Good to hear that the locals in your area
@Sentry18 are mildly prepared but I would say most aren't in most areas as
@LadyLocust has pointed out. We also have click and collect for our grocery orders here and find it fantastic as we get no deliveries in woop woop. You can order at your own convenience and also pick it up at a suitable time. As DH has mobility issues it suits us to do a majority of our grocery orders online and pick up odds and sods when we go out such as fruit and vegetables.
@LadyLocust that is a huge amount of water to use
and that surprises me to be honest. We worked out our 5000 gallons would last us very close to 2.5 years if used as frugally as we use it here. Our town water usage on our last bill we were averaging 70 litres (18.5 gallons) per day for the two of us so if you add the two I think we are coming way under the 80 - 100 gallons of water per person per day . We use the town water on the gardens and for washing the car with.