Well this is the greatest question that there is.
There are so many variables it is imposible to comprehend.
Starting with what the disaster is that we are faced with, how much information we can recieve before, and after it.
We have chose the homestead plan, though we have contingencys for having to get out, and having to fight back in.
In general many can walk right over us, and never know we are here.
Other buried conexes in other places., If we have to make those choices.
Human nature says we will gang together into bands/groups.
In the worse case senerio, I would say colonys will pop up everywhere. The probability of hostility between them is 100%.
History proves human nature repetitive and consistantly.
Knowledge will be power, and loyalty will always be questionable.
Colonys will have to defend themselves, with ****y traps, alarm systems, force.
It will be just as unsafe for a nomad to aproach a colony as it is for the colony to let them aproach.
Start picking up hitchhikers today. LOL
A nomad will face dangers of entering a colonys territory.
A colony will be easier to locate.
A nomad answers to noone, and noone will answer to them.
A colony will have enforced rules.
It is enevitable that in the worse case senerio, there will be both.
It will take time to sort out loyaltys, and settle in.
Only those that built the keep will enter the keep.
We all hope to never need our preps, I hope to Die that crazy guy.
But if it were to happen I see Feudal system type colonys.
New untrusted people on the outskirts.
Many conversations on this subject in my family, its a neverending question.
But, a colony will always know what it has, and have a defence plan.
A nomad will have no idea of what is behind the next tree, rock, or hill, and have to be a reactor more times than an actor.