Preparations Update

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Brought plumbers strapping, Phillips head bits for my cordless drill, wood screws, tin snips and pipe insulation today.

The pipe insulation is for the roof basket on my car.
It's powder coated and I live in a coastal environment and so any scratches are going to rust.
I'll slit it down the middle and attach it to the top bars with zip ties first and then duct tape.
It's dark grey and it tones in well with the black roof bars and basket. 1000 times better than the blue pool noodles I was going to use.

I put more money aside to rent a storage shed for a year with cash.
Yeah, because, "apparently" I'm F&*#ING LAZY for not wanting to go to the effort of caching over 5 tons of equipment in 15 ltr buckets over the landscape including a tandem kayak.
I didn't know you could fit a tandem kayak in a 15 ltr bucket...but what the hell would I know?
So, Apparently I'm opting for the "lazy" option and going ahead with the storage shed.
I dunno?
Does this get me kicked out of the hardcore "REAL" prepper club?
God forbid! <SNARK.
Brought plumbers strapping, Phillips head bits for my cordless drill, wood screws, tin snips and pipe insulation today.

The pipe insulation is for the roof basket on my car.
It's powder coated and I live in a coastal environment and so any scratches are going to rust.
I'll slit it down the middle and attach it to the top bars with zip ties first and then duct tape.
It's dark grey and it tones in well with the black roof bars and basket. 1000 times better than the blue pool noodles I was going to use.

I put more money aside to rent a storage shed for a year with cash.
Yeah, because, "apparently" I'm F&*#ING LAZY for not wanting to go to the effort of caching over 5 tons of equipment in 15 ltr buckets over the landscape including a tandem kayak.
I didn't know you could fit a tandem kayak in a 15 ltr bucket...but what the hell would I know?
So, Apparently I'm opting for the "lazy" option and going ahead with the storage shed.
I dunno?
Does this get me kicked out of the hardcore "REAL" prepper club?
God forbid! <SNARK.
Tools are always a good investment. I think I missed something, but glad you're getting the storage cache together.
Tools are always a good investment. I think I missed something, but glad you're getting the storage cache together.

I was called out by a "member" for being lazy for getting a storage shed instead of caching supplies. He then proceed to detail how wonderful his caching efforts were to highlight just how lazy I was.
Brought plumbers strapping, Phillips head bits for my cordless drill, wood screws, tin snips and pipe insulation today.

The pipe insulation is for the roof basket on my car.
It's powder coated and I live in a coastal environment and so any scratches are going to rust.
I'll slit it down the middle and attach it to the top bars with zip ties first and then duct tape.
It's dark grey and it tones in well with the black roof bars and basket. 1000 times better than the blue pool noodles I was going to use.

I put more money aside to rent a storage shed for a year with cash.
Yeah, because, "apparently" I'm F&*#ING LAZY for not wanting to go to the effort of caching over 5 tons of equipment in 15 ltr buckets over the landscape including a tandem kayak.
I didn't know you could fit a tandem kayak in a 15 ltr bucket...but what the hell would I know?
So, Apparently I'm opting for the "lazy" option and going ahead with the storage shed.
I dunno?
Does this get me kicked out of the hardcore "REAL" prepper club?
God forbid! <SNARK.

Having your stores within easy access in a secure location sounds like a smart way to go. When I was in college we stored cases of dry goods in a climate controlled storage unit with 24hr access, it worked out great for us. After all if you are just starting out living in an apartment or very small quarters there just isn't room for everything. Unless you have friends and family where you can stash stuff on their property, cashing often results in lost goods and equipment. Where I grew up if it wasn't nailed down and locked up it was going to be stolen. I have even seen people steal engines that were bolted to a concrete pad...... People find stuff out in the middle of no where and they think, look someone dumped some crap here, lets take what we want....

I have heard of preppers who invested in an underground bunker with generator, battery banks, and all the trimmings, carefully placed it out in a remote location in the woods, only to return to find their pad-locks cut and their hard earned stores gone.... Does not make for happy preppers....

As for me, I want my stuff where I can reach it or I know it is under someone's watchful eye.
Exactly, UrbanHunter. If you can’t have it in your possession, you may as well consider it a gift to someone. Better to be a bit cramped and have it to take with you than to hope it’s there if you need it.
Checked on an out of the way, seriously rural spot yesterday with over two feet of snow dwindling, hiked in and footprints all over. Have been told before by LEO that nothing is safe. Not in the lower 48, anyway.
Thanks dude.
People wonder why this place has a dwindling membership when the pet forum drunks are allowed to attack the membership.
I have not seen anyone openly attacking anyone here, if they are, they should be talked to by the management quietly and have the subject addressed. I know most people have an opinion about everything, but that does not make them or myself correct.....
I’m sorry if I irked anyone with my post about storing stuff away. I was definitely feeling discouraged, after discovering ‘my’ place was totally unsafe. Have had it for 25 years, remote, a throwback of 100 years. Totally about the last spot I thought anyone would consider, but with today’s concerns, I guess not. Different things work for different people in different locations. I am glad for everyone sharing and helping the thought process along for where we want to be. Be safe, and have a great day!
It was a couple of days ago, but we ordered bees 🐝 for the first time. I have been reading and learning for months and have a class in a couple of weeks, but we are starting down the bee path. Two hives for now. Should be fun, hopefully not a total waste of money.

Reading and learning in order to try something new is never a waste of money or time. It's part of life's overall education.
Today was an unexpectedly good day for adding a random selection of items to my stores.I went to town for a few fresh items and ended up with a lot of unexpected ones.
Found good amount of canning jars and lids, so I couldn't pass those up. I was hoping to find a sale on thermals, and boy did I ever find a sale. They were selling my favourite ones for $3! I couldn't believe it lol, actually asked a store assistant if that was correct. Anyway I have enough thermals and winter socks for a very long time now 😂 also found on sale new blades for the jig saw and table saw.
Went to the small Amish store today and found some canning lids! A package of 3 dz wide mouths for $8. Usually they would of sold sleeves of them, these are broken down to 3 dz size, but that's ok. I have a good stockpile, but still got a package. Also found the American Farmer's Almanac in english. The one in Penn Dutch is way over my head.
It's day 15 of setting 3 dozen fertile quail eggs in the incubator.
Time to take them out of the egg turner, up the humidity in the incubator and leave them alone. It's called the lockdown period for a reason.
This is the first lot of quail eggs I've ever incubated and I'm pretty excited.
I have 12 that are sub adults and they are a sheer pleasure to own.
I love these little guys and they seem to be a lot tougher than guinea pigs in the extremely hot conditions I have happening at the moment.
I've been thinking of getting out the incubator soon for the chicken eggs. I've never incubated quail before, how many days, Tank? Is it 17 or 18 total? What do you feed the chicks?

it's 19 days but on day 15 you take them out of the egg turner, crank the humidity and don't touch em.. The incubator should be set at 37.5 degrees C....dunno what that is in F. Sorry
I'm feeding them turkey starter crumbles which has 32% protein but most use Game Bird starter.
From what I read they need the higher protein because they grow so big so quickly.
They're like a miniature meat chicken.
I've started a mealworm colony. Dried they contain something like 45% protein and over 30% fats.
II'm looking at the future when there isn't enough money or there isn't feed in the feed store.
it's 19 days but on day 15 you take them out of the egg turner, crank the humidity and don't touch em.. The incubator should be set at 37.5 degrees C....dunno what that is in F. Sorry
I'm feeding them turkey starter crumbles which has 32% protein but most use Game Bird starter.
From what I read they need the higher protein because they grow so big so quickly.
They're like a miniature meat chicken.
I've started a mealworm colony. Dried they contain something like 45% protein and over 30% fats.
II'm looking at the future when there isn't enough money or there isn't feed in the feed store.

Right at 100F
That's how I set up the chicken eggs. 21 days total, but on day 19 I increase humidity and stop turning. Bantams and silkies are a few days less.
Ok, so explain how you're doing mealworms. I've thought of doing mealworms because they are way expensive to buy.

There are two different types of mealworms out on the market and they are two totally different species.
Tenebrio molitor which is more cold tolerant but will still die if they get too cold and Zophobas morio which has a black head and black stripes on it's back end.
Watch out for suppliers who sell mealworms that have treated their stock with a hormone which stops them pupating.
This is one of the best videos I've seen which explains it very well. He fails to explain that the carrot/ potato/ apple is there as a source of moisture for the mealworms which they'll eat.
My wife and I actually communicate... I know it's hard to believe but we started our lives together by communicating.
We had been writing, emailing and talking on the phone for two years before I ever saw her. (not even a picture)
She had a picture of me but I told her I didn't need a picture. I got to know who she was and shared who I was... even the dark side which intrigued her, I think. When she came out (from Alabama to Seattle) I met her with a welcome sign and a smile. She melted into my arms and I told her she lied to me.. SHOCKED she said she didn't and asked what I was talking about. I told her quietly that she told me she didn't have ****s. The sweater she was wearing showed her torso off nicely. We still laugh about that moment today. She had been told often and repeatedly that she was flat that she began to believe it. She doesn't believe it anymore. I'm not a guy that likes big breasted women so I thought she looked great - she still does. When I took her to to get some clothes I told the sales lady that she needed to be fit with a bra. She was surprised at the size she was fitted with. She enjoys my dark side and I enjoy her giving me control. We still spend time talking and she has her input and I respect her. We have built a trust that is rare between partners or married couples today. Our relationship was based on trust and communication. If you took everything else away we would still be happy and in love.
Wonderful story SheepDog, how'd she deal with the shock of being in Seattle? Or is that just my hatred of the highway system when I lived there in the 60's and early 70's ? Alabama has to have been a lot more laid back than the craziness of Seattle.
Today 1 kilo of live meal worms are going to be delivered.
These are going to be the start of my meal worm colony that I'm going to breed to feed my quail.
I'm pretty happy that these critters really don't require electricity or heat in my climate.
One less power drain on my solar system when ( NOT IF) SHTF.
We had an appt. in town this week, so I decided to get a shopping list together since there was a good sale going on.

Picked up on sale:
1.5 cases cream soups for casseroles and stews
1 case canned stew
.5 case hormel chili
.5 case of canned ham on clearance
2 pairs of winter gloves on clearance
12 shampoo and 12 body wash (BOGO 50% off and coupons)
2 cans coffee (on sale and had coupon)
1 case spaghetti sauce
1 case kleenex

Also stopped at Aldi for regular fresh veges and picked up some frozen shrimp (on sale), salmon (on sale), bacon, TP, laundry detergent, dark chocolate, and a rug that was on sale.

Took delivery on some more silver too. Overall it was a good week.

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