Everyone talks about surviving, but how many people actually have a plan for what they'd DO after a SHTF event? By this, I mean a job, a function to society beyond just your own survival.
I remember an episode of Doomsday Preppers. I know, most of it is pretty crazy and of course, made to make the person look like a loon, but there was this one guy who is a trucker, and post SHTF, he foresees a need for this of course.
It got me thinking. What would we do post SHTF? Specialization is the key to human society really. We can't all be good at everything. When we assembled our group, we were lucky enough to have friends who were ex-military, current law enforcement, former EMT, skilled animal handlers, etc. I got the idea that once settled into our lifestyle (post SHTF), we'd likely be a trading post...trading goods and services we could spare, for things others could spare that we need (or could trade with others).
Of course, this had me taking stock of what we could offer (or could learn to offer). Now, some of these things we'd be able to do, and others we'd trade for, but here are some ideas.
Looter - A guy who goes around looking for discarded or abandoned items. He might find ammo that doesn't fit his weapon, for example, and want to trade it for a jar of home-canned food. Could also be less savory raiders, but same deal, they may find they make out better trading vs. risking it with armed opponents. Example, a looter may clean out an old abandoned pharmacy, but have no idea what the drugs do. He trades them with us for food, any needed meds, water, some ammo, etc. We then have them to trade with others (or use on patients).
Medical - Whether an EMT, a doctor, a nurse, or even someone who knows a lot of first aid, these skills will be in demand. Serious ethical issues too, because you don't want to use up items if nothing for trade. However, labor could always be a commodity.
Farmer - Grow food, trade excess for other items. Raise animals for food, work, etc.
Drugs - Whether looted pharmaceuticals, home-made remedies from medicinal herbs, tobacco or currently illegal plants, etc., these will be hot commodities.
Mechanic - Things break, always need fixing
Construction/Plumber/Electrician - Always have to build, modify things, fix infrastructure
Messenger/Communications - Whether a HAM operator or runner, communication will be very different, as will news
Fuel Specialist - Making biodiesel, converting engines, etc.
Soldier - Things need to be guarded
Trader - What I plan to do (as above)
Prostitute - You know it will be around
Truck Driver - Would probably be armed convoys, but can see how this would eventually be something that would work, especially once settlements allied.
Food Prep - How to preserve food without modern power, etc.
Hunter/Fisherman - Provides meat for the masses
Laborer - Just all around muscle work
I'm sure there are PLENTY of others you could think of.