Random Acts of Kindness

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Over a couple years, I bought 12 M1-carbines and gave them to relatives and friends:rolleyes:.
I just thought that everybody that wanted one, should have one:D.
View attachment 22758
(Don't worry, none were G.I. or collectable, they were all 'shooters')
Windsor and Chevy are mine.
Can I 🐝 Next...?!?
Do it anyways. You don't do it to get approval, you do it to set a different standard and maybe just once, you might brighten someone's day. Try paying a compliment while you are at it. First there is confusion and than a sheepish grin. Keep going. No response required good, bad or otherwise.

Wow, nice boots!..... move on.
Tried that Once, Think I said a dif word thou, Still got a "Why, Thank You"...!!! Just 🐝 Careful what it is One says...!!
offered someone a lift in my car yesterday and got turned down, wont offer again.
Seem to be just a "Little Ray of Sunshine"...
in some places random acts of kindness are seen as weakness.
and that was a neighbour so dont know why the refusal.
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Thought this was a nice idea - View attachment 157343
Keep a "Blessing bag" in your car in case you see someone in need. You can make these up with items from the Dollar Tree such as gloves, thermal socks, beef sticks, crackers, candy bars, toothpaste, toothbrush, wipes, deodorant, snacks and other items that may help someone who is homeless or in a bad way.
I love that idea! I don't see many folks around my area that look to be in desperate need, but I did see one person a couple of weeks ago in another town sitting on a corner with a sign. I'm going to fix up some of those b/c it's a GREAT idea!

This reminds me of my post in 2019 about sending out military packages. I haven't done that in years. I really should start doing that again...... It seems that time gets away from me.

There was a man a few weeks ago that was going through the recycle dumpsters looking for something he could use. He had a bike and looked unbathed. I handed him $20 and asked if I could buy his dinner tonight. He gratefully accepted. I hope he used it for food but that was up to him. Regardless on what he spent it on, he was appreciative.
I had a fantastic day yesterday......you know, one of those days where you just couldn't lose and everything you did or touched turned out great. I wish I had more of them, but I was lovin' it and flyin' high while it lasted. LOL! I went to a community sale the first thing in the morning and scored some excellent deals! I was just tickled by the time I left there with a trunk full of stuff that I was looking for and some treasures that I snagged that just made me smile.

Anyways, afterwards I went to WM to pick up a few things for salads and sandwiches and check the ammo shelf and garden clearance. There was nothing significant to speak of, but after the trunk full that I already had, that was fine. On my way back to my car, there was a young cart boy gathering carts. I thought to myself, "hey this kid deserves a tip today" b/c I highly doubt they generally get tips. So I walked up to him and said "hey, would you mind if I bought your lunch today?" He just kind of looked at me dumbfounded and shook his head no. I handed him 2 fives that I had in my pocket and told him to have a great weekend. His confusion was amusing to me, but he blurted out "oh, thanks" several times. It made my heart soar. It was the best $10 I spent all week.

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