Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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I like bold print, it makes it easier to see how many words I screwed up the spelling on.
This rant actually has useful info in it!
So there you are, its been a long day, you're trying to cook dinner and some computer in outer Lithuania decides to call you up about the warranty on your 2001 Chevy Blazer being about to expire.
Click. dinner is getting ready to be taken up.
Some preacher calls telling you god sent him a personal message just for you, and he'll tell you for fifty bucks.
You're eating. Some machine decides you might want whole life insurance..(THE WORST INVESTMENT YOU COULD POSSIBLY EVER THROW YOUR MONEY DOWN A RAT HOLE ON!) You try to tell the nice lady you don't want it, please take your name off her list, but she never misses a word and it dawns on you she's a robot and all the profanity on earth won't shut her up!
Now dinner is cold, it don't matter. the cat helped himself, and you're pissed.

Now the useful stuff!
These robots are cued to expect a response in English, give them a response they aren't chipped for, it messes with them!
Instead of saying "HELLO" Like we were all taught, say:

"Speak to me."
Cheerfully if possible. on the other end you will hear a whir and a click, it will go silent, then disconnect, it thinks its reached someone not speaking the language in its programmed demographic and goes away, sometimes bur rarely, they never call back.

Vengeance is mine.
I usually don't answer a call from a number I don't know. However, sometimes I think it might be something I should answer so I'll just pick up the phone and not say a word. If it's a real person, they'll be confused and say "hello?". If it's a junk call, they'll just hang up, and most of the time, they don't ever call back.
This site is loading incredibly slow for me right now. I can't even "like" posts. I liked a few but then it just got stuck in perpetual loading mode. I had to refresh the page.

People in my area will key your car if you call them out for bad behavior. I admit, I don't always put my cart in the cart return if I park closer to the store than the cart returns are. I sometimes push them from the parking area to where carts are lined up to be pushed in to the store-- but if I'm having an exhausted day I will push it in to a non-parking area closer to the store where it is easier for the employees to grab but not in the way of people trying to park. I hate when people leave their carts in parking spots.

I also hate when people don't look before opening their doors. I pulled in to a parking spot, hit my brake and was about to put my truck into park when some idiot to my right threw her door open so wide it hit my truck. I put it in park and it rolled forward about an inch. It caught her open door so it was stuck open and she couldn't close it. She started fuming and giving me death glares like it was my fault. She's the one who threw her door open super wide without looking when I was already next to her. And this is in a parking lot with wide parking spots so there is room to open doors. I smiled at her while she tugged on her door and glared at me. Then I was nice enough to put it in reverse so she could shut her door. I've actually had people swing their doors open and hit me when I was standing next to my vehicle-- although, they usually apologize. As an aside, the last college I went to had very narrow tiny parking spaces & I had to keep a small pillow in my car that I could put on the edge of my door so when I opened it and hit another car (bc it was impossible to open the door without hitting another car) it wouldn't damage the car-- could only open the door just barely enough to squeeze out. Since I've put on weight I probably wouldn't be able to anymore.

Another minor vent is how the newsmedia can't get things straight. I keep seeing so many different versions of events for stuff (particularly what happened on the set of Rust) so it's hard to know what the truth is. Not a new thing though. They've been getting things wrong as long as I can remember.
My mom is still living. You guys can visit her. She drives me nuts.
So is mine!:heart:. I think she is 95-97. Haven't been able to visit her for a few years because of the covid thing. Couldn't risk bringing it to her despite the tiny chance.
But we do stay in touch every month on the phone.:D
She is always so possessed with my health and wellbeing.
That's a mom forya!
"I heard you cough, are you feeling ok?"

Rant: I haven't been able to visit my mom for a few years and she doesn't have that many left😭.
So is mine!:heart:. I think she is 95-97. Haven't been able to visit her for a few years because of the covid thing. Couldn't risk bringing it to her despite the tiny chance.
But we do stay in touch every month on the phone.:D
She is always so possessed with my health and wellbeing.
That's a mom forya!
"I heard you cough, are you feeling ok?"

Rant: I haven't been able to visit my mom for a few years and she doesn't have that many left😭.
Please call her more than once a month! Is she in a nursing home?
I'm definitely a don't call me person... I don't even answer if I like you... If I recognize your number I will call you back, but don't expect an answer...

And my work phone... After a supervisor called me on a Sunday... about CRAP that was due until the following Thursday I started putting it in my desk drawer on my day's off. I still carry it on work days during business hours, but other than that it's a paperweight.
My mom is still living. You guys can visit her. She drives me nuts.
She somewhat reminds me of my grandmother who was a narcissist as well. She would probably treat strangers and visitors like she treats her family. I've read about people who have parents in homes where the homes kick the elder person out because of how vile they are. I think that is a sad way to live life, being hateful and angry at everyone.
Sounds like she's in a great place😊
Oh, she has company...
At least 8 ghosts live out there:

Rant: They gave me hell when I was growing up:mad:. (not because they were mean, but because I was a turd).
I detest spiders. My front door is technically in my living rm. When open... behind it is my refrigerator and kitchen. During warm months the occasional bug gets underneath my security door and takes up residence under my fridge.

I was cleaning in the kitchen and saw tiny movement out of the corner of my eye! A Black Widow spider! Nothing else moves like they do so it was easy to spot.

It was building a web under the edge of my bottom kitchen cabinets. I began to carefully clean the area. I found and destroyed the egg sack, most important item. I even found the male she'd bred with then killed.

But the Widow got away from me!!!!

Well, she'll have to come out of the tiny crack she crawled into eventually. She has to start a new web.

I emptied that cabinet, even took out the drawer. Bug spray (I hate using bug spray), a mag light and little shop vac are standing by for when I see her again. I'll get her!

I see the occasional brown recluse in the house, once or twice a year, usually juvenile males. This is the first black widow I've seen.

Time to empty the fridge, so I can tilt it and get rid of bugs looking for a winter home. Also time to scrub the inside of the fridge, it needs it.
There are many reports of black widows in my area recently. I think it is the time of year that they go inside. I've read that a vacuum is a good way to get them. I also read that DE does not kill spiders. I just find that hard to believe. Someone else shared that they had been bitten by one, and got very sick. I have always heard they were poisonous, but maybe their bites are not fatal?

Sorry for shouting, I am frustrated, the answer is 6. Every sight takes a differetnt one, every Mlok adapter! Who came up with Mloks!

ok, I'm ok, I feel much better now. Deep breaths, let the soothing currents caress my brain. :p
Curiosity the first time and compassion the second time.
The first spider I caught in Spokane and took her home to watch the life cycle of a poisonous spider.
The second hitched a ride on a forklift and was caught to identify it. The guys at work were going to kill it so I took it home. They named it a female version of my first name. She lived about twice as long as the expected life expectancy in my care and was at least 6 months old when I got her.
Sorry for shouting, I am frustrated, the answer is 6. Every sight takes a different one, every Mlok adapter! Who came up with Mloks!
ok, I'm ok, I feel much better now. Deep breaths, let the soothing currents caress my brain. :p

Why only SIX, they are cheap & easy to store, why not 12 or 24?:);):cool:
Yoga pants. I say no to yoga pants to teen granddaughter because she'll wear them as outer wear. So she leaves this evening in a kangaroo one piece Halloween costume. Comes home with yoga pants. She said she borrowed from a friend because she was cold and that they are really sweat pants because they have pockets. Nope. And the yoga pants that I found in the wash today disappeared. Oh darn.
Yoga pants. I say no to yoga pants to teen granddaughter because she'll wear them as outer wear. So she leaves this evening in a kangaroo one piece Halloween costume. Comes home with yoga pants. She said she borrowed from a friend because she was cold and that they are really sweat pants because they have pockets. Nope. And the yoga pants that I found in the wash today disappeared. Oh darn.
No idea what yoga pants look like? Tight and revealing?
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