You must be in a big city.
Wrong, but why would you even think this besides some pathetic attempt to talk down to me.
No one cares about braggers, in or out of MMA, WCW, WWE, WBA.
Calling out fakes in martial arts is not "bragging." There's nothing bragging in the post.
Joe Rogan is 51 & 70% of the men could not stop him.
You're making a huge clown out of yourself. Joe Rogan has literally said many of the exact same things that I did in my post in his show. He regularly discusses how many traditional martial arts aren't effective anymore, along with the importance of athletics in martial arts. In fact, it's part of why he quit Tae Kwon Do. He was a Tae Kwon Do instructor but, when he did Muay Thai for the first time, people in training kicked his butt.
One example of
Joe Rogan saying exactly what I said
The reasons most people can't stop him isn't because he knows secret magic techniques. It's because he has been working out and dieting consistently since he was in his 20s. He's in exquisite physical condition, and wouldn't be nearly as threatening if he was 100 lbs overweight.
Fat does not mean fake, I have spared with heavy set men who put me on my ass.
Then you clearly are not very good. That's why UFC is filled with fat guys, right?
So then why are actual trained military and police trained not to draw from their holsters within 21 feet of a perpetrator? Look up the 21 foot rule (since I'm apparently just making all this up).
So that rule applies to the world's best trained military and elite police forces, but apparently it doesn't apply to fat old keyboard warriors on an internet forum? Come on guys. Let's get real here.
Quite frankly, between these low IQ responses and the front page trending post where you clowns are seriously debating whether the CIA is collaborating with CEO of Mountain Dew to advertise their Direct Energy Weapons attack to cause the Maui fires - it's pretty clear to me this forum is filled with people who have nothing to teach me.
It sucks because I just bought 20 acres of property for a homestead. I was going to document everything and wanted a community to share it with, but I think this isn't the community for me.
Have LARPing. Let this post be a testament to why Vbulletin style forums like this have been dead since like 2004.