You should also have a can-opener or several. In my experience, they always go missing when you need them.
And I know you didn't ask, but here is a tip:
When storing dry food, remember to keep moist away. I keep stuff like flour and sugar in airtight jars with a packet of moisture absorber (like the ones in shoeboxes) taped to the inside of the lid. If moisture gets inside, the food will become spoiled.
When it comes to the type of food you should store: variation is key. You need a variation of vitamins, minerales, fats, etc. to stay alive and well functioning. The affect on the body if there are something missing.... Let me put it like this: I had vitamin-D deficiency that caused musculare pain and sleepless nights, sometimes I would not be able to get out of bed. It may also cause osteoporosis (brittle bones) over time. Read online what your body needs and check the lables on your food.
Also, test the food before stockpiling, that way you know if there are something that just won't go down. Create dishes with the food you are storing so that you know how and what tastes ok. At least that is what I do. If something works out, I write it down in my little "Doomsday cookbook".
I hope this is of some use