Post A Photo, A Real Photo

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A weird photo I found in a box of old photos
nothing written behind I dont know who it is
But its someone in the family 🧐😊

I was using my keyboard and Boo climbed on my lap, rolled on his side and partially onto his back and was pushing the keyboard with his back foot. Didn't realize it but Fippy is visible off to the right and Biscuits was in the middle but farther away.

I went in for the belly rubs-- which Boo loves. Fippy was grooming himself but then Ginger got jealous.
Your animals seem to be similar in construction. I can't tell where the head on this one is any better than I could identify that on your previous dog picture.
LOL. Boo's back foot is to the left sticking up in the air. He had both front legs curled up to his chest and you can sor tof see his left ear (which is folded bc it got filled with fluid and deflated). He likes to sleep on his back with his belly up. I forgot to mention Ginger off to the left but you can only see her back end a bit-- she's the orange one. She got jealous of Boo having his Belly rubbed and got up in front of the camera in the video. Boo is now sitting on a plastic drawer thingy and Ginger is on my lap.

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