Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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Jimmy Walker says, "It's Free! Din o mite!"
...Free hearing-aids, free eyeglasses, free fillings and dentures, free home-delivered meals, free rides to medical appointments, and money added back to your social-security check!!! :woo hoo:
Not a single person questions the fact that Medicare pays for none of that.:mad:
Yep. Mom asks me every week how come she's not getting all that she's "deserved". I handle her medical. I tell her all the time that her medicare covers her part of her medical, and her supplement picks up the rest. That's all she needs.
I hate that the commercials say to "get what you deserve". Even money back! What a scam
Yep. Mom asks me every week how come she's not getting all that she's "deserved". I handle her medical. I tell her all the time that her medicare covers her part of her medical, and her supplement picks up the rest. That's all she needs.
I hate that the commercials say to "get what you deserve". Even money back! What a scam
I have to be careful with this topic or the soapbox will find me
It is a scam and they prey on people living on a fixed-income, the ones least prepared to survive a scam. Sick. :mad:
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I kinda feel sad for Jimmy Walker in those commercials. They don't bother me too much because I tune them out. One commercial I find pretty funny is the one with Martha Stewart and Young Gravy. Seeing her dancing to some rap about how this young guy has a crush on her amuses me for some reason.

In terms of commercials, I hate the ones where the people shout "It's my money and I want it now!" but I admit I like the JG Wentworth ones where they sing opera style. It's catchy. There's also a few funny ones from a local lawyer named Gordon. There was a zombie commercial that had me laughing so hard. There's also one where he says insurance companies are like alligators. It has standing near an alligator and later on he's wearing alligator boots. There's another unrelated commercial for RVs with an Elvis impersonator and there are women swooning. One faints, her feet fly in the air and her shoes fly off. It always makes me laugh. Then the women swarm to the RV and ignore the impersonator.

My minor gripe is that my prescription allergy meds are not strong enough. I don't know if I need a stronger dosage or if I should take another lower strength allergy med along with it. My brother said the chewable Claritin works for him so I might try it. Which reminds me that I hate medicine commercials.

600 miles to visit family. We make the trip two or three times a year. With food, bathroom breaks and traffic about a twelve hour trip. EVERY TIME we leave for home wife asks, "When do you want to leave?" And every time my response is, "Anytime as long was we get home before dark." And every time she's finally packed and says her final goodbyes we get home three to four hours after dark. It is what it is.

Yesterday evening she had plans to meet a friend at a halfway point, about an hour from our house. They are going to catch up on the latest gossip at a fancy restaurant and visit. Wife asked if I would go with her. I don't know her friend nor care for the restaurant. But if it makes the wife happy, sure I'll go. On the way to the restaurant the wife tells me how happy she is that I'm going with her. Then I learn why she wanted me to go. She didn't want to drive home in the dark...o_O
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It's not just females who do that. My best friend is male but he will say he wants me to pick him up "early" sometimes "early early" but he's often not awake until 11am or later. So even if I go over "early", I have a hard time getting him to wake up and get moving. Granted, he now has health issues. He used to be a lot better about stuff like that. Used to actually get up on time. At least he's not as bad as his grandfather. His grandfather had an appointment in Lake Charles at a certain time. Had me come over early-- like 6am. I then sat there waiting for him to get ready for over two hours. I told messaged my friend that I was about to go back home because I was tired of waiting on the old man's behind. He called the old man and told him to hurry the f*** up or he'd lose his ride. I got there as fast as I could but because he was 10 minutes late, they treated him like a walk-in and they didn't see him until 4pm. He said he'd give us gas money (which he never did) and that he'd pay for lunch-- which he did begrudgingly. He picked the place to eat & then complained about the prices.

I sometimes have my brother ride along with me when I go an hour away because I want to have someone to keep me awake. I've been getting sleepy while driving lately.

Anti-rant, I took an extra allergy pill (lower dose than the prescribed one) along with my prescription allergy meds & it seems to have helped a little.
I'm so PO'd,
Wife is still struggling with this bad cold...coughing too much.
So she asked me to run into town for McDonalds for quick easy lunch
Then stop at DG for cough medicine.

Ok. No problemo.

She handed me $30,
I thought ...cool...I'll end up with at least $10 in change , I'll forget to give it back...

Welllll.. I got home with about 83 cents.,😡😡
Big Mac, Double Quarter pounder , 2 fries. $19.80.😡

I bottle cough syrup, $9.24.

$30 up in smoke.
I told her I'll never go to McDonald's again...ever.

I'm so PO'd,
Wife is still struggling with this bad cold...coughing too much.
So she asked me to run into town for McDonalds for quick easy lunch
Then stop at DG for cough medicine.

Ok. No problemo.

She handed me $30,
I thought ...cool...I'll end up with at least $10 in change , I'll forget to give it back...

Welllll.. I got home with about 83 cents.,😡😡
Big Mac, Double Quarter pounder , 2 fries. $19.80.😡

I bottle cough syrup, $9.24.

$30 up in smoke.
I told her I'll never go to McDonald's again...ever.

I don't do Mickey Dees very often, but their prices have sure gotten high.
I'm with you there, Phideaux. Husband and I lunch at Chick fil a is $23.00. That's fast food. That's crazy. Burger places are just as bad. Freddy's is ridiculous. I did find sort of a deal, though, at our small airport restaurant. We've gone there here and there for a real nice steak supper, and they are not cheap at all, but they are doing a Mon thru Friday lunch buffet from 11 to 1. Usually it's just us old folks. Price is just under $10 a person and the buffet and salad bar are top notch. But they get you on the drinks. $3 for an iced tea. Small place and we can watch a small plane or two come and go.
I think I mentioned it... Last month I saw ground chuck at the expensive grocery store for $8.15lb. Granted, it was the pricey store but still!!! I never in my life thought I'd see burger at that price. I'd been thinking about getting a beef for months. That did it! It'll be summer before he's ready to slaughter but I got beef!
I called a burger place and ordered 2 of their big hamburgers, 1 small burger and an order of fries.
My wife gets home with it and asked me what the heck I ordered because it cost $48. o_O WHAT?
I didn't know they had a humongous burger with 3 patties, 3 slices of cheese, bacon, ham, an egg and all the vegies. They were about 2 pounds each and around 8" thick.
I will be more specific from now on.
Fast food has gotten crazy everywhere. 2 burritos (Chipotle) cost $26. Quality time with my daughter, but wow! No drinks, either.
I think of how much food I could buy with that much money. Millennials seem to think it’s ok. Some eat out often, too.
So ready to close the gate on the driveway and just stay home.
You are all killing me. Today, I am fasting for tomorrow's double ended procedure. Down the throat and up the....well, er, you know what I mean. In 90 minutes, I start my cocktail 🍸. View attachment 76651
Suck it up buttercup

Tomorrow you can have a whole coconut pie and 2 ribeyes.

Havasu, Ugh, that is no fun at all. My mom has had go for that checkup a few times. Just don't watch the movie "Sublime" before going.

Food prices really have gone up-- and they have made the portion sizes even smaller. I saw a single burger at burger king that was over $9. It wasn't even a double patty one. Then tack on the 10.45% sales tax. Which reminds me, my stupid town taxes medicine. So every time we buy prescription medicine they tack 6% tax on to it. I don't have insurance so I have to use GoodRX to reduce the price.

It's getting cheaper to go to restaurants than to get fast food now. Although, restaurant prices have gone up. Only restaurant I've gone to recently is my favorite Chinese buffet. It's still cheaper than McDonalds sometimes.
Come on. Where's the sympathy?
There's a good "blow it out your a**" joke there, but I'm gonna pass.
Us sympathetic people will say: "Colonoscopies save lives. It may be the smartest thing you ever do".
They should call it 'polyp-pruning'.
I have 2 brothers that just said "no" and died of colon cancer before age 66.
I have had 2 'prunings' and have to do another one next year.
12 years ago they snipped a bunch out of me including the 14mm grenade that would be detonating and killing me this year.
Sorry, this is one of my soapbox issues.
I miss my brothers. :(
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People in town can be such jerks with no regard to safety, animals, etc. So, I popped over to trade something with my friend and while we were standing out in his yard a truck was rolling by above speed limit. It's one of those narrow roads that doesn't even have a line in the middle and speed limit is supposed to be low as there are kids in the homes and a church nearby. I was standing near the porch and I saw the dog, Capo, trying to cross the street to see the woman and her kids across the street. He likes to play with kids. The dog was abandoned at my friend's house and has been hanging around so they've been feeding him. I saw him crossing and called him back, then yelled at the driver in the truck (pickup truck) & held up my hand to tell him to stop. He didn't even slow down. I saw him go right over the dog. There was a loud thump and a yelp. Jerk still didn't stop or even slow down. Just kept going. I couldn't see past the parked cars in the driveway and everyone else was yelling at the driver. The wheels missed the dog but he got rolled and tumbled at least 30ft before he came out behind the truck. People across the street took off after the guy to go chew him out. We were all upset, but the dog got up and started running around. Made an entire circle of the house before going up on the porch and cowering under the porch swing. He was shaking like crazy. No blood or visible injuries, but the poor thing was traumatized. I hope it will teach him not to go in the road anymore, but f*** the guy who didn't even slow down and didn't stop to see what he hit. We were all saying it could have been a child. My friend was ready to go beat the guy's a** for it, but couldn't catch up to the truck.

I know the stupid dog shouldn't have run into the road like that, but the driver could have at least stopped or slowed down after hitting him. I'm still waiting to hear back from my friend on whether or not the dog developed a concussion or something afterward.
Not that I agree, but the law deems an animal only as personal property, and not required to stop after hitting it. Yeah, I don't like that, but its up to the lawmakers to change this crazy philosophy. In the mean time, get involved, go to your city or county counsel, and demand proper signage, especially if kids frequent the area.
The highway by my house is called dead cat or dead dog road. Houses are built close to the road and the speed limit is 55. When an animal gets in the road there is very little time to avoid hitting them.
We are also an open range area so if a cow gets hit the driver is liable. Cattle have the right a way. If it's a milk cow you can be paying for all the milk and calves she would produce in her lifetime. Doesn't happen often but it has happened.
The highway by my house is called dead cat or dead dog road. Houses are built close to the road and the speed limit is 55. When an animal gets in the road there is very little time to avoid hitting them.
We are also an open range area so if a cow gets hit the driver is liable. Cattle have the right a way. If it's a milk cow you can be paying for all the milk and calves she would produce in her lifetime. Doesn't happen often but it has happened.
And you would question why a driver keeps going? Hell, I will not be extorted by the cattlemen who won't keep their cattle safe by fencing them away from traffic.
Havasu, it does suck, but law aside, the driver should have checked to see what he hit because it *could* have been a child. Everyone was hollering at him to stop. There were children right there. Don't know if he realized it was a dog he hit or what. But, still a jerk for the speeding. Our city council no longer has any public meetings & all the current members care about is padding their own pockets and improving things where they live. They could not give a flying f*** about the area my friend lives in. I technically live outside of the town so I don't qualify as a town member. But, I'll talk to my friend to see if he can find someone at City Hall to talk to about the situation. Especially since his gf's baby is starting to crawl out the door (he's 16 months old now & still doesn't walk). The gf doesn't really pay much attention to him. I'm worried as he gets older he may crawl out into the street or something when my friend is at work. He seems to have inherited his mother's brains (or lack thereof-- the girl plugged a power strip into itself instead of the wall & couldn't figure out why it wasn't working).

I do hope the lady across the street (the one with the small children) caught up to the guy and gave him an earful.

Having to pay for hitting a roaming cow on the road does sound like incentive to not stop. Plus angry farmers might want to lynch someone. They no longer allow free range cattle (which is why I really need to get my gate fixed).
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