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Awesome Friend
Apr 3, 2013
deep east texas
i know that we can refrigerate and freeze okra,and yes i know how to do that..lol

but im wondering how to can it..anyone have a recipe for canning okra?
I'll be watching this thread. I love my okra.

Same here. I tried to plant some this year but the plants didn't survive a late frost.

Okra is one of those rare foods that have virtually no ill effects on anyone, no matter how much you eat. (other than some people that are turned off by the slime)
slime? what slime? LOL.. i remember eating it all the years growing up..and missed not eating it to much....i ended up with 12 plants this year.and getting a lil bit here n there..i saved 3 okras for the seeds to plant next year..

Several years ago I used some of this recipe for dill okra...used peppercorn instead of peppers and cut the garlic almost in half...I like dilled okra!
Mine is doing beautifully this year! Tomatoes out of garden and okra, fried okra...already...yum! This is my third year of my own seed collection and I am actually pretty impressed with my germination rate so far!
My Daughter made Pickled okra with what she had extra this year . My okra plants got 6' tall and are produceing faster than we can keep them picked . We tried a recipie My Wife got off a Country music show where you mix a batter alittle thinner than cornbread and season it then add sliced okra and fry it in pones like fried corn bread its good but I'm ok with sliced rolled in corn meal , salt , pepper then fry .

Several years ago I used some of this recipe for dill okra...used peppercorn instead of peppers and cut the garlic almost in half...I like dilled okra!
Mine is doing beautifully this year! Tomatoes out of garden and okra, fried okra...already...yum! This is my third year of my own seed collection and I am actually pretty impressed with my germination rate so far!

thanks for the link..i just saved it to my fav's... :)
ok a new question about okra..i know that i'll take the okra that i'll be saving the seeds from ..and let it dry..i just removed the seeds from 3 okra that i let set up and dry real good..now for my question(s)...do i leave the seeds as is? or do i rinse them off,before putting them into storage for next year? im thinking that i can just leave um as is and store them that way..
ok great..i just rinsed of the seeds..now their laying on a towel for drying..and thanks for the link
I cut several big okra and leave them as is till next spring then break them open and plant the seeds . They are easy to store no rinseing needed they jusy dry out and set all winter in a drawer .
I have never rinsed my okra seeds...have left pods on plant until first frost, have pulled mature pods and opened spread on plate and let that dry, have left pods whole and replanted straight from those...haven't seen enough difference in germination rate to make a difference. I started with a Burpee Spineless Clemson pack of seeds from the clearance rack...this year I even planted okra in my back yard for the ducks...they seem to really like okra plants! And now that I am trying to learn how to make vinegar...I would like to try the purple next year!

I put seed out that had been stored "outside" for 3 seasons, had not quite half germinate...not sure I will see what a 4th season will do but I still have left over seed from my first time ever harvesting okra seed! So far, okra has been the easiest for me!
i know that we can refrigerate and freeze okra,and yes i know how to do that..lol

but im wondering how to can it..anyone have a recipe for canning okra?
Spicey pickeled okra is great stuff. I've seen okra and tomatoes in cans at the grocery, but never tried it yet.
I have never rinsed my okra seeds...have left pods on plant until first frost, have pulled mature pods and opened spread on plate and let that dry, have left pods whole and replanted straight from those...haven't seen enough difference in germination rate to make a difference. I started with a Burpee Spineless Clemson pack of seeds from the clearance rack...this year I even planted okra in my back yard for the ducks...they seem to really like okra plants! And now that I am trying to learn how to make vinegar...I would like to try the purple next year!

I put seed out that had been stored "outside" for 3 seasons, had not quite half germinate...not sure I will see what a 4th season will do but I still have left over seed from my first time ever harvesting okra seed! So far, okra has been the easiest for me!
I think I on about my fifth year of okra from 1 initial seed pack. They really are easy to keep going.
im glad okra is that easy to keep going year after year
Pole beans and peas are easy to get seeds from too. I tried to let some onions seed and they never seemed to produce them, neither did the spinache or lettuce. Some things are easy to buy in packets, I just hope we can all continue to buy them down the road. I spent the entire day working in the garden, am beat beyond words! The okra and tomatoes are the only two things left now. I tilled everything and planted my fall crops, fertilized with rabbit manure and watered all in really well. I planted kale for the first time today, along with beets, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, peas, and carrots. I'll work on the greenhouse next weekend. I picked my last cukes today, the vines are looking pretty weather beaten now.
Onions are interesting...haven't produced a set or an onion yet from collected seed...working on red onion...first year collecting seeds...this one will take a while to conquer! Friend has brought me a bunch of onions from his garden...going to try that regrow kitchen scrap suggestion I found. Somewhere I read that kale is new spinach and that seeds are in short supply, this is my first year putting in kale, anyone collecting kale seeds? Any suggestions?
for a while there,i was getting at least 1 quart zip lock bag of okra per day..but things are cooling off.so they've slowed down...now i have at least 10 quart bags of okra in the freezer.and 1 in the fridge..pluse i've given away a 1 gallon bag of it.and what we've eaten prolly adds up to 1 quart...
for a while there,i was getting at least 1 quart zip lock bag of okra per day..but things are cooling off.so they've slowed down...now i have at least 10 quart bags of okra in the freezer.and 1 in the fridge..pluse i've given away a 1 gallon bag of it.and what we've eaten prolly adds up to 1 quart...
If you blanch your okra, which you probably did when you froze them, you can dehydrate. Even if they are frozen, as long as they have been prepped just stick on your racks at 135 till dried.
Spicey pickeled okra is great stuff. I've seen okra and tomatoes in cans at the grocery, but never tried it yet.
Love spicy pickled okra in my salads. . . oh yeah that is some really good stuff!
Love spicy pickled okra in my salads. . . oh yeah that is some really good stuff!
I picked about a gallon of okra to pickel tomorrow, which is 3 or 4 pints, hardly worth firing up the canner! I went to a friends house to fix a plumbing issue, and he gave me 5 plastic walmart bags of okra, and a case of quart and pint jars! Score! Now it'll be a worth while session in the kitchen. I sure hope he likes pickeled okra.
well i lost my 2 tallest okra plants from a rain storm while in town today..and there's no way i can stake um back up..and yes i tried :) they were over 7 feet tall to..
I picked about a gallon of okra to pickel tomorrow, which is 3 or 4 pints, hardly worth firing up the canner! I went to a friends house to fix a plumbing issue, and he gave me 5 plastic walmart bags of okra, and a case of quart and pint jars! Score! Now it'll be a worth while session in the kitchen. I sure hope he likes pickeled okra.
I so need friends like that!! :p Your like me on that. . . if given you share back. Did that when a friend gave me tomatoes and jars. Kept half and gave him the other. That is the way to go
well i lost my 2 tallest okra plants from a rain storm while in town today..and there's no way i can stake um back up..and yes i tried :) they were over 7 feet tall to..
That rain storm that came thru was crazy. . . it rained most all day here, mainly at a light drizzle but we had some major wind guts and I hear that it will most likely last the rest of the week.
well the okra plant thats still standing after staking it back up.and the one still laying on the ground..are still producing okra.so im happy with that situation..and i just got 1 1/2 quarts of okra from all plants today..in which i'll be saveing the seeds from 4 of the okra.
Someone told me that Okra water is good when you have type2 diabetes so I tried it. I did just what they said to do and I put 1 okra with ends cut off in a glass of water over night and what a shock I found in the morning. I hate to say it but that looked nasty. No way would I drink that slimy stuff. How do you all cook it when it's like that??? I still have almost a pound in the freezer, I don't even think the chickens will touch that.
LMAO...you aint from the country are ya? LOL

I was born and raised in Maine we never grew okra up there, and I never saw the stuff until I came down south. To me what I saw coming out of that okra was just nasty looking no way am I drinking that. My daughter said it looked like an elephants boggie.

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