Well the day started off SUCKING! At 2am I woke up to what I thought was a crash. I thought that my S.F. might have fallen so I jump up to head into the next room. Got to about the middle of the foot of our bed & realized that it was thunder (& a lot more followed). So I turned to go back to bed & caught the board to our ramp (for the dogs) between my big toe & the next toe. Fell HARD on my knee & elbow & tore skin off of both & of course the toes weren't happy & bleeding. Went back to bed (wife didn't even wake up). Got up & realized that once AGAIN I hurt my right knee & right shoulder (that's my good shoulder). So I'm sore as all get out today. Then we had WIND kick up. They say there are gusts over 60mph & I believe it. I saved my plant sun shade (so far) with every clamp that I have. It's blowing so hard that the sun shade is actually loosening the stakes that it's attached to. In 30 minutes I need to go to the base & pick up my medications & I just saw that there is a dust storm on the way. Yippee skip what a day this is turning out to be.