Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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Where I live it's open range.

Every X miles there is a cattle guard which will hurt if you hit one too fast. There are herds of cows all over the place. The roads are posted for cattle, and there is no excuse for hitting one. Keep in mind though, these are back roads, not highways.

With the number of deer, bear, and elk also hanging out on the roads, slowing down is only good for your health. Hitting one of those or a cow, will pretty much stop you in your tracks.
If you hit a cow or horse chances are you will not be driving away from the scene. One of my idiot nephew's let his cows get out and one got on the highway and was killed. The State patrol that responded told him to file a claim against the woman's insurance and they would have to pay. He never did because he was afraid she would sue for injuries she didn't have.
Some of the houses along the state highway are within 50 feet of the road and the speed limit is 55. It's been that way for over 50 years. That is also why the school buses stop at every driveway no matter how close it was to the one they just stopped at. You do not want to be behind a school bus on that road.
If you hit a cow or horse chances are you will not be driving away from the scene. One of my idiot nephew's let his cows get out and one got on the highway and was killed. The State patrol that responded told him to file a claim against the woman's insurance and they would have to pay. He never did because he was afraid she would sue for injuries she didn't have.
Some of the houses along the state highway are within 50 feet of the road and the speed limit is 55. It's been that way for over 50 years. That is also why the school buses stop at every driveway no matter how close it was to the one they just stopped at. You do not want to be behind a school bus on that road.
Maintaining fences for livestock matters. :mad:
It was our full-time job when I was growing up.
If someone's livestock is out on the road, it is the failure of the owner, not the animals, and not the driver.
Vehicles belong on the roads, not cows.
I had to damage the fender on my 1958 Austin Healey because I was driving home on the road one night...
The road had an 'S' turn in it with a bridge where it came out.
When I started on the bridge, the other end of it was guardrail-to-guardrail, full of cows, laying down.
Nowhere to go.:oops:
I had to lock the brakes and put it into the guardrail to keep from plowing thru them.
I almost came back from the house with my shotgun to 'get even'. :waiting:
The owner's laziness cost me money, not the cows.:mad:
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Havasu, to clarify, the speed limit *is* 25mph but people don't care. They will go 50mph down the road. There aren't even sidewalks down this road so pedestrains have to walk in the street to avoid falling in ditches. The speed can be 15mph and people here just blow on through. It's one of my pet peeves. I've nearly been run over in the pedestrian crossing area in parking lots (that are clearly marked with lines) because people wanted to speed through and not yield to pedestrians. A few years back someone in a truck decided they didn't want to wait on the little old lady in the riding cart who was trying to cross the pedestrian crossing to the handicap parking spots. He just ran right into the cart, bowled her over, and kept going.
Called to verify the kids Allergist apt. They said it was yesterday at 1. Um... No. It was scheduled for FRIDAY the 10th. Its on the reminder email I got last week, the apt card they gave me and my calendar. If it had been scheduled for yesterday at 1 my calendar would have yelled at me because she had a gastroenterologist apt yesterday at 1 and my phone doesn't like overlapping appointments. So... We now have an allergist apt at 10 am tomorrow instead of at 1. They wanted to schedule her for the 17th but she has a cardiologist appointment that day in a different city.
Zanne, where i live we average 1 auto death per year. In the last two years, we have averaged 20+ deaths each year, and climbing. People speed, run red lights, and do whatever they want, because they know the traffic officers have been reassigned back to patrol, because of all the cops quitting. So my little city has 40 less people in it, which I blame on the BLM's Defund the Police Movement. They can all just go to hell.
There were 2 people killed on the same morning in completely different accidents in a very small town close to me last week.
The first one a woman fell asleep while driving to work an ran off the road. The end of the guard rail came through her windshield and out the back window causing massive head injuries. Died instantly.
The second death occurred when a guy spun out on an icy overpass. He got out of his car and another car hit his car and his car ran over him.
A woman jumped out of a moving car and was ran over and killed by a truck.
Turned out she was tweaking and her boy friend said go ahead and jump I don't care so she did.
We don't have speed limits on our dirt roads, at least I don't think so, but I have to watch out for Levi (the terror next door) who rides his bike in the road without a care, slow moving tractors, horse and buggies, and fast semi trucks loaded with seed and feed from the seed place a mile up the road. Neighbors cows got out last summer, and we got them back in. Other farm neighbors sheep were in the road, same thing. Our herd of guineas go in the road sometimes and slow people down. Can't go too terribly fast on dirt.
The sad thing is, where I live the cops are the ones who cause many of the traffic accidents. They speed without lights/sirens, change lanes without indicators, suddenly hit the brakes in the middle of the road with no warning, make left turns from the right lane (or right turns from the left lane), turn from the straight only lanes and go straight from turn only lanes. Run red lights & stops. There are (or were) two speed bumps on a small road that a cop lived on. People managed to dislodge them and push them out of the way. My road is supposed to have a 35mph speed limit-- used to have 55mph but some people couldn't handle the road. No cops are ever out speed checking though. No real place to park and watch.

My friend's street is an area where there's nowhere for cops to park to catch speeders.

Terri, that sounds aggravating. Hope the kid is OK. Sucks that she's so young and has so many doctor appointments.
Maintaining fences for livestock matters. :mad:
It was our full-time job when I was growing up.
If someone's livestock is out on the road, it is the failure of the owner, not the animals, and not the driver.
Vehicles belong on the roads, not cows.
I had to damage the fender on my 1958 Austin Healey because I was driving home on the road one night...
The road had an 'S' turn in it with a bridge where it came out.
When I started on the bridge, the other end of it was guardrail-to-guardrail, full of cows, laying down.
Nowhere to go.:oops:
I had to lock the brakes and put it into the guardrail to keep from plowing thru them.
I almost came back from the house with my shotgun to 'get even'. :waiting:
The owner's laziness cost me money, not the cows.:mad:
In many states cattle are considered by law to be food animals the liability rests with the driver not the cattleman.
Yesterday some goober in a jacked up truck passed me on a double yellow in a school zone. 25 was just too slow for him.
I did my fair share of speeding in my younger days and still have a radar-detector in my truck.
I don't complain about people that are in a hurry because people would think I 'got old'.
It's the tailgaters that bug me.:waiting:
I have long wished to make a bumper-sticker that says:

If you can read this,
Don't be in a hurry!

Getting old happens soon enough!
I did my fair share of speeding in my younger days and still have a radar-detector in my truck.
I don't complain about people that are in a hurry because people would think I 'got old'.
It's the tailgaters that bug me.:waiting:
I have long wished to make a bumper-sticker that says:

If you can read this,
Don't be in a hurry!

Getting old happens soon enough!
My back window sticker just says: "Smile, the dashcam is recording you RIGHT NOW!"
Ok, saw this on F$%^book, and just do not believe it really exists. People actually NEED to create an AI friend to talk too?

Screen Shot 2021-12-10 at 6.56.29 PM.png
Due to the Covid 19 BS about all we can do for getting fast food here in southern Oregon is the drive up windows, yeah almost always we don't get what we ask for, but I try my best not to get nasty with them, could be they might spit in the hamburger, probably best not to even eat fast food after saying that, considering the horror stories I've heard from others about this.
Tailgaters piss me off. Especially when I know I have to make a turn up ahead. I always put my indicator on early but sometimes they still don't slow down and keep right on my tail. I miss how my dad used to take care of it. He'd pass his badge back to one of us and we'd slap it up against the back window. Did that one time because this guy was really aggressively tailgating-- almost bumper to bumper. If he hadn't been wearing sunglasses, I probably could have seen his eye color. I slapped the badge against the window and he actually hit his brakes.

Dademoss, sadly, it's real. I've met some people who are so horrible at interacting with other human beings that they would have to resort to talking to an AI. Some people just don't like other people and others are the ones that are the reason some of us don't like other people. I'd never want an AI friend, but it might be more interesting conversations (read less stupid) than ones I've had with people in my area. I know quite a few of the people who are complete jerks but can't figure out why nobody seems to like them.
Ok, saw this on F$%^book, and just do not believe it really exists. People actually NEED to create an AI friend to talk too?

View attachment 76989
This is unbelievably sick!
Like every phone number you call now, you already have to talk to some stinkin' machine! :mad:
And anything you want to do, or get done, or know about, you have to ask Alexa.
This is what the downfall of the human race looks like in slow-motion:

"Open the pod bay doors, HAL"
"I'm sorry, I can't do that Dave."

Your new e-girlfriend after she gets to know you real well:
"...So, tell me all about the guns you own."
"If you want, I can save you the trouble of voting, and do it for you.:D"
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I did my fair share of speeding in my younger days and still have a radar-detector in my truck.
I don't complain about people that are in a hurry because people would think I 'got old'.
It's the tailgaters that bug me.:waiting:
I have long wished to make a bumper-sticker that says:

If you can read this,
Don't be in a hurry!

Getting old happens soon enough!
I had considered building a marquee of LEDs for my bak window where i could call up messages from a keypad on my console such as...

Back off

If I am driving too slow pass me

I maintain a safe following distance in front of me and behind

If I can tell if you shaved today, you are following too close

I am an old man in a hat, deal with it.

If you drove as many cars to their death as i have, you would drive slower

I prefer to be a witness than a participant. Pass me if you want.

What would you add to that list?

Supervisor, it is pathetic. And I agree it could lead to danger of people (particularly children/adolescents) bonding with an AI instead of real people. They have a problem in Japan of men wanting to be with lifelike sex dolls instead of real women so the population has dropped off. Not enough people procreating. Kids are already attached enough to their devices.

I'm also worried about the whole brain chip Elon Musk is planning. Nothing against him personally, but there are so many things that could go horribly wrong with people implanting computer chips in their brains. Sure it might let them control their devices from their brains, but the reverse is also true. Studies have been done to show that if the right parts of the brain are stimulated while wearing a device, a person can remotely control the movements and actions of another person. They can make them hurt themselves or others. While the possibilities for good use are extraordinary, with the way humans are, someone will use it for evil. I don't use smart devices in my home because I don't trust them to work properly.

Ben, I have soooo wanted to do that! I was saying to my brother the other day I wish we had little signs where we could tell them what to say to people next to or behind us or whatever- like "Sorry, didn't see you" or "slow the f*** down!" or "turn off your high beams" or "Hey, you forgot to turn your headlights on!" to just "Hello, nice truck" when I see someone driving the same type of truck I have.

My mini rant is that somehow my kitchen sink developed two itty bitty pinholes right next to each other directly over the noise reducing pad. I didn't even know what the pad was. Just noticed it was dripping. Asked on plumbing forums and was told what the pad was, to remove it, turn out all the lights, and shine a flashlight to see if any light comes through. At first I didn't see it and thought "Ok, that's weird" and then I saw it.. Arg...

Told Mom while she was in the bathroom and she misunderstood that the f***ing sink has holes. Don't think this is fixable long term. Maybe some flex seal for now but we'll need a new sink. I told my brother not to run water in that basin. It's going to suck switching the garbage disposal over to a new sink. Had so much trouble with the damn snap ring the first time. That's the part I waited on 3 weeks from Fedex. I went to install the one that came with my disposal and it bent out of shape and wouldn't snap back. I pried too hard. Insinkerator sent me a replacement.
I think there are some farms where they have a setup so the cows can go in and get milked by machines whenever they feel like it. Not sure how the machines automatically hook up, but apparently they do.

Turns out I was having double vision and it was one hole (either that or I made it bigger when wiping the underside of the sink). I patched it with JBWeld 2 part epoxy, a metal washer (with metal part over the hole) & waterproof gorilla tape.
My cows would get nasty if you where late milking them, real late made her utters over inflate & milking was painful.
Winter was a bad time too, chap utters, even with washing with warm water was a chore.

As long as she has hay to munch on she's happy as long as your not a couple of hours late OR early.....
I think there are some farms where they have a setup so the cows can go in and get milked by machines whenever they feel like it. Not sure how the machines automatically hook up, but apparently they do.

Turns out I was having double vision and it was one hole (either that or I made it bigger when wiping the underside of the sink). I patched it with JBWeld 2 part epoxy, a metal washer (with metal part over the hole) & waterproof gorilla tape.

They make a putty for sink repair. People use it for making figurines and stuff too. We used it to repair the bathroom sink at our old house.

Our oldest wants to stay sorta close to home and found an area she loves. BUT she can't find anywhere to live! Everything is listed as 50+. All the RV parks & all the apartments. We found a place that just says it's an "adult" community that has small 500sqft and under mobile homes with the lot they sit on for sale and we can afford to help her buy one but.... apparently "Adult" means over 50.
We figured ok, we'll buy a piece of land and find a small mobile to put on it. Called 3 places and they are taking orders to be delivered in September of 2023 and the prices are triple what they used to be for a 700sq ft home!
I'd never dealt with a hole in a stainless steel sink before so I took advice from someone on the flooring forum. LOL. Not sure if he was joking, but a plumber said the patch should last 40 years. I certainly hope so. That putty stuff you can make figurines from sounds neat.

Reminds me that playdoh originally started out as wall cleaner back when hey had to use furnaces that would spread soot throughout the houses. The putty would be rolled over the walls and surfaces to clean the soot. When people switched to different methods of heating, the guy who invented the stuff was facing bankruptcy, but his sister-in-law suggested making it in to modeling clay of some sort for children (she was a teacher of very young children).

My gripe is that my brother's refusal to get his cats neutered has proven very expensive for me. He had the $ from his stimulus that he *could* have spent on getting the cats neutered. Would have been maybe $300 for all of the male cats but he refused and spent it on things he wanted instead. As a result, the cats have been spraying my stuff. They also fight because they have too much testosterone. So the fighting caused them to break my toilet tank (months ago), they broke several things in my room, ruined two of my monitors, and they now killed my desktop pc. I tried locking them out of my room but the house is old and door won't say shut. My brother's room is set up in such a way that he can lean something against his door and brace it against a wall (because there is a little alcove) to keep his door shut. But nothing worked for me. When I finally found a way to keep it shut, the dog (mom's dog) tore a hole in the bottom of my door because he didn't like being locked out. So, even if I can get the door to stay shut there is now a hole. I've tried putting stuff in it and blocking it up but then it's hard for me to open the door and the dogs pulled the stuff out anyway. At first it was my video card and a comparative video card now is more than I paid for the pc in the first place. Took pc apart and deep cleaned the entire thing, but the processor and mainboard are damaged too. Only the hard drives are untouched. Might be able to salvage some stuff. To add insult, after I scrubbed my computer off as much as I could, my brother called me a "stupid f***in lying b***" and chastised me for not cleaning the computer because it still smells like cat piss. Well, it wouldn't smell like cat piss if he'd taken even some tiny responsibility to get his cats neutered instead of acting like it's all my fault and trying to lecture me about how I need to stop "nagging" him when he doesn't have $ left and how I shouldn't gripe about a simple "inconvenience".
The kicker is, I will probably be end up having to pay to get his cats neutered because he has no intention of doing it. Oh, he also lectures me about not cleaning up after them all the time because he thinks he shouldn't have to ever clean up after them (or himself).

I *might* have a friend who has the computer parts I need who can sell them to me for a fair price. Just hope they will work for my setup. The upside is that last I checked the pc could still boot up and stay on for short periods of time so that may give me time to migrate some of the data over and I can clone/backup the drives using some device that looks like a toaster.

Another upside is that my laptop is actually better than my desktop and my friend said I can use the laptop as a desktop of I set it up right to hook to monitor and stuff. I will just need to make a safe spot to store it where cats can't mess it up.

I don't blame the cats because they are following instinct and don't know any better. Plus even though they are my brother's kitties I still love them.
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