and do you honestly belive the leaders of NK are gonna cave in just like that??
that small cadree is the danger,they have brain washed the populus,done so decade after decade and if the leader says;WAR,the rest will follow
as there are not many places kim ping-pong nut job could go and say the magic word Asylum...
he's in control of their nukes,small they might be,but you can hurt with a small nuke too..
You keep emphasizing their brain washed populace implying that they're in some way moronic or inherently unaware. Koreans and other particular asian countries are submissive culturally by nature. There is also a respect/honor component to this. When I think of scenarios even unlikely ones, the primary two things I think of are motive and capability.
If North Korean leader had one goal/dream/ would be for the collapse/submission/conversion of the south Korea. This obviously isn't in any way possible at the moment and likely will never be.
South Korea on the other hand has grown into one of the most highly sophisticated influential and productive nations in the world. South Korea has many allies and over lapping interests with many powerful nations.
It comes down to...
North Korea is that bully whom picked on you when you were a kid. South Korea was the kid whom was picked on. Many years pass and that kid (S.Korea) has now grown to become a successful strong leader in his community as well as a Krav Manga specialist.
North Korea on the other hand had a stunted growth spurt, dropped out of grade school and is now the town drunk. His life sucks and he hasn't progressed at all, quite the contrary actually. Now S.korea has become a threat to the once bully.
The biggest fear N.Korea has is for their once submissive little brother to return and overtake them. They know if they appear weak in any way this will entice SK & it's powerful allies to make a move.
We could ambush their 1950s era silos & cripple their military in such way where they would collapse quickly.
North Korea is one of the few countries by which a handful of super powers could go to war with and not have to worry about the people's approval as a consequence. They could easily make it look like NK started it because they're always making threats. Plus it would be an opportunity for Trump to flex his muscle.
I'm not agreeing with this logic. I'm merely stating if we do go to war with North won't be because of North Korea.