Prepping to Defensively "HARDENING YOUR HEART".

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1 Timothy 5:8​

King James Version

8 But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.

also Noah put up for those in the ark..only 8 made it.

and joseph..

Genesis 41:48​

King James Version

48 And he gathered up all the food of the seven years, which were in the land of Egypt, and laid up the food in the cities: the food of the field, which was round about every city, laid he up in the same.

and the ways of the ant

Proverbs 6:6-8​

King James Version

6 Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise:

7 Which having no guide, overseer, or ruler,

8 Provideth her meat in the summer, and gathereth her food in the harvest.
Deuteronomy 28:8

The Lord will command the blessing upon you in your barns and in all that you put your hand to, and He will bless you in the land which the Lord your God gives you.

Proverbs 3:10

So your barns will be filled with plenty
And your vats will overflow with new wine.

Isaiah 62:9

But those who garner it will eat it and praise the Lord;
And those who gather it will drink it in the courts of My sanctuary.

Psalm 144:13

Let our garners be full, furnishing every kind of produce,
And our flocks bring forth thousands and ten thousands in our fields;

point being keep working and doing the things for your household and loved ones. keep stacking and doing...theres no rest...only at the end
lot walked away in bible and was told dont look back. his wife did and that was her end.

someone mentioned caleb and joshua....maybe not i dont see it now..but anyhow...they were the only adults that left egypt that entered the promised land. them and all the young ones that had grown into adults by then. the rest was walked around desert till they all died off but the two mentioned above.

lots more in scripture... this is enough.
I say that All the time, harden your heart's with the conviction of Joshua and Caleb.

Matthew 6:25-34

Do Not Worry​

25 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink;

or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life[a]?

2 Thessalonians 3:10, KJV: For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat. 2

Matthew 6:31

31 Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?

Matthew 6- 33
33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

God is not saying that ever person on this earth will be feed a clothed, He said
First seek the Kingdom of God
Only a TRUE believer, A person with a relationship with God will have these blessings bestowed on them
Hypocrites, and non believers will not.
Just because you sit in a pew on Sunday does not save your soul
Mine was driving by an accident that needed scooped up.
Don't mean nothing, keep trucking.
At the age of 13, I watched the execution of 4 kids close to my age by the Philippine Police. “PC”.
They walked up to them and shot them in the head . About 30 feet from me, I can still feel the blood splatter on my face
Like Magus said, Reach down grab another gear and keep going
and the ways of the ant

Proverbs 6:6-8​

King James Version​

6 Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise:

7 Which having no guide, overseer, or ruler,

8 Provideth her meat in the summer, and gathereth her food in the harvest.
and this is one of the reasons I no longer believe in the Bible...too many contradictions

Realistically, no god takes care of you, YOU do. So it is up to you to prepare
But it is not healthy to worry too much so if you can avoid that it's good

ultimately we are all going to die , nothing you can do about that except live your life as best as you can
The good Samaritan helped the traveler on the road and took him to a inn. I have signs made up giving directions to the fema camp.

Survival and doing hard things is a group thing.....or tribal thing if you prefer.
Women and children need to survive to carry on the family or the name or the village.
So some in the group have to be ready to put it all on the line and know something will continue on..
And Jesus wept ... "There are three times in Scripture that Jesus wept (John 11:35; Luke 19:41; Hebrews 5:7-9). Each is near the end of His life and each reveals what matters most to our loving God. He truly is “touched with the feeling of our infirmities” (Hebrews 4:15). His tears are a reminder that He loves sinners and cares for every soul."

I don't think you have to harden your heart to do what is going to need to be done when the time comes. I will help when I can but my death won't save one single life thus I will do what I have to do to live first and help whoever I can after that.
Mountain Bill is correct
When/If something kicks off you will have a choice to make
Do my family and I starve, or do we live
Because to be Brutally honest with you, If you stand in the road expecting to be fed
After you have given all your food to strangers you will be run over

To those that do not understand, when/If shtf, nice and neighborly will be dead in till a new society is born, It will be survival of the fittest no hold’s bared. Your life will mean nothing more than the candy bar in your pocket

They are shooting people TODAY for the new sneakers on their feet, What do you think Is going to happen if they are hungry? Riddle me an answer
To those that do not understand, when/If shtf, nice and neighborly will be dead in till a new society is born, It will be survival of the fittest no hold’s bared. Your life will mean nothing more than the candy bar in your pocket
Which is exactly why I prep for months, not years. In the months timeframe, things could conceivably get better. Past that - well, I don't want to live in what is described above. More power to those that do.
The world is already dead to me, so hopefully that will make it easier to deal with later on.

When I go to town I pretend everyone around me in the stores are already dead, just mindless zombies who still think they are alive.
Heh - Someone, back on the 'Other site', has this for their 'Sig line': "Collapse Now, and avoid the rush" 🤔 Seems like sound advice..

"Live like it already happened" has been my motto for a long time.
You can “harden your heart” in order to protect yourself from being emotionally injured. As to how it is done, that is usually a matter of advance decisions, and self-discipline. You decide in advance that you will do a specific thing, or will respond a certain way, and then in the event, you steel yourself to actually follow through.

In defensive “hardening,” you anticipate that you are going to feel a great deal of pain, suffering, and mental anguish so you in advance try to persuade yourself that the pain you will experience is to be expected and essentially ignored. You still experience it, but because of your advance planning, you don’t also suffer from fear or panic because of how you feel.

Are you mentally and emotionally prepping to survive immersion in a hellish reality...?? Hardening one's heart in a survival environment may be the difference between being paralyzed and unable to react as needed or overriding that and acting swiftly for the survival of others and yourself.
This is a real conundrum for me. I've thought on it quite a bit actually. I know me, and I have a tendency to care about folks (yea, I know :rolleyes:). I've already had to come to the realization that I'm going to see things that I'm not going to like and will have to continue on. (On the other hand, reap what you sow). My soft spot is kiddos. I'm okay being "hard-hearted" with adults if need be - I don't like to but am capable. Will now read other posts so might have more to say after reading.
Stupid should be painful.
Unfortunately, it's usually painful to those around them.
If that was intended as a joke, it fell flat. I know, many of mine do too. So I sympathize.

We just have different ideas on how long we desire to prep for. Me, it's a couple of months. You, it's 7 or more years. I wish I had your amount of preps on hand. But in truth, it would be overkill for me. And ultimately, wasted in the end.
Not to but in - well except that's what it is (sorry) - but I don't think it will be that cut and dry. Some stupid people will live - say 10%, not a majority or very many even, but by sheer dumb luck. Some very knowledgeable skilled preppers will perish - say 10% - bad luck/circumstances. Of course the majority (80%) will be those not only with preps, but perhaps with skills/knowledge to continue.
The world is already dead to me, so hopefully that will make it easier to deal with later on.

When I go to town I pretend everyone around me in the stores are already dead, just mindless zombies who still think they are alive.
In some ways I totally get this - really, I feel that way to at times. But another part of me it saddens. I hope you know love. There are some good folks out there still.
The world is already dead to me
The world is far from dead to me. I am sorry to hear that your situation leads you to this. Sure, retirement is sometimes lonely, boring and depressing. Getting older doesn't help either. But I have a wife and two children that I love to death and absolutely live for. My heart jumps for joy when my kids call me. When my son calls to tell me about his day at work and that traffic really sucked. When my daughter calls to tell me of some new depth or time record she set as a personal best in her free diving. Even if it's like today when my daughter called just to tell me it's raining like heck in Hawaii (3 inches per hour). They are being hit by a tropical storm right now.

Now, if the apocalypse hits and I am cut off from my family (I wouldn't be getting to Hawaii to see my daughter, or down a few towns to see my son), THEN the world would be dead to me. I don't want to live for long in a dead world. But it's not dead yet, far from it IMHO. There are problems for sure, significant ones, but that doesn't mean we're in the Book of Revelation near the end of times. You just have to ignore the melodrama and get on with life.
The world is far from dead to me. I am sorry to hear that your situation leads you to this. Sure, retirement is sometimes lonely, boring and depressing. Getting older doesn't help either. But I have a wife and two children that I love to death and absolutely live for. My heart jumps for joy when my kids call me. When my son calls to tell me about his day at work and that traffic really sucked. When my daughter calls to tell me of some new depth or time record she set as a personal best in her free diving. Even if it's like today when my daughter called just to tell me it's raining like heck in Hawaii (3 inches per hour). They are being hit by a tropical storm right now.

I should clarify, the world is the thing outside my ten acres. My wife, daughter, and parents are inside the wire with me.

But yes, I am a depressed, cynical, nihilistic *******....or so I have been told.

On the plus side they say depressed people are harder to fool and make more realistic decisions.
for so long over the years ive heard all differetn types of preppers ideas of who they would help IF they would help and why or why not. seems to me everyone s got to make up their own minds in the long run. but if anyone considers themselves a follower of the Christ there is a responsibility to others whether we like them or not.

even if friends or family who weve warned for years c drive up one day asking for help. it can be tough, i understand. but for followers of Christ it is very important to remember this ...

we are not here to survive, we are here to serve.

so we need to find out by asking Him things like

LOrd, what do YOU want ME to do
who do we help and how
who can we trust
who did you send to us
who is a threat prete4nding to be a friend
grant us your Discernment and help us do what YOU need us to do

very hard times are coming, we will either be here protected and guided thru this storm by Him when He returns or we will reach our end, join Him and come back With Him.

and if the time comes when we are ever asked to share our last bowl of beans, you can be sure, the Lord will make sure it wont be your last bowl of beans. He will always provide what we need when we need it.

im asking it include some occasional end-of-the-world M&Ms.
wait, that m,ight be a terrific marketing idea--wonder if i can get M&M company to make the M&M Great Apocalypse s Special series. wonder if i can get them to name one after me---how about jazzys doomer M&M chocolate mints?
You will have to face cold hard facts, when the supply chain that delivers food ceases to exist, the people that depend on that resource are going to look anywhere to find food. If you answer your door with a plate of cookies and a smile on your face they will eat your cookies then ransack your home looking for more

By all means keeep your faith and do onto others . You will have to learn to say no at times when it will break your heart to do so. The devil is pure evil, He will use the children just as the used them in Vietnam and in the Middle East . Strap a bomb on the cute little guy
You reach down to give the kid a hug or a piece of gun Boom boom out go thr lights
Being able to discern who to help and who to turn away will require a very close relationship with God. He instructs and lets us know just as He let me know to quit concerning myself with my brothers salvation with prayer. There are verses where God tells us to stop wasting time on certain people.

In terms of food though ... I simply will trust God. I served as the leader of a street ministry for over 10 years when I lived in the city and there were nights when it was just me and my wife, nights it was just me and nights when we had 10 people that came to serve with us. In that 10 years we would serve food in the form of burgers some nights and sometimes we would bring a big pot of soup or chili to serve. We could have 10 people come or 200 people come and there was always the exact same 2 inches of chili left in that pot at the end of the night when we would go home. When we would have help I'd tell the people serving not to hold back, fill up their cups or bowls as we will have enough. If they didn't believe or had doubts I'd take them off the soup pot and ask them to do something else.

I got my land by the grace of God. He let me know it was the land to buy (glad to share how some other time). The land has water coming out of almost every rock and it is always in just the right place to make the best use of the water. There are plants growing in places year round that are edible and extremely good for you because the springs will keep some ditches from ever frosting or freezing and plants just seem to keep growing even in the winter. Fruit trees, nuts, and all sorts of things grow here and it has enough on it to feed many. I have no clue what God has planned for my wife and I on this land but I have no doubt that it is to somehow serve others and help them survive whatever is to come in some way.
This is one of, or maybe the best movies of real hell on earth. It is a story with-in the siege of Stalingrad. I have watched it five times in full and the gut-wrenching opening scene maybe thirty times. When you read about it, that study paints a picture ten times more horrific than the movie.

a siege story...a long time ago a small city came under siege by the worlds most powerful army.well all humbled themselves and prayed.that night a messenger of YHWH showed up with his sword and slaughtered 185,000 in the enemies camp...just think what his army can do !

Isaiah 37:36​

King James Version

36 Then the angel of the Lord went forth, and smote in the camp of the Assyrians a hundred and fourscore and five thousand: and when they arose early in the morning, behold, they were all dead corpses.

theres a siege in the future and its going to be the entire globe bearing down on Yahshua when he returns....he melts them all and the birds feast on the carcasses of his enemies...
17 And I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven, Come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great God;

18 That ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses, and of them that sit on them, and the flesh of all men, both free and bond, both small and great.

19 And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army

always keep an eye on jezreel valley and mt.megeddo..translated as har megeddo or Armageddon.
The world is already dead to me, so hopefully that will make it easier to deal with later on.

When I go to town I pretend everyone around me in the stores are already dead, just mindless zombies who still think they are alive.
Damn right!:clapping:
They are no more than cattle, somebody ELSE'S cattle!
Being able to discern who to help and who to turn away will require a very close relationship with God. He instructs and lets us know just as He let me know to quit concerning myself with my brothers salvation with prayer. There are verses where God tells us to stop wasting time on certain people.

In terms of food though ... I simply will trust God. I served as the leader of a street ministry for over 10 years when I lived in the city and there were nights when it was just me and my wife, nights it was just me and nights when we had 10 people that came to serve with us. In that 10 years we would serve food in the form of burgers some nights and sometimes we would bring a big pot of soup or chili to serve. We could have 10 people come or 200 people come and there was always the exact same 2 inches of chili left in that pot at the end of the night when we would go home. When we would have help I'd tell the people serving not to hold back, fill up their cups or bowls as we will have enough. If they didn't believe or had doubts I'd take them off the soup pot and ask them to do something else.

I got my land by the grace of God. He let me know it was the land to buy (glad to share how some other time). The land has water coming out of almost every rock and it is always in just the right place to make the best use of the water. There are plants growing in places year round that are edible and extremely good for you because the springs will keep some ditches from ever frosting or freezing and plants just seem to keep growing even in the winter. Fruit trees, nuts, and all sorts of things grow here and it has enough on it to feed many. I have no clue what God has planned for my wife and I on this land but I have no doubt that it is to somehow serve others and help them survive whatever is to come in some way.

Adam had a very close relationship with God, He walked with him every day leaning, Yet Adam was fooled by the devil
You can also be fooled by a snake with a smile. As far as your farm sounds great but can you answer me this, How much fruit and berries would be left after 50 people ate their fill for One week?
Do you think they would wash and urinate in the clean water? They do every where else what will stop them at your place?
Maybe a sign? With a big red circle and a red slash? Or would they tear down the sign to use as firewood?

If shtf, please, please. Stay away from everyone. You have a good heart and mean well but I fear you would not last as long as a fart in a whirl wind among the zombies that will come to you