My reality regarding TEOTWAWKI.

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Without my meds, I'll be taking the ambient temperature challenge within a few days. What saddens me is that my daughter is a true Gen Z child and would surely not survive such a scenario. Her world is Tik Tok and youtube and reality has no place in it. I do not believe that a true TEOTWAWKI situation will occur though. The Feds would simply use such a scenario to confiscate power and freedom from the individual and then "save" us all, whereby nearly all citizens will finally accept them as our overlords in return for our rations of bread and water.

So no, I'm not going to be heading for the hills with a truck bed full of beans and bullets. If that time comes, I'll go out with my boots on, on the sacred soil that my grandfather bought 98 years ago. From that land I came, and to it I will return...
Husband is on BP meds but that’s about it. I’ve been researching natural things he can do, but in the meantime we are trying to stock up on his meds.
Spike driver I feel you on the GenZ kids- I have two of them but they are proving resourceful. My son is almost 21 and is learning construction.
We could be self sustaining for about a year. However right now we are in the middle of a move and there is so much uncertainty about well digging, solar etc and nothing is done yet so I’m hoping it doesn’t happen within the next year!
I’ve had conversations at work and sort of half joking with some, but one of the docs I work with has a cattle ranch up north, and others have lots of acreage as well, so I think if we pool resources and stick together we should be good for the long term.
of course the thing I worry about most is the crazies who would loot, riot, murder and steal… we have guns and ammo for that but if it’s just a small amount of us against a large group it will likely be game over.
we have guns and ammo for that but if it’s just a small amount of us against a large group it will likely be game over.

But you see that is exactly the beauty of firearms.

They favor the defense to a much greater extent than melee weapons did in centuries past.

A person who attacks you has to actively leave their cover.
On the defense you can remain in cover while you shoot at attackers.
A tremendous advantage.

So just a couple of skilled folks armed with repeating firearms can beat of a larger force, or if its a much larger force impose unacceptable loses to them.

Any "gang" you might meet, that is large will automatically have moderately competent leadership ( otherwise they would not be a large gang but a broken up long ago) and moderately competent leadership will recognize the fact that you can inflict unacceptable losses on them in a defensive firefight and as a reslt either move on or plot to surprise you at night.

This is why number of "boots on the ground" is important, so you can man an OP 24 hours a day to avoid getting surprised.
It doesnt have to be a good fighter that is up awake at night
It can be an old person as long as they have their senses and wits about them to raise the alarm and fire the first shot.
In history a great many time times clans that would neglect night watches, would "wake up" with the men's throats slit and younger women captive.
Think European settlers on the American frontier, think the wild east of Siberia in 17th century, think the folks in eastern Europe prior to the advent of Nation states etc etc
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I'll last till the last drop of Tequila........Then I am Wolf or Grizzly poop.
Ha Sourdough......I think your quote would make a great signature line too. 😁
I ain't curling up into a ball and quitting.
It's not in my makeup or nature.

I have my bedrock faith, and spine and a will made of iron and who knows how many days God has allotted me.
I'll fight the good fight until HE calls me home.
I feel the same way TankGirl. Just a few years ago I was, and (to some extent) still am anxious about what the future holds, but the older I get and the more I pray and believe Jesus will handle it.....the better I feel about it all. I don't know if I have it all figured out or not. I do put effort and thought into surviving whatever may come, but I'm not afriad to die. I'm more relaxed about it all now since I feel like I have gotten closer to God. Does that mean I won't fight? No, but I won't go all Rambo either. I wouldn't want to survive to live an awful life here on Earth, when I could join Jesus in his glorious heaven. All of our days are numbered, so we might as well make peace with it.
Ha Sourdough......I think your quote would make a great signature line too. 😁

I feel the same way TankGirl. Just a few years ago I was, and (to some extent) still am anxious about what the future holds, but the older I get and the more I pray and believe Jesus will handle it.....the better I feel about it all. I don't know if I have it all figured out or not. I do put effort and thought into surviving whatever may come, but I'm not afriad to die. I'm more relaxed about it all now since I feel like I have gotten closer to God. Does that mean I won't fight? No, but I won't go all Rambo either. I wouldn't want to survive to live an awful life here on Earth, when I could join Jesus in his glorious heaven. All of our days are numbered, so we might as well make peace with it.
I agree completely. But would I fight for my daughter? Absolutely. Someday when I'm gone she will be the only proof that I ever existed on this planet, and that's worth fighting for. I don't believe it will come to that but I have tried to prepare my mind for the possibility...
Ha Sourdough......I think your quote would make a great signature line too. 😁

I feel the same way TankGirl. Just a few years ago I was, and (to some extent) still am anxious about what the future holds, but the older I get and the more I pray and believe Jesus will handle it.....the better I feel about it all. I don't know if I have it all figured out or not. I do put effort and thought into surviving whatever may come, but I'm not afriad to die. I'm more relaxed about it all now since I feel like I have gotten closer to God. Does that mean I won't fight? No, but I won't go all Rambo either. I wouldn't want to survive to live an awful life here on Earth, when I could join Jesus in his glorious heaven. All of our days are numbered, so we might as well make peace with it.
Yeppers my struggle is between What Would Jesus Do? and What Would Joshua Do? Both ? Are applicable depending on the situation.
@angie_nrs , in my mind, I will go all out Rambo . my body it ain't happening.
I hope the enemy doesn't hang you in a leech filled swampy pond for hours or days. I dunno why, but that's one of the first scenes I think about when I think of that movie. Blech! I think I'd rather be dead.:ghostly:

In all seriousness though, yes I'd fight if someone threatened my kids, hubs, pups, or home. Nobody wants to tick off a momma, especially me. But, I won't go lookin' for trouble either. Unless someone decides to tick off this mama by messin' with the above things, I'll look for a way to make peace and make it through.
Didn't Rambo say the the mind it the best weapon? He always seems to have traps, mines, and dead ends set up so all he has to do is watch.
I have a mind so fertile that the 7th cavalry would have a hard time. *$#& No I am not invincible and I'm not superman but I have a mind full of man-traps, explosives, rockets, lasers, misdirection and more. Add to that enough ammo for all my guns and enough guns for every job and help from enough good men and women to give any group a hard time.

Besides I am an old man with a bad back - nothing here for anyone... ;)
We are both old and with some health issues and that is just that,. With our knowledge and preps we can set up several young families to survive and thrive. We have been checking out others and even tho they don't prep right now they are hard working with good morals and would do anything to see their children survive. We are also looking for a few good people that think montana would be a good place to ride out the storm that is coming.
...I have a mind full of man-traps, explosives, rockets, lasers, misdirection and more...

..and I have All the Parts... :cool: This is just One Tiny scrap of raw materials I have left (from ~25 yrs in Manufacturing / System Service...) that we were 'Staging' to get our BOL-foundation going.. (when 'Covid' pulled the rug out.. :rolleyes: ) Still literally have Trunks-full of Very-Useful-for-Scratchbuilding Parts / Hardware, and Tech/Mech leftovers..


..But 'specially the Lasers.. 😈 This was an old 'converted Medical (surgical!!) Sys' I built for a customer down in Centro 'merica...


..and - Believe me when I tell you / assert that I can Still build such a Sys to, ie: 'target enemy Drones' (no, won't "shoot them out' the sky", but it Will absolutely Fry their Cams / vision-systems...


..I can also config these to 'target' with a visible color - then 'follow up' with Hundreds of Watts of IR-beam, so even 'FLIR' will be severely toasted.. :cool: 'Multiple-targets', you say? No Problemo..


Point being: You ever need a 'wheel man' for yer Site-Defense endeavors.. Have a Ton of Tech/Mech, Plenty of Rifles, Will Travel 👍 ..and If ya need Lasers-anything, well..

..I'm yer Huckleberry. ;)

Can you build a phased array and run it through a lens that will "temporarily" blind 30 folks coming in fast? On foot, in a helicopter, or in a plane?
I am thinking fiber optic UV laser with a directional mirror to sweep an area. 200 to 2K Hz pulse width at moderate power level. (<100 Kw) No need to burn metal just confuse attackers.

Just one of multiple layers of defenses.
@angie_nrs , in my mind, I will go all out Rambo . my body it ain't happening.
B u t ...I do still have decent eye sight an a good trigger finger. And ain't worried bout leaving this old decrepit body behind.

Again, the beauty of firearms.
Unlike in history where only men and only young ones at that, could inflict casualties on the aggressor nowadays the "power of harm", is locked up inside that round.
And it has the same power whether you are 10 or 30 or 80.

As long as you keep your wits about you and can operate a firearm, you can always be a force for good, no matter how dystopian our reality becomes.
Again, the beauty of firearms.
Unlike in history where only men and only young ones at that, could inflict casualties on the aggressor nowadays the "power of harm", is locked up inside that round.
And it has the same power whether you are 10 or 30 or 80.

As long as you keep your wits about you and can operate a firearm, you can always be a force for good, no matter how dystopian our reality becomes.
My grandparents were preppers, though they never heard the word. My parents were preppers. I've had to live off my preps before and since then learned the word prepper. I've stepped up my game.

I can probably do fairly well for over a year. If I can grow pumpkin I can have moose meat delivered to my yard. If I've been on a med for any time I have about a years worth. The recent prescriptions, not so much. I'm not looking for a fight but if someone comes after my supplies, I've got a gun and ammo. I won't starve to death because someone took my food.
After reading Ladylocus's thread about sustainability I started thinking about my families life in a true end of the world situation.
I thought about what will happen to me and my family and the reality is we will be among some of the first to die off. We'll probably make it for a couple of months but not much longer and those months are going to be extremely difficult.
My brother will not last without his dialysis. A couple of weeks maybe.
My wife and I are older and have our own medical issues. We both take meds daily for various things like high BP, and diabetes, plus other ailments. Survival of the fittest is the rule.
We aren't in a position to store food for 6 months, much less years. It's just not realistic. Space is one issue.
We have a well and I can get water.
Growing a garden is a long term undertaking.
Bottom line we are prepared for a short term event, a few weeks or a few months but long term it's just not going to happen.
So what is your reality?
PM me backlash, I'm good at prepping on a tiny budget and dealing with sick relatives. I think I can put things right.