Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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What is this "Let's Go Brandon" thing I keep seeing? I saw it on twitter and have no clue what its about.

My friend's gf keeps posting melodramatic vague crap on FB to get attention. Stuff like "nobody gives a f*** about me unless they want something from me" which is sooo hypocritical. Most of the time she doesn't talk to people unless she wants something. Since I stopped buying her stuff she has barely spoken to me. She's also posting all these memes about how she doesn't need parenting advice bc she's a mother & it's instinct (girl is a terrible mother), how being a single mom is hard (she's not a single mom and my friend & other people spend more time watching the kid than she does), and how people are so mean, etc. This is a girl who bragged about being a mean girl. Now, I know she's depressed but she is refusing to take her f***ing medicine & then whines and complains & is going on about how her life is so hard. I know what it's like to be depressed, so normally I would have sympathy, but she has worn me out with her other crap. Like, my best friend would not be disabled if she hand't hit him in the head and given him a blood clot. He'd be able to work more. She's upset that she's going to lose her car but her dumb a** started smoking marijuana when she knew she would have to pass a piss test to get another job. She talks like she's so tough but the girl had me take her to the ER over a f***ing cold. And this was before Covid. Sorry, just aggravated with her. I know I should just skip her posts but ugh. She is so clueless & she's dragging my friend down.
What is this "Let's Go Brandon" thing I keep seeing? I saw it on twitter and have no clue what its about.


..It is an Ultimate, Beautifully-Poetic example of... the 'Streisand Effect'... Streisand effect - Wikipedia 👍

PS.. And, is it Any Wonder??

..I mean, My god.. The Zommie 'Tantrumcrats' cheating "their guy" into the WH has single-handledly finished-off decapitating this Country's 'reputation' of being an 'inspirational example' of 'when you put yer Mind & Boots to something - the Sky's the Limit', etc.. We're the 'butt of Jokes', now! :mad:

(..though, Do gotta give it to 'SkyNews', Lol.. they have turned lampooning the "pResident" into a 'blood-sport' straight-up akin to Rugby.. :D Shame they're Able to, tho.. :rolleyes: ..Somewhere, on some Mountain-top, there's a Giant Bald Eagle with it's Head buried under its Wing.. Weeping. +_+

Oh well.. America - was Amazing while it lasted.. :rolleyes: ..But This is Why We Prep.. To ride out the coming Years of Suck in Style.. 👍

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Very minor gripe but people in my area are so inconsiderate and lazy. I went to Walmart to see if they got some groceries back in stock that they were out of last time (they had it back in stock fortunately). So I loaded up and went out to my truck. I parked next to the cart return (which was to my right). Another car was parked to my left. I got in and was preparing to back out when a woman walked directly behind me. I braked and waited for her to move so I could back out. She left her cart behind my truck, opened her rear passenger door, and started loading groceries into her car. I put it in park and waited... and waited.. and waited. She had a lot of stuff. I wasn't in a hurry so I was patient & didn't feel like saying anything to her. I sat there drinking water. She closed the door and I thought "Ok, she's going to move now". Nope, she opened it back up and loaded more stuff. She finally finished, and to her credit, she didn't leave her cart behind my truck. However, instead of pushing it over to the cart return just a couple of feet away, she pushed it behind her car, around to the left, and then shoved it into the parking spot rather than put it in the cart return that was an equal distance away. I started to back out again but she came around to the passenger side so I stopped. She opened front passenger side & got in. I was finally able to leave. But man, she had next to zero self-awareness or consideration for others.
Very minor gripe but people in my area are so inconsiderate and lazy. I went to Walmart to see if they got some groceries back in stock that they were out of last time (they had it back in stock fortunately). So I loaded up and went out to my truck. I parked next to the cart return (which was to my right). Another car was parked to my left. I got in and was preparing to back out when a woman walked directly behind me. I braked and waited for her to move so I could back out. She left her cart behind my truck, opened her rear passenger door, and started loading groceries into her car. I put it in park and waited... and waited.. and waited. She had a lot of stuff. I wasn't in a hurry so I was patient & didn't feel like saying anything to her. I sat there drinking water. She closed the door and I thought "Ok, she's going to move now". Nope, she opened it back up and loaded more stuff. She finally finished, and to her credit, she didn't leave her cart behind my truck. However, instead of pushing it over to the cart return just a couple of feet away, she pushed it behind her car, around to the left, and then shoved it into the parking spot rather than put it in the cart return that was an equal distance away. I started to back out again but she came around to the passenger side so I stopped. She opened front passenger side & got in. I was finally able to leave. But man, she had next to zero self-awareness or consideration for others.
People like that are in their own little world, others do not even exist!! It's not just your area, they are everywhere!!
I do not have the patience for that kind of stupidity. I would've rolled down the window and said "excuse me". I would've been nice, but I won't waste my time on stupid people.

I was in a parking lot last week. I always park far away so idiots don't park next to me. I went out to my car and some lady parked so close to my passenger door that I couldn't open the door to load my stuff in. I had a full cart that I didn't want to leave unattended so I had to wait for her to get her butt in her car and leave b/c my trunk was already full. Luckily she was right there. I didn't need to say a word.....she saw the look on my face. People are idiots!
Sick of stubbing my toes. This time, a metal chair leg. Last time, last year, I dropped a book on same toe with shoes on. Couldn't bend it for months and still couldn't bend it right or all the way, and now this.
Ya know, a lot of people don't like ya to wear shoes in their house, so I was respecting that. It hurts bad. Took acetaminophen. Iced it. My foot and toes are slightly swollen and can't really move any of my toes. I don't have insurance this time. Lesson learned: Forget about taking shoes off while inside.
Get a pristine pair of crocks or the dollar store knock off and keep them in your car in a small travel bag, when you visit these people, simply swap off on the porch. Now me, you can prop your work boots up on my coffee table any time, its what its for!
I do not have the patience for that kind of stupidity. I would've rolled down the window and said "excuse me". I would've been nice, but I won't waste my time on stupid people.

I was in a parking lot last week. I always park far away so idiots don't park next to me. I went out to my car and some lady parked so close to my passenger door that I couldn't open the door to load my stuff in. I had a full cart that I didn't want to leave unattended so I had to wait for her to get her butt in her car and leave b/c my trunk was already full. Luckily she was right there. I didn't need to say a word.....she saw the look on my face. People are idiots!

So true, Angie. More and more people today are just self-consumed. They don't think the sun rises in the morning until they open their eyes. They think the whole world revolves around them, and you are just lucky to be in it. I am with you 100%. I am tired of it, and have no patience with it.
I got a rant.
(Slips on some soothing Five finger death punch.)
All you whiny, self important cancel culture basement dwellers!
I can remember when you liberals were the champions of free speech and personal freedom!
what the hell happened to YOUR generation? mommy and daddy smoke too much PCP laced dog crap,
or are all of you failed abortions with brain damage? HELL. did your parents have any kids that lived?
why don't you take that cell phone that's perpetually stuck to your ear and shove it straight through to the other side? I'm pretty sure you'd like using it for a brain, Christ knows you're not using the one the gods gave you,
you pathetic hive mind wannabe herd animal! you have to log in to see what to think for the day, you stupid, pathetic waste of DNA! Don't like my Trump hat or my rebel flag lapel pin? Lets see how much blood you lose between here
and the floor when you try to snatch it! Hey fat girl at the burger dump, with half her head shaved and the rest dyed bright blue, you actually have a girlfriend? I thought one of the neighbor's hogs had gone missing. stick your head in the deep fry, you can't even get a simple order right, in fact you never have with me! turn your damned I-pod off at work idiot!
Hey skinny homeless kid that smokes grass all day and sits on the sidewalk outside the free WiFi hot spot all day with your nasty, acne covered face in your tablet/phone all day, find you one of the hundreds of help wanted signs within a hundred feet of your daily nesting spot and dive in! time to get a job and help someone else get free stuff you lazy stoner!
Now the gods know I like me a little weed now and again, BUT ITS NOT A LIFE STYLE!! Hey numbskull that got my facebook account locked within a day of turning it back on, I presume it was the Trump 2015 banner but who knows? might have been my rant against ANTIFA even before they burned Seattle to the ground. guess what? I DON'T CARE ANY MORE THAN THAT JERK THAT KNOCKED YOUR MOM UP AND DUMPED HER! WHO THE HELL ARE YOU TO DEMAND I THINK A CERTAIN WAY?
Tell you what, hold your breath until I do, You'll make fine compost and it'll be the most useful thing you ever did with your life. you want to cry about carbon footprints college boy? live like me a month, your carbon footprint will look like a pile of fly crap stuck to your daddy's corvette window! better yet, turn off your laptop, I'll bet you burn up two or three trees a day surfing commie websites, but my SUV I might put fifty miles a month on is the enemy...tell you what, go down to mommy's basement, kick over a gallon of gas, pitch a road flare in there and go live in a culvert if you care that much, I hope you wipe your butt on poison ivy!

I have more, but my blood pressure is too high now.
Wow Magus. Now that's a rant.
DE does work great on ants. I have a bucket of it in my greenhouse. The ants were in there going after my seed starter mix for some reason, and it got rid of the buggers real quick. Didn't even have to add the sugar.
Thanks. my schizophrenia is humping my PTSD's leg again I think. :p
Might as well enjoy it. LOL
I have had the unfortunate opportunity to hear a lot of talk leading to COP26, when you listen to what they are talking about they talk about Global Warming, first energy (Solar, wind, kill carbon), then transportation (electrification and don't fly), then how you heat cool and light your home, then what you consume (clothing, wood, metal....), and finally what you eat (no meat because of methane).

My rant is as the Europeans try to ram all this "green" crap down our throats we appear to be targeted as the bad guys and they want us to give up much of what we have or pay other countries to a better life style.... I am tired of being told that we need to give up what we have for the greater good of others.....
Very minor gripe but people in my area are so inconsiderate and lazy. I went to Walmart to see if they got some groceries back in stock that they were out of last time (they had it back in stock fortunately). So I loaded up and went out to my truck. I parked next to the cart return (which was to my right). Another car was parked to my left. I got in and was preparing to back out when a woman walked directly behind me. I braked and waited for her to move so I could back out. She left her cart behind my truck, opened her rear passenger door, and started loading groceries into her car. I put it in park and waited... and waited.. and waited. She had a lot of stuff. I wasn't in a hurry so I was patient & didn't feel like saying anything to her. I sat there drinking water. She closed the door and I thought "Ok, she's going to move now". Nope, she opened it back up and loaded more stuff. She finally finished, and to her credit, she didn't leave her cart behind my truck. However, instead of pushing it over to the cart return just a couple of feet away, she pushed it behind her car, around to the left, and then shoved it into the parking spot rather than put it in the cart return that was an equal distance away. I started to back out again but she came around to the passenger side so I stopped. She opened front passenger side & got in. I was finally able to leave. But man, she had next to zero self-awareness or consideration for others.
I have my days when I am more patient than others. I try to be patient, and as one of my cousins frequently posts, there are many stupid and self centered people who live in their own world. I believe grocery store parking lots is where it all comes together. I agree with @angie_nrs, I would have rolled down my window, said "excuse me" and slowly rolled out, while wishing her a good day.
People who do not put their grocery carts away really showcase their ignorance and self centeredness. It is a simple thing to do.
There is a grocery store in the Denver area where the homeless grab carts and use them to store all of their worldly goods, stolen or someone's trash. Nextdoor Neighbor reported that there are days when there are only 5 carts there. All the others have been taken and are close down the road at one of the burgeoning homeless camps in the area. I would think that the loss would pay for a full time cart retriever or lot cop.
I haven't looked at this thread because I prefer to not hear or read folks bitching. But then folks put stuff in bold print. Capital letters. Like I can holler louder so I'm more right kinda thinking I guess. Or an expression that now it means more of something.
I read magus thread. What a jersey. Guess if you don't live life like they figure it should be your not worth life. Guess my rant is when folks think they have the right to mouth off n write nasty stuff about others.
And then go off with threats. Like try n take it n your dead. But probably has never went up to anyone n looked them in the face n smarted off. Unless they felt they were significantly tougher. Hey threaten me with my life n see how fast you really are. I had a guy try that once. He ended up in bad shape with the loss of smell n one eye. Not bragging and actually feel a bit bad about it.
Hey take your attitude somewhere else. OOPS TAKE YOUR ATTITUDE SOMEWHERE ELSE. I don't know how to do bold print, too stupid probably. But use your over imaginative thoughts to figure it out.
Hey I'm done ranting man. It kinda just seems like such a waste of time n thought.
Hey have a great day !
Enjoy your parents and grandparents while you can. We only have my wife's dad left and he isn't doing great. Oddly enough he scapped his bucket list and said he chose to be positive about his cancer. What I heard in my head was his wife wants to save money. So in reality he is sitting in his chair watching TV and waiting for the reaper. My wife even offered to drive and pay for things. Nope he just wants to stay home where it is safe. 🙄
Enjoy your parents and grandparents while you can. We only have my wife's dad left and he isn't doing great. Oddly enough he scrapped his bucket list and said he chose to be positive about his cancer. What I heard in my head was his wife wants to save money. So in reality he is sitting in his chair watching TV and waiting for the reaper. My wife even offered to drive and pay for things. Nope he just wants to stay home where it is safe. 🙄
Oh yes, my parents have been gone more than 50 years for dad, and more than 60 years for mom. We never know the day that will be our last. I am a busy person, and while many do not understand how spending days in dog parks gives me so much joy, it is lots of laughs there every day, visiting with people, and being out doors. Dogs can be so entertaining. Better than sitting on the couch, and much better than watching television! Even to the end, our lives could be full of more than just waiting for the end to come.
A guy on another forum i participate was sorrowful because his mother just died, at the ripe old age of 96. Of course I said my condolences, but wanted to tell him how lucky he was. My mom died when I was 10 years old. You can't imagine how lucky he was to have her so long.
I don't know I kinda enjoy other people's rants. It's good to know I am not the only crabby old fart out there. Also I can be greatful I can't relate to some of the others.
My too. It makes me feel better.
After reading some posts, I realize my life is pretty dang good. :thumbs:
When I think I am becoming a recluse that has a problem with people because I don't participate in the neighborhood gossip circle, reading a few posts will set me straight.
Sorry I don't have much to gripe about, but I will read every post here.
So everybody feel free to blaze away.:)
Oh yes, my parents have been gone more than 50 years for dad, and more than 60 years for mom. We never know the day that will be our last. I am a busy person, and while many do not understand how spending days in dog parks gives me so much joy, it is lots of laughs there every day, visiting with people, and being out doors. Dogs can be so entertaining. Better than sitting on the couch, and much better than watching television! Even to the end, our lives could be full of more than just waiting for the end to come.
A year ago I 100% paid for a DSL modem from my Internet provider (IP).

IP programmed it for "router mode" as per my direction.

Today I'm replacing my WiFi extenders with WiFi mesh. All I really have to do is to reprogram my PURCHASED DSL modem for "Bridge mode". Piece of cake. EXCEPT my IP changed the DSL modem's default username and password!!!!!!!!!! Locked me out of a device that I own!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have an inquiry into my IP asking for the information. :mad:
A year ago I 100% paid for a DSL modem from my Internet provider (IP).

IP programmed it for "router mode" as per my direction.

Today I'm replacing my WiFi extenders with WiFi mesh. All I really have to do is to reprogram my PURCHASED DSL modem for "Bridge mode". Piece of cake. EXCEPT my IP changed the DSL modem's default username and password!!!!!!!!!! Locked me out of a device that I own!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have an inquiry into my IP asking for the information. :mad:
When we were on DSL, I had one modem that I owned plus a spare.
Renting one is for stupid people. 5 years = $600 10 years = $1,200. (we had them for more than 10)
They were right to change the default password. Robots constantly comb the web and try the default on all of them.
User name = ADMIN , password = ADMIN .
If they succeed in locking you out, you will pay the ransom if you don't know where the hidden little red reset button is.
And even then, it will have to be completely reprogrammed to be used again :(.
...They were right to change the default password. Robots constantly comb the web and try the default on all of them....

I understand completely BUT they should have posted the info on the modem (IMHO). Like buying a car but the Seller keeps the keys so your car can't be stolen?
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A guy on another forum i participate was sorrowful because his mother just died, at the ripe old age of 96. Of course I said my condolences, but wanted to tell him how lucky he was. My mom died when I was 10 years old. You can't imagine how lucky he was to have her so long.
I've seen the same thing here and there. Get orphaned as a child and it is hard to feel any sympathy for someone whose parents have lived into their 90's. The other thing was hearing about my cousin whose parents are both in their 90's, he lives less than an hour from them and had no time to see them in over a year. It brought tears to my eyes. That is an option I have not had in far too long. But then one of the blessings in not having selfish siblings who want to fight about their parent's assets and the potential inheritance. Nothing left to fight about and never was.
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