pushing perversion

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Awesome Friend
Dec 7, 2015

WARNING: perversion on overload. This is a Sprite (soda) commercial pushing transgender crap onto our kids. Many of you will not be able to stomach watching this sickness.

I was talking to someone this past week, she said anyone under 30 basically 'accepts' this transgender baloney as commonplace. I walked around a college campus a while back & was shocked at how widespread it is becoming.

A mental disease is going epidemic.
Dad at 1:18 thinking "Where the Hell did I go wrong???"

This is worse (or not) than the tampon/kotex or what ever they are called commercials. If my kid ever taken that journey they would take that journey on their own because there would be no pride here but contempt. This **** is un-natural! the whole fxxken world has become a commercialized Sodom and Gomorrah!!
Thought the post was going to be about Prince Andrew :)

The more accurate title would have been "Being Perverted" for him. I saw parts of his 'interview'. What a scumbag. He would have done much better to not say anything. I pity the queen, all her kids/grandkids are sicko's. She keeps hoping the 'next generation' will be better. Good luck there.

UP, am I saying that I 'condemn' them? I'm not sure. I've said before that they have mental problems. They make the choice, so it's on them. But you can say there have been 'influences', no different than your dad being a drunk. But society sure should not be glorifying this sickness.
Difference is not cool, just very different, Not to be hated but certainly not to be approved, accepted or normalized. Normal is what I wish for my sons and grand children. I don't need or want them to be different. I want them to be normal, ethical, honest and honorable heterosexual citizens.
I condemn parents who push alternate lifestyles on their kids because they think it's "hip."

Being a believing christian, I don't accept or condone this. Period. Everybody does what they want. Period. I am not gonna waste a minute of my precious lifetime trying to understand this. Can't describe the feeling anyway. MY PROBLEM IS; that the LOBBY and promotion for this makes it look normal! Be what you want to be, do not try to get the rest of the world to expect to do and live the same way tho.
Drug dealers have been seen and caught here giving drugs away for free, gotta get that next generation of users! (cigarette and alcohol ads also do the same) Don't try to tell me that they are not trying to get the next generation of transgenders or whatever they wish to be called. THEY CANNOT REPRODUCE!!
that should cut the population numbers down a bit!:p
Well, I believe that is exactly why this is being pushed.

But beware of unintended consequences! One being that in formerly "civilized" countries, the Muslims and Africans are outbreeding the natives so fast the native populations are in danger of extinction.
Going to join the "Pope" conversation into this one. The bible is very clear that homosexually is a sin. That is not questionable, if you believe in the holy bible. (If you don't, this post will make no difference to you.) Based upon the bible, this perversion is a sin against god!

The bible also teaches "hate the sin but love the sinner". In this case, we should not drive out these people but embrace them and possibly show them the error of their ways. Just don't advance their ways and if at all possible, help them see the wrong. I agree what most of them will never see it is wrong, just don't give up on them.

Just my 2cents worth (worth less and a penny today).
You are on the right track, we are expected to absolutely abhor sin. We are also taught to love others as ourselves. (sly as a snake, soft as a dove) Forgive your brother seventy times seven...If we expect to be forgiven, we must do the same. Jesus was a foot washer, not a brainwasher and he was our leader on "how to" in this life. Forgave the adultress, BUT, he said "go and SIN NO MORE"
We cannot forgive sins, we can only live our lives as an example and hope they see, believe, understand and change their own ways. We have our own FREE WILL, they do too. I don't want ANYBODY messing around with my free will, who am I to think I could, should, would have the right or power to mess with theirs??
Live Free, GP
It doesn't even have to be transgender now days, . . . perversion is almost everyday I go to work but then the co-worker I deal with is the same gender. . . but whatever. I take her 'what evers' with a grain of salt on my shoulder and pass them off with it just being her personality, but yes I could turn her over in a heartbeat. She knows I am not that way. Yet I still call her a friend and honestly she is not that way either, she is just a very sexual person. . . maybe because we have worked together for the last almost 12 years. I know her true heart and she is a good person. . . other customers I deal with I give a Hello and small talk conversation for most. Others I do have a good friendship. . . . I have only been uncomfortable with 1 customer over the 11 years I have worked for the company. . . even started carrying pepper spray and brushing up on my target practice, but he was dealt with by my boss and haven't seen him since. Seen many series, commercials and documentary type shows that show same gender and even mixed races. . . neither do I condone. I just choose not to watch, but if it is a noncommercial in between a show then it is hard to switch back and forth. It may just be me but that is how I feel about it.
You sound just like my mother in Austin. She had the same situation and carries a .38 detective special. She doesn't care what others do, just leave her alone and let her have her own little functioning world for herself. GP
the human race really is dumbing down.

It has been shown that DNA is degrading, NOT evolving. So this is far too true. For the cumulative documentary on this, watch the movie Idiocracy.

The bible also teaches "hate the sin but love the sinner". In this case, we should not drive out these people but embrace them and possibly show them the error of their ways. Just don't advance their ways and if at all possible, help them see the wrong. I agree what most of them will never see it is wrong, just don't give up on them.

The Bible also tells us that when Christianity is rejected, to knock the sand off our shoes and move on.
I have never heard of a Muslim trans have you?
There are trans in all lands and religions. The biggest problem in the Muslim lands are the rich guys being able to get any woman they want if they pay enough. AND after that gets boring, they turn to little boys and girls. They have to be under the table while the rich ones eat dinner and give them a sexual treatment at the same time they are eating. The rich guys don't even know who it was later...
Sickos, try turning the tables and putting them down there. GP
it only seems to apply in Western nations, I have never heard of a Muslim trans have you?
Yes, unfortunately. When I worked in Afghanistan I had a local Afghan office boy/translator. On Monday mornings I noticed that he'd have fingernail polish and makeup on. I asked him about it and he told me that him and his brother would go to the tea house on Sunday's and they'd take turns dressing as the girl.
I found these people disgusting in so many ways.
oh well, funny one way is funny in all ways for me. Lots of germans go on vacation to Thailand for sex and fun. Some don't come back till they have done their time in jail for going to bed with children. Anywhere and everywhere, some just are bored with the "normal" and just gotta try something new. But for WHAT A PRICE for the children!! They will suffer their whole life if they can't get away from it.
OMG, haven't heard that name in decades. Yes we have unknown numbers of absolutely beautiful women and girls from Hungary, Chech Rep., Romania, Ukraine and Poland here, lured into a flat rate prostitution situation. Promise them the world, buy clothes and jewelry and get them to come here. THEN, beat them, humiliate them and force them to work in a whorehouse. At a flat rate, they have to "service" up to 40 men per day. Traumatised. Would like to evacuate the houses and burn them down...just worried about my family if it comes out who did it. Wish I was single sometimes. GP
In Afghanistan I knew of many young Chinese girls who thought they were being hired to work in an office building, only to be drugged and stuffed in a shipping container and shipped to Afghanistan to work in a whorehouse. I'm sure many were shipped to other countries too. The "lucky" ones would get bought out by an American or Britt contractor. The Turks where the worse abuser of these girls. They liked to torture them. Life is cheap in many parts of the world.