So today I prepared a package to send to my in-laws. And I didn't do it for them, I did it for my wife. My in-laws didn't take the COVID-19 thing seriously at all. I suggested back in late February or early March that they should consider buying some supplies, but they didn't feel it was necessary. Now they suddenly find they have no masks, gloves, hand sanitizer, or anything else. They also just decided today that perhaps they should be staying home instead of eating out, golfing, going to wine tastings, shooting skeet, socializing with neighbors, etc. I am not sure what is going on in AZ but they must be living life like normal or something. Anyway my wife said her Dad called her and said he wished they had some protective equipment and asked if I had any to spare. Then she came over to me with her sexy Norwegian accent and hazel eyes giving me the "I will make it worth your wild" look. Next thing you know I am putting masks, nitrile gloves, hand sanitizer, and disinfecting hand wipes into a box.
When I brought her home to meet my parents my Dad said to me "Wow, she's a looker. You're going to have a hard time ever saying no to her." He was wise then, he is wise now.