There are loud mouths that should be muzzled in both parties. This isn’t a political stance for me, just one of common sense when any one individual is calling for chaos and violence. I don’t care which side feels right, there needs to be a level of decency I the world.
That’s truly revolting. Waters should have a gag placed over her big mouth, for the rest of her life.....
I think mitt Romney would have made a good president. Along with many other moderate republicans. I don’t like the extremists on either side. As far as voting democrat, I didn’t vote for Biden as much as I voted against trump. And I actually voted straight Republican down the line except for the president. As I’ve said many times, I don’t support any ticket down party lines but look at each issue individually. I don’t think absolute hatred of ‘the other side’ is productive in any case. There are good ideas from both parties, at least from some of the individuals anyways. Even trump had many good policies.....
And there is a big difference about what people consider decent. Drag Queens for one.
Lol, I don’t care what anyone does in the privacy of their own home and am pretty open minded on most things. But I agree, I just don’t care to see some things in public.... the world seems to disagree now though. Things like this aren’t just tolerated but now have to be celebrated according to the PC police.And there is a big difference about what people consider decent. Drag Queens for one.
Yeah AOC could use a gag too no doubt. Marjorie Taylor Greene needs one as well. Crazy can be found on both sides of the isle.
The double standard is quite obvious.
And obscene.
What we are seeing now with this "mob rule" happened years ago with the KKK. . . It's just totally reversed now and they turn out in greater numbers. Ku Klux Klan is the oldest American hate group, and now we have a the newer hate groups of BLM and ANTIFA, most ruthless organizations that I know of in today's society. They turn out in greater numbers . . . so are we as a country going to let them win?? In some places, Patriots turn out to protect their towns and run them out. I would hope our town would be one of them if it ever came here. Take a history lesson here. . . Minnesota, Seattle and Portland need to stand up as a community too.
Tensions between police and some protesters in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota. Daunte Wright, 20, said that he was shot by police in Plymouth on Sunday afternoon before getting back into his car and driving to Brooklyn Center, where he crashed the car and was pronounced dead.
— Carlos Gonzalez (@CarlosGphoto) April 12, 2021
"When I came home, I could hear the helicopters flying over my house... I could hear the flash bangs going off," Christensen said. "If I stepped outside, I could see the smoke from the grenades. One day, the trial ran a little late, and I had trouble getting to my house, because the protesters were blocking the interstate, so I had to go way around."
JUST IN - #BLM crowd starting to jump on police cars after officer-involved shooting in
— (@disclosetv) April 12, 2021
This is the clearest picture yet of the terroristic intimidation jurors faced to ensure Chauvin was found guilty in what was fundamentally a rigged show trial.
That the trial was not moved out of Minneapolis is a sick joke but since Charlottesville this has become the new normal.
From KARE 11, "'I wish it didn't have to happen': Alternate juror reflects on Derek Chauvin trial":
MINNEAPOLIS — A woman who sat as an alternate on the jury that found Derek Chauvin guilty in George Floyd's murder is speaking out about what it was like to parse through nearly three weeks of testimony in the former Minneapolis officer's high-profile trial.
Brooklyn Center resident Lisa Christensen told KARE 11's Lou Raguse about her role on the jury, as another police killing unfolded in her neighborhood.
Christensen, who lives in the city where a white officer shot and killed a 20-year-old Black man during a traffic stop this month, said that if she had been part of deliberations, she would've found Chauvin guilty. But Christensen had no idea that she was one of two alternates until the judge dismissed her right before the 12 jurors were sequestered.
Raguse: Did you know that you were going to be an alternate in this case?
Christensen: No, I did not.
Raguse: Were you disappointed when you found out that you were an alternate?
Christensen: I was. I spent three weeks of my time, getting invested and going through all kinds of emotions. My heart broke a little when he turned and said, “Number 96, you’re an alternate."
Raguse: When you made it on the jury, how much did you know about the case and what were your thoughts on being a part of it?
Christensen: I saw the video, but not in its entirety. I saw it two or three times on the news. I do not use social media, so I did not post anything or see anything on there.
Raguse: You are the perfect juror in that aspect. You came in with about as clean a slate as somebody can have, considering how big of a case this was.
Christensen: Yeah, I did tell them that I saw the settlement run across the bottom of the screen one day.
Raguse: What did that settlement mean to you?
Christensen: I knew it was a separate case. I knew civil cases are different with different rules, so it did not affect me. I was not surprised there was a settlement, but I was surprised they announced it beforehand.
Raguse: Did you want to be a juror?
Christensen: I had mixed feelings. There was a question on the questionnaire about it and I put I did not know. The reason, at that time, was I did not know what the outcome was going to be, so I felt like either way you are going to disappoint one group or the other. I did not want to go through rioting and destruction again and I was concerned about people coming to my house if they were not happy with the verdict.
[...] Raguse: There was another police shooting in your hometown during the trial. Did that impact you at all?
Christensen: It did not impact me as far as the trial went. However, only being about six blocks from the police department, I could hear everything. When I came home, I could hear the helicopters flying over my house... I could hear the flash bangs going off. If I stepped outside, I could see the smoke from the grenades. One day, the trial ran a little late, and I had trouble getting to my house, because the protesters were blocking the interstate, so I had to go way around. I was aware, but it did not affect me at all.
1/2: Vandals hurl decapitated pig’s head & animal blood at one-time home of former @SantaRosaPolice Ofc. Barry Brodd, who recently testified for the defense in ex-@MinneapolisPD Ofc. Derek Chauvin’s murder trial in the death of George Floyd. Hand statue at @santarosaplaza hit too
— Henry K. Lee (@henrykleeKTVU) April 18, 2021
UPDATE: “It’s potential that they freshly slaughtered a pig to accomplish this,” per @JRKuckerLT re vandals hurling pig head & blood at one-time home of ex-@SantaRosaPolice Ofc. Barry Brodd (pic) who defended ex-@MinneapolisPD Ofc. Derek Chauvin’s conduct in George Floyd case
— Henry K. Lee (@henrykleeKTVU) April 20, 2021
Judge Peter Cahill threatened twice to declare a mistrial but refused to follow through -- no doubt out of fear -- and ultimately knelt before the mob.
We are under a mob rule. . .So a violent, rampaging mob of hoodlums decided the outcome of the trial. We have regressed to lower than a 3rd world country.
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