I have some escape routes, the mountains are reachable in about 90 minutes by car, there are rivers and many abandoned houses.
The escape routes need to be mapped, planned and tested. How long in car, bike or foot? Will they be over used in an emergency or even totally blocked? Which of the old houses would be the best, can you start making it better without anybody noticing, KEEP IT LOOKING ABANDONED, does it have an overview to the street leading to it, how far can you see someone coming, does it have an escape route, can you get a small hidden storage space made there, access to water there, start checking the small paths made by animals there so you know where to place traps for food...many questions needing answers BEFORE the SHTF.
Your family all know something, start watching them as they do something, ask questions, write notes, practice doing all those things in front of them till you get it down right in your head. Get books and read HOW TO do things. Practice EVERYTHING at least one time. Instinct is more reliable than thinking. Instinct is faster to react and will save your life. Shoot your crossbow till the string breaks, then get enough reserve strings and bolts to last as long as you think you will need.
You are in Italy, get some bird nets. Many Italians catch the birds migrating from Europe to Africa as food. Your shotgun, is it still functioning well? Ammo? Remember: guns make noise, noise draws attention, attention draws PEOPLE. You do not want people around you if the SHTF. Crossbow for hunting, BB or pellet gun also. The shotgun is only for PROTECTION and last hope...
Practice and get together with others near to practice with them and learn with and from each other.
Live free, Gary