More proof our "experts" are not experts at all

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user 6208

Awesome Friend
Jun 20, 2019
It's hard to imagine that the "medical experts" who demanded nations shut down their economies didn't consider the long-term harm.

It had to have been discussed. Or planned? The purpose of propaganda is to keep you from thinking.

Here we are 20 months in. Now the supply-chain is compromised. Nobody saw this coming? Car companies could turn on-a-dime to make ventilators, vaccine companies could ramp-up to produce more vaccines than ever before -- without building new facilities...

But the supply-chain -- nothing can be done. Prices have to go up. Shortages must occur. We're powerless. Impossible to fix. Get used to it.

Nothing was put in place to prevent this. No expert saw this coming. No plan. It was never discussed.

CEOs are throwing up their hands and declaring "prices must be raised!" In other words, all problems that government causes have only one cure -- emptying your wallet.
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It's hard to imagine that the "medical experts" who demanded nations shut down their economies didn't consider the long-term harm.

It had to have been discussed. Or planned? The purpose of propaganda is to keep you from thinking.

Here we are 20 months in. Now the suuply-chain is compromised. Nobody saw this coming? Car companies could turn on-a-dime to make ventilators, vaccine companies could ramp-up to produce more vaccines than ever before -- without building new facilities...

But the supply-chain -- nothing can be done. Prices have to go up. Shortages must occur. We're powerless. Impossible to fix. Get used to it.

Nothing was put in place to prevent this. No expert saw this coming. No plan. It was never discussed.

CEOs are throwing up their hands and declaring "prices must be raised!" In other words, all problems that government causes have only one cure -- emptying your wallet.
Its easy for someone to call for shutdowns when their paycheck isn't at risk. Its easy for government to offer free handouts for people that are affected by shutdowns when their paycheck isn't at risk.
Some of us did see all this happening from the very beginning.
another Covid is the only gambit play Biden & Company has to stay in power >>> they need another opportunity for a MASSIVE election fraud - could be one hell of a black ops - millions could die with the next one ....

need a reason for locking down the country - sealing off the individual states - dismiss Congress - limit the state governors - fill the gulags >> killer pandemic fits the bill
It's hard to imagine that the "medical experts" who demanded nations shut down their economies didn't consider the long-term harm.
boots on the ground docs didn’t.
It was the politicians. Don’t place blanket blame please and thanks.
I bet you didn't oppose them either.
Oppose shut downs? I absolutely did
I live in a state that was absolutely ridiculous. Lost our private practice as we couldn’t make ends meet in the name of “safety.” Still in the midst of bankruptcy because of it. Have lost most of our retirement because of it.
You bet I opposed it.
No research was done in how to keep things open safely and the politicians didn’t even care to listen.
Have said from the beginning a cloth mask is useless but you people hear what you want to hear so whatever. And by you people, I mean doctor hater/blamers
Oppose shut downs? I absolutely did
I live in a state that was absolutely ridiculous. Lost our private practice as we couldn’t make ends meet in the name of “safety.” Still in the midst of bankruptcy because of it. Have lost most of our retirement because of it.
You bet I opposed it.
No research was done in how to keep things open safely and the politicians didn’t even care to listen.
Have said from the beginning a cloth mask is useless but you people hear what you want to hear so whatever. And by you people, I mean doctor hater/blamers

That is such a shame. My Veterinarian almost lost her business of 25 years over covid. She said people in a panic came in and wanted their dogs put to sleep as they were unsure they could take care of them.
boots on the ground docs didn’t.
It was the politicians. Don’t place blanket blame please and thanks.

People at the top are just screaming lunatics without the people at the bottom carrying out the orders.

And a "blanket blame" accusation would've required me to have said "all medical personnel" and not "medical experts who demanded". I qualified it because I know it was a handful of nutjobs and traitors.

But the fact is too many think if they obey tyranny they'll get past it. Tyranny is always moving the goalposts. A good example is the phony vaccine -- now you need 3 shots, and a booster. There was a time when there wouldn't be any mandates. There was a time when you only needed one shot. Then there was a time you'd only need 2. Or 1 and a booster. Or 2 and a booster. Or 3. In Israel, it's now 4.

We also have so-called doctors who refuse to see patients who haven't taken the clot-shot. They'll see anyone else. That isn't a real doctor, that's a nut. What's the next trigger to set him off? If he's able to justify his behavior for something like this, what other damage is he capable of?
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We also have so-called doctors who refuse to see patients who haven't taken the clot-shot. They'll see anyone else. That isn't a real doctor, that's a nut.
Not to mention the black sheep in any and every occupation...the cops who kill a 14 year old with 9 shots in the back, the nurses who poisoned elderly in ICU's to "save them from suffering", babysittes who literally shake a baby to death, parents who kill their whole family during a fight, firefighters who start being pyros so they can be heros, soldiers who torture POW'S and shoot the wounded, drunken drivers who wipe out entire families in a curve, we even had a 16 year old girl who was raped in the ambulance after a car accident, by the doctor!!! Mothers who leave their kids in cars in the hot sun...need I go on?????
Not only are some nut cases, they do not even qualify to be part of the human species in my book. As hard as it sounds, I have seen some of the worst cases of human DNA wasted on something others call a person which I, not from hate or disgust for the object in question...but for the love of the innocents whatever it can, will, would or is at the moment hurting,
would end its life and let God do the sorting out of what to do with the rest and gladly take my punishment as needed by the law. I do not hate any life form, but I will not stand by and let any form of human trash do anything wrong to an innocent, no good person would do anything different and you cannot expect it from others, IF YOU ARE NOT WILLING TO DO IT YOURSELF...Live free, Gary
That is such a shame. My Veterinarian almost lost her business of 25 years over covid. She said people in a panic came in and wanted their dogs put to sleep as they were unsure they could take care of them.
That's really sad. I can't imagine being in that position. We love our dogs. I guess it could always be worse.

And thank you. Thankfully we have our regular jobs, but the hope of getting out of it is now done. No way we can start over again. Just bad timing, when we opened in Oct 2019.
That is such a shame. My Veterinarian almost lost her business of 25 years over covid. She said people in a panic came in and wanted their dogs put to sleep as they were unsure they could take care of them.
Interesting how 2 areas of the same field can be so different.
My wife’s clinic saw a huge increase. Even had to add a swing shift Dr for emergency.
Why, more people got animals. People were around and paying more attention to their animals.
GP’s were referring more to the specialists. The surgeon that owns it only takes a day off when he runs out of surgery staff.
My wife has had times where she only got 3 days off for the month because of call ins. She is still booked for 3 1/2 weeks out.

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