Paranormal activity

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A guy died in a motorcycle accident. My brother knew his family. They wanted to sell the house but didn’t want to empty it out. My brother worked a deal for the boat at a good price for emptying out the house. I happened to be in Anchorage that weekend so I rode along, about a two hour drive each way. I took my car so I could act as a safety vehicle.

The rubber on the trailer was bad so we picked up three or four rims and tires that were laying around the property and still had air in them. Along the ride home a tire went flat and my brother pulled over. I parked behind him. Shortly after a State Trooper pulled over to see if we needed assistance. I started chatting up the Trooper to distract him from looking at the expired plated on the trailer. He was interested in what we were doing and I explained that my brother had purchased this boat out of an estate. “Actually, the guy died right at this intersection.” Trooper, “The guy on the motorcycle?!” Me, “Yes. I don’t think he likes strangers taking his boat.” The Trooper got a weird look on his face and didn’t hang around.
Grief can make the brain do crazy things. After losing my SO in an accident, I would sometimes hear his voice or feel like he was standing behind me. I would dream about him frequently and some days it still feels surreal that he's gone. Although I do still feel his presence in nature, a lot of the other things have dissipated, particularly with the progress of my new relationship. I do need to go to the cemetery to visit him soon.
I'm so sorry that you lost someone dear to you, but happy for you that you found someone. I remember that my husband and I went to visit my grandpop years ago and he told us how hard it was to miss my Nan after she passed. He was not a flighty man at all, but told us that he would be sitting by the front picture window looking out and he said that he could hear her calling "Tom!" "Tom!" He said that several times he turned and called out "What?" He didn't know if he really heard her voice, or if it was his memory of her calling him.
yes, but I've posted the one I experienced before here on the forum when I was a young teen. That was a ghost story.
I dream about my family members who have died, but it is never anything weird or scary. I feel like they're checking in on me and letting me know everything is okay.
I've had spiritual experiences that I may or may not have shared here that had to do with being made aware of my nephew's death. So unreal and sad feeling. A couple of days after he passed away (car accident), I was having a dream about him visiting us, it startled me, I woke up crying. My husband comforted me, then we fell back to sleep. A little while later my husband woke up with a jump and WEIRDLY his dream started where mine had left off. My nephew, I felt, didn't want us to forget about him. He was 18.
I don't call it intuition on some of these, I call it being warned or made aware from the other s
I'm very sorry to here of your nephew. Sounds like maybe he was permitted to comfort you.
As a paranormal investigator, and before and since, I've had so many experiences so I believe in our souls and it isn't residual energy that's left. So many people don't pass over because their afraid or want to do something on our side or maybe they just want to keep having the physical part of our dimension. Maybe they feel if they cross over they've done something they feel will get them sent to hell so why go?
It was the winter of 77' 78'. That year saw a huge ice storm roll through Arkansas and other southern states. It was a hard winter to be sure. I was sitting with my dad and it was blowing hard and snow falling, already almost knee deep. There was 3 knocks at the door and we thought " who in their right mind would be out in this storm?" We opened the door to get them inside but no one was there! We looked and none of the snow was disturbed where it had accumulated on the door and no foot prints in the snow! We sat back down in the living room discussing this and there were 3 more knocks at the window. I went out and again no foot prints and dad always put up black garbage bags on the windows before a storm, nope no snow disturbed on the bags either. Found out a few days later one of my aunt's, my dads sister, had passed. That spring a dog that didn't belong in our area came and sat in our yard and howled for 3 days straight. Another of dads sisters had passed. I could keep going on but not enough room plus other people have stories to tell.
As a paranormal investigator, and before and since, I've had so many experiences so I believe in our souls and it isn't residual energy that's left. So many people don't pass over because their afraid or want to do something on our side or maybe they just want to keep having the physical part of our dimension. Maybe they feel if they cross over they've done something they feel will get them sent to hell so why go?
It was the winter of 77' 78'. That year saw a huge ice storm roll through Arkansas and other southern states. It was a hard winter to be sure. I was sitting with my dad and it was blowing hard and snow falling, already almost knee deep. There was 3 knocks at the door and we thought " who in their right mind would be out in this storm?" We opened the door to get them inside but no one was there! We looked and none of the snow was disturbed where it had accumulated on the door and no foot prints in the snow! We sat back down in the living room discussing this and there were 3 more knocks at the window. I went out and again no foot prints and dad always put up black garbage bags on the windows before a storm, nope no snow disturbed on the bags either. Found out a few days later one of my aunt's, my dads sister, had passed. That spring a dog that didn't belong in our area came and sat in our yard and howled for 3 days straight. Another of dads sisters had passed. I could keep going on but not enough room plus other people have stories to tell.
Interesting read?

I was told in a class I took on it that the "residual energy" is not capable of more than one or two words. It is usually about the death 'it' had and that is the experiences I've had communicating with them real time and via a voice box.

I'm not trying to start an argument; just adding to the discussion.
I'm terribly sorry. I should have better explained the energy part. There is both residual and interactive energy's. Some people claim to have witnessed things like the battle of Gettysburg and other events of history only to be told that didn't happen today, the battle actors won't be here until tomorrow. Seeing the same thing happen over and over. This is residual energy. I have a theory about this as follows, The Magnetosphere (we old folks know them as the Van Allen Belts) encircles the earth as magnetic lines of force. These lines can and are distorted by Solar winds such as CME's or common solar flares natural and harmless for the most part. I believe these lines are picking up on events and storing them like a tape or disc. I have some EVP's that are time distorted which I think is because the solar winds are distorting the magnetic lines. When conditions are right enough the tape gets played back.
If you had a communication with them it is not residual but active/interactive. I feel you are somewhat correct on only a few words for the residual but I have EVP's with sentences. I was in Anchorage Alaska, visiting some friends and staying the night. They broke out a ouija board, which I strongly caution anyone from doing. We got a hold of a spirit that was staying in the house. They told me the hallway and rear of the house is always cold, summer too. It turned out to be their mom who committed suicide when they were young, the father shortly after did too. She said she was waiting for the girl which freaked her out. I got her calmed down telling her "she's your mom, just waiting for her time to cross to help her". Everybody calmed down and we sacked out me on the sofa. I got this feeling of being watched and turned quickly to see what I call a "casper type" spirit. Woman, transparent from waist up and a funnel shape from waist down. She got this surprised look on her face and ran back down the hallway. One of many encounters.

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