Are you a prepper or a survivalist? Is there a difference in your mind? Is that difference significant?
For me there is a difference, both as a mindset and as an approach.
I am a survivalist with the mindset to do what it takes to survive. As a survivalist, I take advantage of various disciplines to give me an edge, or to make options available for my disposal, but survival is the goal.
I see prepping as an activity. Bushcraft is an activity. Outdoorsmanship (hunting, fishing, orienteering, etc) are activities. As a survivalist, I can take advantage of the strategies and strengths of these various disciplines to achieve my ends: Survival. And survival requires a mindset. And that mindset is whatever it takes to overcome the overwhelming suck. And the suck can be overwhelming.
I base this on my readings from history of how humans have overcome exceptional odds, be they POWs, Jews surviving the horrors of concentration camps, people fleeing pursuing forces, or simply overcoming tyranny. Survival came down to mindset.
Survivalism is about mindset. Prepping is an activity.
Simply my very humble opinion.
What say you?