Pain relief stronger than aspirin in preps

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Awesome Friend
Jan 15, 2024
This is a difficult topic and I haven't seen it addressed, unless I missed it. We bought antibiotics online and keep them in our supplies. However, what if someone is badly injured and a hospital is either too far, or you can't get to it for one reason or another, and the person is really in agony? With the destabilization of the country now, we don't know what we may face. Look at the folks in NC - who would have thought that a hurricane would hit there, with such devastating fury? If anyone on here has ever endured something physically painful, I'm sure that your mind has pondered this. What if you or a loved one is badly injured, in unbearable pain, and you have nothing to treat it with?

Years ago we kept leftover pain relievers after dental or other procedures, but doctors prescribe very little for pain now. Years back, my husband's buddy was in his foolish years and was out with the guys and then drove drunk, and crashed his car, injuring himself badly. His wife told us that when she rushed to the hospital she could hear him screaming all the way down the hall. He was fortunate that he was treated immediately at a hospital but what if you can't get to one like what happened to the people in NC?

It's frustrating seeing these people abusing drugs on the streets of Kensington, while people who want pain relief for legitimate reasons have a hard time getting it.

I know that there is a doctor who does online appointments who will prescribe ketamine but I wouldn't use ketamine. I know that this is a sticky subject but others have had to think about this too. I've seen a few pharmacies overseas sell pain relief but I was wary ordering from them. Years ago people could buy pain relief over the counter and I think that it should return to that. I don't know why the medical system got a stranglehold on it but I think it's wrong.
All I stock is naproxen sodium, acetaminophen, hydrocortisone, lidocaine cream, and oral pain gel. I also stock Vodka which can certainly be a pain reliever when called on to be. Where I live the only things that will survive the apocalypse are rats, roaches and THC. There are more dispensaries than there are people with common sense.
I use high doses of iboprufin for normal stuff and two advil (naproxin) for the heavy duty pain. My wife likes the mix of any of those with acetaminophen or Tylenol.
The trick is to medicate immediately before the serious pain sets in. Some caffeine on top of the pills helps the effect. For the panic and self generated apprehension try some Dramamine. All over the counter.... The opioid epidemic and killer fentanyl has got so bad doctors and pharmacies get in trouble dispensing even a little to much of the good stuff.
I just had a tooth pulled and no painkiller whatsoever was prescribed.
I only have OTC stuff in my IFAK's, and a wide variety of those. We too saved prescription pain killers, usually from the dentist, but I think we used them all. I am either lucky of blessed to be able to tolerate high levels of pain, so it is not a priority for me.
All I stock is naproxen sodium, acetaminophen, hydrocortisone, lidocaine cream, and oral pain gel. I also stock Vodka which can certainly be a pain reliever when called on to be. Where I live the only things that will survive the apocalypse are rats, roaches and THC. There are more dispensaries than there are people with common sense.
That's a good idea, storing vodka. It would work in a pinch if you didn't have anything else. Thanks for the tip! I store the aspirin and ibuprofen etc. I keep a big box of Salonnpas which work great for pain. I use them for headaches and sprains etc.

Yeah probably the rats and roaches, mosquitos and ticks and all the things that vex the human race will survive the apocalypse. We have a lot of dispensaries here too but I tried it and it doesn't work too good for pain.
I use high doses of iboprufin for normal stuff and two advil (naproxin) for the heavy duty pain. My wife likes the mix of any of those with acetaminophen or Tylenol.
The trick is to medicate immediately before the serious pain sets in. Some caffeine on top of the pills helps the effect. For the panic and self generated apprehension try some Dramamine. All over the counter.... The opioid epidemic and killer fentanyl has got so bad doctors and pharmacies get in trouble dispensing even a little to much of the good stuff.
I just had a tooth pulled and no painkiller whatsoever was prescribed.
I've tried the higher dose of ibuprofen but it doesn't work on severe pain. Good tip about the caffeine - I've seen Excedrin with caffeine. I never heard that about Dramamine - does it slow down the fight or flight system? It sounds plausible because I think that there is something called a "wind-up."

It's a shame that the opioid and fentanyl epidemic has hurt legitimate pain patients. A reporter from CA, Gary Webb, broke the story that the CIA was behind the drug epidemic, not doctors. It's a shame that they ruined his life for telling the truth.

I felt sorry for the vets who have been denied relief after their bodies were mangled in wars.
I only have OTC stuff in my IFAK's, and a wide variety of those. We too saved prescription pain killers, usually from the dentist, but I think we used them all. I am either lucky of blessed to be able to tolerate high levels of pain, so it is not a priority for me.
I asked my doctor that because I do not tolerate pain well - I have a very sensitive system. The doctor told me that some people have a natural ability to tolerate pain. I wonder if it's that you may have more natural endorphins. Consider yourself blessed.

After I underwent major surgery the doctor grossly under-treated my pain. All he gave me were about 5 weak Norco after my flesh was cut open with surgical knives. I used to advocate for the humane treatment of animals, and I fought vivisection - cutting of an animals flesh without pain relief. In my worst nightmare, I never thought that I would become a victim of human vivisection.

My eyes were opened to the demonic insanity that these doctors are following now. It was one of the worst experiences in my life. My husband was a supervisor, and had to fly home to return to work, leaving me in a rental, recovering. I was on the opposite side of the country and had no one to advocate for me, or no way to even get to the hospital. It was bad planning on our part but we didn't foresee the doctor being a gestapo about prescribing humane relief. I rolled back and forth carrying on. To this day I can't understand why no one in the complex called police. I really saw how this country has devolved into insanity and inhumanity.

When my husband flew back and saw the condition I was in his face turned white. He took me to the ER and all I saw was a sea of foreign faces. I was doubled over in pain and not one man stood up to offer me a seat. I couldn't believe it. My husband told me to lay in the car and he would wait inside for me to be called. I laid outside in the car rolling around in agony and a cop came up and banged on the window and told me to move the car. I told him that I couldn't move anything and he said I had to move! I felt like I was in a nightmare. Someone told my husband that the foreigners go there for free medical care and told him to take me to another hospital.

That experience showed me that this country has been broken down in every way imaginable.

I would just feel more secure knowing that I have something to alleviate severe pain in the event of an unforeseen accident. Mr. Marsh gave me a good idea and I'm going to have my husband pick up several bottles or a case of vodka to put in our preps. I hope that everyone does this because I wouldn't want anyone to endure anything like what I did.
A couple years ago my wife fell and broke her leg, ankle and foot in several places. She was in a lot of pain. We didn't have anything stronger than aspirin. I picked her up and put her in the back of the Jeep and heading to the hospital. Our road is extremely rough and have 3 gates to go through and the hospital is at least 3 hours away on dry roads. She was lucky that the road was clear, sometimes after a big storm it can take several days to a week or more for me to clear the road.
I use high doses of iboprufin for normal stuff and two advil (naproxin) for the heavy duty pain. My wife likes the mix of any of those with acetaminophen or Tylenol.
The trick is to medicate immediately before the serious pain sets in. Some caffeine on top of the pills helps the effect. For the panic and self generated apprehension try some Dramamine. All over the counter.... The opioid epidemic and killer fentanyl has got so bad doctors and pharmacies get in trouble dispensing even a little to much of the good stuff.
I just had a tooth pulled and no painkiller whatsoever was prescribed.
Advil has a nice mix of ibuprofen and acetaminophen out OTC now. I keep it on hand when I have enough pain to need it, and I do have chronic back pain. I prefer not to go any stronger than that.

Also, CBD is fairly good as a topical pain reliever. It's not great, but it can help.
I only have OTC stuff in my IFAK's, and a wide variety of those. We too saved prescription pain killers, usually from the dentist, but I think we used them all. I am either lucky of blessed to be able to tolerate high levels of pain, so it is not a priority for me.
I think I have a high toleration for pain. I also have some prescription pain killers from when I had my appendix removed last year. I doubt I ever have pain bad enough to take them...........they scare me more than pain does.
A couple years ago my wife fell and broke her leg, ankle and foot in several places. She was in a lot of pain. We didn't have anything stronger than aspirin. I picked her up and put her in the back of the Jeep and heading to the hospital. Our road is extremely rough and have 3 gates to go through and the hospital is at least 3 hours away on dry roads. She was lucky that the road was clear, sometimes after a big storm it can take several days to a week or more for me to clear the road.
I cringed when I read that - I'll bet she felt every single bump. I think that this is something important that we may be overlooking. You never want to have happen to you what happened to me.

Look at what just happened in NC. I'm sure a number of those people were badly injured. I never realized how powerful rushing water is. It shocked me seeing the gnarled and twisted metal beams. It's enraging that they stopped people from going in to help those people. When you're in agony, every second drags on.

I think that we should all try to obtain something and/ or buy enough vodka to outlast a bout with severe pain. I'm going to get my husband to buy a good amount since it doesn't go bad.
years back my 97 yr old dad went to doctor for pain relief--was offered a script but he didnt want them as he didnt want to get addicted as h e read happens to elderly. . this doc told him if he took a 500mg acetaminophen and a 200mg ibuprophen it is a good as an average pain pill. not perfect, probably wouldnt work great for say after surgery but it helped him for many years. both of these are easy to stock up on now. he would buy a bottle of 500 of each type then just combine so hed only have to deal with 1 bottle.

i take 1 of each at bedtime to help with aches and pains over night and it makes a very good difference.

might be all one can get in the long run
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years back my 976 yr old dad went to doctor for pain relief--was offered a script but he didnt want them as he didnt want to get addicted as h e read happens to elderly. . this doc told him if he took a 500mg acetaminophen and a 200mg ibuprophen it is a good as an average pain pill. not perfect, probably wouldnt work great for say after surgery but it helped him for many years. both of these are easy to stock up on now. he would buy a bottle of 500 of each type then just combine so hed only have to deal with 1 bottle.

i take 1 of each at bedtime to help with aches and pains over night and it makes a very good difference.

might be all one can get in the long run
Yes with the country becoming destabilized it's a good idea to keep extra ibuprofen on hand. There are times however, when something stronger is needed. A family member was a death scene investigator for the Medical Examiner's Office and saw some awful things. I'm talking about pain that's at the top of the McGill scale. I know that it's not something that we want to think about but we don't really know how everything is going to play out in the country; but I think that there is a consensus that it's not good.
If you have an injury where you are bleeding remember, aspirin is a blood thinner, you don’t want to stimulate internal or external bleeding.

Gabapentin is prescribed for sleeping and nerve pain. It is not an opium derived drug so it is easier to get. There are different types of pain so there are different types of pain drugs.

When I drove through Canada I used to get 222’s, AKA Tylenol 3, codeine/paracetamol, off the shelf. Later I had to ask the pharmacist but no prescription was required. I haven’t tried to buy any in years so I don’t know the rules today.

Perhaps @Peanut will chime in with some plants we can pick for pain.
If you have an injury where you are bleeding remember, aspirin is a blood thinner, you don’t want to stimulate internal or external bleeding.

Gabapentin is prescribed for sleeping and nerve pain. It is not an opium derived drug so it is easier to get. There are different types of pain so there are different types of pain drugs.

When I drove through Canada I used to get 222’s, AKA Tylenol 3, codeine/paracetamol, off the shelf. Later I had to ask the pharmacist but no prescription was required. I haven’t tried to buy any in years so I don’t know the rules today.

Perhaps @Peanut will chime in with some plants we can pick for pain.
Good point about watching for thinning of the blood. We should all try to familiarize ourselves with basic first aid I think. Yes Gabapentin is easy to get - my GP prescribes it for nerve pain. It doesn't work for heavy-duty pain. Lyrica also works good for nerve pain.

I wish we had gone into Mexico as you can buy some things OTC there. I bought a large medics bag at Temu and am organizing medical supples.

It would be great if Peanut knew any natural remedies for pain. I tried kratom and wild lettuce and it didn't work for me. I tried different weed gummies and they tasted good and relaxed me but didn't alleviate pain. Maybe they might work for someone else.

Pain medication isn’t the only option for pain relief. Next time you’re experiencing a toothache, back pain, or any other pain, you can try an herbal and natural pain reliever like turmeric.
Many people rely on medications for relief from things like toothache or backache, but these can come with a risk of side effects, drug interactions, and sometimes misuse.

While certain circumstances may require a prescription or over-the-counter (OTC) pain medication, finding some of the relief you need from various natural pain relievers may also be possible. Many herbs and spices have a long history of being used to relieve inflammation and pain.
The following natural pain relievers fall under a treatment category known as alternative medicine. Just ask your doctor before trying them, especially for those remedies that need to be ingested, as they may have some side effects, including interfering with some medications.

Pain medication isn’t the only option for pain relief. Next time you’re experiencing a toothache, back pain, or any other pain, you can try an herbal and natural pain reliever like turmeric.
Many people rely on medications for relief from things like toothache or backache, but these can come with a risk of side effects, drug interactions, and sometimes misuse.

While certain circumstances may require a prescription or over-the-counter (OTC) pain medication, finding some of the relief you need from various natural pain relievers may also be possible. Many herbs and spices have a long history of being used to relieve inflammation and pain.
The following natural pain relievers fall under a treatment category known as alternative medicine. Just ask your doctor before trying them, especially for those remedies that need to be ingested, as they may have some side effects, including interfering with some medications.
I don't react well to curcumin but it may work for someone else. I wish that there were alternatives as I would surely try them. I think that God did put things on this earth to alleviate our pain in time of need, but like everything else, it got perverted. Now an MD has control of how much or if you get pain relief.

I was hesitant to even bring this topic up but if we squarely look into the realities that we are facing then I think that we need to prepare for a possible emergency. When I looked at the devastation in NC I knew that there must be injured people still up in those mountains. God forbid if you lost a limb or had a gaping wound that needed tending. That's why I believe that we need to prepare for ourselves because we cannot rely on FEMA to swoop in and rescue us.

There are times when pain is just out of control - such as what happened to my hubby's buddy when he drove drunk. He was actually screaming in pain.
Pharmaceuticals for pain are broad in nature. Plant pain relievers are very specific. A very different approach, they tend to treat what's causing the pain, not pain itself.

For instance, one pharma pill to treat a headache, any headache. I know one plant that treats headaches at the front of your head, temples throbbing type headache. Yet another plant to treat a headache at the back of your head, dull with exhaustion, maybe neck tension. 2 plants for 2 different headaches.

Another example… an abscessed tooth, very painful. In one way or another pharma interferes with the nerve signals bringing pain signals to your brain. Plants would do away with the abscess, thereby removing the pain signals.

So no is my answer to your question. The few plants that interfere with nerve signals also interfere with involuntary nerve signals. Like the ones that tell your muscles to breath or your heart to beat. They are very, very dangerous. There are folks who teach those plants. I don't for obvious reasons. I know them, just don't teach them. Plants are great for many different kinds of pain. But you need to understand the medicine. It's not simple like trying to remember where you left the pill bottle.
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If you have an injury where you are bleeding remember, aspirin is a blood thinner, you don’t want to stimulate internal or external bleeding.
As someone who takes an 81mg 'baby aspirin' daily, I can vouch for that as fact. :(
You wouldn't think that low of a dose would have much effect on bleeding... WRONG!!!:oops:
And the reason I switched from a blade razor to an 'electric shaver' 2 years ago.
Before, if I nicked myself, bleeding would stop in 15 seconds... today it is more like 15 minutes.
I hate to think what would happen if I was bleeding a lot.:oops: ...heaven forbid, if somebody gave me even more aspirin to help the pain.:(
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..What if you or a loved one is badly injured, in unbearable pain, and you have nothing to treat it with?

Well.. 'You have nothing to treat it with' is something you Can 'do something about', but.. Education, is First. Lots of resources out there, to help with 'Homework', ie: 👍 ..and there's Plenty of Other sources, whence you are ready for a 'deeper dive' (ie: 'PDR's / Sanford Guides to Antibiotics, etc, etc) But.. 'Baby Steps' are best.. 🤓

Couple of 'em I can recommend to Consider / Try, are 'Peroxicam': ..And, 'How does it Compare to Ibuprofin'? 🤔 and some 'User reviews', Fwiw:

..Sure, there's 'Potential Side Effects' ( but so'z there for Any 'NSAID' ie: Peroxi is not much 'worse' than Ibup: ..That Said..

..Neither one of those are recommended for 'Long Term / Chronic Use' (I mean, like every day for 3 months "long"..) More for 'short term, Non-Opioid Acute Pain Management', etc.. ie: Maybe a week / two, etc..

Peroxicam 'Topical Gel' is helpful as well, for superficial / slightly-subdural (not 'deep muscle' / joint / bone-level, etc) pain management, but.. In Either case, it's Best taken 'alone', ergo: Not 'layered' with Acetaminophen / Aspirin / any Other 'NSAID'...

And, for 'deeper tissue-injury / joint-injury issues', there's 'Meloxicam': ..and a 'Comparator' article: 🤔

I wish we had gone into Mexico as you can buy some things OTC there...

We're about 25 mi from "Border" (some 'Border' :rolleyes:) so going down to Mejico is a Cinch for us.. If ya Ever Need anything.. Just hit me up by PM, and we can work something out. :cool: Happy to help, as-able. 👍

I tried.. wild lettuce and it didn't work for me. ..

Well.. There's 'wild lettuce'.. and then there's Derivatives / Preparations, thereof, that are Most Definitely "Very Effective", but.. Kinda.. 'questionable' to discuss such, too 'deeply', herein. :) I'm sure Sir Peanut can give the Best advice / guidance.. He da' Man. :cool:

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Well.. 'You have nothing to treat it with' is something you Can 'do something about', but.. Education, is First. Lots of resources out there, to help with 'Homework', ie: 👍 ..and there's Plenty of Other sources, whence you are ready for a 'deeper dive' (ie: 'PDR's / Sanford Guides to Antibiotics, etc, etc) But.. 'Baby Steps' are best.. 🤓

Couple of 'em I can recommend to Consider / Try, are 'Peroxicam': ..And, 'How does it Compare to Ibuprofin'? 🤔 and some 'User reviews', Fwiw:

..Sure, there's 'Potential Side Effects' ( but so'z there for Any 'NSAID' ie: Peroxi is not much 'worse' than Ibup: ..That Said..

..Neither one of those are recommended for 'Long Term / Chronic Use' (I mean, like every day for 3 months "long"..) More for 'short term, Non-Opioid Acute Pain Management', etc.. ie: Maybe a week / two, etc..

Peroxicam 'Topical Gel' is helpful as well, for superficial / slightly-subdural (not 'deep muscle' / joint / bone-level, etc) pain management, but.. In Either case, it's Best taken 'alone', ergo: Not 'layered' with Acetaminophen / Aspirin / any Other 'NSAID'...

And, for 'deeper tissue-injury / joint-injury issues', there's 'Meloxicam': ..and a 'Comparator' article: 🤔

We're about 25 mi from "Border" (some 'Border' :rolleyes:) so going down to Mejico is a Cinch for us.. If ya Ever Need anything.. Just hit me up by PM, and we can work something out. :cool: Happy to help, as-able. 👍

Well.. There's 'wild lettuce'.. and then there's Derivatives / Preparations, thereof, that are Most Definitely "Very Effective", but.. Kinda.. 'questionable' to discuss such, too 'deeply', herein. :) I'm sure Sir Peanut can give the Best advice / guidance.. He da' Man. :cool:


Exactly, educate yourself about medicine. No different than learning to grow food or weapons training.

There is a great book for starting out… titled “Where there is no Doctor”

You can purchase it from amazon or download pdf versions for free..

And if you want to learn the herbal approach to medicine I put a series of great book titles in the library...
We're about 25 mi from "Border" (some 'Border' :rolleyes:) so going down to Mejico is a Cinch for us.. If ya Ever Need anything.. Just hit me up by PM, and we can work something out. :cool: Happy to help, as-able. 👍
I can vouch for that! :thumbs:
When we got off the cruise ship at a port in Mexico, they had several 'pharmacies' at the mall.
If you could pronounce the name of a drug, they would sell you all you wanted, no prescription needed!
Even name-brand 'patent-medicines' for a tiny fraction of we Americans pay out the wazoo for. :oops:
Some fellow cruisers admitted that they saved more than enough money to pay for their cruise.
Book your 'free' cruise today!:D
I wish we had gone into Mexico as you can buy some things OTC there.
That's about the same as just buying them as illegal street drugs here in the US. :eek:

I remember a family vacation in Mexico back in the late 60's (maybe it was the early 70's) where we walked into a Mexican drugstore in Puerto Vallarta. Looking for some anti-diarrhea stuff (it WAS Mexico, after all). There were indeed all kinds of drugs out on the counter. And I do mean "out on the counter". The pills were just laying there in little piles. No bottles or bags, just pills. There were handwritten notes next to them - I assume telling you what they were and what dosage to take (but I don't really know, since I couldn't read Spanish). Some were disintegrating. We said no thanks and just went back to the hotel. Hopefully Mexico has gotten better over the years.
That's about the same as just buying them as illegal street drugs here in the US. :eek:

I remember a family vacation in Mexico back in the late 60's (maybe it was the early 70's) where we walked into a Mexican drugstore in Puerto Vallarta. Looking for some anti-diarrhea stuff (it WAS Mexico, after all). There were indeed all kinds of drugs out on the counter. And I do mean "out on the counter". The pills were just laying there in little piles. No bottles or bags, just pills. There were handwritten notes next to them - I assume telling you what they were and what dosage to take (but I don't really know, since I couldn't read Spanish). Some were disintegrating. We said no thanks and just went back to the hotel. Hopefully Mexico has gotten better over the years.
The ones I saw people buying were in sealed factory bottles, just like the ones on your pharmacist's shelves, same English writing, that they use to dole out your 'monthly ration' to you... for megabux.:mad:
...Even name-brand 'patent-medicines' for a tiny fraction of we Americans pay out the wazoo for.

Aye, ie: a 'Recent Pack' for a Friend...


(IIRC, all that was about $125. in Total.. Now - as a 'comparison' - Ignore the Meloxicam and Fluconazole, and Just 'US Price-out' the Albuterol Inhalers... then x that by the 15x showing.. :oops: Yah... 'Worth the Trip'.. :cool:

My wife worked with a doctor in a small town, small emergency room/hospital/nursing home.. She would be the only one there till the doctor could make it. One doctor that was a temp from canada gave every trauma patient IV dramamine. Since they were in a remote town folks would be worried they would have to ride in a ambulance over 70 miles to get treated... Most things got treated right there.
Benadryl is another easily obtained drug that will mellow a person out. Sometimes the best thing to do is get some sleep..Just watch how often you use it will lose some of your personality..
If a person is a smoker be sure they get to smoke a bunch.....those nicotine receptor sites help calm things down..
One thing I stock is the formable splints....after having a few motorcycle injuries just stabilizing the injured extremity really helps.
I hope everyone stocks deep and wide the common OTC stuff.....
think about say six months or a year without new supply's, for you and yours that adds up to thousands of pills. And as far as a barter item it makes sense as well, just have some small envelopes or tinfoil to wrap a dozen pills in.
We as a society are wusses. I am no super human, but pain isn’t necessarily a bad thing. No it’s not fun, but it keeps you from doing things you shouldn’t be doing when your body is trying to repair itself.
I have aspirin and ibuprofen (& tequila). Speaking for myself: I would rather concentrate on what is causing the pain than masking the result of the issue.
some other things i like to keep on hand and use for physical aches and pains like muscle pain, arthritis, strains, swelling. i like having a variety of options. i aint getting any younger. i can run out of lotions, pills, etc, but the magnets will never run out.

absorbine jr - vet versiuon--same as human. i put in roll on applicator

DMSO - i put this in a roll on also

lidocane gel or roll on--these are also real good that can help alot

medical magnets--no joke- they work great, last forever
-these things are excellent. you can get pads you can put on back, neck, arm, cheat, alsp can get spot magnets to tape on somewhere. got some foot pain? tape a couple spot magnets on, works great.

i tripped and fell and messed my knee up. so i taped on a couple of the spot magnets, swelling is reduced and pain is reduced. ive used such things for many years and rely on them alot. the brand and gauss strength is the key as there is cheap crap out that that doesnt do much.
my favs proven over the years. you got foot pain? you can get foot pads that help me alot.

spot magnets -,aps,443&sr=8-1

magnet pad - worth every penny

small stick on magnets - these are small tape on magnets - i use for arthritis on hands, fingers, knuckles. once tape wears off i save them and just use a bandaid or similar to tape on and reuse.

one of my favorite brands i go to is
Aye, ie: a 'Recent Pack' for a Friend...


(IIRC, all that was about $125. in Total.. Now - as a 'comparison' - Ignore the Meloxicam and Fluconazole, and Just 'US Price-out' the Albuterol Inhalers... then x that by the 15x showing.. :oops: Yah... 'Worth the Trip'.. :cool:

They can feel free to spank us for dragging the thread off topic, but us Americans are being beaten like a redheaded stepchild :mad:.
I'll add the missing facts for SoJer's post for people that can do math:
The average price of an albuterol inhaler without insurance is around $98 for an 8.5 gram inhaler.
So multiply that X15, and subtract $100.
Then ask yourself: how much does a 3-day cruise to Cozumel for 2 people (with free food and entertainment:D) cost?
Is it 'free' with just that?
  • Carnival Cruise Line
    A 3-5 day cruise from Galveston to Cozumel on Carnival Cruise Line in October 2025 costs $546 per person for an inside cabin.
  • Royal Caribbean International
    A 4-day cruise from Galveston to Cozumel on the Mariner of the Seas in February 2025 costs $457 per person for an inside room.
  • GoToSea
    A 5-night Western Caribbean cruise from Galveston to Cozumel on the Mariner of the Seas in December 2024 costs from $435 per person for an inside cabin.
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another pain is a limited diet, don't get enough exercise or water and things can get serious in a hurry.
I hear the modern MRE's are pretty heavy food wise if you aren't actively war fighting
Also if you do have some heavy duty prescription pain meds they can also slow down your system and cause stoppages.
Freeze dried food also evidently can stop you up....
Best be stocking your favorite brand be it mira lax or similar.......

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