PRotect Your Electronics In An EMP!

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Feb 5, 2012
Communist State Of Kalifornia
Most, if not all, of us have seen a show or YouTube video on faraday cages and how they work. They seem like a great idea, but one of their major downfalls is that they are NOT portable! IF an EMP goes off I doubt any of us would want to remove our items unless we were positive the EMP attack is over. Well I heard about this product and just had to share it. Mind you this is not the cheapest thing in the word. Check it out at. Faraday Backpack
Most, if not all, of us have seen a show or YouTube video on faraday cages and how they work. They seem like a great idea, but one of their major downfalls is that they are NOT portable! IF an EMP goes off I doubt any of us would want to remove our items unless we were positive the EMP attack is over. Well I heard about this product and just had to share it. Mind you this is not the cheapest thing in the word. Check it out at. Mission Darkness Dry Shield Faraday Backpack 40L // Waterproof Tactical Backpack with MOLLE Webbing & Packs // Signal Blocking, Anti-tracking, EMP Shield, Data Privacy for Mobile Devices & Electronics : Sports & Outdoors

How do we know, positively, that an EMP attack is over?
Or that a second one may be scheduled in the next 72-96hrs?
Not that they would tell us.
How do we know, positively, that an EMP attack is over?
Or that a second one may be scheduled in the next 72-96hrs?
Not that they would tell us.

you can't and never will know for sure - you'll be obligated to a "use & scoot" usage for possibly years & years ...

both the Russians & Chinese have re-usable ICBM missile launcher capability - not to mention all the other delivery methods >>> the initial main volley could be over for days and weeks and suddenly they hit a recovery area that the enemy detected ...

first time in modern US history the military had an exercise that utilized a section of the interstate for an emergency runway >>> just in case all the US airports get taken out and they need to hide their activity - something like that could merit a small nuke strike ....
my truck won't fit in the darn thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Neither will mine! Try taking the tow hitch off and folding the mirrors in. That might do the trick! 🤣🤣
you can't and never will know for sure - you'll be obligated to a "use & scoot" usage for possibly years & years ...

both the Russians & Chinese have re-usable ICBM missile launcher capability - not to mention all the other delivery methods >>> the initial main volley could be over for days and weeks and suddenly they hit a recovery area that the enemy detected ...

first time in modern US history the military had an exercise that utilized a section of the interstate for an emergency runway >>> just in case all the US airports get taken out and they need to hide their activity - something like that could merit a small nuke strike ....

As I mentioned in another thread on this same topic, if you were to do a EMP strike on the US, would you half-arse it? Or go all in? I.e. instead of just ONE EMP device, multiple devices over various parts of the country ensuring full EMP coverage.
And then a secondary strike, similar to the first, 72-96hrs later.
I would toy with the idea of a third strike.
As I mentioned in another thread on this same topic, if you were to do a EMP strike on the US, would you half-arse it? Or go all in? I.e. instead of just ONE EMP device, multiple devices over various parts of the country ensuring full EMP coverage.
And then a secondary strike, similar to the first, 72-96hrs later.
I would toy with the idea of a third strike.

the need for any kind of pre-emptive orbital EMP strike shrunk with the advent of sub launch cruise missiles and the smaller long-range portables they have today ....

nobody would tip their hand with a pre-emptive ballistic missile launch just for EMP damage - it wouldn't affect the harden military electronics that much - launching 100s of cruise missiles on 3 sides of the country would accomplish the same thing - 15-20 minutes later the multi-targeted ICBMs would be exploding over everything else ....
nobody would tip their hand with a pre-emptive ballistic missile launch just for EMP damage - it wouldn't affect the harden military electronics that much - launching 100s of cruise missiles on 3 sides of the country would accomplish the same thing - 15-20 minutes later the multi-targeted ICBMs would be exploding over everything else ....

The EMP target is not the military, it is the civilian infrastructure in order to cause mass chaos and violence.
The EMP target is not the military, it is the civilian infrastructure in order to cause mass chaos and violence.

Yes and no.
There are so many Marines living off base, Camp Pendleton has to have them come in in shifts in the morning. Even then the traffic backs up onto the freeway.
In and around the DC beltway, all those civilian agency or DoD types. Traffic is bad enough as is normally, non-EMP.
Yes and no.
There are so many Marines living off base, Camp Pendleton has to have them come in in shifts in the morning. Even then the traffic backs up onto the freeway.
In and around the DC beltway, all those civilian agency or DoD types. Traffic is bad enough as is normally, non-EMP.
Tell me about it 🙄 , my daughter lives on the other side of the Army Navy Golf Club from Pentagon City.
Remember if ANY cage gets induced, IT MUST drain to ground.

If you're the only path to ground, you're going to do the funky chicken, or one audition as Uncle Fester.
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If you are worried about an EMP buy a horse! I talked at great length to an engineer at Los Alamos National Lab about this. They wrote the book about rad shielding for spacecraft. He said forget life as you know it, a nation-wide event would take us back to 1880.
unless everything I have read is a lie,,,, most modes of transportation would survive a emp with some minor glitches with mostly idiot lights being on

I hope we never find out
unless everything I have read is a lie,,,, most modes of transportation would survive a emp with some minor glitches with mostly idiot lights being on

I hope we never find out

There are conflicting views and reports on how many autos would still work. Some think the newer chipped cars would not work again without replacement of certain parts. Others think they won’t be affected. Personally I think it depends upon what type of EMP bomb is used.
The way it was explained to me is all semiconductor devices would be destroyed, your alternator, fuel injection computers all GONE! The entire power system, transformers, sub stations and all switching systems would be toast. The only fuel motors that would run are point ignition with carborators and mechanical injection diesels. Not to mention where are you going to get gas? No gas stations I have ever seen have connections for generators? I have seen gravity fuel tank set-ups for city and school bus fuel terminals. Of course there are different levels of exposure, distances and things like that to consider.
The way it was explained to me is all semiconductor devices would be destroyed, your alternator, fuel injection computers all GONE! The entire power system, transformers, sub stations and all switching systems would be toast. The only fuel motors that would run are point ignition with carborators and mechanical injection diesels. Not to mention where are you going to get gas? No gas stations I have ever seen have connections for generators? I have seen gravity fuel tank set-ups for city and school bus fuel terminals. Of course there are different levels of exposure, distances and things like that to consider.

1) There is no EMP device/nuclear weapon large enough to blanket the country with this type of effect. And if enough nukes went off to do that, you would already be so inundated with radiation it wouldn't matter.

2) Not all electronics would be toast. The EMP is picked up by the conductors (antennas) that cause voltage spikes that ruin sensitive electronics like FET's ~ in the process usually turning on these devices (if not destroying them) all at the same time (=magic smoke). Many bipolar transistors and diodes (alternators and generators) would be fine. They tested this in Hawaii and only a few microwave RF links went down.

3) It's not hard to walk over to the filling location at the gas station, take the cap off, and put a hose/manual pump down the hole. You can even use the bean can on a rope you are using on your deep well for this.

4) Transformers might get damaged, but most of them are oil filled so I doubt if a temporary flash over between the windings would take them out completely. If they were powered at the time, sure. But we would see a solar flare coming, and if it were a threat, we would shut the grid down so the flash over's don't burn everything up. I hope.

5) A huge solar flare might do it, but most of our serious infrastructure is hardened for this. Even google and microsoft keep their servers at the bottom of the ocean for the benefit of temperature stability, security and RFI mitigation. Swap out a few fiber optic controllers and you are back in business (at least to a point we are not crippled completely). With the main part of the internet running on plastic fiber and their controllers double-shielded, the satellite links between these systems would be the only problem, but if the satellites in space survived, this would be a short-lived issue. We will know if a solar flare is coming, we have plenty advanced warning for it, so you will definitely have time to unplug your routers and keurigs :)
1) There is no EMP device/nuclear weapon large enough to blanket the country with this type of effect. And if enough nukes went off to do that, you would already be so inundated with radiation it wouldn't matter.
You are thinking about low altitude NEMP devices. HEMP devices (high altitude ~250 miles up) pose a much much larger EMP threat than NEMP devices. HEMP devices don't pose any threat from the blast or fallout, they are in space (space begins at 62 miles up), but they do affect a large area.

The mechanism for a 400-kilometre-high (250 mi; 1,300,000 ft) burst EMP: gamma rays hit the atmosphere between 20–40 km (66,000–131,000 ft) altitude, ejecting electrons which are then deflected sideways by the Earth's magnetic field. This makes the electrons radiate EMP over a large area. Because of the curvature and downward tilt of Earth's magnetic field over the USA, the maximum EMP occurs south of the detonation and the minimum occurs to the north.[22]
The way it was explained to me is all semiconductor devices would be destroyed, your alternator, fuel injection computers all GONE! The entire power system, transformers, sub stations and all switching systems would be toast. The only fuel motors that would run are point ignition with carborators and mechanical injection diesels. Not to mention where are you going to get gas? No gas stations I have ever seen have connections for generators? I have seen gravity fuel tank set-ups for city and school bus fuel terminals. Of course there are different levels of exposure, distances and things like that to consider.
gas after the shtf a hand pump and a long hose,,,, but that is after the die off,,,, I plan on being a survivor
The numerous Congressional Commission EMP Reports all show we are not fully protected on our grid. Dr Peter Vincent Pry is not convinced at all that most of us would not die if hit with certain EMPs. That is why they openly predict 90% of Americans dead in the first 12 months.
Just a little comment regarding vehicles. Most riding mowers (especially the cheaper ones) are still equipped with carburetors and mechanical ignition and should continue to run OK. Some of the high dollar units with EFI might fail but the cheap and older ones should continue running. I have a couple of those so that will provide we with some transportation. The new UTV that I just purchased has EFI and a computer, most likely it will die. I also have several older cars (70s and one early 80s) that hopefully will continue to run. I think everyone will be surprised how many cars will still be one the road. Just go to a classic car, car show, and see how many of those things are still around. On my street, over half of the houses (including mine) have some type of classic collector cars. I just noticed a neighbor has acquired a beautiful 63 Ford Galaxie. A close friend of ours will be picking up his original 67 Camaro any day now. Restored to original condition with original carburetor and point ignition. Neighbor across the street, has an older Camaro drag car. May be noisy and hard to drive, but with a carburetor and mechanical ignition would continue to run for emergency usage. It would be interesting what people would be using after an EMP kills the newer stuff.

PS, wifey actually would be happy if we went back to horses. Maybe then those things will "pay back" some of the expenses.
Caught the back end of a conversation with Mark Levin on his Sunday show on FOX with an EMP expert. Said it would only cost America 2-4 billion to upgrade the grid. Know any democrats who are speaking out about this subject???
Dear Lord, how in bed are some of these politicians with China or other American enemies???
Joe must think E.M.P. means Eat my pudding, cause he's in the dark on this... Too bad white nationals aren't behind this.
Many thanks,
Erqueen75 :USA:
Just a little comment regarding vehicles. Most riding mowers (especially the cheaper ones) are still equipped with carburetors and mechanical ignition and should continue to run OK. Some of the high dollar units with EFI might fail but the cheap and older ones should continue running. I have a couple of those so that will provide we with some transportation. The new UTV that I just purchased has EFI and a computer, most likely it will die. I also have several older cars (70s and one early 80s) that hopefully will continue to run. I think everyone will be surprised how many cars will still be one the road. Just go to a classic car, car show, and see how many of those things are still around. On my street, over half of the houses (including mine) have some type of classic collector cars. I just noticed a neighbor has acquired a beautiful 63 Ford Galaxie. A close friend of ours will be picking up his original 67 Camaro any day now. Restored to original condition with original carburetor and point ignition. Neighbor across the street, has an older Camaro drag car. May be noisy and hard to drive, but with a carburetor and mechanical ignition would continue to run for emergency usage. It would be interesting what people would be using after an EMP kills the newer stuff.

PS, wifey actually would be happy if we went back to horses. Maybe then those things will "pay back" some of the expenses.
Trust me, they won’t. I got 10 yrs worth of feed bills to prove it.
Just a little comment regarding vehicles. Most riding mowers (especially the cheaper ones) are still equipped with carburetors and mechanical ignition and should continue to run OK. Some of the high dollar units with EFI might fail but the cheap and older ones should continue running. I have a couple of those so that will provide we with some transportation. The new UTV that I just purchased has EFI and a computer, most likely it will die. I also have several older cars (70s and one early 80s) that hopefully will continue to run. I think everyone will be surprised how many cars will still be one the road. Just go to a classic car, car show, and see how many of those things are still around. On my street, over half of the houses (including mine) have some type of classic collector cars. I just noticed a neighbor has acquired a beautiful 63 Ford Galaxie. A close friend of ours will be picking up his original 67 Camaro any day now. Restored to original condition with original carburetor and point ignition. Neighbor across the street, has an older Camaro drag car. May be noisy and hard to drive, but with a carburetor and mechanical ignition would continue to run for emergency usage. It would be interesting what people would be using after an EMP kills the newer stuff.

PS, wifey actually would be happy if we went back to horses. Maybe then those things will "pay back" some of the expenses.
Any way that Galaxie is a 500 Tri-power 406 ?
This month's issue of Nexus Magazine, which someone sent me, has an article on just this subject. It seems advances have been made. Not only are non-nuke EMPs possible but now there are tactical weapons which can be localized. There is even a carbon-fiber bomb in which the carbon particles are so fine they get into electronics and short them out.

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