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I'm from Atlanta and one night at a driv in theatre some kid had a nazi looking cross on back of his car.
About 10 WW11 vets walked up to the car and ask the kid if he knew what that emblem meant.he said he just though it was cool,they took it off his car waved a fist and left. We couldn' here all that wa said. That was about 1964. Kid or no kid they would have hurt him if he even slightly rejected,they were fighting mad. Anti nazi possy got together in the concession stand.Word spread fast into parking lot.:D:thumbs:
Likely it was a Maltese Cross similar to this:

Which appears on this:

Which is called the "Iron Cross" and was awarded to German soldiers who killed the most allied soldiers in WW1 and WW2.
When I was building a chopper motorcycle in the 70's I was going to put some on the bike.
My dad said: "Over my dead body you will!":waiting:
Then I studied up on what it meant.
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Folks should pay closer attention to what they are getting angry about... most just follow the mob with no real idea.

The morning of 9-11 I had doctors appointments in birmingham. About noon I was leaving town and stopped of gas. The line to pay was back to the door... A lot of people were scared and angry... I could hear people grumbling about the cashier... folks were getting more angry and more vocal. A couple guys were mouthing off about turbans... how dare they... The cashier (wearing a turban) was scared, I could see it in his eyes.

But the cashier wasn't an Arab... he was a Sikh! I said as much very loudly so every one in the store could hear me. Said "his people have been fighting Muslims over 600 years".

It calmed that situation down quickly.... Somebody was about to get hurt... But that is the mob mentality... clueless.
They could name it "The Tornado Magnet Estates". Despite the obvious danger of attracting severe weather events, I kind of like this. I can't tell you why. I probably wouldn't make it up the first flight of stairs without collapsing (don't know what would collapse first - me or the structure).
Supervisor, you're not doxing me. LOL. I don't actually live near Mamou or Eunice. It's quite the drive to get there, but my parish sucks.

I spy some barnyard fertilizer. I used to collect it in & put it in sacks for my elderly friend in town to use in his garden.

SCOTUS ruled many years ago that burning the flag was protected free speech. Also, old tattered flags are burned rather than thrown in the trash. Sort of a cremation. I personally think burning flags is dumb, but soldiers died to protect the right to do it.

Sewing, that looks delicious!!