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- Feb 12, 2020
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Ben, he already canceled the card and had a new one issued. The CC company is also aware that if that company tries to charge him again it will be denied.
So my friend's ex's bf came back in town. He was over at the house surveying any damage and clearing out stuff. Apparently they found a MASSIVE porn collection. Penthouse magazines going back to the 90s. Porn novels, videos, and journals from a woman giving graphic detail of her sexual fantasies. He contacted the former owner and asked if she wanted any of the stuff & she said it had been a tenant and to get rid of everything-- she didn't want to touch anything in there with a 10ft pole. There were some decent non-porn artwork pieces though. A girl who lived nearby was over there to greet them when the brats with the knife came out and started threatening her & my friend's gf. Apparently they wanted the porn stash & had already stolen a bunch of it but wanted more. So the gf called the cops again to come tell the kids to back off and to talk to their mother about how she needed to reign them in. Meanwhile, a cop in the grocery store overhead her brother talking about the kids pulling a knife on his kid so the cop said he'd try to have someone look into it. Unfortunately, not much gets done around here in terms of law enforcement. I am concerned that the brats may threaten or even harm my friend's daughter.
Another concern I had was about the ex's sociopath son. He burned my friend's house down and sexually abused his sister. DCFS refused to give my friend custody/remove her from the home because it was another child doing the abuse and not an adult. I was worried that the ex would be sending him over to go to my friend's house all the time. Sure enough, she sent him over. My friend was still in too much pain from the kidney stones to say much. The kid ran around the house, jumped on my friend's bed, climbed under the covers, searched through his room-- all the while ignoring me while I told him to get out of there. He started trying to break the silicone cover on the remote control. I told him to stop it. He just looked at me with dead eyes and continued to try to break it. I asked someone closer to him to take it away from him and she did. Kid is about 12 & got the worst genetics from both of his lousy parents. Another friend was visiting with his 2 daughters & pregnant wife. The ex's kid got all 3 girls (his half-sister and the other friend's kids) into the bathroom and locked the door. My friend's gf realized he was in there with them and started screaming at him to unlock the door and get out of there. One of the girls unlocked the door. She chewed him out and told him he's never allowed in a bathroom with girls (bc the bathroom was where he first abused his sister-- afterward he started sneaking into her bedroom at night). He was supposed to get counseling after my friend called DCFS & had his daughter interviewed. The ex's son also kept leaving the door to the house open (and it was under 40° outside & the heat was on). He plugged his tablet in to charge it without asking. Hell, he wasn't even invited into the house. He just walked in.
Finally the ex's boyfriend came in and started calling for the punk. He was hiding somewhere and had to be dragged out. My friend's daughter was ecstatic that she didn't have to go too and was allowed to stay.
The gf is very unhappy about the punk and the ex being so close now. She knows they will cause trouble. The ex can't be bothered to watch her own kids and always pawns them off on other people or simply ignores them (which is how the house got burned down).
I'm hoping my friend will pass his kidney stones and feel better soon. I hate seeing him in pain. He's stressed out enough as it is. His work still hasn't paid him for the work he did 3 weeks ago.
So my friend's ex's bf came back in town. He was over at the house surveying any damage and clearing out stuff. Apparently they found a MASSIVE porn collection. Penthouse magazines going back to the 90s. Porn novels, videos, and journals from a woman giving graphic detail of her sexual fantasies. He contacted the former owner and asked if she wanted any of the stuff & she said it had been a tenant and to get rid of everything-- she didn't want to touch anything in there with a 10ft pole. There were some decent non-porn artwork pieces though. A girl who lived nearby was over there to greet them when the brats with the knife came out and started threatening her & my friend's gf. Apparently they wanted the porn stash & had already stolen a bunch of it but wanted more. So the gf called the cops again to come tell the kids to back off and to talk to their mother about how she needed to reign them in. Meanwhile, a cop in the grocery store overhead her brother talking about the kids pulling a knife on his kid so the cop said he'd try to have someone look into it. Unfortunately, not much gets done around here in terms of law enforcement. I am concerned that the brats may threaten or even harm my friend's daughter.
Another concern I had was about the ex's sociopath son. He burned my friend's house down and sexually abused his sister. DCFS refused to give my friend custody/remove her from the home because it was another child doing the abuse and not an adult. I was worried that the ex would be sending him over to go to my friend's house all the time. Sure enough, she sent him over. My friend was still in too much pain from the kidney stones to say much. The kid ran around the house, jumped on my friend's bed, climbed under the covers, searched through his room-- all the while ignoring me while I told him to get out of there. He started trying to break the silicone cover on the remote control. I told him to stop it. He just looked at me with dead eyes and continued to try to break it. I asked someone closer to him to take it away from him and she did. Kid is about 12 & got the worst genetics from both of his lousy parents. Another friend was visiting with his 2 daughters & pregnant wife. The ex's kid got all 3 girls (his half-sister and the other friend's kids) into the bathroom and locked the door. My friend's gf realized he was in there with them and started screaming at him to unlock the door and get out of there. One of the girls unlocked the door. She chewed him out and told him he's never allowed in a bathroom with girls (bc the bathroom was where he first abused his sister-- afterward he started sneaking into her bedroom at night). He was supposed to get counseling after my friend called DCFS & had his daughter interviewed. The ex's son also kept leaving the door to the house open (and it was under 40° outside & the heat was on). He plugged his tablet in to charge it without asking. Hell, he wasn't even invited into the house. He just walked in.
Finally the ex's boyfriend came in and started calling for the punk. He was hiding somewhere and had to be dragged out. My friend's daughter was ecstatic that she didn't have to go too and was allowed to stay.
The gf is very unhappy about the punk and the ex being so close now. She knows they will cause trouble. The ex can't be bothered to watch her own kids and always pawns them off on other people or simply ignores them (which is how the house got burned down).
I'm hoping my friend will pass his kidney stones and feel better soon. I hate seeing him in pain. He's stressed out enough as it is. His work still hasn't paid him for the work he did 3 weeks ago.
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