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Guilty on all counts. I agree that the cop deserves to be punished for contributing to Floyd’s death, but also feel Floyd was responsible as well. Once Floyd was restrained and calmed down the cop should have gotten off him. I’m curious about what kind of punishment the cop will get. Hopefully tonight won’t be a free for all riot there and in many other cities across the country.
He had 98% oxygen level for autopsy. . . Dont you think it should have been lower if he had been strangled? It was a drug overdose and his health issues that caused his death. I really wish I could have been on that jury because I would not have been intimidated by MOB RULE!!
BUT yet you still support the Democratic Party because they are the lesser of two evils!
There are loud mouths that should be muzzled in both parties. This isn’t a political stance for me, just one of common sense when any one individual is calling for chaos and violence. I don’t care which side feels right, there needs to be a level of decency I the world.
He had 98% oxygen level for autopsy. . . Dont you think it should have been lower if he had been strangled? It was a drug overdose and his health issues that caused his death. I really wish I could have been on that jury because I would not have been intimidated by MOB RULE!!
I do believe Floyd bears some of the responsibility in his death but I also feel the cop was on him too long without question. I also understand cops are human and can’t always just turn off the Adrenalin flow after an altercation with a person, but they should be held to some standards and training. I do feel for the cop some as he is going to pay more for being caught up in this wave of passion that we are currently in. But no, I don’t think he was justified in the length of restraint.
BUT yet you still support the Democratic Party because they are the lesser of two evils!
Have I said I support the Democratic Party here? I didn’t support or agree with trump, but I never said I like what the democrats are doing. I think we had two really crap choices to choose from. I believe we deserve better candidates to lead our country and don’t feel either party has provided one in a long time.
I feel the cop deserves a lesser charge of negligent homicide at worse case but believe he will do serious time because of all the passion involved in this.
I do believe Floyd bears some of the responsibility in his death but I also feel the cop was on him too long without question. I also understand cops are human and can’t always just turn off the Adrenalin flow after an altercation with a person, but they should be held to some standards and training. I do feel for the cop some as he is going to pay more for being caught up in this wave of passion that we are currently in. But no, I don’t think he was justified in the length of restraint.
The only thing Chauvin was guilty of in my book was he laid Floyd down while he was having a drug overdose with his health issues only made it worse. According to my hunny, who is a retired officer, that is the last thing you do. If you believe someone is having an overdose, you need to keep that person at least in a sitting position. With everything happening so fast during the arrest, with him resisting, maybe that was not noticed. The verdict passed down today was by intimidation from BLM and ANTIFA, which the Democrats support. Did you happen to see Mavine Waters speech on Saturday night when she was out pass curfew to give it? Not too long afterwards National Guard got fired on. Those juror felt like they had no choice but to find a guilty verdict on all three counts. We as a country are run by Democrats and mob rule!!
Have I said I support the Democratic Party here? I didn’t support or agree with trump, but I never said I like what the democrats are doing. I think we had two really crap choices to choose from. I believe we deserve better candidates to lead our country and don’t feel either party has provided one in a long time.
You voted for Biden over Trump because you thought Trump put out hurtful tweets and was just not a good person. If you vote for Biden, a Democrat, in my opinion, that means you believe in their policies over Republican policies.
Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson both looked like death was knocking on their doors at the post verdict press conference. :oops:
You voted for Biden over Trump because you thought Trump put out hurtful tweets and was just not a good person. If you vote for Biden, a Democrat, in my opinion, that means you believe in their policies over Republican policies.
I don’t understand your ‘either or’ mindset. I don’t see things as all black or white in political or other things. There are good and bad individuals everywhere. They don’t all belong on one side or the other.
I don’t understand your ‘either or’ mindset. I don’t see things as all black or white in political or other things. There are good and bad individuals everywhere. They don’t all belong on one side or the other.
I dont think they are a black and white issue either, and I can agree that there are good and bad in individuals everywhere. I am just pointing out the fact that you voted for the Democratic Party because you felt like they were the lesser of two evils. That involves everything they support and will pass since they have the majority of every aspect of Congress. You really cant question the legitimacy of this election?? Sorry but you supported them so have no reason to question what they are up to right now. TRhey laid it all out during the debates and that is exactly what is happening but at a much faster pace than I thought it would have. Who on the Republican side who would you actually support? I am just wondering at this point.
If these Negroes followed the lawful instructions of the police, then they wouldn’t be dead right now.
Hot take from a racist mouth-breather. Floyd was murdered by a bad cop who now will spend the majority of the rest of his life in prison. Good riddance D Chauvin.
Hot take from a racist mouth-breather. Floyd was murdered by a bad cop who now will spend the majority of the rest of his life in prison. Good riddance D Chauvin.
What he likely meant to say (for those politically correct sensitive folks here) is that if white people were resisting arrest at the same rate as blacks, the number of whites shot by law enforcement would reflect that.

I dont think they are a black and white issue either, and I can agree that there are good and bad in individuals everywhere. I am just pointing out the fact that you voted for the Democratic Party because you felt like they were the lesser of two evils. That involves everything they support and will pass since they have the majority of every aspect of Congress. You really cant question the legitimacy of this election?? Sorry but you supported them so have no reason to question what they are up to right now. TRhey laid it all out during the debates and that is exactly what is happening but at a much faster pace than I thought it would have. Who on the Republican side who would you actually support? I am just wondering at this point.
I think mitt Romney would have made a good president. Along with many other moderate republicans. I don’t like the extremists on either side. As far as voting democrat, I didn’t vote for Biden as much as I voted against trump. And I actually voted straight Republican down the line except for the president. As I’ve said many times, I don’t support any ticket down party lines but look at each issue individually. I don’t think absolute hatred of ‘the other side’ is productive in any case. There are good ideas from both parties, at least from some of the individuals anyways. Even trump had many good policies.....
Hot take from a racist mouth-breather. Floyd was murdered by a bad cop who now will spend the majority of the rest of his life in prison. Good riddance D Chauvin.

I thought you would be out with your BLM (Burners, Looters and Marauders) insurgents.
What he likely meant to say (for those politically correct sensitive folks here) is that if white people were resisting arrest at the same rate as blacks, the number of whites shot by law enforcement would reflect that.
Intelligent adults usually say exactly what they mean to say.

Come to think of it you might be right. @Jayson does seem “challenged”... for those politically correct sensitive folks.
Lets all admit to hating everyone equally already, damn. A few captain cokes (if you're not too white, otherwise captain pepsi - already had a few myself) and a fat dubey (if you possess the skills to mix the two) and everything will be ok.
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You all realize this race thing has become a "for profit" game, right? Almost all races had slaves, almost all races were slaves, almost every race has endured some type of seriously unjust hardship. Some of us dont want to let go of the crimes committed by people who died long ago because it is an excuse to expect and demand reparations. Its not racist for whites to have had enough of that racist ****. I did 6 years in a minnesota prison, Faribault specifically. If you think cops are racist, check out the statistics for the most popular facility in the state. And when you see how high hennepin county is for DOC commits, refer back to the white vs black inmate count and reevaluate your confusion. Here, take a look:
Mostly white in prison, been that way for a long time. Its right here in black and white (no pun intended). And im sorry, if you wanna cry race, I would like to cry sexist because we here in MN have one female facility, yet we have 7 major male facilities.
Perhaps when these ice cold blood thirsty leftists stop using current events to disguise their evil and stop using their own evil actions to justify the erosion of the freedoms of everyone else, the country might be able to get back on track.
Well said.
I did a rotation in a nursing home once.
Lesson learned: do not get old, do not go into a nursing home.
Ten years as a Paramedic got me into several Nursing Homes several times a day. Thusly, when my father got sick after my mother died I moved in with him as the hospital was pushing for a home. He didn't want it and neither did I. Avoid them at all costs, NONE of them are good in the long run.