No preparation

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Unfortunately I don't know anyone prepared; generations born after the war are totally disinterested, with rare exceptions.

Do you intend to filter rainwater?

That's one source. I have water all over where I live. I have a well, a pond, on property. I can collect rain water. I have city water pipes in. Whatever your source, you need to make sure it's safe to drink.
You are already ahead of a huge portion of the population. First Identify a plan... buggin' in or buggin' out? If buggin' out know the route you will take avoiding crowds. Then go to your preps. And others have said the order, but complete all of the following...

1) potable water (treated and filter),
2) food stuffs and first aid,
3) shelter,
4) Commo - portable radios, VHS Ham handheld if you can afford a cheap one like $25 Baofeng UV-5R (Situational awareness and intel has saved more lives than close air support) and
5) Security (Firearms and ample ammo)

Put it all down on paper and then start checking off your accomplishments. Make sure you have good backpacks if you plan on hoofing it.

As Lexi says.. You can do it!
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Unfortunately I don't know anyone prepared; generations born after the war are totally disinterested, with rare exceptions.

Do you intend to filter rainwater?

The degree of filtering of rain water is determined from where the rainwater is channeled. Rain water channeled from a slate roof, just some basic filtering. Rain water captured off an asbestos shingle roof, would require distillations. Very big difference.
I think everyone is missing the boat here. We have a group that has limited skill, limited money, limited time, and they want to know what is the most important thing they can do. Let me be 1000% serious here.

Know Christ.

It's that simple. For all the non-believers here, I get it, no need to re-start the same old debate. This is my opinion, just agree to disagree. We are all going to die sooner or later. All this other stuff can help you for days/weeks/months. But if you think the end is near, and there is no way to really prepare to 'survive' it, this is the by-and-far most important thing to get right.

Many moons ago, I sat and listed out every scenario I could imagine from a 'disasters' list. Every one of them fit into one of two categories: 1) isolate, defend, and be self-sufficient, and you can survive. And... 2) I'm going to die. If you don't have the ability to do the first, then plan for an early entry into option 2. I'm not being mean, I'm just stating facts.
I think everyone is missing the boat here. We have a group that has limited skill, limited money, limited time, and they want to know what is the most important thing they can do. Let me be 1000% serious here.

Know Christ.

It's that simple. For all the non-believers here, I get it, no need to re-start the same old debate. This is my opinion, just agree to disagree. We are all going to die sooner or later. All this other stuff can help you for days/weeks/months. But if you think the end is near, and there is no way to really prepare to 'survive' it, this is the by-and-far most important thing to get right.

Many moons ago, I sat and listed out every scenario I could imagine from a 'disasters' list. Every one of them fit into one of two categories: 1) isolate, defend, and be self-sufficient, and you can survive. And... 2) I'm going to die. If you don't have the ability to do the first, then plan for an early entry into option 2. I'm not being mean, I'm just stating facts.
I think everyone is missing the boat here. We have a group that has limited skill, limited money, limited time, and they want to know what is the most important thing they can do. Let me be 1000% serious here.

Know Christ.

It's that simple. For all the non-believers here, I get it, no need to re-start the same old debate. This is my opinion, just agree to disagree. We are all going to die sooner or later. All this other stuff can help you for days/weeks/months. But if you think the end is near, and there is no way to really prepare to 'survive' it, this is the by-and-far most important thing to get right.

Many moons ago, I sat and listed out every scenario I could imagine from a 'disasters' list. Every one of them fit into one of two categories: 1) isolate, defend, and be self-sufficient, and you can survive. And... 2) I'm going to die. If you don't have the ability to do the first, then plan for an early entry into option 2. I'm not being mean, I'm just stating facts.
and just what will your god do,,,,,,he will not protect you he will not come to you and give you food water or shelter,,,,you are going to have to do that your damned self,,,,,,,,,

now I won't say he is not there a lot of folks believe he is but he is just a spectator ,,,,,,he's laid back in his chair with his popcorn in his lap and a beer in his hand,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,WATCHING THE SHOW

YHVH (the God of the Bible) promises to and has shown throughout history that he will protect the faithful. Modern day Christians are not them... His "remnant" as is described throughout the Bible are those that "have the commandments of God (Elohym) and the testimony of Yahshua (Jesus). Rev 12:17

That being said... Home > Prepping > PREPPING AS A BELIEVER

YHVH (the God of the Bible) promises to and has shown throughout history that he will protect the faithful. Modern day Christians are not them... His "remnant" as is described throughout the Bible are those that "have the commandments of God (Elohym) and the testimony of Yahshua (Jesus). Rev 12:17

That being said... Home > Prepping > PREPPING AS A BELIEVER
God may well be real,,,,,,,,,,but as long as there are things like war,,,,,cancer ,,,Aids,,,,Terrorist groups ,,,,,last but far from least,,,,,,why does he allow the death of children be it from disease Abortion or a pervert who gets his kicks by harming a child,,,,,,, these could all be prevented with a snap of his fingers yet he does nothing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and don't one of you hand me the BS about free will,,,,,,,,,,,,children are the only innocents in this world and should never suffer
now I have had my rant,,,TF should have never dragged religion into this,in a SHTF situation if you don't take care of your self you will die,,,,,everyone is going to be to busy taking care of them self to worry about someone else,,,,,,,,prep the best you can,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,the main things are food water and shelter,,,,,,,,,,,,do what you can there is not anyone coming to your rescue
if you read any of JohnilDanto's past posts, I'd say he's probably got the religion angle fairly well covered. What he is looking for is low budget tips to get him started prepping quickly.


The great debate has raged for eons in the prepper community... bug in or bug out. Pros and cons to both, but the prepping plan is a little different for each case. If you just hold up in your house, the prepping is a lot easier BUT it may be more dangerous when the SHTF. If you are going to stay put, what are your neighbors like? Remember in times of crisis, your family comes first and SO DO THEIRS. That means when push comes to shove, they will liquidate your family take everything you have to feed their children. If you prep to bug in, your plans need to be TOP SECRET and I suggest even from other members of your household. Loose lips, sink ships. If you and your family appear to be starving like everyone else, you are much safer

Now on buggin out, unless you are a Daniel Boone/Jeremiah Johnson type character, you must have a destination. Can you really support you and your loved ones living off the land in a huge forest? We (10 person family) are Bugging out to my 66 acres up in East Texas, that has solar powered limitless treated pressurized water, 2 huge ponds stocked with catfish, stored Long term canned foodstuff buried in a plastic root cellar type enclosure., the beginnings of a garden, fruit trees planted and some will start to fruit next year, and covered travel trailers as shelters. This took 2 DECADES for me to get this organized and a significant amount of funds. So if bugging out, you can carry about 1-2 weeks worth of supplies on your back if you are a young man, but what happens when it runs out? You must have pre-positioned supplies at your bug out destination, there are no instant garden yields.

Never substitute your firearm for any other prep, regardless of guns being rare in Northern Italy. A mob doesnt need to be armed to be effective in their goal of attacking and overcoming you. The first prep in my mind is a 12 ga pump shotgun and ammo, both no. 7 bird shot and 00 buckshot. Security is first, in all cases and while arrows are effective in silent hunting (Hunger Games) and for taking out sentries at 3:00 AM, Robin Hood never stood down a mob, he always ran. Your FIRST prep is a firearm, so get it now (with ammo)

the next step is water and the means to purify and filter it. There is no better foolproof method of making safe potable water than boiling it. So, find a used gas-fed hot plate and pick up a canister of Propane with a bunch of cheap disposable cigarette lighters. Fire is your friend. These should be low cost acquisitions. Worst case, you can filter water using cheap coffee filters. Just put your coffeepot under your drip coffee maker, put a fresh filter in and and pour unfiltered water through it slowly, then take the filtered water from the coffee pot and boil it. Don't rely on having electricity unless you are going to generate it yourself. Collecting rainwater now should also be part of this prep.

OKAY that's firearms and water... dont get overwhelmed, do these two things NOW and come back and we will all help you through the next phase. Remember dont talk about this stuff to anyone or your security is blown.

Others on here will have somewhat different great ideas. Let's walk him through this and not barrage him with all aspects at once. Stick with firearms and water. Then go to the next step when he completes these two.

Dios y Tejas!
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My fault, I assumed he had already researched this site, thanks
Dont you know people are lazy. They want others to do the work for them. If they just now wanting to start prepping after a major crises occurs, its likely already to late for them.
[QUOTE = "TexasFreedom, post: 192565, membro: 4354"]
Penso che a tutti manchi la barca qui. Abbiamo un gruppo che ha abilità limitate, denaro limitato, tempo limitato e vogliono sapere qual è la cosa più importante che possono fare. Lasciami essere serio al 1000% qui.

Conosci Cristo.

È così semplice. Per tutti i non credenti qui, capisco, non c'è bisogno di ricominciare lo stesso vecchio dibattito. Questa è la mia opinione, accetta solo di non essere d'accordo. Moriremo tutti prima o poi. Tutte queste altre cose possono aiutarti per giorni / settimane / mesi. Ma se pensi che la fine sia vicina e non c'è modo di prepararti davvero a "sopravvivere", questa è di gran lunga la cosa più importante da ottenere.

Molte lune fa, mi sono seduto e ho elencato tutti gli scenari che potevo immaginare da un elenco di "disastri". Ognuno di loro rientra in una delle due categorie: 1) isolare, difendere ed essere autosufficiente, e puoi sopravvivere. E ... 2) Sto per morire. Se non hai la possibilità di fare il primo, quindi pianifica un'entrata anticipata nell'opzione 2. Non sono cattivo, sto solo affermando i fatti.

When I ask questions about salvation and someone answers me: "know Christ", my heart is filled with joy.
Thank you, I add every day (like a prepper) a drop of love for our Lord, and I try to make others do it too.

TexasFreedom: They are Italian. If I don't miss my guess there is about a 99.99% chance they are Catholic. They know Christ.

It is true, but faith is weakened, everything is taken for granted and it is accepted that evil grows free among us.
Maybe something needs to happen to warm the hardened hearts.
God may well be real,,,,,,,,,,but as long as there are things like war,,,,,cancer ,,,Aids,,,,Terrorist groups ,,,,,last but far from least,,,,,,why does he allow the death of children be it from disease Abortion or a pervert who gets his kicks by harming a child,,,,,,, these could all be prevented with a snap of his fingers yet he does nothing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and don't one of you hand me the BS about free will,,,,,,,,,,,,children are the only innocents in this world and should never suffer

I understand you, it is a thought that I often did and even today when I pray I ask for justice.
But often I am wrong because my justice (often confused with revenge) is not the Justice of the Lord; I would sin if I asked for the death of evil people.
We must actively engage and fight the Right battle every day, with holy works and prayers.

I have always liked this verse of the Gospel, because Christ lets us imagine what will happen to those who harm children:

Matthew 18:6
But whoever is a cause of trouble to one of these little ones who have faith in me, it would be better for him to have a great stone fixed to his neck, and to come to his end in the deep sea.

Let us pray for the conversion of the wicked and defend our children.
Dont you know people are lazy. They want others to do the work for them. If they just now wanting to start prepping after a major crises occurs, its likely already to late for them.

Hey friend, I'm not lazy!
I am reading a lot, for me this is the easiest thing; but there is a lot to learn and practice. Implementing is the difficult thing because I wasn't sure where to start.
That's why I'm here, because you have decades of experience and thank you very much for your sharing.

I accept all advice (material, mental and spiritual) and criticism.
Summing up material things.

Priorities to be implemented as soon as possible:

1) the way to accumulate and filter water.

2) one more weapon.

Decent situation:

3) food

4) wood

Absolute lack:

5) alternative energy sources, no gas supply, no fuel.

6) no radio communication.
JohnnyilSanto, I think you got the idea. There is no true right or wrong way to go about it. Just start out small. Very simple. Each time to go to the store, purchase a couple extra can/jars/bags of items that keep a long time and set them aside. By simply adding a few items each trip, before long you will have a fair reserve. Just be sure to rotate some of your "stockpile" with fresh items and use the old. Very little extra expense involved if it is built up over time. And for those around you, it is not "Prepping" but planning for the next storm. Since it seems like you are in a rural sitting, do you have a well. If so that will handle your water situation. Just start considering how you will draw the water with no power. With this plan, you will be a LONG way ahead with very little extra expense.

I appreciate the fact that you have several older family member to look after. I take that you plan to 'stay put' (just as I will be doing). If so, just start looking around to determine how to make things better. There are many things you cannot control so just handle those items you do control. Will never be perfect (so don't try). Just do what you can and you will be thousands times better off than most people who do nothing.
JohnnyilSanto, I think you got the idea. There is no true right or wrong way to go about it. Just start out small. Very simple. Each time to go to the store, purchase a couple extra can/jars/bags of items that keep a long time and set them aside. By simply adding a few items each trip, before long you will have a fair reserve. Just be sure to rotate some of your "stockpile" with fresh items and use the old. Very little extra expense involved if it is built up over time. And for those around you, it is not "Prepping" but planning for the next storm. Since it seems like you are in a rural sitting, do you have a well. If so that will handle your water situation. Just start considering how you will draw the water with no power. With this plan, you will be a LONG way ahead with very little extra expense.

I appreciate the fact that you have several older family member to look after. I take that you plan to 'stay put' (just as I will be doing). If so, just start looking around to determine how to make things better. There are many things you cannot control so just handle those items you do control. Will never be perfect (so don't try). Just do what you can and you will be thousands times better off than most people who do nothing.

Thank you again and thank you for your kind words.
Rice and beans. Any weapon, even make a few. A lot of repurposing of basic items.

A big yes on rice and beans. Add in oats, salt, sugar, and dried/fresh fruits. Build a library (Reader's Digest's Back to Basics to start), learn to garden, and start a seed bank (buy in bulk)
Make, and learn how to use a Shepard sling, and Hopi throwing stick to take down small game. Learn how to smoke, brine and jerk meat. Add in bread making (flour, water, salt is all that is needed), and ferminting (kimchi and saurkrat are easy to make, and cabbage is not only cheap, but a hardy fall/earlywinter crop
Fishing requires very little gear.
Johnny: A slingshot can be a very effective weapon for small game and birds. You can even find some that will shoot arrows, but those might be expensive.

You don't need anything elaborate or expensive for radio communication. A small battery operated radio that will keep you abreast of what is happening would be sufficient.

Baby steps. One small step at a time. Don't get overwhelmed with the task.
Initially I'd focus more on obtaining skills, rather than expensive gear. While your training up your skills(Though that would cost a very small amount of money), you're able to save money for whatever gear you might need.

Gardening, Fishing, Hunting, Navigation (Old School Compass and such instead of a GPS), Archery, the list is endless.

When you get a bit of money saved and have some gear/food/water stored up. Sign up for a Local CERT class, or get CPR certified.
I would keep a mental note of where the local cattle are, and, at least build a smoker. When SHTF and everyone is looting the stores, you can be out in a quiet field quartering up a cow and dragging it to your car (then smoke house). Apologies to the farmer...

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