It was laying across the front door jamb. I thought I had it pinned down with my boot and I was going to grab it behind the head so I could cut it's head off and it nailed me. In my defense, I'd just worked 4 16 hours days in a row and I wasn't thinking on all cylinders.
Apparently I am super sensitive to the venom or something. The hospital ended up giving me 9 doses of anti-venom at $7000 a pop. My arm swelled to my shoulder and turned black, the doctors weren't sure for a the first 3-4 days if I was going to lose my arm or my hand. I was on a ventilator for a couple of days. The toxin really hit me hard. I was at the University of Missouri Hospital in Columbia, that was the closest place that had the anti-venom. The doctors cut slices in my arm to allow for the swelling, it was nasty. One of the worst parts about it was that they couldn't give me anything for pain for nearly 36 hours because my blood pressure was way too low, at one point it was 48 over 26; if they'd given me pain medicine I would have crashed apparently.
Part of my finger rotted off and my youngest wanted to sell it on ebay as a medical oddity. In case anyone is wondering, the snake did lose it's life after it tagged me. We have summers where we are killing 1 or 2 a week, generally if they aren't around the house, chicken house, barn, or where a kid or animal could get hurt I'll let them be. They do a good job at rodent control.
I am also thankful that I had AFLAC at the time! It took me all summer to recover and I was off work for 3 months.