I finally granted Capital One a divorce.
They sent me a notice that they were cutting my credit card limit in half because I wasn't using enough of it.
I called them up and got passed to a (stupid) 'supervisor'. I explained to him that it was my 'emergency money' in case something bad happened, I would have it to fall back on. He talked about a half hour basically telling me they didn't give a dam and were going to cut the limit and there was nothing I could do about it.
.... Evidently they had never dealt with a true a-hole before.

I put that card in "credit card hell" also known as: the top dresser drawer, (I had plenty of other cards).
Every 3 years they would send me a letter saying that they were going to close the account and that was my cue to buy a case of beer with it.

They had to keep my account open, and on the books, without making a dime off it, while it sat in the drawer, for
In the end I cashed out my reward points and
did not deposit the $4 check.
That will be a thorn in their side for all eternity.

What's that old saying?
"Payback is a beach"?