OROURKE,,if elected he's coming for them

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Do you think it would be worth risking there life over obeying an unconstitutional order?
I think there'd be very little risk to the individual cop. Because there wouldn't be just one cop showing up at your door there'd be several of them. Besides, most Americans wouldn't put up a fight, they'd just roll over. Unless they came for their beer, cigarettes, sports channels, cell phones, welfare/food stamps or internet, most will do little more than just whimper about the loss of their firearms. Nobody has the backbone to band together now days either, no matter how unconstitutional the law may be.
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That is an excellent point. "Buy back" is a complete misnomer. It pretty much assumes that the government is the rightful owner of everything and anything a citizen possesses they do so by the grace of the government. . . last time I checked this isn't medieval England. A better term might be compensated theft.
Hey our long bows were 100% owned by the English and Welsh archers not the gumint :)
You guys are coming across as slightly naive over your understanding of Socialist politicians, They dont respect your laws or constitution, they will open ignore laws meant to preserve your rights. look at the UK the Democratically elected government of the day was told with absolute clarity in 2016 that the PEOPLE wanted to leave the EU and voted than way in a referendum. Three years on they have lied, cheated, fenagled, obfuscated, delayed, deceived to ensure the democratic will of the people is Ignored.

Going back further about 25 years the EU announced a pan European harmonisation of its gun laws, they stated the laws would be standardised and LIBERALISED to ensure all citizens had the right to own guns of NON MILITARY calibres................. They LIED and your lefties WILL lie to you, They WILL ignore your constitution.

I mean no disrespect guys but you really dont get just how nefarious and devious socialists are, You guys are expecting them to have the same morals, scruples and principles that YOU have and thats you fatal flaw.
You guys are coming across as slightly naive over your understanding of Socialist politicians, They dont respect your laws or constitution, they will open ignore laws meant to preserve your rights. look at the UK the Democratically elected government of the day was told with absolute clarity in 2016 that the PEOPLE wanted to leave the EU and voted than way in a referendum. Three years on they have lied, cheated, fenagled, obfuscated, delayed, deceived to ensure the democratic will of the people is Ignored.

Going back further about 25 years the EU announced a pan European harmonisation of its gun laws, they stated the laws would be standardised and LIBERALISED to ensure all citizens had the right to own guns of NON MILITARY calibres................. They LIED and your lefties WILL lie to you, They WILL ignore your constitution.

I mean no disrespect guys but you really dont get just how nefarious and devious socialists are, You guys are expecting them to have the same morals, scruples and principles that YOU have and thats you fatal flaw.

Thanks SE. Your first hand knowledge is very insightful.
SE is 100% right.

A great example is income taxes. It was unconstitutional in the beginning. Just over 100 years ago, we 'modified' the Constitution and politicians said "hey, it's only for the 1%". Inch by inch, foot by foot, mile by mile that has changed.

I have no doubt they want to do the same with guns. And it is up to us to hold every inch of our Rights.
I pay attention to this crap about gun control,,,and hell yes there will be a rash of new laws and bans come into effect but not until after the 2020 election,Trump wants a second term so he will drag his feet until he gets it or loses the office,,,,,,,,,,,the Democrats win and it will be much worse


Socialist thinking, if they cannot get your guns they will go after reloading Equipment, then ammunition. But they WILL find ways to make sure that only THEY have the guns.
It's called "Criminalizing the opposition"

I agree. I think we need to do this from both sides. I'd advise all conservatives to get their conceal carry permit and always be armed. And when a liberal threatens your life, use it. You can always afford some extra ammo to reload. They can criminalize our weapons. But first we can use our weapons to criminalize their souls.

This goes back to the cartoon I posted about the tree of liberty... it's thirsty. Very serious and sad times indeed.
I agree Arctic. The Left has stopped pretending and are not afraid to say Socialism is their goal.

As we know, that is just the first step to full Communism .

I think they hurt themselves when they admitted that even employers would be forbidden from providing insurance for their employees. UAW is striking now because they only pay 6%. Then will turn around and support whomever the Dem is, but I think their employees may balk and go Trump.

Actually I think the burglary charge was thrown out .
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Beto and most of the Democrat candidates know they will not be nominated so they are all trying to show they can bring the far left vote if picked as the VP candidate for the one that is nominated .
A friend was recently telling me I need to go ahead and buy a gun and learn to use it because soon it will be too late. Once they're illegal -this person says, "they can take them from my cold, dead hands." I wonder how many will actually stand up, though.
Reminds me - I used to know some people where I used to live who were part of Oathkeepers - military and police who swore and oath not to enforce laws to take firearms from citizens (or enforce other unconstitutional laws). I just wonder how many will truly follow this, though as well.
A friend was recently telling me I need to go ahead and buy a gun and learn to use it because soon it will be too late. Once they're illegal -this person says, "they can take them from my cold, dead hands." I wonder how many will actually stand up, though.
Reminds me - I used to know some people where I used to live who were part of Oathkeepers - military and police who swore and oath not to enforce laws to take firearms from citizens (or enforce other unconstitutional laws). I just wonder how many will truly follow this, though as well.
I do not think there will be any confiscation of any firearms .
But if they were just as the Democrats said they will start by demanding a buy back then fine you if you do not participate then attack you financially by holding your bank account and retirement funds .
As far as who will stand . Iv known Families that for Generations have opposed certain laws or Federal Agencies vey unapologetically . I think the 2nd amendment will be defended to the Last Full Measure ! No doubt !
Good luck finding who has what.
Wouldn’t the government know how many guns you have and what kind they are? ( assuming you bought them all legally)
I doubt they would ever be able to take people’s guns. I am pro gun, but I have always thought the easiest way to control guns and their use, would be to limit the number of ammunition a person can buy and track every sale of ammunition by having to scan you drivers license or ID ( like the way that they do here when you buy sudaphed).
Just remember my friends that Socialists excel in playing the LONG game, they have limitless patience, they will make it harder and harder and more burocratic and more expensives to buy guns but more importantly ammo and reloading gear, They will continue step by step one little bit at a time to persuade each new generation that guns are bad and only the state should have them. They will push up prices and taxes over many years, making harder to get munitions and ever more restrictions on how much you can keep. Naturally these laws will not apply to them because they will use YOUR taxes to ensure they have the finest personal security in the world. YOU should be delighted to rely upon your Police and Sheriffs. Over the last 60 years the EU for example has gone from being a simple free trade agreement between four nations until this week finally admitting their intention is to create an EU EMPIRE ( their words not mine) of 30 plus nations under ONE Federalist Socialist government.
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Socialist thinking, if they cannot get your guns they will go after reloading Equipment, then ammunition. But they WILL find ways to make sure that only THEY have the guns.

I think they'll target the ammunition first. And already are. I think we'll see larger stores stop selling certain ammo. Like the recent Walmart decision to no longer sell pistol ammunition. It will snowball from there. Reloaders are such a small segment, that instead, they'll just increase legislation to make it harder and harder to get them. (and the supplies for it).
First off, this is just hear-say. I got this from the internet, so I know it HAS to be true. When I asked a question about gun registration, elsewhere. The answer that I got is there is NO national Gun Registration and it is specifically outlawed by the 2nd amendment (never looked this up). According to a response from the owner of a gun store (he was responding on the internet so he could not be lying o_O), after you purchase a gun, the paperwork is kept by the store and NOT sent to any government agency. After a period of time the store is allowed to destroy the records and in the case of closed gun shops the records may be totally lost.

If this is the case, then Government theft of firearms would be really hard. I might turn over some simple firearm just to show cooperation but the majority will remain inaccessible. This would add more credence to suppressing AMMO since they are not allowed to suppress the actual firearms.
I believe that Every time they do the background check when you purchase, everyone knows of the transaction.
Here if you have a weapons license they don't run a background check on gun sales. Yes, the government has a record of you having a weapons license, but it doesn't tell them how many guns you have bought or what they are. Having the license doesn't necessarily mean you even own any firearms. The license covers concealed knives too.

When I asked a question about gun registration, elsewhere. The answer that I got is there is NO national Gun Registration and it is specifically outlawed by the 2nd amendment (never looked this up).
It's not the Second Amendment that prevents a national registry, it's the "Firearm Owners Protection Act of 1986" which of course the Democrats could repeal.

Federal Law 18 U.S.C. 926
No such rule or regulation prescribed [by the Attorney General] after the date of the enactment of the Firearms Owners Protection Act may require that records required to be maintained under this chapter or any portion of the contents of such records, be recorded at or transferred to a facility owned, managed, or controlled by the United States or any State or any political subdivision thereof, nor that any system of registration of firearms, firearms owners, or firearms transactions or disposition be established. Nothing in this section expands or restricts the Secretary's authority to inquire into the disposition of any firearm in the course of a criminal investigation.​
In TN every time you purchase a gun, you go the the front and pay $10 for a background check. This is performed electronically, therefore, the info is put into the system.
The information in the background checks are supposed to be auto deleted after the check is done .
Yes the 4473 files are kept at the retailers for 25 years but no further records are kept a registration would track every time that firearm moves with or without the original purchaser .
The information in the background checks are supposed to be auto deleted after the check is done .
Yes the 4473 files are kept at the retailers for 25 years but no further records are kept a registration would track every time that firearm moves with or without the original purchaser .

and I have some beach front property I will sell you in Arizona