Don't forget fish Gaz
How do you go about prepping? Being teens, we obviously don't have quite the resources that adults have, but what do you do to get around it? Any interesting devices or gadgets that you've made on a budget? Also, when dealing with family/friends, how do you explain your choice to prep to them (that is if you choose to share with your friends)?
Same thing with me, or actually it was my troop that was deteriorating. Our scoutmaster was retiring and we didn't have a replacement, that along with a family situation was why I stopped Boyscouts. It would've been nice to make it to Eagle like my cousin did, but I did make it as far as Star and I got some good merit badges that were fun to get.It really is. I was in Boy Scouts, but I had some troubles in my troop. It was a great opportunity.
Got my Eagle Scout when I was 16, and I can say that I am quite satisfied with the skills boyscouts taught me
I don't have the parent issue since I moved out when I was 16. My current problem is my boyfriend, he is not as conserned as me but he understands. I haven't gotten to the "storing a sh*tload of food" part yet, but I will. I am working on a plan for both of us when it all hits, but I know that he will NOT leave his computer behind....
When it comes to money, we are a bit short (he has two kids, enough said) so I make a lot of stuff myself and buy cheap when I can. I also reuse things like spicejars and boxes. Be frugal and look for inspiration online.
Well you certainly have the self sufficiency and independence of a good prepper, moving out at 16 and all. As for your boyfriend and his computer, does he have a laptop? Those are much easier to take with you and the ones on the market now days can do just about everything a desktop can do. I know I would definitely bring my laptop along in a SHTF event. As for being short on money part of being a good prepper is being resourceful. Having lots of money to spend on all sorts of cool prepper products is all fine and good but what's more important if you ask me is using what you've got to the best of your ability, whether you've got a lot or a little.
I don't have the parent issue since I moved out when I was 16. My current problem is my boyfriend, he is not as conserned as me but he understands. I haven't gotten to the "storing a sh*tload of food" part yet, but I will. I am working on a plan for both of us when it all hits, but I know that he will NOT leave his computer behind....
When it comes to money, we are a bit short (he has two kids, enough said) so I make a lot of stuff myself and buy cheap when I can. I also reuse things like spicejars and boxes. Be frugal and look for inspiration online.
the spice jars is a good which i have tooth picks in 3 of them.and all i have to do,is open the cap,turn over.and out comes tooth picks.just enough where i can grab whats needed.oh,their the plastic ones..
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Welcome to Norway, I'll be your guide! Here it is not many spices that come in plastic containers. The one I have in plastic is being used fo my matches.i dont like the glass easy to i'll only buy the spices in the glass spice jars if thats the only way to get the spice(s) i need..
He has a stationary computer that costed around 35k Norwegian Kroner. If he refuse to leave it, I will either throw it in the car or leave the guy behind. Tough.