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Dec 3, 2017
We are in the last couple weeks before election day. I have not seen one Trump campaign yard sign. Not one. But I am seeing signs for the other main candidate all over the place as well as other people running for other offices.

Do you suppose that people are not putting them out because they don't want backlash? I am not a yard sign or bumper sticker person. I couldn't believe the anger from people about the results in 2016. Its no one's business who we are for or against.
The only time I have had a campaign sign in my yard was when the mother of a former student was running for the school board.
Someone put a whole BILLBOARD up on Yoder Road with the Trump photo after he got shot and it says Fight Fight Fight on it. Remember we are in a town of 6 to 700 people. A farm neighbor down the road has about a dozen Trump signs up and a few banners. He's English. The amish here don't vote. I'm sure there's more signs. There is one house that always has the dem sign out. I went to the other town today to little granddaughter's school for a conference. That town is all housing, no farming, and it's a small town with a bar and a Dollar General. There was a house near where I parked with a Harris banner on it. Trump signs out in the bigger town with the Aldi. The last sign I had out was an Evan McMullin sign when he was running for president. That was when we were in New Mexico.
I’m seeing signs for local stuff. One Harris-Walz and four Trump. Don’t forget what state I’m in.

People talk to me at work like I’m their bartender or psychiatrist and I’m in utter amazement the number of people outright telling me they are going to make the “right” choice. Lots of young folks too.

We have the option to early vote in NJ but I’ll be going in the morning on Election Day.
I’m seeing signs for local stuff. One Harris-Walz and four Trump. Don’t forget what state I’m in.

People talk to me at work like I’m their bartender or psychiatrist and I’m in utter amazement the number of people outright telling me they are going to make the “right” choice. Lots of young folks too.

We have the option to early vote in NJ but I’ll be going in the morning on Election Day.
We can turn in our ballots now. I have started to fill mine out, but evidently it is the largest ballot in history! I don't even understand all the issues.

I refuse to discuss it with people. I have one friend who keeps trying to, but I told her I don't want to discuss it. Religion and politics! She has asked me about what discussions there are at dog parks or on social media groups. When I said I don't know or care, I think I finally got my point across. I don't want to discuss it with anyone! It is no one's business! And, if someone did want to discuss it, I would get up and walk away. I don't care what others talk about, but I am not interested in beating a dead horse. I can't wait for the election to be over and for all the fallout of it to be gone. I hate politics and politicians!
We are in the last couple weeks before election day. I have not seen one Trump campaign yard sign. Not one. But I am seeing signs for the other main candidate all over the place as well as other people running for other offices.

Do you suppose that people are not putting them out because they don't want backlash? I am not a yard sign or bumper sticker person. I couldn't believe the anger from people about the results in 2016. Its no one's business who we are for or against.
The only time I have had a campaign sign in my yard was when the mother of a former student was running for the school board.
I'm not surprised, there are no Trump signs here because everybody knows they would only be preaching to the choir.
There may have been a Harris sign, but I would never see it because it would only last an hour at most. :rolleyes:🤣
The hot contested race, oddly enough, is Chief of Police!:dunno:
The one candidate that was listed as 'no party' has changed to Republican, so all 3 candidates are now R's.
Figure that out!!!gaah
We can turn in our ballots now. I have started to fill mine out, but evidently it is the largest ballot in history! I don't even understand all the issues.

I refuse to discuss it with people. I have one friend who keeps trying to, but I told her I don't want to discuss it. Religion and politics! She has asked me about what discussions there are at dog parks or on social media groups. When I said I don't know or care, I think I finally got my point across. I don't want to discuss it with anyone! It is no one's business! And, if someone did want to discuss it, I would get up and walk away. I don't care what others talk about, but I am not interested in beating a dead horse. I can't wait for the election to be over and for all the fallout of it to be gone. I hate politics and politicians!
The funny thing is, @Weedygarden, I don’t bring it up. At work, I’m Switzerland. People are just blurting this out as I’m giving them their vaccines or sitting with them afterwards.
I see Trump signs everywhere around here. The only time that I've ever seen a Harris sign was on the reservation. It figures, anyone on the dole would want the democrat.
I have a cousin who lives in Montana, a retired physician, married to a Native American. I'd bet he does not have a Trump sign in his yard or a bumper sticker, just knowing him.
I am way far beyond baffled/bewildered/confused that the polls are showing them that close.......even the Gallup Poll has them close.

I think Gallup has Harris 48.8% & Trump 51.2%
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I am way far beyond baffled/bewildered/confused that the poles are showing them that close.......even the Gallup Poll has them close.

I think Gallup has Harris 48.8% & Trump 51.2%
Yes, the percentage of the population that is addicted to suckling the guvment teat is steadily growing, and they are not about to bite the hand that feeds them. :(
Yes, the percentage of the population that is addicted to suckling the guvment teat is steadily growing, and they are not about to bite the hand that feeds them. :(
Then (actual America's fate is sealed) which I believe is 100% true. I also 100% believe the so-called "elites" have this locked-up. Game is over, we lost & they won.
I'm not ready to give up and roll over just yet. I still think that Trump will prevail. For some reason when Repubics are polled, many of them are cowards and won't say they support President Trump.
The reporting of the negative polling numbers is designed to demoralize us to giving up and not vote. We can't let them win.
They are drumming for votes up here in Canuckistan. You can fax or email your vote to the US embassies. No room for fudging there, eeh. Even if you have never registered, you can vote under your last known address in the US or your parents address if you never lived there no matter how many years ago they voted. So, just how many will be voting using dead people's addresses? The fix is in; bigger and better.
They are drumming for votes up here in Canuckistan. You can fax or email your vote to the US embassies. No room for fudging there, eeh. Even if you have never registered, you can vote under your last known address in the US or your parents address if you never lived there no matter how many years ago they voted. So, just how many will be voting using dead people's addresses? The fix is in; bigger and better.
I did read something along those lines yesterday. Wish I had saved the source. These ‘extra’ votes can be assigned to any state or place chosen by the ‘government’. No, nothing deceitful going on here. Unbelievable what this country has become. As far as the original post on signs for support, I see some, but feel there are not as many because people are being cautious. There seem to be enough unstable people around that it’s not worth getting targeted.
Today. There are NO harris signs flying an American flag. 5 : 1 Trump to Harris.

Even the lady on the next street doesn't have a Harris sign.

Our "country" house:

When I moved to Colorado in 1986, it was definitely a red state. Not any more. A few years ago it was referred to as a purple state.

Property was inexpensive in comparison to California when I first moved here. The house across the alley was bought and sold 3 times in 9 or 10 years. Each person who bought it, lived there around 3 years and sold it for around $100,000 more than they bought it for. One owner made about $1,000 a week for every week they owned the house. But here's the deal, each of the people who bought the house were Californians. And each of them moved back to California when they sold the house. All were liberals. Colorado has been Californicated in more ways than one.

The current owner is a Republican and a native of New York state.
When I moved to Colorado in 1986, it was definitely a red state. Not any more. A few years ago it was referred to as a purple state.

Property was inexpensive in comparison to California when I first moved here. The house across the alley was bought and sold 3 times in 9 or 10 years. Each person who bought it, lived there around 3 years and sold it for around $100,000 more than they bought it for. One owner made about $1,000 a week for every week they owned the house. But here's the deal, each of the people who bought the house were Californians. And each of them moved back to California when they sold the house. All were liberals. Colorado has been Californicated in more ways than one.

The current owner is a Republican and a native of New York state.
That's what Californians do. They always ruin whatever state they move too, every time. I've seen many Californians act amazed about how cheap housing prices are outside of their precious California. Of course that helps to inflate the prices, which in turn force many locals out. That's why I left my home state of Oregon almost 35 years ago.
I just wish that Californian's would stop bringing up California in every single conversation. I was grocery shopping a few weeks ago and some woman asked me a question about some kind of pepper. In her second sentence she said "in California it only costs this...". I told her to move back to California and quit stinking up my state.
Not all Californian's are bad, and some I'd even call a friend. If you do move out of California, leave California behind!
That's what Californians do. They always ruin whatever state they move too, every time. I've seen many Californians act amazed about how cheap housing prices are outside of their precious California. Of course that helps to inflate the prices, which in turn force many locals out. That's why I left my home state of Oregon almost 35 years ago.
I just wish that Californian's would stop bringing up California in every single conversation. I was grocery shopping a few weeks ago and some woman asked me a question about some kind of pepper. In her second sentence she said "in California it only costs this...". I told her to move back to California and quit stinking up my state.
Not all Californian's are bad, and some I'd even call a friend. If you do move out of California, leave California behind!
They are messing up Texas!!🙁
There was a Dem ‘pusher’ in my neighborhood a few days ago. He got a f-off from my body language and reaction. I was still polite. Michigan is such a swing state… temperers are running high. I’ll cast my vote for republicans across the board, but I don’t need to complicate my life with a Trump sign,… inviting lunatic’s attacks.
i heard on a news show tonight that the fed gov reported it will nto be able to determine the winner of the election on election night and may need several days or even weeks to determine the actual winner.

reports of people voting early and their votes being flipped to harris.

i think we got some interesting times ahead of us

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