Paranormal activity

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The day my wife's father died, we didn't know it at the time, we were sitting on the living room couch reading. Gus, our chocolate lab, was sleeping in his bed on the floor, suddenly he jumps up and stares at a spot on the wall above the fireplace wagging his tail. He let's out a couple barks and whines a little bit, still wagging his tail. He does this a couple more times. We didn't know what to make of it.

I had a battle buddy once who said he was wounded once and had to be medevacked out. When he had a chance to call his parents said that a few days earlier, the day we was injured, his dog woke up in the middle of the night and lost it's mind. It took them forever to calm it down. They did some calculating and it would have been about the same time he was hurt.
Someone in our family was laying on the floor with their beloved pit bull, who was dying of cancer. I don't know why animals are getting cancer but they are. The family member grew tired so went upstairs to bed. They were startled awake by some ethereal man carrying their dog. The family member ran downstairs to find her pet had died. This person was not an airhead, and not one given to fancy.
I've seen animals, mainly cats and dogs, do the same thing. Their looking at something and following it. I figured it was a bug or something like that but I look and nothing there. It wasn't until I became an investigator that I learned, some I already knew, animals can see, hear and smell way more than humans, except my mom, she could hear a fart clear across town. At early ages we're told "there's nothing there" or "you have a wild imagination" so we start to filter out things and when we become adults we no longer believe in ghosts.
I was having OBE’s (out of body experiences) when I was around 8, plus or minus. I got to the point where I could do these on command and travel beyond my known neighbourhood. I told Mom about it. She said I was just dreaming. I knew it wasn’t a dream so I quit doing it.
I was having OBE’s (out of body experiences) when I was around 8, plus or minus. I got to the point where I could do these on command and travel beyond my known neighbourhood. I told Mom about it. She said I was just dreaming. I knew it wasn’t a dream so I quit doing it.
I had the same experience. It started roughly same age about 8 y/o. It was vivid, I could go and watch locations that I chose. It was NOT dreaming, as I had control. It was like hovering over an area and watching. At age 15 I was taught how to have greater control of the OBE traveling, by my mother's much older sister.

In December 1989 I had a totally unbelievable experience in New Zealand. It was witnessed by several other people. It scared the puppy-poop out of myself and several others. I have no understanding of that event. I recorded that event on the "Wilderness Survival Forum", in great detail.

The only other mentionable things, are two things. One was the huge "Grizzly Bear" (Actually, an Alaskan Coastal Brown Bear) on top of me for about 18 or 20 minutes. (And God rendering advise).

The other was a "Making a lady I loved" not get on a flight. That was shot down over China, and everyone died. (was (2) TWO U.S. congressional members on that flight) This was in second half of 80's.

I long ago stopped communicating about this subject/experience.
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Caribou and Sourdough, interesting that my friend and I were talking about OBEs and playing with an Ouija board back in the late 1950s when we were in grade school. My point is that it's not anything new.
I've always had the gift of foresight. People I really love and care about, mainly family, I can sense things about them like where they are. When I go to see them I'll wander off the route to their house and end up at a farmers market or some place and there they are. Sometimes I'll see things before they happen but no time frame as too when. I'll have day dreams which usually turn out just like I see them then night dreams are like puzzles I have to figure out. The first one I remember took six years to fulfill. I've tried OBE's but not a lot of luck. Lucid dreaming was far easier than OBE's. It took me awhile but finally got to the point of control. Then life through me a case of canned worms and I quit doing it, also I was doing it so much my body was getting sore from too much time in bed. My dad was a dowser, sometimes with the forked willow branch but he used a coat hanger he shaped as well. He taught me but I haven't done it in a long time but sure I could. He found a lot of things for people from lost jewelry to ore veins, never taking a penny for his time and effort.
I've seen animals, mainly cats and dogs, do the same thing. Their looking at something and following it. I figured it was a bug or something like that but I look and nothing there. It wasn't until I became an investigator that I learned, some I already knew, animals can see, hear and smell way more than humans, except my mom, she could hear a fart clear across town. At early ages we're told "there's nothing there" or "you have a wild imagination" so we start to filter out things and when we become adults we no longer believe in ghosts.
I know that dogs will sometimes have an instant dislike of someone - they seem to have a keener sense than we do. Just be cautious getting involved with this stuff because there may be real evil involved. I don't know but I'd be careful.
FYI, I read a book back in the mid-1970s called The Nature Of Personal Reality by Jane Roberts. I invite y'all to do a little research on the book and you will probably read it. Pretty much, you are what you attract. If you are in a bad mood, you can attract bad things and a good mood attracts good things.

Quote from the link below:
In this perennial bestseller, Seth challenges our assumptions about the nature of reality. He explains how the conscious mind directs unconscious activity and has at its command all the powers of the inner self. Included are excellent exercises for applying these theories to any life situation.
Absolutely there could be evil. This is why I tell people not to mess with Ouija boards. Should you make contact you have no idea of who or what it is. You are opening a portal to this dimension for them to come through. There is a documented case in Europe, I think Germany, where 9 college students took part in a Ouija board experiment. They claim to have made contact. Shortly after 1 by 1 they started having mysterious almost freak accidents killing the entire group. Be careful not to do things your not sure of.
Absolutely there could be evil. This is why I tell people not to mess with Ouija boards. Should you make contact you have no idea of who or what it is. You are opening a portal to this dimension for them to come through. There is a documented case in Europe, I think Germany, where 9 college students took part in a Ouija board experiment. They claim to have made contact. Shortly after 1 by 1 they started having mysterious almost freak accidents killing the entire group. Be careful not to do things your not sure of.
I agree with you. I saw what went on at that family member's house. They later told me that there was a pentagram painted on the shed when they bought the house. So somebody had opened the door to something in that house. One of their friend's was actually choked - with no human around. He refused to go into the house ever again. I still get a chill up my spine thinking of the raspy voice on that recording.
Absolutely there could be evil. This is why I tell people not to mess with Ouija boards. Should you make contact you have no idea of who or what it is. You are opening a portal to this dimension for them to come through. There is a documented case in Europe, I think Germany, where 9 college students took part in a Ouija board experiment. They claim to have made contact. Shortly after 1 by 1 they started having mysterious almost freak accidents killing the entire group. Be careful not to do things your not sure of.
I haven't played with one since I was a kid and that is over 60 years ago.
Some things just make ya wonder. My good buddy in NY needed a heart valve replacement. I live in Australia. The night before he went in we both were streaming the same Nat Geo Australia in real time...and on the phone. It was about spiders. During the doco he said "Hey, if I don't make it I wanna come back as one of your jumping spiders." Next morning, there I am. Sitting on the Thronemaster 2000 and on the front of my face...was a jumping spider doing pushups and looking right at me, eye to eye. Well, eyes to eye. I got on the phone and spoke to his GF. He died on the table...minutes before. Great bloke.