Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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My prayers are with all who are striving in their walk with the Lord. There are way more questions I have than answers. But I do think the Lord knows our hearts and will guide us as he sees fit. It is up to us to ask for his guidance and direction in getting where He wants us to be.
My prayers are with all who are striving in their walk with the Lord. There are way more questions I have than answers. But I do think the Lord knows our hearts and will guide us as he sees fit. It is up to us to ask for his guidance and direction in getting where He wants us to be.

Amen = true and sound.

I agree for the most part but I am a hair splitter...

I think the Creator had it figured out from day -1.
Before space and time were brought into existence he determined that the the wages of sin is death but cleverly allowed for all sin to be paid for by the death of one that had not earned death.

How friggin cool is that!

Re: the flood

I believe God indicated it would never be by a flood. Other options may still be available as 8n fire and brimstone.


...and/or country.....so be it. I'm going to go down fighting for the right side. The devil can have hell. I want no part of it. But I will stand in his way of expanding his kingdom to America.

I have trouble with country (disclaimer i am a vet) being on the eight side as long as the slaughter of the innocent is condoned and funded. It just strikes me as being wrong to try to compose a conversation with my maker (a prayer) a line that goes...

... give us this day our daily bread and forgive us for funding the killing babies in the womb ...

My mind just can't get those puzzle pieces together and make them fit. Who would I be trying to fool? Myself maybe if if I was choosing to take the blue pill and live in a fantasy. Certainly not the Christ who Isaiah called the searcher of hearts.

Country is right out with me. Nationalism is a ... false religion in itself. See 1 Samuel chapter 8 for when the elders of Israel cried out to abolish the government established by God of individuals "doing what right i their own eye" and overseen by judges appointed by God and establish a king like like the rest of the world.

God tells Samuel to give them what they want and Samuel warns of the the repercussion of that choice.

Talk about prophetic!

Too much already Ben!

We each have to govern ourselves.
Then do what we can to govern our family.

Beyond that is bonus point territory. May God guide you on his chosen path.

The previous was reviewed and accepted by The Princess.

My prayers are with all who are striving in their walk with the Lord. There are way more questions I have than answers. But I do think the Lord knows our hearts and will guide us as he sees fit. It is up to us to ask for his guidance and direction in getting where He wants us to be.
May I humbly suggest listening to the "wee small voice"?

It worked for Moses.

My brother called and asked if we would like to meet them for dinner.
Said yes so we drove 45 miles to a steak house.
We had been wanting to try it for some time.
I had a 16 oz. ribeye. After cutting off all the gristle, fat, and silver skin I was left with about 10 oz. and it was chewy and not very tasty.
My wife had prime rib. She ordered it rare but they didn't have any rare left so she said med rare was OK. It was way past med rare.
The restaurant was not busy but the service was slow.
The worst part was it cost me $150 for 2 people and we didn't order alcohol.
We will not be going back.
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My brother called and asked if we would like to meet them for dinner.
Said yes so we drove 45 miles to a steak house.
We had been wanting to try it for some time.
I had a 16 oz. ribeye. After cutting off all the gristle, fat, and silver skin I was left with about 10 oz. and it was chewy and not very tasty.
My wife had prime rib. She ordered it rare but they didn't have any rare left so she said med rare was OK. It was way past med rare.
The restaurant was not busy but the service was slow.
The worst part was it cost me $150 and we didn't order alcohol.
We will not be going back.
I went out to "Texas Roadhouse", four people, Me, DW, Daughter & SIL.
I got a porterhouse 22oz, they were out, so I got a T bone 20 oz med well, it was great, a little fat, no gristle. My daughter is with you, she likes mid rare, said my steak was over cooked. Bill was $109.00 + 20% tip.
I have had steak that you have to bare down on to cut, but that was years ago.
I like the Roadhouse here, but my son makes a really great steak, better then I do, DW makes a good steak too. It is almost better to stay home & D I Y .
I went to Applebees & the steak was so full of gristle we couldn't even cut it. Ended up having to get something else bc it was inedible. The waiter apologized & said a lot of people were complaining about the bad meat. I said the owner might want to consider sending someone to the Kroger next door to get some decent steaks. He agreed with me.

One time at TX Roadhouse my brother got the 16oz steak but it was mostly fat & maybe only 10oz of meat. We commented to the waiter about it, and when he saw how much fat was cut off, he said that he would charge it as a smaller steak instead bc that really was too much fat & not enough meat. I've ordered the 11oz ones and gotten a 6oz before but they lowered the price. I prefer the steaks at TX Roadhouse, but I love the bread at Outback.

Completely different topic: because my friend has traumatic brain injury he keeps forgetting about people who mistreated him/screwed him over & keeps letting them back in his life. He always says they know better than to screw with him but they always end up doing something-- like breaking things, eating all his food, having sex with his gf, or stealing from him. There's this one guy who is in and out of jail all the time. He saved the guy's life by taking him to the hospital. All the guy does is come by and mooch. I get bad vibes from this guy. The guy's cousin is one of the potential fathers of the gf's baby. I suspect the guy may also be a contender for that, but he knows if he admits it he'll get tossed out. He got sent away & told not to come back after stealing something & doing drugs in my friend's house. But, he's back again & my friend is letting him come by & not realizing it's only going to bite him again. Ever since the injury he's had such a hard time saying "No" to people. The worse they treat him, the more it seems he does for them to help them.
I am a big T bone/porterhouse steak man & the only place I have had gristle is in a Texmex restaurant.
In Tijuana, Mexico I had a steak with a long gristle, that looked like a river on a map & it was tough.
I did not complain, mainly because I was leaving after dinner & did not want DW & MIL to have to bail me out of Jail. The U.S. Mexican restaurant are not much better, so no steak in a Mexican restaurants.
The only time I have ever seen silver shin is on an animal I was butchering. Never on a steak, maybe it is the cuts I eat, I am not sure, but I would email crop. office with photos if I ever find anything like that on a steak.
Here MY BEEF::: O'Biden locked US Oil Production, killed or closed pipelines bringing oil from Canada into the US Markets creating an energy crisis and increased fuel prices for American consumers... Because they want everyone to switch to electric cars powered by wind and solar generated Green Electricity, but the only thing the American people are seeing is the Green leaving their pockets!!! The Administration made the problem and it is hurting Americans:

NOW that the Dumocrats are approaching mid-term elections they want smokin Joe to release the oil that Trump purchased to fill the petroleum reserves (when the price was low) to reduce fuel prices to consumers!!!

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) is sounding the alarm against Joe Biden’s energy policies, saying he must increase the supply of oil in America’s domestic market. On Sunday, the Democrat said gas prices are hurting millions of Americans and Biden must open up the national petroleum reserve.

Yep, create a problem and then be the savior by fixing it!
How stupid do they think people are? Once the elections are over they will shut down the oil again because oil is bad....

I think they should wait until after a real emergency like NYC being in a 2 month mid-winter blackout because they forced the oil and coal power plants to shut down... Then release the oil from the strategic oil reserve, but that oil has to be processed and shipped before it reaches the consumers (but Dum's don't understand those supply chain issues).
Here MY BEEF::: O'Biden locked US Oil Production, killed or closed pipelines bringing oil from Canada into the US Markets creating an energy crisis and increased fuel prices for American consumers... Because they want everyone to switch to electric cars powered by wind and solar generated Green Electricity, but the only thing the American people are seeing is the Green leaving their pockets!!! The Administration made the problem and it is hurting Americans:

NOW that the Dumocrats are approaching mid-term elections they want smokin Joe to release the oil that Trump purchased to fill the petroleum reserves (when the price was low) to reduce fuel prices to consumers!!!

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) is sounding the alarm against Joe Biden’s energy policies, saying he must increase the supply of oil in America’s domestic market. On Sunday, the Democrat said gas prices are hurting millions of Americans and Biden must open up the national petroleum reserve.

Yep, create a problem and then be the savior by fixing it!
How stupid do they think people are? Once the elections are over they will shut down the oil again because oil is bad....

I think they should wait until after a real emergency like NYC being in a 2 month mid-winter blackout because they forced the oil and coal power plants to shut down... Then release the oil from the strategic oil reserve, but that oil has to be processed and shipped before it reaches the consumers (but Dum's don't understand those supply chain issues).
Opening up the strategic reserve is like eating your seed corn.

Spent the morning talking to my contractor that hauls all my gravel , plus other things .
We discussed him doing a circle drive for me . Approximately 800' long x 12' wide. Widening the existing entrance by 6 ' , moving the mailbox, Haul 2 more loads of dense grade to existing driveway and front of garage. Cutting and hauling off a large dead Black Walnut tree.
Will do it next week , weather permitting.


Good price?
I think so.

Got the wire buried from basement to garage. Will be tiring that in time.

I try to stay busy....,🤭😊


Jim depending on the condition I wouldn't be surprised if you could sell that Walnut tree for more than $3900. Lumber is high, veneer even higher.
Neilson sent me a invite to report my radio listening data. Really? I remember when I was young I wanted to get one of those TV quesioneers so that I could support my favorite TV shows. LOL! Now, I barely watch TV, but I do listen to the radio or ipod almost all day long. It's almost like they know that.😒 The last thing I would do is report to you Neilson (whoever you are) exactly what I'm listening to. It's hilarious that they include that crisp ONE dollar bill to encourage participation. Oh my! What on earth will I spend that fresh new one dollar bill on???? Yeah, still not participating. Oh well, at least it was worth opening the envelope and not just tossing it in the trash.
. It's hilarious that they include that crisp ONE dollar bill to encourage participation. Oh my! What on earth will I spend that fresh new one dollar bill on???? Yeah, still not participating. Oh well, at least it was worth opening the envelope and not just tossing it in the trash.
Now I'm going to have to actually start reading my junk-mail instead of instinctively tearing it in half and tossing it in the trash :(.
I still don't think the Medicare supplement insurance companies send dollar bills, but I trash enough of their stuff to heat our house thru the winter:rolleyes:.
Like it isn't enough that I have to watch their commercials on TV every 5 minutes, every hour, of every damday!:mad:
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A frustrating 24hrs… Last night I solved an intermittent computer problem going back to last spring. The reason it took so long for me to figure out is that I made a fundamental mistake when troubleshooting the problem originally. Now for the big question, did I make the mistake because I’m rusty? No longer troubleshooting for a living? OR am I slipping?

Today didn’t bring comfort. I had several errands to run in town. I needed to bring something with me to town to finish the last, most important errand. Before leaving home I picked this item up twice to take it out to the truck. Both times I got distracted and ended up leaving it on my kitchen table. I get to town and... gaah
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A frustrating 24hrs… Last night I solved an intermittent computer problem going back to last spring. Long story short I thought my desktop tower had a thermal issue that caused the USB bus to hang occasionally. The reason it took so long for me to figure out is that I made a fundamental mistake when troubleshooting the problem originally. Not so long ago I did not make mistakes like this… EVER! Years ago I’ve chewed people out for making fundamental mistakes like this on the job. Now for the big question, did I make the mistake because I’m rusty? No longer troubleshooting for a living? OR am I slipping? View attachment 75585

Today didn’t bring comfort. I had several errands to run in town. I needed to bring something with me to town to finish the last, most important errand. Before leaving home I picked this item up twice to take it out to the truck. Both times I got distracted and ended up leaving it on my kitchen table. I get to town and... gaah
And it's not even Monday☹️
Neilson sent me a invite to report my radio listening data. Really? I remember when I was young I wanted to get one of those TV quesioneers so that I could support my favorite TV shows. LOL! Now, I barely watch TV, but I do listen to the radio or ipod almost all day long. It's almost like they know that.😒 The last thing I would do is report to you Neilson (whoever you are) exactly what I'm listening to. It's hilarious that they include that crisp ONE dollar bill to encourage participation. Oh my! What on earth will I spend that fresh new one dollar bill on???? Yeah, still not participating. Oh well, at least it was worth opening the envelope and not just tossing it in the trash.

In 2008, the year after I bought my truck new, I started getting JD Power letters asking me to fill out a form on my satisfaction with my new vehicle.
The first was just the form. A month later, I got one with a dollar bill. Two months after that, another one with a dollar bill. 6 months after the first, the form had a $5 bill. After that, they didn't send me any more.
Didn't get anything after last years new car purchase either. Guess I'm on their "Will Not Comply" list.
I wonder if I'd done the $5 bill one, would they have started there for the next car?
Like the Tootsie Pop question, the world may never know...
Called the highway toll people today to dispute a charge.

They said, "We show that it is yours. You will have to pay the toll." They even emailed me a picture to prove it was mine.

I said, "OK, I'll pay the $20 toll on one condition ... Please return the truck and trailer ASAP."

Called the highway toll people today to dispute a charge.

They said, "We show that it is yours. You will have to pay the toll." They even emailed me a picture to prove it was mine.

I said, "OK, I'll pay the $20 toll on one condition ... Please return the truck and trailer ASAP."

View attachment 75597
You would think that would be simple, but no, this is the DMV we're talking about.
My DW ran into that when she sold her car. Her and the girl buying it went down to the title place and did the transfer of title.
Everything officially on paper.:thumbs:
The next day the girl gets pulled over for no tag and no insurance and the car gets impounded.
The girl's problem, right? No.
A week later, DW gets a bill for towing and storage. She was still listed as the 'owner of record' according to the VIN.
She called the company and said: "not my car, I sold it" and gave them the buyer's info.
2 weeks later she receives a letter saying the car would be seized and sold at auction to satisfy the unpaid bill.
She calls them and again and repeats the above info.
They said they basically didn't care, but were required by law to notify her before they sold it...
a car owned by someone else :(. She told them to have fun. :p
Ownage? Ownership? Means much less than you think.:oops:
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I had a bad time with tolls by mail. A 12 cent toll, plus $2 fee, was paid but somehow goofed up on their end. Phone calls (ha!), letters, certified letters, copies of the cancelled check, all ignored. Ever few weeks it got more expensive. It did reach the violation and seize the vehicle stage. I caved, paid it off, and refuse to use those roadways.
Daughter’s car, in my name.
I didn’t doubt they’d take the car. Over 12 cents of toll. Or mess up my license or whatever ‘legally’ they could do. You can’t win.
Well, the plot thickens on that trailer on the toll highway.

The wife was at work when I was doing all this phoning around, so I sent her the picture of the trailer that the toll people had emailed to me. Her response?

"Oh, that one."

Huh??? "Oh, that one." ??? WTF? "Danger Will Robinson, danger! Danger!"

So now I owe the toll people an apology (actually I was very nice on the phone, so more an explanation than an apology).

Evidently many years ago one of my wifes friends who taught my family horseback riding was having a tough time. Divorce, single mom, etc. Her entire life and work was showing and training horses, and giving riding lessons. Her trailer bit the big one somehow and she needed another - absolutely required for her business. But she didn't have the money. So my wife bought her that trailer (unbeknownst to me). Fine. It's nice to help out friends. Evidently this friend put my wife as dual owner on the trailer registration (unbeknownst to my wife). And I guess it has been that way ever since those many years ago.

The friend eventually re-married. To quite a wealthy guy actually. That explains the nice truck in the pictures you see pulling the trailer. And she repaid my wife for the trailer. I was never privy to any of this. I feel like Rodney Dangerfield, "I never get any respect!"

So now we'll just pay the toll, the girls will get together for a ladies lunch out, the friend will reimburse for the toll we paid, and then they'll go down to the DMV and get a new title in the friends name alone.

Sheesh! Nobody ever tells me anything! Oh, and the two horses we had back then? I was never told we owned them either until a year of so after the fact. And horses are the gift that keeps on giving and giving. Buying one is relatively cheap compared to boarding them, feeding them, and paying the vet and farrier to come out and see them. And when they croak, they're pretty expensive to get hauled off as well. Saddles run you a pretty penny too. Oh well, they're both gone now. They lived a good life.

I wonder what else I own that I don't know about?
I had a bad time with tolls by mail. A 12 cent toll, plus $2 fee, was paid but somehow goofed up on their end. Phone calls (ha!), letters, certified letters, copies of the cancelled check, all ignored. Ever few weeks it got more expensive. It did reach the violation and seize the vehicle stage. I caved, paid it off, and refuse to use those roadways.
Daughter’s car, in my name.
I didn’t doubt they’d take the car. Over 12 cents of toll. Or mess up my license or whatever ‘legally’ they could do. You can’t win.
@Haertig will find out like I did decades ago that it is impossible to prove that you don't have/own something.
I sold a car back in the days before titles, when it was bill-of-sale and the tag went with the car.
Of course I let the insurance policy expire on it since it was now somebody else's car.
I get a call from the state troopers saying I had to re-insure it or face arrest.
Told 'em I had sold it and they told me it hadn't been re-registered, so unless I brought them the tag, or surrendered my license, or proved I no longer had it, they would issue an arrest warrant.
Me: "How do I prove I no longer have it? Point to the empty spot on the driveway where it 'used to sit'? Can you 'prove' you don't have a space shuttle?"
He saw the logic failure and told me I could sign an affidavit and if they caught me driving it, I would go to prison on 3 felony charges. :oops:
I told him I would see him in 10 minutes...(driving another vehicle, of course;)).
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Well, the plot thickens on that trailer on the toll highway.

The wife was at work when I was doing all this phoning around, so I sent her the picture of the trailer that the toll people had emailed to me. Her response?

"Oh, that one."

Huh??? "Oh, that one." ??? WTHeck? "Danger Will Robinson, danger! Danger!"

So now I owe the toll people an apology (actually I was very nice on the phone, so more an explanation than an apology).

Evidently many years ago one of my wifes friends who taught my family horseback riding was having a tough time. Divorce, single mom, etc. Her entire life and work was showing and training horses, and giving riding lessons. Her trailer bit the big one somehow and she needed another - absolutely required for her business. But she didn't have the money. So my wife bought her that trailer (unbeknownst to me). Fine. It's nice to help out friends. Evidently this friend put my wife as dual owner on the trailer registration (unbeknownst to my wife). And I guess it has been that way ever since those many years ago.

The friend eventually re-married. To quite a wealthy guy actually. That explains the nice truck in the pictures you see pulling the trailer. And she repaid my wife for the trailer. I was never privy to any of this. I feel like Rodney Dangerfield, "I never get any respect!"

So now we'll just pay the toll, the girls will get together for a ladies lunch out, the friend will reimburse for the toll we paid, and then they'll go down to the DMV and get a new title in the friends name alone.

Sheesh! Nobody ever tells me anything! Oh, and the two horses we had back then? I was never told we owned them either until a year of so after the fact. And horses are the gift that keeps on giving and giving. Buying one is relatively cheap compared to boarding them, feeding them, and paying the vet and farrier to come out and see them. And when they croak, they're pretty expensive to get hauled off as well. Saddles run you a pretty penny too. Oh well, they're both gone now. They lived a good life.

I wonder what else I own that I don't know about?
I humbly suggest you check with your better half.

In my case I expect to be committed to some altruistic causes.

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