Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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Sort of funny… I’d been transferred to Los Angeles. The company didn’t have a company car ready for me so they paid me to drive my truck for a couple months. It was registered in Bama which only has a rear license plate.

This was 1990, traffic cameras were rare, in fact I’d never seen one. Just before my house was a long stretch of straight road, very few houses and it was usually after midnight. And I was usually speeding. At the end of that straight was a curve. Every night I came home I’d see a light flash in that curve. I didn’t know what it was until I asked a coworker.

Someone driving a black ford truck with no front license plate owes Riverside County for about 30 unpaid speeding fines. :rolleyes:
My only experience with toll roads was in TX after going to visit my cousin for her daughter's graduation. I was driving back late at night (after 10:30pm), it was dark, and I was one of the only people on the road. I was driving on a side road parallel to the toll road. At some point there was a roadblock and detour. The ONLY way to go was on to the toll road. Now, the only toll roads I'd ever dealt with at that point were ones with a person in a booth where you give them $ to get on the road or something. I was not familiar with the camera and ID tag thing they have now. A few weeks later I got a letter stating I owed something like $3 for driving on the toll road + a $30 fine for not having the ID thing in the window. I called them and explained I didn't realize I was on a toll road as it was late and dark & I'd never dealt with those sorts of roads before, but my main issue was I was forced on to it because the non-toll road was closed for construction & completely blocked off. I said I was fine paying the tolls even though I hadn't intentionally driving on a toll road. The woman put me on hold and got back to me & said she confirmed that there was road construction that caused people to have to drive on the toll road with no other option so she was waiving the entire charge-- tolls and all.

So, my brother is finally feeling what it's like to be in his 40s-- getting aches and pains he never had before & I'm trying to be sympathetic, but I've been dealing with those same types of pains for many years & he's always been a condescending a-hole about it. He's always called me a wuss & talked about how he has such a high tolerance for pain and how he just "pushes through" and I need to suck it up and so forth. The past couple weeks he's started to have the back pains and leg pains & can barely move. I told him "Welcome to my world". I've been dealing with that for over a decade. I've been having to push through and do stuff even when in pain but I did comment on being in pain-- which he took as me being a complaining wuss. There were times when it was bad enough that I couldn't even stand up (mostly after a back injury from a wreck) and he acted like I was the biggest baby in the world. But now that he's having pain he won't do anything & says he's too sore. I've resisted the urge to pick on him about his "legendary" alleged high tolerance for pain & to tell him to push through it and suck it up. He's starting to get a taste of what I've lived with for years, but I'm sure he thinks it's worse than anything I've ever experienced. But, one of the problems is because he's having pain, he's got an excuse to not do things (he already doesn't do much but it's out of being lazy & just not wanting to do it). Unfortunately, since I also have back pain and so forth, it will be difficult to get things done because neither one of us can lift things. I would hope that this experience would help him understand me more and not be so quick to judge, but he doesn't possess that level of self-awareness or empathy.
You would think that would be simple, but no, this is the DMV we're talking about.
My DW ran into that when she sold her car. Her and the girl buying it went down to the title place and did the transfer of title.
Everything officially on paper.:thumbs:
The next day the girl gets pulled over for no tag and no insurance and the car gets impounded.
The girl's problem, right? No.
A week later, DW gets a bill for towing and storage. She was still listed as the 'owner of record' according to the VIN.
She called the company and said: "not my car, I sold it" and gave them the buyer's info.
2 weeks later she receives a letter saying the car would be seized and sold at auction to satisfy the unpaid bill.
She calls them and again and repeats the above info.
They said they basically didn't care, but were required by law to notify her before they sold it...
a car owned by someone else :(. She told them to have fun. :p
Ownage? Ownership? Means much less than you think.:oops:
OH. sorry, it an online gaming term. It pretty much means he made them be his
Pretty much someone who came in full of hot air and was put in their place
I.E "That n00b got OWNED!" To be humiliated without pity after mouthing off.
Now I'm having flashbacks to Barrens chat in WoW. Almost as bad as the chats in pvp battlegrounds. I had to do some for a quest & was so frustrated because the people on my team spent all their time bickering & insulting one another instead of actually working together so we always lost. They'd get mad about item levels, gear, and call each other noobs and argue back & forth while I was trying to capture flags with no support. LOL.
Now I'm having flashbacks to Barrens chat in WoW. Almost as bad as the chats in pvp battlegrounds. I had to do some for a quest & was so frustrated because the people on my team spent all their time bickering & insulting one another instead of actually working together so we always lost. They'd get mad about item levels, gear, and call each other noobs and argue back & forth while I was trying to capture flags with no support. LOL.
That's why I stopped online gaming.
I still do online gaming but I ignore the chat most of the time. At least it's not as bad as when I first started gaming where I couldn't play a female character without getting the text equivalent of dick pics. Random people would start sending graphic descriptions of their genitalia & what they wanted to do to me. So my main character was male & they treated me with respect.

My small gripe is how my mother fails at verbal communication & does not listen. Its getting worse now. She wears noise-canceling headphones, calls me into the room saying she wants something to eat. Does not remove the headphones and I stand there trying to find out what she wants to eat & trying to get her to listen/answer. One time after 10 minutes I just went back to my room & she got enraged. I told her if she was going to sit there and ignore me after summoning me to the room she could make herself a sandwich or eat chips.

Last night she slept until after 5pm. I didn't feel like dealing with the drama of trying to figure out what she wanted to eat-- thing is, if I make a suggestion and she doesn't feel like eating what I suggested, she actually gets angry about it. Like how dare I offer her something that I don't know she didn't want to eat right then. Or she get mad that we don't have stuff that hasn't been sold in the stores in the past few months-- as if its my fault there's a shortage. Anyway, I made potato soup. She got mad that I made it without asking her first but she ate it. Afterward she wanted something else to eat. So I started listing things & she got mad because it wasn't what she wanted. She was trying to hint at what she wanted without actually saying it. She mentioned something but it required having to wash more dishes (that had recently been used) and I was not feeling well. I didn't refuse, but she saw my expression and pulled the "nevermind, I'll just starve to death!" bs. I sat down and drank some water until I felt a little better. Then I asked her "Did you still want the shrimp scampi?" No answer. No acknowledgement that she even heard me. So, I washed dishes, started heating some ramen up for myself, and sat down while it was soaking. Next thing I know she's angrily saying "Aren't you going to make shrimp scampi?" I said "You didn't say you still wanted it! I asked you and you ignored me!" She got attitude and whined about how I "never listen". Gaslighting 101. So I made the shrimp scampi and gave her the ramen I cooked (because she has to have the scamp with ramen) and didn't make more for myself bc I lost my appetite. Then a few minutes later she screamed at me about whether or not there was any water left-- as if she had asked me to get her water when she hadn't. It's like she imagines asking people things or telling them things without opening her pie-hole when she didn't communicate at all and then she gets mad that I didn't read her f***ing mind. She will claim she said something when she didn't. Now, most of this she's done my entire life. She's always expected me to read her mind & know what she wanted without verbally communicating it, but ugh. It's so frustrating sometimes.
I still do online gaming but I ignore the chat most of the time. At least it's not as bad as when I first started gaming where I couldn't play a female character without getting the text equivalent of dick pics. Random people would start sending graphic descriptions of their genitalia & what they wanted to do to me. So my main character was male & they treated me with respect.

My small gripe is how my mother fails at verbal communication & does not listen. Its getting worse now. She wears noise-canceling headphones, calls me into the room saying she wants something to eat. Does not remove the headphones and I stand there trying to find out what she wants to eat & trying to get her to listen/answer. One time after 10 minutes I just went back to my room & she got enraged. I told her if she was going to sit there and ignore me after summoning me to the room she could make herself a sandwich or eat chips.

Last night she slept until after 5pm. I didn't feel like dealing with the drama of trying to figure out what she wanted to eat-- thing is, if I make a suggestion and she doesn't feel like eating what I suggested, she actually gets angry about it. Like how dare I offer her something that I don't know she didn't want to eat right then. Or she get mad that we don't have stuff that hasn't been sold in the stores in the past few months-- as if its my fault there's a shortage. Anyway, I made potato soup. She got mad that I made it without asking her first but she ate it. Afterward she wanted something else to eat. So I started listing things & she got mad because it wasn't what she wanted. She was trying to hint at what she wanted without actually saying it. She mentioned something but it required having to wash more dishes (that had recently been used) and I was not feeling well. I didn't refuse, but she saw my expression and pulled the "nevermind, I'll just starve to death!" bs. I sat down and drank some water until I felt a little better. Then I asked her "Did you still want the shrimp scampi?" No answer. No acknowledgement that she even heard me. So, I washed dishes, started heating some ramen up for myself, and sat down while it was soaking. Next thing I know she's angrily saying "Aren't you going to make shrimp scampi?" I said "You didn't say you still wanted it! I asked you and you ignored me!" She got attitude and whined about how I "never listen". Gaslighting 101. So I made the shrimp scampi and gave her the ramen I cooked (because she has to have the scamp with ramen) and didn't make more for myself bc I lost my appetite. Then a few minutes later she screamed at me about whether or not there was any water left-- as if she had asked me to get her water when she hadn't. It's like she imagines asking people things or telling them things without opening her pie-hole when she didn't communicate at all and then she gets mad that I didn't read her f***ing mind. She will claim she said something when she didn't. Now, most of this she's done my entire life. She's always expected me to read her mind & know what she wanted without verbally communicating it, but ugh. It's so frustrating sometimes.
I could not and would not live like that. I'd rather be a hermit in the woods.
@zannej folks with cfs can barely take care of ourselves. We can't take care of others. I'm facing some of your same choices, moms 85 with rapidly advancing dementia, dads 87. Two wayward children to corral. I can't do it, a little farm work is easy but the mental aspect of keeping up with their bills, pills and wheels... beyond me. Dad does the much of it now but his abilities diminish daily. Have you thought about outside help? It is available for elderly medical issues. People come by every week, if needed every day. Takes a huge load off me.

I don't know about your brother but from your posts you have to clean up after him also. I'd put a stop to that today!! If he needs help let him find it and make the arrangements himself. He's a big boy. First thing I'd do is move the kitchen garbage into his bedroom until he learns to use it properly, if not then he can live in garbage. But I'd be done with that situation today, not tomorrow.

When cfs folks like us try to do to much we then live in a boom and bust cycle, you know this. It is no kind of life, I know, I tried to do it like everyone else in the early years. I got off the burn and crash cycle by simply stopping. I refuse to do anymore than I can do each day and then each week. I took my already tiny life and made it even smaller for a while.

I started over, adding things to my life one at a time until I knew exactly were my base lines were... and what items could be part of my life... and what things can't. I rethought every single thing I did in my normal routine, found new ways to do every chore. In the end my life is much larger now than when l lived in the crash and burn cycle. Of course some weeks in the normal course of life are sometimes too much for me... but I know exactly where the lines are. I do what I can then stop...
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My small gripe is how my mother fails at verbal communication & does not listen. Its getting worse now. She wears noise-canceling headphones, calls me into the room saying she wants something to eat. Does not remove the headphones and I stand there trying to find out what she wants to eat & trying to get her to listen/answer.
Get yourself a pair of headphones. They could be non-working music headphones, shooting hearing protection, or whatever. When your mom summons you with her headphones on, put yours on before you enter the room. Then as she's talking hold your hand up to your headphone like you're trying to capture the sound (kind of a universal signal for "I can't hear you!") Keep frowning and shaking your head as she talks. They shrug your shoulders, throw your palms up in the "what am I supposed to do?" gesture, and walk out of the room. After a couple repetitions of this, she might get the picture. A little hunger or frustration won't kill her, but it may make her see your side of things to the level she is able to.

If you are dealing with dementia here - and it does sound like you are - realize that the demented person cannot help it. Their brain is not functioning normally, and never will again. Some demented people go through an angry, belligerent, abusive stage at the start of their dementia. Then they tend to mellow out. But that takes a little time. I did not see the abusive stage with my mom, she was sweet throughout, but my wife's aunt - she got abusive. When it got no longer tolerable, we placed her in a memory care unit. Her safety was the biggest driver of that, but belligerence and incessant demanding behavior played a part. There's only so much you can do as an individual. I hate it when people with a superiority complex snobbishly say, "There's no way I'd ever put my mom in memory care". The thing is, sometimes memory care is exactly what mom needs. They can provide more than an individual can. Sometimes I feel sad for moms (or dads) that end up being forced to live with a "There's no way!" child. This is not always in the best interest for mom and dad. Sometimes home is the best solution for a bad situation if you have enough family willing to help or enough money to pay for care givers to provide assistance. But most of the time living at home compounds the problem, it doesn't help it. If you end up having to put your mom in memory care, you will feel immense guilt and will shed many tears. It is a tough thing to do. The accusations and shaming coming from someone in the abusive stages of dementia will be overwhelming. But over time you will realize that it was the best thing to do for mom, and you will be at peace with your decision.

Your brother sounds like a lost cause for a roommate. Best thing I'd recommend is to not live with him. Stay in touch, be friends and family. But don't live with him. Easier said than done however - I realize it might be an expensive separation.
Whenever I read about Zanne's sucky family saga, whatever bad that is happening in my life, she makes it seem that I have no complaints.

Thank you girl!
It reminds me of the dysfunction in my family that I moved 100's of miles away from to try to get a normal life. My previous comment, " I could not and would not live like that. I'd rather be a hermit in the woods." This is the truth. I can talk and socialize like anyone, but as seen about a year ago when someone decided to go after me, stop playing nice with me and I am done. I won't live like that. And once someone has crossed a line with me, there is no going back for me. We all deserve to live a drama free life.
Given that my mother has acted this way since I was a small child, I don't think its dementia. Putting on headphones would only enrage her. She doesn't empathize with people nor does she see her own hypocrisy. She threatened to kick me out if I put the tortillas away in one of the plastic bins instead of somewhere else, but when I asked her where else I could put it she finally caved a little and took them. She's not quite at the level of qualifying for an insurance provided home healthcare giver and she isn't terribly social. She doesn't like strangers and doesn't trust people to come in and refrain from stealing. To be honest, I feel the same way. I don't like strangers in my home. I get that a healthcare person would become more acquainted, but we've had people who came in and stole before. She does have her good sides. I mostly gripe about the bad things. We generally get along well but sometimes she's aggravating. My brother lives in trash already. Putting kitchen trash in his room wouldn't really make too much of a difference. He once trashed his room up so badly that he couldn't walk through it so he moved in to another room. Then he trashed that room up. Then a friend came over and cleaned his room so he moved back into his room & left the front room trashed. I had to clean the front room. He seems to think that if he ignores something it will just go away or get resolved. But he gets mad when we point out that he's irresponsible/unreliable. He also has his good points. He's been helping me more with groceries lately, but it's aggravating having to clean up after someone who is supposed to be an adult. We argued earlier because he didn't think he should have to do chores (when he was working). He'd offered to pay rent to my mother but on the grounds that he wouldn't have to do ANY chores. Mom knew I couldn't handle all of the chores by myself and said he would have to take out trash, clean his own dishes, etc. He claimed she wanted him to do "all of the chores". I was there for the conversations. That's not what she said. But he actually said he should have to do none of them and that if he was paying rent & I was staying home, I should have to clean up after him. But I was staying home to take care of her. She's diabetic so she needs to eat when she gets low blood sugar (although she fakes it quite a bit and I've learned to tell when she's faking-- usually makes melodramatic sighing noises).

As much as I gripe, I can tolerate the situation. It does get frustrating at times, but I'd rather be here than out somewhere else. I'm attached to the house as crappy as it is.
Some folks secretly enjoy the drama. Gets them the attention they crave.
I learned this when I was attending Adult Children of Alcoholics meetings and seminars. It is part of my background so it plays into why I am happy to be alone. It is better than drama and commotion.

I also saw it with children when I was teaching. Attention is a human need. Children who do not get much or enough attention from their parents will do things to get attention, even if it is negative attention. If they don't get it from their parents, they will seek it from any one. Some children wake up in the morning and hear nothing positive from their parents and they start doing whatever it takes to get attention, even negative attention.
I still do online gaming but I ignore the chat most of the time. At least it's not as bad as when I first started gaming where I couldn't play a female character without getting the text equivalent of dick pics. Random people would start sending graphic descriptions of their genitalia & what they wanted to do to me. So my main character was male & they treated me with respect.

My small gripe is how my mother fails at verbal communication & does not listen. Its getting worse now. She wears noise-canceling headphones, calls me into the room saying she wants something to eat. Does not remove the headphones and I stand there trying to find out what she wants to eat & trying to get her to listen/answer. One time after 10 minutes I just went back to my room & she got enraged. I told her if she was going to sit there and ignore me after summoning me to the room she could make herself a sandwich or eat chips.

Last night she slept until after 5pm. I didn't feel like dealing with the drama of trying to figure out what she wanted to eat-- thing is, if I make a suggestion and she doesn't feel like eating what I suggested, she actually gets angry about it. Like how dare I offer her something that I don't know she didn't want to eat right then. Or she get mad that we don't have stuff that hasn't been sold in the stores in the past few months-- as if its my fault there's a shortage. Anyway, I made potato soup. She got mad that I made it without asking her first but she ate it. Afterward she wanted something else to eat. So I started listing things & she got mad because it wasn't what she wanted. She was trying to hint at what she wanted without actually saying it. She mentioned something but it required having to wash more dishes (that had recently been used) and I was not feeling well. I didn't refuse, but she saw my expression and pulled the "nevermind, I'll just starve to death!" bs. I sat down and drank some water until I felt a little better. Then I asked her "Did you still want the shrimp scampi?" No answer. No acknowledgement that she even heard me. So, I washed dishes, started heating some ramen up for myself, and sat down while it was soaking. Next thing I know she's angrily saying "Aren't you going to make shrimp scampi?" I said "You didn't say you still wanted it! I asked you and you ignored me!" She got attitude and whined about how I "never listen". Gaslighting 101. So I made the shrimp scampi and gave her the ramen I cooked (because she has to have the scamp with ramen) and didn't make more for myself bc I lost my appetite. Then a few minutes later she screamed at me about whether or not there was any water left-- as if she had asked me to get her water when she hadn't. It's like she imagines asking people things or telling them things without opening her pie-hole when she didn't communicate at all and then she gets mad that I didn't read her f***ing mind. She will claim she said something when she didn't. Now, most of this she's done my entire life. She's always expected me to read her mind & know what she wanted without verbally communicating it, but ugh. It's so frustrating sometimes.
We had that issue here once, we solved it with a fifty dollar hotel room sized refrigerator and microwave, we packed it full of hot pockets, sandwich fixings, beer and three kinds of soda and told him it was because we loved him, well hell. we did. but OMG at least the whining stopped. get her a water cooler too.
We had that issue here once, we solved it with a fifty dollar hotel room sized refrigerator and microwave, we packed it full of hot pockets, sandwich fixings, beer and three kinds of soda and told him it was because we loved him, well hell. we did. but OMG at least the whining stopped. get her a water cooler too.
This is really a good idea.
I had a small cube fridge and then got the larger dorm sized fridge for my classroom as well as a microwave. Now daughter has them on the third floor of her place, in an office space so they can grab something if they are in an online meeting without going down two flights of stairs. That fridge saved me when my fridge died a couple years ago and before the new one could be delivered. You could get the dorm-sized fridges for around $100 in the fall before kids go off to college. I also found a small freezer about the same size. It's easy enough to move and can be stacked up on the smaller fridge, a counter, or even on a larger fridge.
We have two small fridges we use. One is in our bedroom walk in closet. It holds cold water and a jug of OJ, in case husband has a "too low of blood sugar" episode in the night. He can easily grab the oj jug and start drinking. The other fridge is in the laundry room. It's my cheese fridge. I keep unopened blocks of cheese in there, cream cheese, and shredded mozzarella. Also casings for when I make brats.
Small fridges are handy.
Righty then, everybody remember "THE MAN"?
You know, that guy or organization blacks and other disadvantaged people used to blame on
keeping them down and a lot of us thought it was funny...
At least until the 2020 elections when our eyes were opened and saw
there were indeed multiple layers of "Justice" Not just between colors, but
demographies, levels of wealth and social groups and pretty much every subdivision of Facebook.
and we saw an election literally stolen by the great and mythical "THEM" aka, THE MAN!
Sure we had a riot or twenty, we calmed down and jumped back into the status quo and snuggled up in our warm manure and drifted back into a dreamy, cotton candy Barbie doll sleep..
(Y'all like that Rush song subdivisions? prophetic baby!)
Until NOW, we're so divided we barely have a country anymore, we're a collection of races, micro races and alphabet soup sexual orientations, we have literally liberalized and politicized the human race out of existence without ONE nuke falling! How about we all agree we're the HUMAN race, we like to have sex, sometimes drugs too, and have or do not have religions and then leave those proclivities at home, behind the couch with the go bag and the fossilized Cheetos? Don't put me in a box because I'm not in your box, don't even try, there is no box shaped right or big enough, and just when you try to nail me into a coffin, I change size and shape and spit in your other eye!
I AM a free and sovereign being! I will NOT be catalogued, characterized, lobotomized or sanitized! I will come at you at the speed of life, no holds barred, and up in you like a catheter tube! I can be mean, I can be nasty and cruel too, I can also empathize, love and be gentle, I can be more human than human, or something so alien to your consciousness it drives you insane like an H.P Lovecraft horror! So here's to all you woke little maggots eating the corpse of an once enlightened nation, hope ya choke, this shot of Cuervo is on me!


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I've met the kids who act out to get attention because they aren't getting enough. My friend's ex's son is one of them. He was basically put in front of the TV in a little chair with a bottle as soon as he was old enough to hold his own bottle and left there for hours on end. The ex never played with him, never tried to teach him to walk, talk, or potty train him. My friend's grandparents and father had to do that. The kid still constantly wants attention & will climb on people & do things to annoy people just to get their attention.

As for getting the water cooler etc-- no place to put it. But also, part of the issue is I suspect my mother is a narcissist and she wants people to do things for her. She can be very loving though and often buys gifts. She's really been great to my friend and has been taking care of him since his grandma passed. Hell, even before then when he needed help. He tries to help us out in return and he adores my mom. He calls her "gramma". Started as a joke bc people mistook me for my friend's mother.

Anti-rant today-- my brother actually took out the trash in the bathroom AND the kitchen without me asking!
So, I wasn't feeling well this morning to go pick up my friend to start on the plumbing project. But, it gives me more time to clean up stuff to get things out of the way.

But, he messaged me & told me that his power company just shut off his power. He called to find out why & they claimed they sent him a bill along with a disconnect notice on the 17th but he never received either. The way his power company does things is they send the disconnect notice the same time as the bill every time. They didn't even give him a full week. He was not behind on his payments or anything. His bill was over $600 and he doesn't get paid until tomorrow (unless they have some delay-- he doesn't always get paid on time). I don't know if it's even legal for them to cut power off that quickly, but they do it to people here all the time. They charge about $300 to reconnect after doing a shutoff, so his bill would be close to $1k. He's got his gf's family there mooching and using all the water & electricity-- running air conditioning units when they don't need to. I told him he needs to put his foot down and start making them pay utilities. There are more members of their family there and they use more electricity than he does.

I almost wonder if someone else in the neighborhood has tapped in to hsi electricity and is stealing it. To complicate matters, things are in his ex's boyfriend's name because when he tried to get stuff transferred to his name, his ex screwed him over. She had her utilities put on in my friend's name (without his permission), didn't pay on time, and then bounced a check. So when he went to get his stuff turned on, there was a very high bill still owed & they demanded he pay it to get it put in his name. They also let her switch to her name without his permission and without paying the bill she owed so she got clear of that debt & dumped it on him. Her bf felt guilty about it so he let my friend set up an account in his name. But now the guy has a house across the street and I'm starting to wonder if the power company is charging my friend the utilities for both houses somehow (because the prices didn't skyrocket until after the guy bought that house across the street).

I'm also wondering if my friend has any legal recourse with this power company over shutting off too quickly-- especially when he never got the bill.

The switch happened sometime in 2016 or 2017 so I wonder if there is a statute of limitations on power bills & if they would have to wipe it clean and let him put the power in his own name.
Sometimes I think I read too much into things.... Okay O'Biden hates greenhouse gasses so he put's the squeeze on US Oil production and oil pipelines. This results in a ramp up of oil and gas prices. Then he decides to be the savior by releasing oil from the US Strategic Petroleum reserve, most of which is being exported to India and China. But the strategic petroleum is full because Trump bought oil when it was in good supply and cheap. So now O'Biden is selling the oil at a profit and is going to use the money to pay for the infrastructure bill they just passed.... If I were a conspiracy theorist I would say he drove the prices up so he could make a profit. By the way, I have read that the volume of oil he released will not be enough to change prices much....

Now I have to wonder how he plans to take advantage of high food prices...... I wonder if he is planning to make a play to take control of farm land and food supply chains in the National Interest..... It's all those greedy white farmers fault..... He will find a way to make them pay.....

Sorry, I got carried away......

And yes I know I am spelling his name wrong... That's because I think that OBA.... is the one behind the curtain pulling the puppet's strings. Thus O'Biden.....
I think the commies/socialists are trashing everything in our economy...energy and food included. And trying to blame it on something else. Right now the something else would be climate change and covid. At the same time of crashing the economy, they have instilled so much fear with covid, they have successfully tested if people will do what they're told. And they will. Taxes will go up to the point that people can't pay them, and lose their property. Medical will price most out of the market, except for the covidians, because docs will always see them. Pretty soon comes the "too far gone" moment when the govt must swoop in to help the covidians and the greenies, insisting that we go to a digital monetary system, which the govt controls and "puts" money into. And viola! The govt now can tell you what to spend, what you need and will control you. Then you will not own anything and you will be happy.
I think the commies/socialists are trashing everything in our economy...energy and food included. And trying to blame it on something else. Right now the something else would be climate change and covid. At the same time of crashing the economy, they have instilled so much fear with covid, they have successfully tested if people will do what they're told. And they will. Taxes will go up to the point that people can't pay them, and lose their property. Medical will price most out of the market, except for the covidians, because docs will always see them. Pretty soon comes the "too far gone" moment when the govt must swoop in to help the covidians and the greenies, insisting that we go to a digital monetary system, which the govt controls and "puts" money into. And viola! The govt now can tell you what to spend, what you need and will control you. Then you will not own anything and you will be happy.
I agree with you, but it still makes me angry....
So, after I helped with the power bill yesterday, my friend's gf (who already quit her job when she found out she'll be hired at a new one in a few weeks) didn't bother to stick it out long enough to keep getting paid so she can pay her car note. She messaged me and asked me if we could pay her car note for her this month. Didn't even ask to "borrow". Straight up wanted us to pay it for her without any intention of paying it back. Mom didn't even give a verbal reply when I told her. She just gave me a look so I know the answer is a "hell no".

My other rant for the day is how I hate my state's government. They made Elon Musk sign some contract in order to do business in the state that allowed them to "requisition" (aka steal) equipment during an emergency. So, all the Starlink satellites we (and other people in the state). So, anyway, they "requisitioned" the satellites we were supposed to get this year over the hurricanes. We've been asking and asking when we'll get our equipment & finally got an answer: Because the state did not return the equipment they took, we have to wait until new units are manufactured and sent out next February. My current ISP is getting worse.

@phideaux My mother mentioned something to me when I told her how the Honda dealership screwed you over. Was the Ridgeline you purchased new? If so, she said that once you bought it and drove it off the lot, it can no longer be considered "new". The dealership broke the contract but you still had possession of the vehicle for at least a day. If you still have the VIN # and you see it for sale online, you can inform people that the vehicle was previously purchase but the dealership broke contract so it isn't technically "new". It's "pre-owned" and they should not be able to charge as much for it anymore. Might be a little petty, but that dealership deserves to get some karma. As an aside, I can help you look for a vehicle if I have a zip code or general area to look & the parameters of what you want to find. The car sites I use online helped me find my current vehicles (although I had to go out of state to get them).

I know people talked about how a vehicle immediately loses value when driven off the loft-- that usually applies to if you want to return it or sell it back to them, but they will try to sell it for full price if you're the one paying them. The markup on vehicle prices is one of my pet peeves.
1) Spell check is your friend. USE IT. If you don't have it on your device, there are programs to download and USE. Nothing is so important that you can't take a few seconds to check your spelling.

2) RUN ON novels are ANNOYING. Put some breaks in there. Nobody wants to read what you write if it's just one long block of writing.

3) If you have to write a novel (100's of words) for a simple answer to a post, then you need more "people time" and less "internet time".
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