Preparations Update

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I have my own tank now. Gas went up 30 cents a liter a week after I got it filled. The bulk trucks were breaking road restriction rules to make the rounds for the farmers before the price hike. I think the local transportation po po went fishing that week. Sometimes people are able to practice some common decency.
QR code contract tracing apps and or leaving your contact details are going to be madatory to go to any hospitality or grocery store on the 9th of July at 1 pm. Take away's and drive throughs aren't included.

If I read the app blerb on my State's health web site they are planning a roll out of this app to make it madatory at all stores eventually.

I'm doing my best to find loop holes in the system because I WILL NOT down load the app - I took my smart phone for it's first lesson in underwater basket didn't end well....;) and I refuse to give my contact details.
I'm working on food but I found a answer to the fuel situation.
Unmanned fuel pumps have a facility to use your credit or debit card to pay for the fuel without having to check in.
They're open 24/7.
Now the nearest "land based" unmanned fuel pump is over an hour's drive from me. I was fully prepared to load up the car with jerry cans and make the trek.
BUT there is a company that runs the 24 hour unmanned fuel depo at the local marina.
This company is nation wide, the account costs $35 to open and there's a on-line safety induction that you have to pass before you get the account approved and you get your account card.
The fuel pumps are on a floating wharf so there's no vehicle access at all so I'm going to have to use jerry cans to get the fuel from the wharf to the car.
Fair enough.

If you are close to the coast chances are there'll be a marina or a wharf for pleasure and fishing boats that will have a similar facility.
Unmanned land based pumps are common at bulk fuel depo's.
It's just a matter of doing a little bit of searching and finding out what's available in your area.
That is crazy! Thank you for posting though so we have a sense of what's going on in "real life" elsewhere as opposed to just what media says. So are the masks and mandates being lifted? Obviously, I don't like hearing this.
Ordered the frame of an 18x20ft steel building.
We'll be getting the metal for the building at a Mennonite company much cheaper than buying a building package.
Hubby will be shooting the grades and setting up the forms to pour concrete. Its cheaper that way. The concrete guy said he'd finish it for us in the price ( which I don't know at the moment)
The building will hold extra tons of wood pellets for our stove for winter heat so we have extra put back for an emergency

We're trying to think ahead to get ready to be on SS next year and a fixed income.
Selling the army trucks and motorcycles have been a blessing letting us do some of the things we have.
Tank is in Australia

The sign in mandate states that if you don't use the QR code or give your details manually you can't enter the store. After the 9th I have no idea if this is going to be rolled out to delivery and curbside pickup so it's a case of wait and see.
I did have a domestic account with a grocery wholesaler that sells to cafes and restaurants and they did delivery for a minimum order. the parent company decided to shut down that side of their business. The good news is that my branch will allow the public to preorder and pay over the phone and then do a curbside pickup. They are sending me a new pdf of their catalog via email. The best bit is because they aren't classed as a supermarket no QR codes or sign in's are needed.

I found another way to get fuel. BP has a app that allows you to unlock a fuel pump and pay for it without getting out of the car. The app had some pretty crummy reviews in the app shop so I rang the only BP service station in my town that uses the BPme app and actually asked the worker how she found the app. Did it work the way it was supposed to. Was it glitchy. She gave me some awesome feed back and some really helpful tips.
I downloaded the app.
I'm still getting the fuel card from the Marine supplier because I believe in redundancy. $35 isn't a lot of money to pay for that piece of mind.
lighters and or matches.
i recall reading the account of the guy who went thru the civil war in bosnia i think it was---sobering account of civilians trying to survive in a small city. and what was considered critical besides food and medicines (get mroe tubes of antibiotice ointment)

people got desperate for them and they were a high trade item

amazon has a pack of 50 for $8.99 cant have too many im thinking

We got our shed delivered and now have some work to do to make it a makeshift summer home for anyone who needs a short term place to stay. It is going to be very basic....for a reason. Short term stay's are all it's supposed to be, so all the comforts of home won't be there. However, we will insulate it and maybe throw an AC unit in the window. Bring your cots and bedding and you'll have your own 4 walls. I have cots, but I'm not suppling the bedding. If you want to stay, you'd better bring your own. When it's not being used, it'll be a storage shed for gear that we only use in the summer.

We got some more propane tanks filled that we used already this summer. We also picked up some extra seeds and garden supplies for next year. The garden this year seems to be coming along nicely.

I've been slowly adding more paper products to my stash. Every time I go to Aldi I throw in extra paper plates, TP, PT, tinfoil, plastic ware, etc., if I have room in the cart. I also grabbed some extra electrical supplies the last time I was in WM. Those things are cheap and could make a huge difference in making something work in a pinch. It seems we never have a voltage meter around when we need one, so now we should be good. I bought a digital one to go with an analog one that came in an 'all-in-one' kit that I bought too.

I've got some organizing to do, but that isn't my top priority right now. I feel like now is the time to try and top off the supplies. I should have all kinds of time to organize stuff in the cooler months. I feel like when fall approaches, things might get crazy again when the regular ole' flu season comes around and THEY call it variant 666, lose their minds, and lock us all down again. I'd much rather spend my time organizing my stuff than trying to be one of those out there getting my stuff.

Hopefully there'll be some garage sales to hit over the 4th. I don't really need anything, but I always have my eyes open for any deals that might present themselves. I'll have cash in my pocket ready to make a deal.
lighters and or matches.
i recall reading the account of the guy who went thru the civil war in bosnia i think it was---sobering account of civilians trying to survive in a small city. and what was considered critical besides food and medicines (get mroe tubes of antibiotice ointment)

people got desperate for them and they were a high trade item

amazon has a pack of 50 for $8.99 cant have too many im thinking

With all due respect those lighters are crap as reflected in the reviews.

I stick with Bic lighters that are rock solid and a model of quality control.

They can be had for $50 / 50 lighters. I have a stash of 100 or more for the reasons you shared.

I have gone "Full" circle, back to Zippo Lighters. I don't put any fluid into them. But cache a full can of lighter fluid and spare flints with each new Zippo Lighter. It was a pain getting the lighter fluid shipped from America to the bottom of my mountain. But "Got-R;done".
I used carry Zippos. I learned not to over fill them because the fluid would cause chemical burns on my leg.

With all due respect those lighters are crap as reflected in the reviews.

I stick with Bic lighters that are rock solid and a model of quality control.

They can be had for $50 / 50 lighters. I have a stash of 100 or more for the reasons you shared.

I don't know about those particular cheap lighters, but I do have a favorite. They sell them at a local gas station. I don't even know what the brand is, but they flat out work and they have a highly adjustable flame, which a Bic does not. Speaking from experience, if one must light damp or otherwise balky tinder, a larger flame than a Bic is useful, and these will throw a 2 1/2 inch flame.

I don't mean to sound like I'm hating on the Bic lighters, because I use them as well. I especially like the really small, half sized ones to put in all my backpacks...
With all due respect those lighters are crap as reflected in the reviews.

I stick with Bic lighters that are rock solid and a model of quality control.

They can be had for $50 / 50 lighters. I have a stash of 100 or more for the reasons you shared.


i totally get what you are saying and i know the reviews. everyone should get what they are most comfortable with and have the best experience with. ive bought the bic and ive bought these cheapos many times over the years---used to be a smoker and i mainly used these cheapos. ive not had the # of problems as ckaimed by some. not sayting anyone is exaggerating but ive just not had all that much problem at all, which is why i still grab some when i can. all i can say is ive never thrown one away still filled cause it didnt work.

maybe i talk nicer to them....;^)
I don't know about those particular cheap lighters, but I do have a favorite. They sell them at a local gas station. I don't even know what the brand is, but they flat out work and they have a highly adjustable flame, which a Bic does not. Speaking from experience, if one must light damp or otherwise balky tinder, a larger flame than a Bic is useful, and these will throw a 2 1/2 inch flame.

I don't mean to sound like I'm hating on the Bic lighters, because I use them as well. I especially like the really small, half sized ones to put in all my backpacks...
I get the adjustment thing.

Sea Story Time

When in boot camp we had to support the camp and provide the support services to operate the place. It was called service week. Through a series of miracles, I ended being a battalion messenger which one of the jobs that sucked the least.

Get up early and play the real to real tape of rivalry in 5he morning, carry incoming and out going paperwork three times a day then play taps at the end of the day. The rest of the time was standing by to deliver emergency messages. Otherwise it was sit at my desk and wait, smoke, and coke all day.

But the Bic lighters har adjustment valves that were very entertaining. We could crank up a 18" flame. The other actor in this story are the flies. There were flies everywhere.

So Ben cranks up his lighter and sneaks up on a fly on the desk. One flash would vaporize the fly's wings but otherwise leave it untouched. It was funny to watch the dewinged flies vibrate trying to take off after there are dozen or more. Those lighters were cool.

Back on lighter quality...

The full level is often off with those cheap lighters. Some more some less some empty. The adjustment is required to get them to work. Bic is flawless.

The Bic works on the first flick and continues until 3 flicks from spent. I could develop a blister from trying to get el cheapo to light.

Back to bartering

If I am going to swap a lighter for something of value I would to swap a good quality lighter.

Starting a fire with wet...

I would seat u through watersheds looking for floatsum and jetsum lodged in low hanging branches of tees and shrubs. A blow torch is not required, just more expedient.

Yeah I am an old man that bathers on.

We like a little butane torch and have quit using lighters. Zippo was better than a disposable, but this has all kinds f them beat. Very hot, direct, and quick to start a fire. Inexpensive, from Harbor Freight, Walmart, and like places. Refillable.


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Today I am getting metal shelves to replace plastic one that were used to store my canning supplies, as the plastic aged it split and bowed, I want to replace it before I have jars on the floor..... Gravity is hard on glass objects. Part of the new shelves will be on wheels so I can actually have more storage in the same space.
This afternoon while I am waiting for the wife at the Salon... I will go over to the pharmacy and pick up some first aid supplies as our inventory has been being heavily used.
Added some more canned meats. Use by dates go from 3 years all the way up to 5 years
Added more roast beef, chicken, salmon and canned hams ( 5yr use by dates)
Picked up another bag of almonds. Nuts were getting picked over it seemed
5 different kinds of block cheese ( I'll vacuum seal and freeze)
Added more paper products
And grabbed 3 large canisters of disinfecting wipes to add what I already have

They've really started up the fear porn on the radio in my area for the delta variant so I'm trying to lay in supplies.

Next trip will be powdered milk, canned milk, sugar, block of yeast,coconut oil, dried beans, health and beauty supplies
Just ordered 2lbs of rosehips for the stockpile. Lots of vit C in those

I don't know of any place nearby to pick and I tried for 8 years to grow roses and they all died for some reason or another.Believe me I trid all the tricks and remedies.

I also can't get lavender or hydrangeas to grow for me either lol
I don't know of any place nearby to pick and I tried for 8 years to grow roses and they all died for some reason or another.Believe me I trid all the tricks and remedies.

I wonder if you can plant the what grows wild is simply call rose hips, it has a seed pod and a light small flower, that does not look like a standard rose. it grows everywhere here. We chew on the seed pods, but they are bitter. Just chew, till can't stand the bitterness, then spit it out a swallow the juice. People harvest them for jelly.
alaska rose hips - Bing images
With all due respect those lighters are crap as reflected in the reviews.

I stick with Bic lighters that are rock solid and a model of quality control.

They can be had for $50 / 50 lighters. I have a stash of 100 or more for the reasons you shared.


I agree. I stick with Bic lighters in all of my BOB's, and have many stashed in the deep larder. I did try Scripto, but they are a bad choice for the long term. They dry up. I had to replace several. If you have them just check them regularly to make sure they still work.

I carry a ZIPPO lighter for EDC, and have a few more stashed in long term preps. I also have several butane lighters and fuel for both the Zippo's and the butane. You can get small cans of lighter fluid at Wally World cheap. I usually find it in the camping section. I have a favorite cigar store where I can get butane, but I would admit, I was not ready for the containers he sells. I didn't even know butane came in that large a can. I think it is 13 or 15 oz. It is made in England. I don't think fire starting will be an issue.

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