Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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Ben, he already canceled the card and had a new one issued. The CC company is also aware that if that company tries to charge him again it will be denied.

So my friend's ex's bf came back in town. He was over at the house surveying any damage and clearing out stuff. Apparently they found a MASSIVE porn collection. Penthouse magazines going back to the 90s. Porn novels, videos, and journals from a woman giving graphic detail of her sexual fantasies. He contacted the former owner and asked if she wanted any of the stuff & she said it had been a tenant and to get rid of everything-- she didn't want to touch anything in there with a 10ft pole. There were some decent non-porn artwork pieces though. A girl who lived nearby was over there to greet them when the brats with the knife came out and started threatening her & my friend's gf. Apparently they wanted the porn stash & had already stolen a bunch of it but wanted more. So the gf called the cops again to come tell the kids to back off and to talk to their mother about how she needed to reign them in. Meanwhile, a cop in the grocery store overhead her brother talking about the kids pulling a knife on his kid so the cop said he'd try to have someone look into it. Unfortunately, not much gets done around here in terms of law enforcement. I am concerned that the brats may threaten or even harm my friend's daughter.

Another concern I had was about the ex's sociopath son. He burned my friend's house down and sexually abused his sister. DCFS refused to give my friend custody/remove her from the home because it was another child doing the abuse and not an adult. I was worried that the ex would be sending him over to go to my friend's house all the time. Sure enough, she sent him over. My friend was still in too much pain from the kidney stones to say much. The kid ran around the house, jumped on my friend's bed, climbed under the covers, searched through his room-- all the while ignoring me while I told him to get out of there. He started trying to break the silicone cover on the remote control. I told him to stop it. He just looked at me with dead eyes and continued to try to break it. I asked someone closer to him to take it away from him and she did. Kid is about 12 & got the worst genetics from both of his lousy parents. Another friend was visiting with his 2 daughters & pregnant wife. The ex's kid got all 3 girls (his half-sister and the other friend's kids) into the bathroom and locked the door. My friend's gf realized he was in there with them and started screaming at him to unlock the door and get out of there. One of the girls unlocked the door. She chewed him out and told him he's never allowed in a bathroom with girls (bc the bathroom was where he first abused his sister-- afterward he started sneaking into her bedroom at night). He was supposed to get counseling after my friend called DCFS & had his daughter interviewed. The ex's son also kept leaving the door to the house open (and it was under 40° outside & the heat was on). He plugged his tablet in to charge it without asking. Hell, he wasn't even invited into the house. He just walked in.

Finally the ex's boyfriend came in and started calling for the punk. He was hiding somewhere and had to be dragged out. My friend's daughter was ecstatic that she didn't have to go too and was allowed to stay.

The gf is very unhappy about the punk and the ex being so close now. She knows they will cause trouble. The ex can't be bothered to watch her own kids and always pawns them off on other people or simply ignores them (which is how the house got burned down).

I'm hoping my friend will pass his kidney stones and feel better soon. I hate seeing him in pain. He's stressed out enough as it is. His work still hasn't paid him for the work he did 3 weeks ago.
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...Several years ago, simply going on vacation in a different state could get you in trouble if you didn't pre-notify your card issuer. That doesn't seem to be a problem these days though. I just went to Hawaii without notifying my card issuers and my cards worked just fine. ...

I went overseas without notifying my CC company. As a backup plan I had the CC company's APP on my phone and had figured out where to click for "overseas" if any charges were questioned/refused. CC never blinked an eye. On the other hand the out of state CC charge for lunch on our way to the airport was questioned!!!!!!
...Float EVERYTHING!...

That's the same advice my oldest daughter gave me. Buy everything on CC. Pay off CC every month! Write one check once a month to pay the CC (no check registry to reconcile every month). Daughter and SOL fly a lot and stay in hotels because of their employment. Their CC rewards pay for the flights and hotels.

AND CC rewards are not taxable (yet).
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So, my friend's gf (who is about 25 or 26 now) started griping to me that her nephew said the ex's sociopath punk was trashtalking her. Calling her a b*** and saying she treats his half-sister like crap (which, honestly, both are true). Said he hoped the sister would beat her up when she gets old enough. Mind you, her nephew trash-talks her too. She got so enraged she forgot that she's a grown a$$ adult and not some middle school kid and she wanted to go over there and have it out with the kid. I had to remind her that she's legally an adult now (even if she's still mentally a kid) and that he's only 12 and she shouldn't be worried about what a child is saying about her. It would only create drama if she went over there. I said that if she feels like being petty, if the kid tries to come over she can tell him she's too much of a b*** for him to be around so he can't be over there. Quite frankly, my friend doesn't want that kid anywhere near his home & if he hadn't been in so much pain, he would have tossed him out the moment he walked in. He's made it clear to his ex that he hates that kid and he's not allowed over. I was told that the kid did get chewed out by his mom and her bf over locking himself in the bathroom with the girls though.

Why is it so hard for adults to act like adults around here? LOL.

Floating is when you keep paying with credit cards before it accrues interest, right?

I was watching Suze Orman's show once and she was talking to a guy who got student loans and was offered a credit card with very high limit and 0%APR for 1 year. He was confident that he'd be able to pay it all off in a year (ah, the naive youngsters). So he asked if he should pay off student loan debt with the card. She told him absolutely! The interest rate for the card was lower than the interest rate for the loan. So it would cost him much less in the long run and worst case, it could be forgiven in bankruptcy if it ever came to that or he could negotiate to pay off a lower amount. But that if he got multiple credit cards he could float the debt until it was paid off.
Floating is when you keep paying with credit cards before it accrues interest, right?

I was watching Suze Orman's show once and she was talking to a guy who got student loans and was offered a credit card with very high limit and 0%APR for 1 year. He was confident that he'd be able to pay it all off in a year (ah, the naive youngsters). So he asked if he should pay off student loan debt with the card. She told him absolutely! The interest rate for the card was lower than the interest rate for the loan. So it would cost him much less in the long run and worst case, it could be forgiven in bankruptcy if it ever came to that or he could negotiate to pay off a lower amount. But that if he got multiple credit cards he could float the debt until it was paid off.
The kind we were talking about, yes.
If the CC offers reward points and a 25 day grace-period with 0% interest if paid in full, you are giving away free money to pay for any purchase directly out of your checking account.
Let's say you have $30K in income. $20K are purchases paid out of your checking account.
If those are routed thru a CC instead, at the end of the year you have 20K of reward points to cash in for free money.:D
This does require DISCIPLINE! This is where they 'getcha' by giving you plenty of rope to hang yourself.
We use the term 'float' because we float the purchases interest-free for 25+ days on the CC before paying for them out of checking.
(It also has the side-effect of shooting your credit rating thru the roof;))
*This is not to be confused with floating debt, like using one CC to pay off another CC, which will get you into really deep water!
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Time change sucks. I spent 20 minutes changing the clocks, we were in our jammies by 4 PM, by 9 PM we were falling asleep on the couch watching TV. We then were up at 3AM. I hate these dumb changes. It is not like I have to go outside and milk a cow. I am retired. I buy post milked cow juice from a box at the grocery store.

Attention US Government....we voted to stop this darn time change and it passed by 60% of the people.

Why California continues to change the clocks despite 2018 daylight saving time vote
By David Mendez Los Angeles

PUBLISHED 5:40 AM PT Nov. 02, 2021

LOS ANGELES — Three years ago, nearly 60% of Californians voted in favor of Proposition 7, with the hopes that — after decades of turning the clocks back and forward twice each year — they could do away with daylight saving time switches once and for all. No more setting the clock forward an hour on the second Sunday in March, and no more dropping back an hour on the first Sunday in November.
But now it’s 2021, and despite the results of the 2018 election, we’ve got another change to Pacific Standard Time looming on Nov. 7. What happened?
Well, there were a few complications, San Diego-area Assemblymember Lorena Gonzalez told Spectrum News 1.
What You Need To Know
  • Despite passing Prop. 7 in 2018, Californians still have to change their clocks to keep in line with daylight saving time switches twice each year

  • The proposition authorized the California Legislature to make the switch to year-round DST — but permanent DST would require permission from Congress

  • Studies indicate health risks, including heart attack and stroke, increase in the days following the Spring time change

  • Legislative analysis may be needed to determine if Prop. 7 would allow the state to opt out of daylight saving time permanently without another statewide vote

For one, Proposition 7 itself didn’t do away with stopping the clock-swap — essentially, voters gave the Legislature the power to make the decision. But you can’t just get rid of the time switch: you have to figure out if you want to spring forward permanently, or fall back forever. And because of the federal Uniform Time Act of 1966, states can choose to opt out of daylight saving time, but cannot decide to permanently observe DST.
“To go to permanent daylight saving time, post-initiative, you have to get it through the Legislature with a 2/3 vote, and then petition Congress,” Gonzalez said. “If we want to eliminate daylight saving time, we just have to get it through the state.”
For definiton’s sake, Daylight Saving Time is the practice of rolling a clock forward by an hour during warmer months, so the sun effectively sets later in the day. The first modern use of DST in the United States ran for only seven months in 1918 and 1919; as an energy-saving measure, the U.S. turned to year-round DST (or “War Time”) during World War II; from 1945 to 1966, states were left to figure out if and when they would observe DST. In 1949, California voters approved DST by passing Proposition 12.
The idea is that, by realigning waking hours with daylight hours, people will use less energy to light their homes. But, as the California Senate’s Energy, Utilities and Communications Committee reported, federal studies have found that DST actually increases energy use in some regions of the country (as a result of heating and cooling energy use versus lighting use); and when the federal government extended DST by three weeks, the California Energy Commission found negligible energy savings.
In 2018, alongside then-Assemblymember Kansen Chu (a lead sponsor of Prop. 7), Gonzalez threw her support behind California Assembly Bill 7. The bill would have introduced permanent Daylight Saving Time in California, pending Congressional approval. The bill made it through the State Assembly before dying at the Senate’s Energy, Utilities and Communications Committee.
In an interview, Chu — who represented Northern California’s Assembly District 25 from 2014 to 2020, with plans to run again in 2022 — told Spectrum News 1 that some legislators were worried that permanent observation of DST would disrupt trade along the border; Baja California is the only Mexican state to follow the U.S. DST schedule; its nearest neighbor, Sonora, ignores DST entirely. (Chu said he had been advised that Mexican trade partners would simply follow the lead of California.)
Gonzalez suggested that it was just as simple as more people liking DST — that people enjoy watching their kids play later into the day without running into the dark, or that they enjoy the extra hour of daylight.
“However, if you listen to sleep experts and health experts, it’s not the preferable route,” Gonzalez said. “Spring is when we feel it: that’s when we see the increase in car accidents, the increase in heart attacks, what it does to kids going to school, and to all of us going to work.”
Dr. Sion Roy, a cardiologist at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center (and a 2022 candidate for the 50th Assembly District), was among the supporters of Prop. 7 in 2018. In an interview with Spectrum News 1, he noted that a handful of health risks jump in the days immediately following the spring swap to DST.
A 2014 study by the University of Michigan’s Frankel Cardiovascular Center observed a 24% increase in heart attacks on the first Monday after the spring change. A study presented at the American Academy of Neurology’s 2016 meeting found that the overall rate of stroke increased by 8% in the first two days after the change; risk for people with cancer and patients over age 65 were found to increase by at least 20%.
“The theoretical reason would be because of the changes in sleep habits affecting cardiovascular risks,” Roy said. “And there’s not evidence in terms of untoward health outcomes for children, but I know, anecdotally, that it’s a difficult transition for young children who have their own sleep issues already to create this sort of impact on young families.”
Bringing the bill back before the legislature would likely require a refined tack; Gonzalez thinks that she and allies would have to “keep reintroducing it and keep getting experts in to talk about it to see if we can make some agreement.”
Supervisor, Ah, so that is what we do. We pay off the balance entirely before it can accrue interest but we get reward points. We get extra reward points for using her amazon prime card for stuff. So we end up with extra $$ to spend on things. Discover will actually deactivate the card (even if we haven't hit the limit) if we're even one day late on a payment (usually a banking delay/fail due to weekend hours) to pay off the entire balance. So, we've shifted to the amazon card. We do sometimes still use the Discover card-- especially since the other one has trouble being read sometimes or takes a lot longer at some places. I have to use the Discover to get gas at Samsclub because the other card times out sometimes. Not sure why.
We were discussing this over the weekend. Is there still a need to do this? As I always understood it was to benefit the agrarian community giving farmers more daylight to work. With all of the technological advances in farm equipment, particularly with tractors, that no longer seemed to be necessary. I have never farmed nor do I know anybody who farmed, so if this is off base please weigh in. I tried reading up on the topic, but there are so many stories it made my head hurt. What I have yet to find is a compelling reason to continue doing it. What are the benefits? Without some compelling benefits I will just consider it a PITA, and vote to stop it.
With all of the technological advances in farm equipment, particularly with tractors, that no longer seemed to be necessary.
That reminds me of the story about a new Army recruit. When he was asked why he joined he said he worked from sun up to sun set on the farm and his dad put lights on the tractor so he knew it was time to go.
Settling my mother's estate and needed to set up a date with a family member and the expert. I told the family member anytime NEXT week suits me just let me know when and where.

Just received a text from the family member, Thursday at 10 AM. I replied, "See you on the 18th at 10". Family member texted back ,"No it's this Thursday the 11th"!!!!"

If it wasn't for the fact I what the estate closed I would have texted back, "Sorry. This Thursday doesn't suit me but anytime next week does.
Settling my mother's estate and needed to set up a date with a family member and the expert. I told the family member anytime NEXT week suits me just let me know when and where.

Just received a text from the family member, Thursday at 10 AM. I replied, "See you on the 18th at 10". Family member texted back ,"No it's this Thursday the 11th"!!!!"

If it wasn't for the fact I what the estate closed I would have texted back, "Sorry. This Thursday doesn't suit me but anytime next week does.
I paid for everything, mother gave her house to a nephew, so there was an old car & checking account.
I gave the money to my sister, because she had kelp up the household.
We later got a life insurance pay out to me, but I split the balance with my siblings.
I have a rant, well. kind of a realization. I'm using bold fonts so I can see what I type.
Back to it.
Why are we Survivalists and preppers? why do we dump so much time, effort and money into this, just to have half the ones we do it for think we're nuts and the government call us terrorists. Do we love life that much? nope. not me. Do we love our kids or lifestyles that much? Probably not. normally half of them think we're mentally ill or go along to get along and don't really believe it could all crash down in a few hours. did you buy all this stuff for your neighbors, half of whom you barely know? Hell no. Maybe just to feel "
edgy" and just below a SWAT raid?
Maybe. I tend to buy what's about to be banned sometimes, but not really. after much soul searching, I find I do it because I can see the world I was born into and raised to deal with rapidly going down the crap jack, and there's not a damn thing I can do about it, I finally KNOW elections can be stolen outright, so no matter how I vote, whoever THEY want in will get it, at least nationally, I see the morals that were beat into me as a kid with a belt or a paddle at school thrown to the wind and I realize my life is in the hands of people I likely despise, So I buy that extra box of ammo and hope it sits in the can until it rots, I buy that special rifle and train with it, really hoping I never have to use it, I get extra groceries and medical supplies and truthfully, I smile when I rotate them out for fresh ones, and I realize, I do what I do, all this training, mindsetting and equipment gathering is so I can have just a little bit of control, or the illusion of it anyway, Just a little bit of say in how my so called life is run without the cancel kids, the government or just those who think they know how MY LIFE ought to be run having very little they can do about it. that gives me peace. and IF and WHEN it all goes screaming down to the 9th. circles of hades, I'll at least live long enough to crack a bottle and have a good laugh before starvation/radiation/plague/zombies come get me. funny thing, I never wanted it to be this way, I just wanted to live and die like I was normal, but as I look around in post cancelled America, there is NO normal anymore! Keep on preppin' I am.
I have a rant, well. kind of a realization. I'm using bold fonts so I can see what I type.
Back to it.
Why are we Survivalists and preppers? why do we dump so much time, effort and money into this, just to have half the ones we do it for think we're nuts and the government call us terrorists. Do we love life that much? nope. not me. Do we love our kids or lifestyles that much? Probably not. normally half of them think we're mentally ill or go along to get along and don't really believe it could all crash down in a few hours. did you buy all this stuff for your neighbors, half of whom you barely know? Hell no. Maybe just to feel "
edgy" and just below a SWAT raid?
Maybe. I tend to buy what's about to be banned sometimes, but not really. after much soul searching, I find I do it because I can see the world I was born into and raised to deal with rapidly going down the crap jack, and there's not a damn thing I can do about it, I finally KNOW elections can be stolen outright, so no matter how I vote, whoever THEY want in will get it, at least nationally, I see the morals that were beat into me as a kid with a belt or a paddle at school thrown to the wind and I realize my life is in the hands of people I likely despise, So I buy that extra box of ammo and hope it sits in the can until it rots, I buy that special rifle and train with it, really hoping I never have to use it, I get extra groceries and medical supplies and truthfully, I smile when I rotate them out for fresh ones, and I realize, I do what I do, all this training, mindsetting and equipment gathering is so I can have just a little bit of control, or the illusion of it anyway, Just a little bit of say in how my so called life is run without the cancel kids, the government or just those who think they know how MY LIFE ought to be run having very little they can do about it. that gives me peace. and IF and WHEN it all goes screaming down to the 9th. circles of hades, I'll at least live long enough to crack a bottle and have a good laugh before starvation/radiation/plague/zombies come get me. funny thing, I never wanted it to be this way, I just wanted to live and die like I was normal, but as I look around in post cancelled America, there is NO normal anymore! Keep on preppin' I am.
I want to live to see good triumph over evil! I do it to live to see history being made. I prep to make it through and see the rebuild! I also have an intense love and amazement for life!!
But whose concept of good and evil? Ours? theirs? China's? I just want everyone to get along and leave each other in peace. The Christian bible says in Romans 3:10
As it is written: “There is no one righteous, not even one;
Even the gods think we're a bunch of jerks so I'm happy just living in peace and being left alone by those who want to serial number, classify, and control me. So since it's Sunday, and I look at our big, blue ball, I ask myself:
Who is this beast? What is his government?
Jehovah and Yeshua hate him.
The Elder Gods and ancestors hate him, being of chaos.
Satan, being a Lord of chaos MUST despise the critter by nature.
Is he maybe Lucifer? He hasn't got time to waste with us primates except out of spite to Yahweh,
We already know, he's a man, the ultimate in control freaks, he is so evil he becomes a devil! and
the only way he can EVER rule the earth, even for seven years is for us to become so apathetic, greedy and mentally lazy, we let him.
Rev 17/9
Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
Now dig this!
Carbon-12 (12C) is the more abundant of the two stable isotopes of carbon (carbon-13 being the other), amounting to 98.93% of element carbon on Earth;[1] its abundance is due to the triple-alpha process by which it is created in stars. Carbon-12 is of particular importance in its use as the standard from which atomic masses of all nuclides are measured, thus, its atomic mass is exactly 12 daltons by definition. Carbon-12 is composed of 6 protons, 6 neutrons, and 6 electrons.
Man, broken down to his most basic form!

It is written in the book of Void:
Fine wine poured into a common cup does not turn to piss, nor does the soul of a man turn to filth placed in a broken body, the flesh being merely a container for which a person is.

Just me saying, there is some mighty choice vino up in this place, keep it up y'all you give me hope!
Today, my rant will be more of a thought. I read and watch on TV daily where "they" conduct search warrants on a house looking for drugs, guns, bank robbers, burglars, etc. The only item that is newsworthy is when the ammunition is displayed by the law enforcement, and the liberals imagining how many innocent people who could be harmed with all that ammo.

Recently, the media took a picture of a raid (can't remember why) and the bad guy had 500 rounds of ammunition. There were comments about this homeowner being a crazy survivalist, and LOOK AT ALL THAT AMMO! I thought a bit differently. I was thinking.... "That poor guy is almost out of ammo!"

I can only imagine what would happen if my house was raided? How would the media write the article with the display of 50,000 rounds of ammo?

That is my thought (rant) today.
I used to keep my ammo stacked on the floor. But after a while, it was like a game of Jenga trying to get the correct box out of the middle of the tower. So I put in wood shelving to separate things. Which started sagging dangerously under the weight. So I bought some of those heavy duty metal carts like you see in industrial kitchens. That did the trick!

500 rounds. Ha!
Even the gods think we're a bunch of jerks
I guess I look at this a little differently than you do, but your post does give food for thought. My belief is that there is only one God in the name of Jesus Christ. I believe he loves us like his children that we are. He knew from day one we were going to be flawed, just like we know our own kids will never be perfect. We can only hope they grow up to become loving and responsible adults that contribute to the society for the good of all. I don't think God thinks we're all jerks, at least for the most part. I think he judges us all individually. He has in the past thrown the baby out with the bathwater saving only Noah and his family, but I believe the bible states that God said he wouldn't do that again. I'm not a bible scholar, so I could be mistaken on that.

Still, I do try and prepare for the future (whatever that might look like) b/c what else am I going to do? I see hard times on the horizon. I can't just sit around and do nothing about it. I don't just prepare with stuff though. I've tried to put myself in a position of influence and I'm also praying every day to try to get closer to God. I want to be part of this revolution that I feel coming. If I die fighting for the good of my family and/or country.....so be it. I'm going to go down fighting for the right side. The devil can have hell. I want no part of it. But I will stand in his way of expanding his kingdom to America.
I used to keep my ammo stacked on the floor. But after a while, it was like a game of Jenga trying to get the correct box out of the middle of the tower. So I put in wood shelving to separate things. Which started sagging dangerously under the weight. So I bought some of those heavy duty metal carts like you see in industrial kitchens. That did the trick!

500 rounds. Ha!
I have 500 rounds in 1 can. LOL
I guess I look at this a little differently than you do, but your post does give food for thought. My belief is that there is only one God in the name of Jesus Christ. I believe he loves us like his children that we are. He knew from day one we were going to be flawed, just like we know our own kids will never be perfect. We can only hope they grow up to become loving and responsible adults that contribute to the society for the good of all. I don't think God thinks we're all jerks, at least for the most part. I think he judges us all individually. He has in the past thrown the baby out with the bathwater saving only Noah and his family, but I believe the bible states that God said he wouldn't do that again. I'm not a bible scholar, so I could be mistaken on that.

Still, I do try and prepare for the future (whatever that might look like) b/c what else am I going to do? I see hard times on the horizon. I can't just sit around and do nothing about it. I don't just prepare with stuff though. I've tried to put myself in a position of influence and I'm also praying every day to try to get closer to God. I want to be part of this revolution that I feel coming. If I die fighting for the good of my family and/or country.....so be it. I'm going to go down fighting for the right side. The devil can have hell. I want no part of it. But I will stand in his way of expanding his kingdom to America.
I agree for the most part but I am a hair splitter...

I think the Creator had it figured out from day -1.
Before space and time were brought into existence he determined that the the wages of sin is death but cleverly allowed for all sin to be paid for by the death of one that had not earned death.

How friggin cool is that!

Re: the flood

I believe God indicated it would never be by a flood. Other options may still be available as 8n fire and brimstone.


...and/or country.....so be it. I'm going to go down fighting for the right side. The devil can have hell. I want no part of it. But I will stand in his way of expanding his kingdom to America.

I have trouble with country (disclaimer i am a vet) being on the eight side as long as the slaughter of the innocent is condoned and funded. It just strikes me as being wrong to try to compose a conversation with my maker (a prayer) a line that goes...

... give us this day our daily bread and forgive us for funding the killing babies in the womb ...

My mind just can't get those puzzle pieces together and make them fit. Who would I be trying to fool? Myself maybe if if I was choosing to take the blue pill and live in a fantasy. Certainly not the Christ who Isaiah called the searcher of hearts.

Country is right out with me. Nationalism is a ... false religion in itself. See 1 Samuel chapter 8 for when the elders of Israel cried out to abolish the government established by God of individuals "doing what right i their own eye" and overseen by judges appointed by God and establish a king like like the rest of the world.

God tells Samuel to give them what they want and Samuel warns of the the repercussion of that choice.

Talk about prophetic!

Too much already Ben!

We each have to govern ourselves.
Then do what we can to govern our family.

Beyond that is bonus point territory. May God guide you on his chosen path.

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