I'm not an expert on legal anything, but am almost positive that under no circumstances can you make distilled alcohol for consumption anywhere in the us. There are permits for making fuel alcohol that are available in several states though. I'm almost tempted to try to get a permit to test it out on a lawnmower, just to see how long it would run on it.TN has a law that you can make so much moonshine for gassahol and even some for personal use . One of my Grand Pa's made moon shine , his still sites are still on the mnt's here . I dont need to make any as I don't drink and nothing I have would run long on it .
Now, as far as making alcohol to drink, you can make beer and wine, just not distill it. I can legally make 100 gals of wine a year, per Adult person in my household. If anyone needs more drink than that, I'd say they have a problem!