Prepping Under Communism

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Awesome Friend
Jul 6, 2019
Raccoon City
This is a post from another forum where I am a member. The important point to me is prepping may have changed. Communism in the USA may require adjustments. Here is that post.


First of all understand that nearly everyone is operating under something called the Normalcy Bias as people generally do not immediately recognize an extreme shift in their daily reality.

The United States of America is DEAD. It's DEAD.

A new Communist United States of America was born on Jan 20, 2021.


"Prepping" like has been done in all the years before are no longer relevant to the new reality.

The reason for that is because in just a few years nearly everyone will be unemployed, homeless and without any property of any kind that they cannot personally carry and retain on their own body.
Going forward, the only people that will have jobs are going to be people that work for the government either directly as in for the federal government or indirectly as in a teacher or a doctor or an employee for a nationalized business or a conscripted soldier in service to the government. To even hold any job in any form you will be required to be a Party Member: Democrat or Communist same thing.

The government is going to take possession of ALL PROPERTY and yes that means your house, your farm, your ranch, your place of employment and even the apartment complex you might live in.

The government is going to acquire ALL property through a system of acquisition that will be disguised as federal aid to failing businesses and to the unemployed as Government CENTRAL PLANNING begins to transform society into whatever dystopian madness that our new Politburo has in mind as a vison of the world that they want to make. And that is a vision of a world in which MOST OF US ARE DEAD.

The government will very rapidly price the average American out of their internal combustion engine transportation, their oversize dwelling and their property through INCREASED TAXATION designed to force everyone into a green vehicle, a green home and a green job. All tools designed to uproot and destroy the previous society that we have enjoyed until 1/20/2021.

Make no mistake, making petroleum based fuel sources unaffordable or even illegal for Americans to use has nothing to with being green, it has everything to do with making energy as cheap as possible for the Chinese by taking the Americans completely out of the market. But I digress.

There is no where you can just move to, you have to get the proper visa and you have to show either a JOB or that you are self sufficient. A couple of million bucks in the bank will get you there.
The important thing is, you need to GET OUT NOW because pretty soon, if not already, there will be restrictions on who can leave the country and restrictions on how much money you can take with you. Most wealthy people did this during the last 20 years, or as soon as possible after our FIRST COMMUNIST PRESIDENT was elected, OBAMA.

Otherwise, you need the best boots and shoes you can find, the best weatherproof all weather clothing you can find and some serious portable SHELTER that you can carry because way sooner than you think, you are going to be homeless and/or in a CAMP.

All that **** we all piled up in preparation for WW3, the Asteroid Strike, TSHTF whatever depends on being able to hunker down in the bunker or fort up at home, wherever that is. Or perhaps the plan was to use motorized transport to get to a prepared remote location. Well, none of that **** is going to happen.

What will happen is you are going to lose all of that through taxation, confiscation, eviction.


Or just stay here, and die way sooner and way different than you ever imagined.

What almost everyone will fail to understand is that now, instead of waiting for the government to restore order after a disaster that we have all prepared for, we now have a Government that IS THE DISASTER ITSELF and a GOVERNMENT that is the greatest threat to our lives that we will ever experience.


What do you think about this?
What you write is Klaus Schwab's program for the "big reset."
Your problem is that it is difficult to escape somewhere because the same problems exist here in Europe and the restrictions are getting bigger and bigger.

You can only flee to countries that still show the finger to Klaus Schwab's vision, e.g. Russia and a few other countries in the world. You can laugh because I mention Russia, but in Russia you currently have more rights and can travel more easily than we do in Europe.
Prepare yourself with all the material you need, tomorrow or in a month it may be too late, better you fill the cellar now than never, there will come a time when every cellar will be empty, but you will have a head start and through that you can reassess the situation.
I'm not sitting around thinking Schwab's plan is going to happen.
Don't comply. I don't believe Americans are just going to sit around and roll over.
The best thing to do right now is to get what you need for the next few years, and live in an area that you can create or barter for what you need. I think there will be strongholds that won't comply, and then a revolutionary war. That is, if Schwab's garbage is made into law suddenly.
But can you really imagine that being thrown at Americans...say next Tuesday....and everyone just says, "OK".? I don't think so. More likely, an economic collapse. Then wait for the next "savior" to appear that'll make everyone's life "easier".
The point is the left, the communists, have shown an ability to make anything a man-made crisis. Look the way they handed Covid 19 which is a cold. If they can turn a random cold into a world-wide crisis,
1. They are pretty good at this.
2. Our ability to predict or prepare for a crisis is deminished.
YOU CANNOT FIX STUPID. To quote a standup comedian.
The extreme danger of this all happening in the world is not as large as some may think. Too many have died for freedom, too many have guns and WILL be either USING THEM or DISTRIBUTING them to family and friends or ANYONE who is ready and willing to fight back against any such attempt to create the CUSA idea. Yes, Russia is quite free and also well armed and it is easy to get guns in many East Europen nations CHEAP. Nobody will go down to another Communist takeover. The Rumanians have learned, the East Germans have learned, the Chechs have learned and the Polish have learned to fight anything which looks like Communist... going back to THAT will not happen here. The French Underground will appear again and not a single politician can move free again. Just look how the Yellow JACKET movement laid the French economy still and plugged up the streets, tied up the cops and denied any politician any leeway...
Too many soldiers would be fighting for their own families and states too.
WON'T HAPPEN. Not in our lifetime, not until the guns are gone and the smoke has cleared to see what THEY are really up to. Look at how a few freedom fighters kicked Russia out of Afganistan and have held off the Blue Helmets now for 14 years...and then think of how many Americans would be doing the same thing at home, for home and in their home...
Live free, Gary
I think there is an element of truth in that OP, look at the "Woke" brigade, BLM, the left have taken over the Labour Party here, only yesterday some stupid female peer in the House of Lords said men should have a 6pm curfew, like someone said "you cant fix stupid" but dont just laugh, it could happen, history tends to repeat itself, I rule nothing in BUT I also rule nothing out.
watch and learn.
Socialism is simply communism lite, it inevitably leads to full blown communism or at the very least HEAVY socialism like East Germany was.
You have just elected a Socialist government under President Harris ( shes the one dealing with all the global leaders) Biden has not even exposed himself to media questioning, Clinton and AOCs gang has a long list of socialist policies already underway. its stupid to say " It wont happen" because it already is, Your house of the People is now more cut off from the people than the Kremlin. The Dems have asked for extentions of Nat Guard Troops in DC. The FBI are arresting 6 Jan protestors by arriving in columns of armoured vehicles. AOC and Harris have promised to take steps to restrict guns after 100 days if congress does not act. Like Communists they are targetting their friends and supporters like the blacks and Minorities by giving them vaccine priority. The $1.7 Trillion contains billions for SOCIALIST policies in their favoured areas.
Even in the Soviet Union MILLIONS of people owned guns for hunting, often their old service rifles, or stuff made by companies like Baikal, didnt stop the NKVD / KGB etc knocking on the door at 4 AM or the gulags or the disappearances, or the travel bans, or the denial of access to schools, hospitals, shops, petrol or diesel or healthcare, or state owned housing etc if you were in the parties bad books.
I think the difference between prepping in more or less free countries and socialistic / communistic countries ist you should fly more under the radar, hide your preparations more.

When your living the Soviet peasant lifestyle it would be easier to prep in some cases as hundreds of millions had to grow their own food, cut their own firewood, hunt for food, treat injuries etc especially in rural areas away from the cities.
Interesting premise.
IF the US was to go the way of full on Mao's cultural revolution, which to a degree can be said it is with last years tearing down of monuments, the rewriting of history, this whole "woke" thing, then it could be a possibility. But I think remote.
Megan Kelly recently went on HBO's Real Time with Bill Maher (not a big fan of him, but even he said in his closing statement, cancel culture is a danger, and he, a left wing liberal, sees it that way says a lot). She discussed how she pulled her children out of their private (elite) school due to the woke indoctrination going on. She is self-admitted right-centrist. But when I read another article about parents meeting in secret, to discuss how to deal with the woke indoctrination going on in their private (elite) schools on both the East and West coast, that is something different. They were self-admitted liberals with money. They send their kids to these private (elite) schools with the aim of getting into elite, Ivy League, colleges as a means to get well paying jobs.
IF your child graduates from their private (elite) schools with the ability to speech chapter and verse of woke indoctrination, but cannot write a grammatically correct paper, do real math, or think critically, what are the odds they are going to get into that Ivy League college? Unless the colleges lower their bar.
Then what does our society look like?
With the Kelly interview, and the East/West coast article, I think we are beginning to see push back against this whole woke thing.
I also think we will see more likely a push towards socialism, but will fail with utter spectacular awe more of the Germany hyper-inflation rather than a Soviet Union collapse.
What comes after that is anyones guess, seeing as how the big difference between those countries and the US is we have a whole lot more modern firearms then they did.
Too add, something else 1920s Germany and the Soviet Union did not have, was our centralized, JIT/BAU system.
Disruptions to the meat supply due to COVID lockdowns of meat packing plants, we saw reduced supply, increase in prices of meat.
Food inflation has been on the rise over the past few months (4% vs 3% M-to-M).
Disruption in the JIT/BAU system, there are a lot of people whom will be hurting within just a few days. Look at the fall out from the Texas arctic blast.
While getting out of the US to anther country with bags of gold sounds like a plan, does not sound realistic to me.
Or everyone would be doing it.
More likely, having a well stocked pantry, arable land with access to fresh water, garden, small, or medium livestock and skills, skills, skills, would be a more viable plan.
Too add, something else 1920s Germany and the Soviet Union did not have, was our centralized, JIT/BAU system.
Disruptions to the meat supply due to COVID lockdowns of meat packing plants, we saw reduced supply, increase in prices of meat.
Food inflation has been on the rise over the past few months (4% vs 3% M-to-M).
Disruption in the JIT/BAU system, there are a lot of people whom will be hurting within just a few days. Look at the fall out from the Texas arctic blast.
While getting out of the US to anther country with bags of gold sounds like a plan, does not sound realistic to me.
Or everyone would be doing it.
More likely, having a well stocked pantry, arable land with access to fresh water, garden, small, or medium livestock and skills, skills, skills, would be a more viable plan.

If say Americans heed the advice to FLEE America, they still face the same problems PLUS they are now also REFUGEES, Your means of laying low and going self sufficient DOES work. Many Russians survived all of the Soviet Nightmare by simply staying local, laying low and feeding and caring for themselves.

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