what sucks is we have no control over anything,
"WE" the peons have zero control over world events.
For that very reason we are on a prepper site learning what to do if and when the world takes
a big crap.
I recall a quote from Einstein.
I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."
Fact is I doubt anyone of us on this forum can financially afford to prep for every conceivable
s.h.t.f. situation.
I'm bugging in.
I live in a relatively sparsely populated part of N.E. Ohio, the only house on my side of the road surrounded
buy woods.
Yes I have a wood burner, a gasoline generator, well, etc.
And guns and ammo to protect me and mine. (gawd ferbid I need to that!)
The genny is going to last only as long as the gas lasts.
So I have 5 gallons of kero fuel and lamps but even that won't last forever.
Heck "I" won't last forever.
(Yes I do have about 20 long candles.)
I can only hope to get my adult kids to buy into prepping. Sadly not at all likely.
Perhaps my grown grand kids. Dunno.
Speaking of surviving..........................
This happened to me at the Florida house a few days ago.
A simple, minor accident.
I snagged a fishing lure on a tree branch and tugged on the rod to free the lure.
Free it I did as it rocketed right back at me impaling a large hook right through my rt. hand.
OW! To the E.R. I went to have it removed.
The doc gave me a tetanus and antibiotic injection explaining that s.w. Fla. is in a prolonged
drought and the bacteria in water is quite high and potentially deadly.
I'm on 10 days of antibiotics to prevent staff and other nasty infections.
( I've had blood poisoning and it nearly killed me!)
It seems S.W. Fla now is rampant with FIRES burning at least 7,000 acres when we left 3 days
Homes lost but no deaths................... yet.
How does one prep for wild fires one wonders?
Oh! I'm now good against blood poisoning now for at least 5 years; or so says the doc.
Is getting a tetanus shot a prepper idea?????
Just askin'.