This is a drone shot of the new swimming pool in my home town in South Dakota. It is supposed to be completed in a couple months. It is on the south edge of town. If you look to the top of the photo, above the horizon, you will see wind turbines. These were the most productive wind turbines in the U.S. from the time they were built and may still be. It is a windy place. Continuing down the road is a reservation and Big Bend Dam on the Missouri River, also used for power.
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There had been an Olympic sized pool in the same location since around 1960 that was torn out a couple years ago. It had served the community for 60 years.
There was lots of fundraising for the first pool done mainly by the local Civic League. My mother was a part of the Civic League's fundraising, but she was deceased before the pool was built. A former resident, a rancher who moved to Nebraska, had donated lots of money to get the first one built.
The community does lots of fund raisers and so far has raised about $911,000 towards building the new pool. I looked at the donation list and there were many people donating $1000's for the pool build. I have donated money because I realize how important the pool was to us when we were growing up. The pool cost about $2,000,000. I don't know where the rest of the money will come from for the pool. The community does not qualify for a Head Start program because the farmers and rancher's income raises the financial threshold above the qualification level.
There are less than 700 people in the county.
In a small town, a swimming pool can be such a great thing for children in the summer. I spent most of my days there when I wasn't out at my other grandparent's ranch. I took as many swimming lessons as I could. When I was a kid, it was 10 cents a day to go swimming, or $3.00 for a summer pass. I worked in the office of the pool one summer while I was in college.