biden heading the ticket.