Yes, there are lots of unscrupulous sellers, who like to take advantage of others, and make a little more profit by doing so.
I really hate dishonest people.
Me too. Well, I strongly dislike them. I'm not a hateful person. There seem to be a lot of them around here. Liars and thieves. Hard to find reliable handymen that won't take $, steal stuff and run. I don't know if its the traumatic brain injury or the fact that my friend was raised to be a doormat or both but he gets taken advantage of a lot. He's too trusting and doesn't think about worst case scenarios. I on the other hand, am a total wet blanket and I think about these things. I remember he wanted to buy a car and was all excited at the dealership and I said "Wet blanket time! How much would insurance cost on that thing?" He said "Damnit, you're right" and realized he couldn't afford it. He's got a pretty good car right now. It's beat up but it has good gas mileage. I have a very hard time getting in and out of it since it is so low to the ground, but its a nice little car.
Since my friend is trying to find a washing machine right now we've both been scouring marketplace, swap shops, and craigslist. Absolutely nothing on craigslist for our area. He was going to get one from someone but she sold it to someone else after agreeing to sell it to him. I jokingly sent him this listing:
So, his grandfather got tired of paying for a storage unit and gave him the old dining table from his house with 8 chairs. Friend then brought over all the other stuff from the storage unit to the grandfather's house for him.
They've decided they like the murals on the doors of the pantry and closet.
This is his wood burning heater for winter
During the short snowstorm this shows his driveway (at the back of the house), the barn and workshop
Back of his house when it was snowing
Car port and little storage area
Not the best photo, but this is the door to the master bathroom. LOL.
It is one of those barn doors that slides. I'm thinking he might be able to attach something to the bottom for more privacy rather than replace the whole door.
I'll have to go over and take more pictures at some point. He knows how much I love taking pictures. LOL. Then we can get some measurements and I can draw the place up in Sketchup.